justinemiranda - Justine Miranda
Justine Miranda

Some places I went, some pictures I took, and some thoughts I had while traveling around the world.

117 posts

(Bjar, 10/12/11)

(Bjar, 10/12/11)

(Béjar, 10/12/11)

A cairn on our trail. I'm catching the hiking bug again.

  • nickthejam
    nickthejam liked this · 13 years ago

More Posts from Justinemiranda

13 years ago
(San Sebastian, 10/15/11)
(San Sebastian, 10/15/11)

(San Sebastian, 10/15/11)

These trees lined the waterfront park in the old part of San Sebastian. From far away, they look like an impressionist painting. Up close, they look like any old coniferous tree but they feel silky.

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13 years ago
(Firenze, 08/23/11)

(Firenze, 08/23/11)

End of the Ponte Vecchio.

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13 years ago
(Barcelona, 11/25/11)
(Barcelona, 11/25/11)

(Barcelona, 11/25/11)

Las Ramblas. The heart of Barcelona tourism. Still beautiful!

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13 years ago
(Manarola, 08/27/11)

(Manarola, 08/27/11)

We made a point to sit outside for meals whenever possible. Upside: you can watch the sunset and smell the ocean. Downside: smokers. (Hasn't Europe been informed about lung cancer?)

Luckily, we found a (cheap) cafe on the water just as the sun was setting on our first night in Cinque Terre. I sampled their delicious pesto lasagna. In fact, pesto was invented in that region. Probably in that very cafe. 

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13 years ago
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

(Feliz Navidad)

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