Seventeen Fanficiton - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

The Devil’s Sons [01]


poster by @minhaaru

One was sent to damn her into a life of eternal misery. The other was sent to save her. Neither had the intention of loving her.

word count: 1538 genre: fantasy, angst characters: Soonyoung x OC x Jihoon 00 | 01 | 02

Won Sahyun was a fairly content woman.

While she lacked a time-restricted routine when she did things, her weekly tasks were consistent and she always felt a sense of familiarity when she accomplished them, each day's achievements giving her another day to be proud of living through.

Two things did follow a set time frame that didn't change week to week. The first being her morning shift at a diner, Monday through Saturday, leaving her with nights off and a Sunday entirely free to herself.

Twice a week she had a dance class, dancing being her favorite pastime, ever since she was three and her mother first brought her to a ballet class.

She would enjoy the entire evening in the studio, practicing until her legs felt numb and her heart rate beat faster than her eyes could blink.

On the days she didn't dance, she spent her evening after work at the library behind her apartment complex tutoring kids from the Primary school she had attended when she was little.

And the final thing, the second of which remained unchanging every week, was her visit to her parent's graves on Sundays.

She dedicated the entire day to thinking about them.

She usually brought a new bouquet of flowers, but on rare occasions, like their wedding anniversary or birthday's, she would also bring along a new ornament to adorn the tree that stood beside their graves. After ten years of weekly visits, she was proud to say their grave was the most well-kept in the yard. And she prayed after each visit for another week to see them.

Life was unpredictable and could flip at any God given second.

It was on one particular Sunday when everything changed drastically for her.

An important Sunday.

It marked the tenth Anniversary of the car accident that left her without parents, alone at the young age of sixteen.

As she watched the headlights of a car flash in her eyes, its horn blaring, beneath the fear, she briefly wondered if this had been what he parents had felt on the night they died.

But, before she could feel the impact of what she knew would be the cause of her demise, she felt something soft graze her arm and like magic, everything turned black.


One hour earlier.

The easiest tasks Soonyoung had to do were his favorites. It is was in those tasks that his only job was to make sure fate played through on its own, and prevent it if something or someone tried to alter that path.

He didn't have to feel the guilt of having yet another person die by his hands. Even if all of those deaths came off as "accidents" or other problems in the mortal world, most commonly a health problem.

But Soonyoung knew the real reason.

Soonyoung was the real reason.

And, while it wasn't any more pleasant to just watch and make sure, it was definitely easier to handle.

He stood from afar this time, watching in the shadows as the target left her apartment in a rush. His eyes followed her as she ran, her bag thrown hastily over her shoulder and her short brown hair bouncing with each step.

Her first stop was a tiny flower booth. He could tell by the way she greeted the lady standing on the other side that she was a frequent customer, a unique bouquet of roses, lilies and an array of wildflowers already prepared for her.

She slipped the older woman the money and with a bow scurried along even faster.

Soonyoung found himself chuckling as he watched her huff, her cheeks a pink hue from the exertion of running. If he wasn't careful, he worried he might even lose sight of her from something as simple as blinking.

It was a knee-jerk reaction for him when someone suddenly rounded the corner in front of her and she tumbled into them, knocking all of their belongings down in one sweep. It was a child, no more than eight years old, and the poor being couldn't stop itself from sniffling when his knee hit the ground.

The target immediately stopped and leaned down, apologizing profusely at them, even going as far as to blow on their scraped knee. The kid wiped her eyes as she did so, and it wasn't a second later that the mother of the child came jogging up behind her, clearly frazzled by the events.

The woman bowed regretfully at her, to which she shook her head in reply. With a small smile, she reached inside of her brown bag and pulled out a lollipop, handing it the little girl.

The three parted ways, and Soonyoung was once again following along hastily.

It was then that it begun to sink in.

The guilt.

He was normally able to brush it off and ignore it. But, every time this girl passed someone on the street and waved and bowed her head in greeting, he was left with a feeling of utter shock at just how kind she was.

What reason did she deserve to die? And, so young at that…

Soonyoung watched feebly as she turned a corner and began making her way up a stone set of stairs, intricately built into the hillside. Something churned even more inside of him when he realized just where she was heading to.

She was dressed so nicely, a light pink sundress suiting her cream skin tone well and bringing out the natural flush in her cheeks. She was completely healthy, he could tell that much. And fit from how much she had managed to run.

Her steps slowed as made her way up the cemetery, her facial expression shifting from exertion to an almost sad smile.

Soonyoung felt a bile rise in his throat as he followed her closer and closer. When her eyes fell upon two grave stones, secluded from the rest of the cemetery off toward the end.

