justinemiranda - Justine Miranda
Justine Miranda

Some places I went, some pictures I took, and some thoughts I had while traveling around the world.

117 posts

(Salamanca, 10/27/11)

(Salamanca, 10/27/11)

(Salamanca, 10/27/11)

Iglesia Redonda.

Literally, "Round Church". I walked by this church on my way to school every day. It struck me as particularly beautiful on october 27th with the light reflecting through the clouds and the fountain.

  • bazztyler
    bazztyler reblogged this · 13 years ago

More Posts from Justinemiranda

13 years ago

My next few posts

will be about Italy. It's finally cold in Spain, and remembering some of the hottest days ever will give me perspective.

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13 years ago

Just so you know

I'm not posting until I get back to America (December 17th ish). To better enjoy my time in Salamanca, and all that. 

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13 years ago
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

(Feliz Navidad)

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13 years ago
(San Sebastian, 10/15/11)
(San Sebastian, 10/15/11)

(San Sebastian, 10/15/11)

These trees lined the waterfront park in the old part of San Sebastian. From far away, they look like an impressionist painting. Up close, they look like any old coniferous tree but they feel silky.

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13 years ago
(Barcelona, 11/25/11)
(Barcelona, 11/25/11)

(Barcelona, 11/25/11)

Las Ramblas. The heart of Barcelona tourism. Still beautiful!

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