14 posts
K-didathing - I'm Just K - Tumblr Blog
I have no idea why, but WoF Tango with little glasses makes me ridiculously happy. :)

God I haven’t posted in a while so have a Tango of the Tek variety (click pics for full view)
A little firescales mechanic man with magic gloves
Startober Day 4: Loose Cannon
Joel parked his speeder at the top of one of the bright spires of Herrin, even though he wasn’t technically supposed to be there. The other Vindicators would kill him if they knew he went up there without permission, but he didn’t really care.
He heard a familiar voice humming a tune nearby, and knew that what he came for was here. He found Lizzie hanging lanterns from the arched ceiling of her palace, all the while quietly singing a song to herself in her own language. Hundreds of these lanterns swayed in the breeze above them, all of them glowing a strange, eerie blue that didn’t seem to come from a flame.
“You never told me you had a beautiful singing voice as well as a beautiful face,” Joel said.
Lizzie jumped in surprise, her wings flaring out and nearly knocking Joel over. “Gosh, you scared me!” She exclaimed, picking Joel up in her arms, who compared to her, was only the size of a small child. “Why do you have to be so tiny?”
“Hey, I’m not tiny! You Avians are just massive!”
“No, you’re definitely tiny,” she argued, giving Joel a kiss on the forehead, which immediately stopped his protesting.
“The others don’t know I’m here, by the way,” Joel informed her, glancing in the direction of the Vindicators’ outpost. The memory of what they did to him the last time he snuck out like this burned fresh in his mind, and guilt began to creep in. “I should probably start heading back.”
“Aw, don’t leave yet. You just got here!”
“This is the fifth time I’ve snuck out like this, Lizzie! Do you have any idea what they’ll do to me if they find out I’ve done this again?"
Lizzie sighed. “Fine, then. As the Queen of Herrin, I hereby order you to accompany me to my underwater sanctuary.”
“How can I argue with that?” Joel chuckled. “Lead the way, your majesty.”
(AU by @skimmeh and @kairamuwu)
Startober Day 3: Heat/Flame
(Sorry I'm a few days late again!)
Joel never really got the illusionary part of being a glare. And he never got along very well with that side of his family, either. But he loved being a blaze. There was something so satisfying about the way that fire burned, all light and heat and destruction, like a tiny fragment of the sun in the palm of his hand. But ever since he had been stationed on Herrin, he hadn’t been able to indulge himself in his love for fire. For some reason, the Queen had outlawed any fire-powered Vindicators from using fire, which was infuriating for Joel. It had something to do with there being a higher concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere, and the Avians being especially susceptible to catching fire because of their feathers, but that didn’t make the rule any less stupid.
Once, when he thought no one was watching, he sparked a tiny fire in the palm of his hand, just for the pleasure of watching it burn. He watched in fascination as the flame quickly tripled in size, the heat licking his fingers.
“Now what do you think you’re doing?” A large shadow loomed ominously over Joel. When he turned around, he was face-to-face with the largest, most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was clad head-to-toe in colorful feathers and scales, like some sort of bird of paradise. She was the Queen of the Avians, and it showed. Her tone of voice wasn’t particularly accusatory, but instead had a playful lilt to it. “Surely you know our rules about fire around here, Vindicator. You better be careful.”
“Well, I haven’t set anything on fire yet, have I?”
The Avian Queen let out a small chuckle. “I suppose not. Yet. I’m gonna have to keep my eye on you, Vindicator.” And with that, she flew away.
(Joel didn’t stop starting fires. The Queen of the Avians mostly let it slide.)
(AU by @skimmeh and @kairamuwu)
Startober Day 2: Legacy
Gem was a sword fighter. She was a rather good one too, taking on some of the best in the galaxy. She often competed in tournaments for money, or took on the occasional bounty when money was sparse. It wasn’t an honest living, but at least it paid the bills. But one of the consequences of not having an honest living is one tends to get involved with some… shady figures. And several of these shady figures seemed to take an interest in Gem. She had made a deal with them for more money than she had ever won from any other job, but things didn’t exactly go as planned. And that was why Gem’s right arm now appeared to be made of the void itself, its inky swirls crawling up her harm and embedding themselves into her skin.
