justinemiranda - Justine Miranda
Justine Miranda

Some places I went, some pictures I took, and some thoughts I had while traveling around the world.

117 posts

(Venezia, 08/21/11)

(Venezia, 08/21/11)

(Venezia, 08/21/11)

  • fitzpatrickyou834-blog
    fitzpatrickyou834-blog liked this · 13 years ago

More Posts from Justinemiranda

13 years ago
(Salamanca, 12/03/11)
(Salamanca, 12/03/11)

(Salamanca, 12/03/11)

Perfect spanish sunset. 

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13 years ago
(Barcelona, 11/27/11)

(Barcelona, 11/27/11)

Unintentionally awesome picture of a fountain in Barcelona's cathedral courtyard.  

Why thanks, it is amazing. I appreciate the praise.

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13 years ago
(Salamanca, 10/27/11)

(Salamanca, 10/27/11)

Iglesia Redonda.

Literally, "Round Church". I walked by this church on my way to school every day. It struck me as particularly beautiful on october 27th with the light reflecting through the clouds and the fountain.

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13 years ago
(Firenze, 08/23/11)

(Firenze, 08/23/11)

End of the Ponte Vecchio.

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13 years ago
(Salamanca, 12/09/11)

(Salamanca, 12/09/11)

Plaza Mayor and the moon. The Plaza was hardly ever vacant. In the wee hours of the morning (madrugada, as they say), the cleaning crews come in to keep up the tidy appearance so that students like me could sit on the ground. 

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