jxnko-png - Jxnko

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Wheres The Bed?

Where’s The Bed?

Type: Fluff, Couple Au, Drabble, a little angst just a lil

Requested by @nuestro-heaventeen (I tried my best I hope you like it! <3)

{Y/N and Wonwoo move in together}

 You grabbed the last box from the movers truck as Wonwoo paid the movers. You and Wonwoo had been dating 3 years and after a painstakingly long time, he finally agreed. He rejected your offer a year and a half ago to move into your apartment, one because he was gone all the time and there wouldn’t be much use in moving in if he wasn’t there, two because he had grown quite comfortable living with the boys and he thought it’d be a hassle to move his “perfect” gaming setup he had created with Seungcheol.

 After his last promotion, he was the one to bring it up in conversation.

“Would you want to move in with me babe?” he said nonchalantly. 

 You nearly cursed him out for asking such a stupid question. Of freaking course, you wanted to move in with him! This resulted in him trying to cuddle and you playfully refusing but ultimately giving in to his oh so cringy aegyo.

 Now here you two are in a forest of boxes, both utterly confused as to where to start. You both decided to get an apartment together instead of moving into your very small loft. Mainly due to the fact that Wonwoo’s PC system took up too much room and he couldn’t live without it although he was cutting down on gaming.

 You guys unpacked a lot of the boxes that night after the movers left, pushing the rest into what was supposed to become your office space. You ordered some pizza and opted for sleeping on the new couch, not wanting to try and build a bed at 11pm.

 The next morning you woke up to the sound of Wonwoo attempting to cook an omelette, you admit it didn’t seem bad but it looked like scrambled eggs as you looked over his shoulder. You snaked your arms lazily around his waist, he turned to try and kiss you but you quickly stopped that advance.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth baby”

“I don’t care your too cute to not kiss right now.” 

“But you see my lil wonton I care..” you said as you removed yourself to brush your teeth.

 After breakfast, you guys went back to unboxing your belongings. Wonwoo spending an alarming amount of time trying to assemble a comfortable gaming setup, even though you told him many times to do it later. 

 You guys had unpacked all the boxes and there was one very big thing missing from your bedroom. You went up to Wonwoo, who was now sitting in his gaming chair, with a very sarcastic smile.

“Baby where’s the bed?!” you said through your teeth.

“Oh that... Oh yeah, I umm sold it to get money for the new couch,” he said the last part in a fast whisper.

“JEON WONWOO YOU DID WHAT???!!! If you told me you couldn’t pay for it, I-”

“It’s not that I couldn’t pay for it, I just got my paycheck, of course, I could afford it. I just thought that because you always complained that your bed is too small and it always creaked, I could get you and me a comfortable king-sized bed...”


“Yeah, y,know I’m pretty well off because of seventeen honey haha.”

*Ding Dong*

“Ahh see that must be the bed people.”

 Wonwoo opened the door. Three people came in with a bed that could barely fit your doorway, they assembled everything and even put some free bedsheets on. You felt kind of terrible for freaking out a bit. 

 He paid them and came back to you face down on the bed like a starfish.


“Yes” you said but it was a bit muffled through the pillows.

 He pushed you to the side so he could slip under you and then laid you back on top of him so that you were now smooshed together. You quickly adjusted yourself so that you were laying side by side looking at each other. You looked up at him with puppy eyes and said,

“I’m sorry...”

“It’s ok baby, I should’ve told you, instead of making you freak out.”

“No, I should’ve listened to you before being dramatic”

 He pulled you closer as you buried your face in his chest.

“You're cute when your mad y,know that?”

“Ugh so lame, I love you though Jeon Wonwoo.” you chuckled.’

 He peppered your face with kisses and you guys relaxed into each other's arms. You wished you could stay like this forever but you were soon interrupted by the doorbell and banging.

“Yaa Wonwoo open up, you took my monitor you snake!! You guys better not be doing the frick frack!!” You guys laughed as Seungcheol yelled through the door.


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More Posts from Jxnko-png

5 years ago

Lovely, definitely a favorite!

talk it out // l.jh

this is unnecessary, you think. you shouldn’t be fighting like this, with words that pierce and tears that prick at both your eyes. the two of you don’t find the need to shout but you are stubborn and he is even more so.

‘when did you ever think about what i wanted? when did i ever have a choice? all this time, it’s been you, you, you!’ you say, feeling the energy drain out of you. you deflate just a bit, shoulders slumping in exhaustion.

