AHHH This Took Toooo Long - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago


Type: Fluff

{Seokmin attempts to introduce you to his friends}

 Here you are outside the restaurant about to book it to the nearest bus stop. At first, when Seokmin said he’d introduce you to his friends you thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know him better but at the moment you were a bundle of nerves.

  You guys had started dating about a month ago after he asked for your number in a philosophy lecture. He was handsome and he had kind eyes and a blinding smile, of course, you texted him as soon as possible. 

  Now here you are outside a barbeque restaurant after saying you were “going to the bathroom”. You were so anxious you couldn’t stay in that place a second longer, you made a skillful escape while everyone was talking. I mean how couldn’t you be anxious, they were his friends for years, you’ve only just met him. Part of the nervousness was set in the fact that they weren’t all male, there were a few female colleagues who you thought were absolutely stunning. You saw how happy he was, it made you smile. Suddenly he caught your gaze, very confused he said something and came outside.

“Fancy seeing you here ma’am, this isn’t the ladies room if I recall.”

“I’m sorry, I’m really nervous, I know it’s really stupid but I just wanna go home. I’m sorry Seok...”

“Why? Did someone say something? I swear if Jeong-”

“No one did anything Seok, I just- this is all very new. And I mean your friends are so pretty and I’m not jealous, I think? I felt out of place...”

“Ok and just so you know you were the prettiest babe” he said as he calmly took out his phone, it made you blush.

He grabbed your hand and you guys walked to the nearest rest stop which was only a block away.

“I texted Jeonghyun that were leaving because you felt sick” he said as the last bus of the night stopped before you two. 

He tugged your hand as you two sat down, the only ones on the bus beside you guys were the bus driver and a few middle schoolers who were probably on their way home from cram school.

He put his hand over your shoulder. “I met you on a bus...” he spoke quietly.

“No, you didn’t. We met at that one lecture.”

“You met me there. But I clearly remember you a few days before that, you were sat on the bus and smiled like an idiot as you put your headphones in. At that moment I thought that I wanted to make you smile like that everyda-”

“Pphffffff” you slowly slapped his face as he finished making him chuckle and you smiled.

“It’s true! See that smile? That’s the one! The one I love to see when I wake up and kiss you awake.”

“You idiot..” you laughed as you rested your head on his shoulder as you dozed off. Your hands intertwining and lights quickly passing by.

(Sorry this took so long! It’s not that great but I hope you like it! Dedicated too @koukami80)

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5 years ago

P*rn Accident

Author’s Note: I’m not very happy with this short story, but I’ve decided to upload it anyway so it doesn’t rot in my drafts.

Type: Fluff, College AU, Crush!MingyuXReader

{The last day of vacation was supposed to be the best! If only you hadn’t clicked your brothers’ stupid text}

pt 1~pt 2~Epilogue 

“It’s obviously not stupid…just tell me”

“No Mingyu, i-it’s r-reall-y stu-pid...” your voice still hiccuping.

“Can you open the door? You don’t have to tell me right now. But can you please just open the door?”

Coyly you unlocked the stall. There he stood, offering the shyest puppy dog smile yet and his arms. You stood up and let him envelop you in a bear hug. You let out the last you had into his chest. He just patted your head and shushed you softly. You stood there for a while just like that.

 You're not exactly sure how much time had passed but quite a bit later you heard the door unlock and you pushed Mingyu away just a bit. One of the employees came in holding a key ring.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you folks but this is a professional establishment.”

“We’re sorry...” Mingyu replied grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the bathroom not forgetting to grab your phone. 

The elevator ride to the where everyone stayed on the 3rd floor was silent but his hand never left yours. 

You guys got off the elevator and he turned you to face him, he saw where your tears had left stains on your cheeks. 

“Wanna spend the last night in my room? N-Not in that way, I’d never! Y’know-”

“I’d like that Mingyu...”

One of the perks of this trip was that everyone had their own room, most of the younger ones used this to their advantage and got it on, while the Major’s studied, and those like you just got some relaxation. 

 He led you to his room, fumbled around with his keycard, and let you sit down on the bed. 

“I should’ve told you to get clothes and come back but... I didn’t think that far ahead.”

“Mingyu shut up and give me one of your hoodies...”

“Okay okay right.”

 He got himself pajamas and got you a very big hoodie that was already oversized for him, which meant you were practically swimming in it. He gave you the room and changed in the bathroom. He came back with a damp towel and gave it to you to wipe your face. He turned the TV on to Cartoon Network and you felt him crawl around the bed as you lightly swiped the towel over your face. 

 You felt the bed sink behind you and you no longer heard rustling. You felt arms wrap around you from behind and a head rest on your shoulders. 

“So can you tell me what happened?”

“It’s really really stupid Mingyu...”

“Okay and??”

“Fine... My brother sent me porn and it played loudly and I got so embarrassed I cried and you're my cru-” You spit out.

“Wow, that is stupid...” He said as he left your back and sat beside you, you hit him lightly. He faced you.

 He leaned in and puckered his lips out a bit, you knew exactly what was happening and you didn’t want it happening like this. You quickly put your wrist over your mouth as Mingyu gently pressed his lips against it.

“Y/N you were about to tell me you had a crush on me and I thought... nevermind I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“Mingyu I don’t want my first kiss to be with someone who isn’t my boyfriend, and plus I’ve already had one heart attack today.”

“Then Miss Y/N would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”

“Yes, but no kissing today my heart has suffered enough”

“Ok...” He smiled yet again the puppy dog smile and his lights shined so bright you could see the light reflecting off the building through the window.

 He grabbed your wrist and placed small butterfly kisses over and over again.

“What are you doing?”

“I’ve already kissed you here, and since I can’t properly kiss you yet this is the best I can get.”

“Idiot...” you chuckled as he sucked on the skin of your wrist leaving a small bruise.

“Kim Mingyu! I didn't bring makeup to cover this up!” You half-yelled and hit him repeatedly. 

He gave you a hug to suppress your beating and flopped you two backward onto the bed. You let him cuddle you to sleep as you buried yourself into his chest.

Would anyone like an epilogue?

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