Gem gripped her sword in her left hand, slashing with all the coordination she could muster. The fighting simulation bot (nicknamed Sunny by her roommate) attacked in turn in that same predictable pattern that Gem should have mastered at this point. But with her left hand, Gem’s coordination was sloppy at best.
She tried to parry, but her form was off.
She tried to stab, but she didn’t keep her guard up.
Sunny had its sword pointed at Gem’s chest, then it returned to a neutral position. “Better luck next time,” It said in its robotic voice.
“Ugh, tell me about it,” Gem sighed, setting down her sword and grabbing a quick drink of water. After a moment, Gem found herself staring intently at her sword, lying motionless on the ground beside her. Things had gone downhill ever since she had made that deal with those mysterious entities. Now that her right arm was pretty much useless, her days of tournament competitions were long over. The money that the entities had given her helped a little, but it was starting to dwindle. Soon enough, she wouldn’t be able to pay her half of the rent, and then what would happen?
Even though she knew it wouldn’t work, she tried to pick up her sword with her right hand. But no matter how much she strained, her arm couldn’t bear the sword’s weight, and it would slip right out of her hand. She just sighed and picked up the sword with her left hand, priming Sunny back up for another round.
Survive. Survive. Survive.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Eventually, Gem ran out of patience. She threw caution to the wind and swung wildly with her right arm, aiming directly for Sunny’s head.
(Did she notice how the surface of her arm rippled and swirled, its inky surface spiraling out like tendrils? Did she notice how it sparkled like it had been embedded with stars?)
Gem barely felt the impact of the punch, but the aftermath was abysmal. She had utterly demolished Sunny, leaving a massive crater in the side of its head. She looked at her right hand in astonishment, and noticed that a second, phantom-like hand, much larger than her own, surrounded her arm.
“Gem? Whatcha-” Pearl stopped in her tracks a few feet from the door, witnessing the damage Gem had done.
“Oh, hey, Pearl!” Gem said, trying to divert Pearl’s attention. “How’s the search for your friend going?”
“Still no leads yet. But I see that you’ve been busy.”
“Yeah… sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me, to be honest.”
“That’s fine! I can fix Sunny later. Though I’m not sure what I’m gonna tell Sausage…”
Gem glanced at her arm again. The phantom arm was gone, and the tiny sparkles were beginning to dim. She wasn’t sure if her sword fighting skills would ever be the same again, but maybe something new was in store for her.
Maybe she would be okay.
(Au by @skimmeh and @kairamuwu)
Startober Day 1: Traitor
(Sorry I'm a few days behind /:)
Tango frantically shoved as many blueprints as he could into his bag and sprinted down the hallways of his beloved torture chamber. He traced his hand over every dear wall for the final time. Although leaving his beautiful creation behind made him feel more cold and empty than anything on this voidforsaken planet, he was out of options. This was all he could do. He passed by the Ravager enclosure, where one of the massive beasts made a sad grunting sound that made Tango’s heart break all the more. He stroked the Ravager’s nose, their warm breath his only consolation in this freezing, desolate place. “It’s okay,” he whispered gently. “I will come back for you. I won’t let them use you.”
There was no more time for tearful goodbyes. Tango’s time was more than up. He pulled the hood of his fleecy jacket over his head, hoping that it would shield him from the cold as well as hide his identity. He ran through the snow, which came down thick and fast around him, going as fast as his clunky snow boots could carry him.
Then a strange feeling crept down Tango’s spine.
He was being watched.
They had found him.
He ran even faster, but he knew it was in vain. A strange, staticky noise, like the cry of an Enderman, echoed through Tango’s head until the world simply slipped away into oblivion.