“Hi mom. Hi dad.” She whispered quietly, stretching her arm out to place the bouquet of flowers gently across the expanse of grass in front of the stones. “Today isn't such a happy anniversary, but it's still an important day nonetheless.”

Her voice was shaking, Soonyoung heard the unsteady exhale of breath from each word. Her back was to him, but when her hand went up to her face, he already knew she was wiping away a tear.

“I miss you so much.”

A sob escaped her, wracking her shoulders.

Something in Soonyoung wanted so badly to step forward and reveal himself. To reach out and… to comfort her.

Fifteen minutes passed with her crying, each minute solidifying the thoughts in Soonyoung’s head, tempting him to do something he should never do. To make the same move that would've left Jihoon in shambles for so long, had Soonyoung not prevented that.

With a constant rejection of those mortal thoughts, Soonyoung continued to watch, his mind jumping back and forth between the two crucial decisions.

Her sobbing slowed until she was able to breathe steady once more. He saw her wipe away her tears furiously as she straightened herself, putting on a brave face once more.

“Even though it's not a happy anniversary, I brought another ornament for your tree. This one is over a purple pansey, Mom’s favorite flower.” She sniffled and she walked over the tree and placed the ornament on one of the branches, allowing it to glitter with the rest of them.

A sigh escaped her as she stepped back to look at their graves, her brown eyes shaking and glistening from her tears.

“I’ll come back again next week to see you. I promise.”

And that was it.

She turned around and began making her way down the stairs again, almost bumping into Soonyoung on her way, but for the first time in a very long time, he used his magic to keep himself hidden.

He was too shell-shocked and remained frozen in his spot, unable to maneuver away like he should have.

She promised to be back.

And he was about to help be responsible for that not happening. And, while it may not have matter once she was dead…

It mattered now.

His thoughts came back to him like a whirlwind, his body moving on its own as he turned on his heel, running after the girl.

She was already at the bottom of the stairs, about to cross the street, the sun just about set in the sky.

Panic began to seep into Soonyoung as he realized what was about to happen. She didn’t notice the car turning the corner far too quickly and making its way toward her.

The car didn't even blow it's horn until just before it reached her, her head turning to the noise and her eyes widening as the headlights flashed at her.

Without a second thought on the matter, Soonyoung used his magic once more, his body leaving its spot on the steps and appearing beside her in less than a second.

He reached out to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her toward him, their eyes meeting briefly before he saw her head lulling back, her world turning black.

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5 years ago

Where’s The Bed?

Type: Fluff, Couple Au, Drabble, a little angst just a lil

Requested by @nuestro-heaventeen (I tried my best I hope you like it! <3)

{Y/N and Wonwoo move in together}

 You grabbed the last box from the movers truck as Wonwoo paid the movers. You and Wonwoo had been dating 3 years and after a painstakingly long time, he finally agreed. He rejected your offer a year and a half ago to move into your apartment, one because he was gone all the time and there wouldn’t be much use in moving in if he wasn’t there, two because he had grown quite comfortable living with the boys and he thought it’d be a hassle to move his “perfect” gaming setup he had created with Seungcheol.

 After his last promotion, he was the one to bring it up in conversation.

“Would you want to move in with me babe?” he said nonchalantly. 

 You nearly cursed him out for asking such a stupid question. Of freaking course, you wanted to move in with him! This resulted in him trying to cuddle and you playfully refusing but ultimately giving in to his oh so cringy aegyo.

 Now here you two are in a forest of boxes, both utterly confused as to where to start. You both decided to get an apartment together instead of moving into your very small loft. Mainly due to the fact that Wonwoo’s PC system took up too much room and he couldn’t live without it although he was cutting down on gaming.

 You guys unpacked a lot of the boxes that night after the movers left, pushing the rest into what was supposed to become your office space. You ordered some pizza and opted for sleeping on the new couch, not wanting to try and build a bed at 11pm.

 The next morning you woke up to the sound of Wonwoo attempting to cook an omelette, you admit it didn’t seem bad but it looked like scrambled eggs as you looked over his shoulder. You snaked your arms lazily around his waist, he turned to try and kiss you but you quickly stopped that advance.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth baby”

“I don’t care your too cute to not kiss right now.” 

“But you see my lil wonton I care..” you said as you removed yourself to brush your teeth.

 After breakfast, you guys went back to unboxing your belongings. Wonwoo spending an alarming amount of time trying to assemble a comfortable gaming setup, even though you told him many times to do it later. 

 You guys had unpacked all the boxes and there was one very big thing missing from your bedroom. You went up to Wonwoo, who was now sitting in his gaming chair, with a very sarcastic smile.

“Baby where’s the bed?!” you said through your teeth.

