justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp

353 posts

I Just Started Reading Republic Commando Order 66 & Ordo Skirata Is My Absolute Favorite. All His Scenes

I just started reading Republic Commando Order 66 & Ordo Skirata is my absolute favorite. All his scenes are so unintentionally funny. Like the dude intercepts a government spy tailing Besany, roasts him for being a pervert, hacks into his system, decides he's too dangerous to be left alive, shoots him in the cab in front of her, drives her home, offers to cook her favorite meal, realizes she's in shock cause he shot a guy in front her & is like "oh you're afraid of me" I'll get you coffee instead, then decides this is the right time to propose with an insanely valuable piece of jewelry that his sergeant stole from a bank, apologizes that he can't buy her something legit cause the army doesn't pay him & says "good glad that's sorted" when she accepts. Like WTF

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10 months ago

Watch them make a live action Omega show & cast a white actress 😭

Also I get the frustration behind this post, but the issue is getting rid of bias in the industry & bypassing animation projects entirely isn't the way to do it. Plenty of talented creators make intersectional art & we need them to be in charge of big projects like CW & Bad Batch etc. I'd love to see Tem in more projects, but I ALSO want them to animate troopers with melanin & normal sized waists. It's not about being owed anything either because we're fans, it's about getting rid of racial bias which is the right thing to do.

Now that TBB is finally done, I hope we never get another animated "clone" story again.

I hope we finally get a REAL story about the clones and I hope it's done in live action so they can't get away with pretending a bunch of white people are clones of Temuera Morrison.

Give me a show about Rex, Gregor, Wolffe, and the clone rebellion against the Empire.

Give me a short film about Rex after ROTJ, finally able to find some peace in his life now that the Empire is gone.

Give me a short film about Rex meeting Luke for the first time and having to react to the revelation about Anakin's betrayal after he's already dead and the complex feelings that go along with that.

Give me the story of what happened to Cody. If he actually escaped the Empire, show me how he finds and reconnects with the rest of his brothers. If he didn't escape the Empire, show me how he is discovered and rescued by the other clones.

Give me a story of clones fighting within the Rebellion and their complex feelings about continuing to a fight a war and the relationships they build up with the other Rebels when they were used to only fighting alongside other clones.

There are SO MANY OPTIONS for actual stories about the clones that they have ignored for several years now in order to tell the story of a few whitewashed fake clones instead. We deserve a REAL story about the clones for once and I won't accept it being animated anymore, they've proven that they can't be trusted with animating the clones at this point. Give us the live action clone show we are OWED.

10 months ago

The important questions 🙌

One of the questions I have that was left unanswered... Is he wearing booty shorts, leg warmers, and socks? 3 pairs of tall socks? Socks and two bicycle shorts? Seriously, what's going on there.

One Of The Questions I Have That Was Left Unanswered... Is He Wearing Booty Shorts, Leg Warmers, And
10 months ago

If someone had told me last yr this show was gonna end with clones eating ice cream on a tropical paradise I would've laughed in their face.

Just Clones Living The Life They Deserve
Just Clones Living The Life They Deserve

Just clones living the life they deserve 😭

10 months ago

The fact that Echo didn't even ask her to go with Emerie and the kids speaks volumes. He's the only one that was like, we trained you for this, you've proven yourself, let's do this. Complete the mission 🫡

I love the fact that Echo went from telling Omega “You’ve done enough for today,” in Season 1 to “You ready?” For the finale. He witnessed her going from fragile little kid to capable soldier in 3.5 seconds. That’s progress right there. While Hunter wanted to bubble wrap her, Echo was like, “Hey, cool bow. Let’s shoot it.” 😄

I Love The Fact That Echo Went From Telling Omega Youve Done Enough For Today, In Season 1 To You Ready?
10 months ago

THIS. I loved that scene where he's teaching Omega how to disarm the bomb. He's a lot like RC Scorch, his personality is fun & and lovable, but when it comes to his job he's the absolute best & a complete menace.

Alright, I'm in a mood so I'm gonna make a post I've been wanting to make for a while. I'm not interested in proofreading at this time. I'm aware I've been rambling a lot lately and it will happen again!

Everyone, including myself, yaps on and on about Wrecker's emotional intelligence, which is all great and true, but I think we all need to remember he also is just...smart. I don't think we're to blame for forgetting, even the show forgot it most of the time.

I know that most of his intelligence is tied to his role as the demolitions expert, but we really need to dissect what that means and entails.

He knows everything about every type of bomb/ordinance, including how to arm and disarm them. I don't think working in explosive ordnance disposal or being an explosive engineer is easy. I just went through the wikipedia page for bomb disposal and it's a LOT. There's so many different types of tools and equipment. Can you imagine all that being translated in the Star Wars universe which 100% has more dangerous types of bombs? Other than understanding electronics in general, he also needs to know electrical engineering, math (apparently arithmetic and algebra are really important to EOD work), chemistry (esp in Star Wars, remember in TCW when that guy made Blue Shadow Virus bombs? not to mention biological warfare in general and deadly chemical reactions.), and apparently EODs need to know how to build bridges, build shelters and build roads, so he knows structural/general engineering as well.

And here's the kicker- HE HAS TO REMEMBER AND RECALL IT, TOO. Every structure of a bomb, every way to arm and disarm, he has to remember and recall it all in what we know is highly stressful environments. He has nerves of steel. He either does his job correctly, or he (and sometimes, others) are dead. There is no room, ever, for mistakes. (This is why I got so angry a few weeks ago when he forgot plan 55. He has never been shown to forget a plan/code before that, and imo, very out of character)

So it's no surprise, then, that he's somewhat of a mechanical engineer- remember when he built a hand-held tank? The show didn't! He did that within minutes while being shot at, without a back up plan. When they saw the electric staff thing on the ground of the ship with the loose Zillo, Wrecker immediately recognised it and knew what it was, so he knows other types of weapons just as easily. Even Fennec used his skill for her gain! (That sounds like a diss, it wasn't, she's my best friend)

Don't get me wrong, Tech is still easily the most intelligent, and I love him dearly, but he is not their demolitions expert. Wrecker is.