The next thing Tango remembered was an overwhelming warmth surrounding him, one that was achingly familiar. For a brief moment, Tango thought that he was back home. But as he began to move, he noticed the itchy sand beneath him, and he noticed the unfamiliar smell in the air, and the alien hue of the rocks. And he swore that there was a strange beeping noise echoing through his head.
Ah, but you already know this story, don’t you? Fine, then. I won’t tread on Stareater’s turf. I have my own stories to tell.
(AU by @skimmeh and @kairamuwu)

Coming up with clothing for my third life Grian design
Might have gone a lil wild with details ..but it's fun to think up-

I'm sorry, Cassandra
Down in the street they're all singing and shouting Staying alive though the city is dead Hiding their shame behind hollow laughter While you are crying alone in your bed
Pity, Cassandra, that no one believed you But, then again, you were lost from the start Now we must suffer and sell our secrets Bargain, playing smart, aching in our hearts
Sorry Cassandra, I misunderstood Now the last day is dawning Some of us wanted but none of us would Listen to words of warning But on the darkest of nights Nobody knew how to fight And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra, I didn't believe You really had the power I only saw it as dreams you would weave Until the final hour

Looking back on the past
One year since new life and im still obsessed with sparrow
Hermitcraft fanon swap ideas!!
Sooo... I learned that the Hermitcraft fanon swap doesn't only apply to art, but also to writing! It sounds like a lot of fun, so if anyone has any ideas, please ask!
Sparrow's adventure continues: he encounters a Colin and a weird bee lady
Chapter One
After crashing, I had realized the carburetor, along with the entire engine, was far beyond saving. Smoke rose from the engine, the wings were utterly mutilated, and besides, even if I could repair it, there wasn’t enough runway on the small peninsula I was stuck on to take off. My only choice was to stay put for the time being.
I managed to pitch a few tents with the supplies that survived the crash, creating a sort of home base, for now, at least. I stayed in the tents for a few days, and took to exploring what was nearby. I soon found that the surrounding area was practically infested with resources in every cave, tree, and village I came across. The days were always clear and filled me with the urge for adventuring, but the nights were rather monstrous, and I always thought it best to keep near my tents.
In my exploring, I even found some sort of treasure map in a nearby village, and since I had always excelled at reading maps, I decided to see if I could actually find any treasure. After all I had seen in my adventuring so far, it didn’t sound like the least plausible thing in the world.
I soon found that whoever wrote the map knew nothing about real cartography. (I also never particularly liked sea travel. Boats are hard to manipulate and crammed. I’m a pilot, not a sailor!)
After rowing around in what was almost certainly circles, I eventually found the x-marks-the-spot I was looking for. Finally (after I dug more holes than I’d like to admit), I actually found something! Most of it was trinkets I didn’t quite know how to use, but some of it was materials I could put to use, including real diamonds!
After returning to my camp with the victory of finding riches in the soil and enjoying a bowl of celebratory carrot soup by the fire, I found myself more energized than before. So I decided to explore the surrounding area a bit more to see what – or who – I could find.
I had been trudging through the forest for a while now, and it was getting a bit too late for my liking. I had stumbled across a small cave, and had stopped there to rest for a minute on the rough, stony floor. I took out my sketchbook and began to write down some of the things I found that day.
But a strange lowing noise drew me out of my writing trance, and when I went outside to look, I was quite startled by a strange beast who looked like a goat crossed with a dinosaur. It had a furry body, goat-like horns, and a long, long neck. I was very wary of the unusual beast, for it had an uncanny resemblance to another creature who had blown up my base a couple of days ago. The beast studied me warily with its beady eyes, and I studied it in turn, so terrified I could barely move.
“S-Stay back!” I yelled once I had regained my senses, scrambling to grab a rock from the rubble. The horned creature just sniffed me with its little black nose. It made a soft growling noise, like a bear cub, showing its pointy teeth. It approached, coming dangerously close to me, so I reflexively threw my rock at it.
The rock knocked the creature back a few steps, and it whimpered in pain. It started growling furiously, and the next thing I knew, It was charging at me ferociously, and it knocked me down, down into a deep, muddy gorge. I soon realized in agony that the gorge was far too slippery for me to climb, and the horned creature above stalked and growled at me; ready to pounce at the slightest excuse.