“Oh that... Oh yeah, I umm sold it to get money for the new couch,” he said the last part in a fast whisper.

“JEON WONWOO YOU DID WHAT???!!! If you told me you couldn’t pay for it, I-”

“It’s not that I couldn’t pay for it, I just got my paycheck, of course, I could afford it. I just thought that because you always complained that your bed is too small and it always creaked, I could get you and me a comfortable king-sized bed...”


“Yeah, y,know I’m pretty well off because of seventeen honey haha.”

*Ding Dong*

“Ahh see that must be the bed people.”

 Wonwoo opened the door. Three people came in with a bed that could barely fit your doorway, they assembled everything and even put some free bedsheets on. You felt kind of terrible for freaking out a bit. 

 He paid them and came back to you face down on the bed like a starfish.


“Yes” you said but it was a bit muffled through the pillows.

 He pushed you to the side so he could slip under you and then laid you back on top of him so that you were now smooshed together. You quickly adjusted yourself so that you were laying side by side looking at each other. You looked up at him with puppy eyes and said,

“I’m sorry...”

“It’s ok baby, I should’ve told you, instead of making you freak out.”

“No, I should’ve listened to you before being dramatic”

 He pulled you closer as you buried your face in his chest.

“You're cute when your mad y,know that?”

“Ugh so lame, I love you though Jeon Wonwoo.” you chuckled.’

 He peppered your face with kisses and you guys relaxed into each other's arms. You wished you could stay like this forever but you were soon interrupted by the doorbell and banging.

“Yaa Wonwoo open up, you took my monitor you snake!! You guys better not be doing the frick frack!!” You guys laughed as Seungcheol yelled through the door.


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5 years ago

Wake up

Type: Angst, a bit of Fluff

{Minghao wakes up after a “acquaintances with benefits” encounter with you}

Minghao POV

Something was warming my skin. Not like the warmth, I felt of you last night but rather the heat of the sun. My eyes felt heavy but I forced them open. My vision, clouded, but a few blinks fixed that. 

I was staring at the morning sun through the window, I should be admiring this beautiful view but my mind kept traveling back to last night. Remembering every moment of ecstasy and pleasure, I almost feel guilty.

Guilty for not getting to know you, for us not getting closer beforehand, for not knowing you. But I couldn’t change that now could I?

I turned my back to the sun, my back now feeling the warmth my face felt moments ago.

Now I was facing you and I didn’t care that we were nude, I didn’t feel any compulsion of wanting to relive yesterday like I did as I replayed it before I turned to you. 

Instead, my eyes traced your face, trying to ingrain the memory of every detail of your face into my mind. You weren’t super-model gorgeous, no instead a piece of art and art isn’t always supposed to look beautiful it’s supposed to make you feel something, you made me feel something.

I memorized every wrinkle, acne scar, and pimple. I memorized the way strands of your hair would fall every time you snored. I never considered myself as someone who would fall so quickly in love, I don’t even know if this is “love”. 

I placed my hand on your waist underneath the blanket and moved closer to you. I pulled my other hand from underneath me and began tracing the features of your face, lightly so I don’t wake you up.

From your eyes to your nose to your lips-

I suddenly felt the warmth of the sun again on my face. I held my eyes shut closely hoping it wasn’t as I thought, but sure enough, it was. I desperately tried to fall back asleep and continue that beautiful dream of you.

But no, the dream was over.

You weren’t by my side, I wasn’t tracing your face, my hand wasn't on your waist. Instead, I turned around to my bed empty and my clothes on the floor, and you not in sight. The scent of your perfume still lightly embedded in my furniture.

I heard the door close and I pushed myself to get up even if my body wanted to rest still. I hurried and put on my underwear and shirt, hoping I could catch you before the elevator door closed. 

I ran like hell to try and catch you, almost tripping on my neighbor's package they failed to pick up yesterday afternoon. Just as I got down to the end of the hall the elevator doors were already 3/4 of the way closed but you saw me still and I hoped you would push the button to reopen the door but you didn’t. 

I walked back to my apartment in defeat, mentally hitting myself for not getting your number or not waking up earlier. I sat on my couch ignoring my empty stomach that growled at me, only thinking of you. Just as I was going to try and go back to sleep and dream of you there was a knock on my door. 

I didn’t bother checking the monitor to see who it was, not caring anyways because you were already gone. I opened the door with my head hung low not wanting to see anyone right now. 

“I think I can stay longer... I didn’t think I’d wake you up, sorry.”

My knees went week hearing your voice and I really hoped this wasn’t another dream. That thought was diminished when I looked up and saw you standing there, I fought my every nerve to not hug you. 

“No no I’m just glad you came back..” 

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