'did you ever care about me? about the things i wanted?’ you look at him, bleary eyes desperately searching his face for any kind of answer.

something, you need something.

jihoon doesn’t look you in the eye. instead he remains facing the window of your living room, running a hand through his hair in frustration as his chest rose and fell with deep breaths.

’jihoon, say something’ you plead. 'please’.

jihoon runs a hand down his face, pinching the bridge of his nose with his arms folding across his chest. you stare at him, still waiting, hoping, that he’d talk to you. that he’d understand.

silence passes between the two of you. to others, it would have only been a few minutes but it feels like hours to you. a frown settles itself on your face and you let out a sigh, your heart dropping at the fact that jihoon couldn’t even speak to you.

'suit yourself jihoon. this’ you say gesturing between the two of you as jihoon shoots you a surprised expression 'is supposed to be a relationship. and people talk in relationships, jihoon. that’s how things work. and we’ you said, pausing for a bit as your throat choked up. you take a deep breath before continuing 'aren’t working out.’

turning on your heel to walk towards the bedroom, you make it about half-way down the hall before rapid footsteps sound behind you and a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist to pull you back.

you let out a gasp as jihoon buries his face in your shoulder.

'jih-’ you start, but stop when his arms tighten further on your waist.

'can we stop. can we just not talk?’ he says into your shoulder. you move to unwrap his arms from your waist, wanting to just be alone for a while to sort yourself out. but jihoon is adamant about letting you go, gripping onto you tighter than you had imagined.

'please just let me hold you’ he whispers into your shoulder and you freeze.

never, never had you heard him sound so defeated. so quiet. it wasn’t like him at all. not the jihoon who would laugh so freely, not the jihoon that smiled at you thinking you didn’t notice.

this jihoon was tired, scared and desperate.

you close your eyes, breathing in while hesitantly placing hand over the ones on your waist. jihoon turns you around slowly in hus arms and cups your face lightly.


'i’m sorry. i’m sorry for not being here and i’m sorry for putting you through this.’ he whispers to you, closing his eyes and leaning in to place his forehead against yours.

you bite your lip and grip the hand on your cheek. 'w-we have to talk, okay? we can’t keep going like this.’ you choke out, bringing your hand up to wipe the tears on his face. 'i miss you, jihoon’ you whisper to him.

'i know and i’m sorry i never did. my love, i would do anything for you.’

you let out a choked laugh and smile at him, caressing your thumb over his cheek.

'i know’

5 years ago


Type: Fluff

{Seokmin attempts to introduce you to his friends}

 Here you are outside the restaurant about to book it to the nearest bus stop. At first, when Seokmin said he’d introduce you to his friends you thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know him better but at the moment you were a bundle of nerves.

  You guys had started dating about a month ago after he asked for your number in a philosophy lecture. He was handsome and he had kind eyes and a blinding smile, of course, you texted him as soon as possible. 

  Now here you are outside a barbeque restaurant after saying you were “going to the bathroom”. You were so anxious you couldn’t stay in that place a second longer, you made a skillful escape while everyone was talking. I mean how couldn’t you be anxious, they were his friends for years, you’ve only just met him. Part of the nervousness was set in the fact that they weren’t all male, there were a few female colleagues who you thought were absolutely stunning. You saw how happy he was, it made you smile. Suddenly he caught your gaze, very confused he said something and came outside.

“Fancy seeing you here ma’am, this isn’t the ladies room if I recall.”

“I’m sorry, I’m really nervous, I know it’s really stupid but I just wanna go home. I’m sorry Seok...”

“Why? Did someone say something? I swear if Jeong-”

“No one did anything Seok, I just- this is all very new. And I mean your friends are so pretty and I’m not jealous, I think? I felt out of place...”

“Ok and just so you know you were the prettiest babe” he said as he calmly took out his phone, it made you blush.

He grabbed your hand and you guys walked to the nearest rest stop which was only a block away.

“I texted Jeonghyun that were leaving because you felt sick” he said as the last bus of the night stopped before you two. 

He tugged your hand as you two sat down, the only ones on the bus beside you guys were the bus driver and a few middle schoolers who were probably on their way home from cram school.

He put his hand over your shoulder. “I met you on a bus...” he spoke quietly.

“No, you didn’t. We met at that one lecture.”