My hands were dirty and bruised. I now felt that I was on the brink of death. Thus far in my life, I had never been as hungry and scared as I was at that moment. Oh, Why did I come here? I thought to myself in despair. They were right. There’s nothing here but wild, savage creatures. Perhaps hybrids were just a silly fantasy.
I heard a faint, far-off buzzing sound. At first I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me, but to my surprise, I saw a large, yellow cloud descending on the creature. A swarm of bees buzzed past and attacked the beast, sending it whimpering toward the mountains. The swarm that had miraculously saved me went out of my sight, but continued to buzz nearby.
Meanwhile, my brain was racing 100 miles an hour, trying to process what on earth had just happened. Did the swarm save me by pure chance, or did the swarm actively try to save my life? Where on earth had it come from? And worst of all, if the swarm had finished off the beast, would I become its next victim?
But then something even crazier occured. Out of the restless buzzing noises, a girl’s voice spoke to me: “Hello down there! Are you alright?”
Did swarms of bees now talk? I wondered in astonishment. I was too shocked to even reply.
When the swarm buzzed towards me, it was no longer a cloud of bees, but instead, to my surprise, a humanoid girl. She was sort of fluffy and lumpy looking, but she was clearly in the shape of a girl with a fluffy yellow sweater and red hair spangled with flowers.
“Are you okay?” She buzzed once again.
“Ermm… I-I think so?” I stammered in reply, still dazed by fear. She lent me her hand, and I took it. Despite being a hand made of bees, it was surprisingly firm and warm.
“T-thank you,” I stuttered. Yep, she was definitely in the shape of a girl, her feet hovering a few inches off the ground. But there was a question in my mind that I couldn’t hold back any longer. “Are you- could you possibly be- a hybrid?”
“Oh, yeah! I suppose you could call it that,” the bee lady answered. I’m Gem, by the way.”
“S-Sparrow,” I stuttered back in disbelief. She was so friendly to me! Could they have been completely wrong about hybrids? This is incredible, I thought to myself. Just a moment ago, I was doubting the existence of hybrids at all, and now here I am, talking to one!
But wait. What if she’s actually hostile, like I was warned about? I better make sure.
“Erm, you are a friendly hybrid… right?”
“Don’t worry, I’m friendly,” Gem buzzed. “But I do understand your concern. Hybrids come in all sizes and personalities, but I try to be nice to people unless they give me a reason to do otherwise. And you haven’t done anything to me. Speaking of which, you look starving, and you took quite a tumble. Would you like to come over to my house?”
“Um, sure?” I said. I now realized that I was quite hungry, and hadn’t had a truly proper meal in days.
So there I was, Sparrow the human, following Gem the Swarm of bees to her house.
![[tma Au] Hey Remember When This Whole Thing Actually Revolved Around The Dread Powers Like The Source](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cb95c5e3bdec13dc4ea130045cb4b299/c6f54b55c8f82d86-47/s500x750/48a69cc38a7bc12e32ed9eda4c45199d2afa5827.jpg)
[tma au] hey remember when this whole thing actually revolved around the dread powers like the source material. yeah me neither
The Cat and the Fox - a Life series AU idea
Scar bounded through a twisted, green forest with the silent thumping of paws, afraid that something could jump out of the trees and attack him at any moment. Or the trees themselves could jump out at him. Or something else entirely. What did he know?
It had felt like years since the Shadow Queen had sworn vengeance upon these lands, tearing apart their home with wicked plantlife and inflicting a terrible curse upon them that only spread and spread. Scar’s friend Mumbo had said that the trees that she grew were angry at them for some reason, and angry trees definitely didn’t sound very fun to deal with. But then the curse spread, and Mumbo left them. He could have been transformed into any number of terrible beasts. Maybe Mumbo was watching him right now, and could see what Scar himself had turned into.
Scar kept running through the forest.
Ba-bum bump ba-bum bump ba-bum bump.
Pant pant pant.
The feeling of wind in his face.
His padded, hidden claws bounding across the leafy forest floor.
Just keep running. Just clear your mind. Just need to find-
The sudden thought put a giant weight on Scar’s heart, like a rock, undoing all the numbness that his time alone in the forest had done. His running slowed to a trot, then to nothing at all. If he was able to cry in this body, he would have.
The heavy thought made him realize that had no idea where his original body was. He had no idea where any of his friends were, or even if they were okay. He simply hung all of his hopes on the premise that Grian had gone into this cursed forest to find Mumbo (or die trying), and had managed to survive. Without Grian, Scar would have never survived the curse for as long as he did. Surely Grian would do just fine out here on his own. Scar would do the best he could in this body, find Grian, and everything would be just fine! He was sure of it.
Scar yawned, his pointy teeth glimmering, and he fell asleep, the golden sunlight warming his fur.
Scar awoke to a strange, cackling-like sound that echoed through the woods ominously. Whatever had made it was definitely not happy, and it was getting closer and closer. Why had he fallen asleep? He had no idea how to defend himself against another creature!
He supposed that he had some advantages, of course. Scar had very sharp claws, was more agile than he had been when he was a human, and was large and bulky enough to shake off a hard hit. But he hadn’t gotten used to any of these abilities, and he had no idea whether the creature was a transformed human like he was, or just another animal.
He stood up, his fur standing on edge and his tail instinctively tucking beneath him. The strange-sounding creature was getting closer still. Scar backed up against a knotted tree, hissing and trying his best to sound intimidating. The critter emerged from out of the underbrush, and finally Scar got a good look at it. It was, for the most part, a normal-looking arctic fox with silvery-white fur, except for the fact that it had a thin slash through one of its eyes, which glowed an intimidating red. They also appeared to have more than one bushy tail that wagged dangerously behind them. Was it two tails? Ten? It was hard to say for sure.
The fox prowled around Scar, studying him with its cold, dark eyes. Scar took the hint and began to circle the fox in turn, bracing himself for a showdown. The two creatures circled each other for a while, and after what felt like ages, the fox pounced unexpectedly, pinning Scar to the ground with its thick, black claws.
“N-no!” Scar mewed, bracing for the fox to strike with its sharp canines. Fortunately, the fox never did. As soon as the fox heard Scar’s voice, it stopped, studying him with surprise.
“Uh… Scar?” The fox said in a voice that Scar recognized.
“Etho?” Scar responded, equally surprised. He had known the tall, light-haired man during what felt like ages ago, but that was before Etho had a tail (or ten, for that matter). But that didn’t make very much sense. Etho was strong! Scar thought that Etho would have surely survived against the curse.
“So, what are you doing out here?” Etho asked, his tails flicking in every direction. “Did the curse get to you as well?”
“…Yeah,” Scar answered, his ears flattening against his head.
He always felt that his cursing was his own fault. Grian had warned him not to go too far into the forest, and to just stay on the outskirts. But of course, Scar never listened. His cane got stuck on a knotted root and he tripped, was attacked by a cursed she-wolf, and had ended up where he was now.
“Sorry about attacking you,” Etho said, his ears lowering slightly. “You never know whether a cursed animal could be hostile or not, you know.”
Then a slow smile spread across his lips. “just out of curiosity… Did I make you jump?”
“Oh, definitely,” Scar laughed. “So… how have you been doing?” It was an awkward question. What else do you ask somebody who’s just attacked you and you haven’t seen in forever?
“Not terrible, actually,” Etho said to Scar’s surprise. “I have a nice place in the side of a mountain. I’m actually rooming with Cleo right now, since she was doing about as great as I am.” Etho flexed his claws, a sad expression passing across his face. “It’s pretty cold and dark most of the time, but at least I have some company.”
“Oh! Well, that sounds just great!” He said, but to tell the truth, Scar hadn’t expected any of that. He knew firsthand that Cleo and Etho had an interesting relationship, to say the least.