“You met me there. But I clearly remember you a few days before that, you were sat on the bus and smiled like an idiot as you put your headphones in. At that moment I thought that I wanted to make you smile like that everyda-”

“Pphffffff” you slowly slapped his face as he finished making him chuckle and you smiled.

“It’s true! See that smile? That’s the one! The one I love to see when I wake up and kiss you awake.”

“You idiot..” you laughed as you rested your head on his shoulder as you dozed off. Your hands intertwining and lights quickly passing by.

(Sorry this took so long! It’s not that great but I hope you like it! Dedicated too @koukami80)

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5 years ago

Reblogging so that I won’t lose this masterpiece

Challenge / Mingyu x Reader


You turn the tables on Mingyu and come out of what was supposed to be a ploy to get you into his bed as a winner, leaving him flustered, surprised, and, most importantly, craving more of you.

pairing: college!au – Mingyu x Reader

warnings: this is just 5k words worth of flirting, teasing + sexual themes

words: 5.1k

ANON REQUEST: Can I request a college fuckboy Mingyu scenario? Whatever happens is fine ☺️


You weren’t a new face at college parties. You’ve been to a handful of them since you started school here but you couldn’t say you ever created any long-lasting memories there. Getting drunk and spending the entire night slurring your words and befriending random strangers wasn’t your ideal past-time activity and neither was watching other people do that.

And yet, even though you didn’t really enjoy the crowds that you’ve seen at parties like this, you still couldn’t help but show up at some of the usual end-of-the-week ragers that a group of students from your year was hosting simply because your roommate refused to participate in anything that involved any kind of alcohol and you were craving a way to relax after mid-terms. Lying on your bed and staring at the ceiling the entire weekend didn’t seem quite as fun as getting so drunk, you finally numbed some of the anxiety you’d been feeling for two weeks now.

You were only on your second drink when–while trying to avoid a group of three girls who kept laughing in a very loud and intimidating way–you stumbled into the living room, excited to find some peace on one of the white – bad choice – couches by the furthest wall of the room, and then ended up becoming the very center of attention when a tall, half-drunk guy plopped himself on the couch next to you, all while yelling something at his friends across the room.

Keep reading

5 years ago

Who in Svt do you think would really like spanking (giving)?

I feel like most people would say Seungcheol but when it comes to spanking I think Minghao would absolutely love it. He’s a very visual person so seeing the skin become tender and pinkish is something he’d die for. And after he’d massage you and admire the work he’s done, paying extra attention to the areas that are a bit too sensitive and might’ve bruised a bit, kissing over tender spots ughhh I hate and love him so much

My bias wrecker Ming making me feel sum type of way wooo

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5 years ago

P*rn Accident

Author’s Note: I’m not very happy with this short story, but I’ve decided to upload it anyway so it doesn’t rot in my drafts.

Type: Fluff, College AU, Crush!MingyuXReader

{The last day of vacation was supposed to be the best! If only you hadn’t clicked your brothers’ stupid text}

pt 1~pt 2~Epilogue 

The next day you snuck out of Mingyu’s arms and went to our own. You packed up and got on the first van to the airport. You stole glances at Mingyu through security and you sat next to each other while waiting for the flight.

His seat was 3 rows behind you. He whined that you guys wouldn’t be able to cuddle on the plane like you did last night. You made fun of him for already being so clingy. 

You guys boarded, you had a window seat which you liked, an hour into the flight back and you were out like a light. About 2 hours into your nap you felt something on your wrist. You woke up sleepily to Mingyu yet again pecking away at your wrist.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I promised Minhyun I’d give him $20 to let me sit here.”

“That’s stupid Kim Mingyu”


He gave you his hoodie and said some stupidly romantic thing about you smelling like him. He made you put it on immediately.

You guys watched a few movies together with the middle armrest put back, cuddling. 

As the flight rounded its last 3 hours you turned to Mingyu halfway through Paddington.

“Kiss me”


“I want a kiss on the lips”

“Like now”


“Are you sure? Because last nig-”

“Jeez Mingyu.” You cupped his face and gave him a quick peck. He stared in confusion and amazement. He smirked before giving you a softer gentler kiss.

You guys continued watching Paddington with the stupidest smiles plastered across your faces. You intertwined your hand with his and slept. You don’t really remember much but you do know that by the time the plane landed you were still holding hands.

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