Etho then trotted away without another word, but Scar followed him intently.
“Where ‘ya going, Etho?” Scar asked, trying to get past Etho’s great mass of tails.
“Uhh, back to Cleo’s?” Etho said flatly.
“Well, I’m coming with you, aren’t I?” Scar said hopefully.
“You… want to move back in with us?” Scar had to admit it was a fair question. He had lived with Cleo, Bdubs, and Etho a while back, forming a sort of dysfunctional family, emphasis on dysfunctional.
“Aw, I wouldn’t call it so much as moving in. I’m kind of new to this whole thing, and I haven’t seen any of you in ages!”
Etho sighed. “Ok,” was all he said, but it was more than enough for Scar.
The large, gray cat bounded beside the strange fox with joy welling up in his chest. Scar didn’t have to be alone anymore. All that was left to do was to find Grian, and then all his problems would be sorted. Scar told this to himself the whole way there, until he knew in his heart that it was true.
What is Scar's symbol?
So, as you probably know, in the Life Series every victor is represented by a celestial body. The first three were pretty easy to pick: Grian was the sun, Scott was the stars, and Pearl was the moon. There's quite a bit of debate around Martyn, whether he's Mars or an asteroid or something else. And now we have Scar, who has quite a few different theories around him for what his thingy should be. I've seen Mercury, probably because he's closest to Grian (the sun), Earth, an eclipse because of his connection to Pearl and again Grian, and a couple others. I like Earth for the sake of balance and Scar's overall vibes, but I also like the theory of Pluto a lot because I feel for the lonely lil planet a lot. They got kicked out of the planet squad, all alone on the edge of the solar system with no friends, too big to be an asteroid but too small to be a planet anymore. Pluto would be the one to say, "How did the guy with no friends win?"
Needless to say, huge congrats to Scar for winning this wonderful lil season, regardless of what symbol people shall choose for him.
Sparrow's adventure truly begins!
Note: this is based on a fictional smp from the perspective of OwengeJuiceTV. This is all based on his ideas, not mine.
Everyone always said I was crazy. That a boy with such fantastical beliefs was not fit to be a pilot. But I always knew deep down that they were wrong. My ideas weren’t crazy: they had plenty of scientific evidence to back them up. But of course, they would never understand.
Oh. You’re probably wondering what I’m rambling on about. Let’s start back at the beginning:
My name is Sparrow, and for the past four months, I had been hopping from island to island on my rickety, homemade plane in a search for new life. The life in question? Mystical beings commonly known as hybrids: mysterious creatures that are part human, part–well–anything! I had read lots about them back at home, researching and making theories, but I’d never actually met one. So this was my only chance.
In my studies, I’ve discovered that in these lands, the possibility for these kinds of sudden changes is a trait that exists in everyone. So I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a tiny bit hopeful one of these creatures might help me unlock a part of myself I didn’t even know existed. Imagine, being able to possess the power to conjure up magic fireballs or to fly around! It almost sounds like a fantasy, but trust me. It’s real.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten to top off the redstone tanks before I had set off, and had been gliding off of inertia for the past 30 seconds. I just had to rely on my proficiency with a joystick, the terrain I would be landing on, and a bit of luck, hoping for the best.
I love whenever people draw Scar as a country boi. I mean, that hat!! That shirt!!! The lil spurs shaped like sunflowers!!!! <3

new skin new skin new skin
This is why I think Scott and Sparrow in New Life make such a great duo. They foil off each other really really nicely. Scott is a pretty OP but reasonably chill and competent guy, while Sparrow is a lil human that's super excited and intrigued by all this hybrid stuff, and it makes their interactions a delight.
I just absolutely love the difference between Owen's trip to the Nether and Scott's trip to the Nether. Like the pure difference in vibes despite them essentially doing the exact same thing. Between getting lost in the Nether and the wither skeleton snake things and the blaze burners, it's almost the same story except one of them is completely on edge the whole time and freaking out at every sound and the other finds everything to be a mild inconvenience at worst.