ASK BOX OPEN FOR REQUESTS he/they pronouns, @thek1ngtalks alt, cross-posted on Wattpad.
97 posts
Ghostie 💜
(They/them pronouns)
(400+ words)
Description: You wake up and try to find Wilbur. Along the way you stop the pub(e) from burning down. (Wilbur soot x reader)
Whether you take it platonic or romantic is up to you.
[Read more under the cut]
You roll yourself up into a ball. The light pink blankets pool around you, making the empty space more obvious. Wilbur always got up early, working on his pub. (You refused to call it pube.)
Your shulker shells float around you, making a quiet little whirrr noise. You stand up, stretching your arms over your head. The window curtains are still shut, they always need to be when you live with a phantom.
The floor isn't cold, thank goodness. You don't think you'd be mentally prepared to deal with cold and not just break into tears. You pull one of Wilbur's sweaters over your head and yes, it is a bit too big for you. It hangs around your mid-thigh, the yellow contrasting the light pink of your bunny pajama pants.
As you step outside, you frown at the sky. The sun isn't bright today, mostly hidden by the clouds and yet it's still so warm out here. You don't like it when it's warm, but it's better than the cold. You wanted cuddles no matter that.
You start climbing the ladder, not taking a glance back. Wilbur would probably be up here, talking with someone about one thing or another. He was such an avid talker, as much as he bullied Tommy for that.
In fact, those two were far similar than they like to admit. As you entered the pub, you were met with two devils.
"GOD CANT SAVE YOU NOW!" Tommy cackled, maniacally spreading his arms as a small fire ate away at the wood.
Sighing, you muttered griviences. "They're lucky I love them." You started putting out the fire as Tommy and Wilbur argued. When they turned back to the fire, it was just you placing blocks back and ignoring their squabble.
"Aww," Tommy pouted. "I wanted it all to burn down..."
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm so glad that I have someone on my side here."
You shook your head. "Tommy. We can go burn down someone else's house. Let Wilbur keep the pub."
Wilbur was about to argue before deciding it was the better of two evils. Tommy excitedly raced up to you, eagerly talking about everything you could burn down. Glancing back at Wilbur, you winked.
Wilbur mouthed a thank you and turned back to whatever he was doing in the first place. Your little ghostie better be grateful.
Oh well. You suppose arson was just as good as cuddles.
[This is short because I made it a while ago when I was busy. But it's something. If you want I might post an xDream in an hour, idc]
[-L0v3, k1ng]
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More Posts from K1ng0fn0b0dy
Phasmophobia ❤
He/Him Pronouns
1400+ Words
Description: You plays Phasmophobia for the first time with Scott, Wilbur, and Jack. Wilbur teaches you how to play and then something extra. (WilburxReader)
A/N: This was at the start of me writing so it's like the only one in third person.
[Rest of the story under the cut]
Y/N spins leisurely, waiting for their computer to boot up. They hadn't been ready to stream today but Scott DM'ed them a few minutes ago and Y/N couldn't say no to their favorite cousin.
Opening discord, they shot Scott a quick message and then pulled up twitch on their second monitor. Y/N smiled as chat spammed "hello y/n!" as the 1-minute timer slowly ticked down
"Hello everyone!" Y/N exclaimed happily, giving a quick wave to the camera. "Today we're going to be streaming Phasmophobia with Scott, Jack Manifold, and Wilbur Soot."
They couldn't help but giggle as their chat flew by with excited proclamations. As usual, their lovely fans started spamming "Y/N CLOUT" and "Y/N SUPREMACY" until it was all theycould see. Laughing, Y/N started reading out donos and thanking subs.
They were in the middle of thanking a 5 gifted sub when Scott made a private DM group and started a call. Quickly joining, Y/N and Scott started their usual greeting.
"Wilbur," A deep voice joined in. A startled laugh leaves them, making Scott and Wilbur join in.
"Ayup fellas." Jack Manifold startles Y/N again, his voice louder than either of their friend's voices. It's impossible to keep a straight face as they devolve into just the word "ayup".
When Y/N finally manages to load into the game, their characters face to face with Wilbur's. "Hello, Wil."
"Hello, Y/N," he says back, not moving. They keep stock still, looking straight into the camera like they assume Wilbur's doing. Actually, they pull up his stream on mute and barely manage to hide a grin when they realize he is. Taking a quick glance at his chat, Y/N can't help but giggle.
"I still prefer chadbur"
Wilbur breaks out into a giggle too, brushing his hair away from his eyes. It's odd being in proximity chat, but it's still funny to hear the distant noise of Scott and Jack arguing.
"Are you going to move?"
"Are you?"
Rolling their eyes, Y/N smiles as they move over to Jack, who's trying to throw the basketball at Scott. They devolve into "ayup" again as soon as Wilbur starts trying to talk to Scott.
Y/N shoots their webcam a quick grin and move towards the whiteboard where Scott's checking his items. With a totally innocent voice, they start bringing up last week's family party. (don't worry, covid doesn't exist in these au's unless I say so
"So, baby cousin, have you been drinking recently?”
"Oh no," he groans, instantly realizing his mistake in inviting Y/N.
"I mean, last week you were absolutely hammered and so I'm just worried." They coo, amping up their innocent tone until it sounds like they're speaking to a child. "Come on, sugar pea, tell your older cousin all your darkest secrets that I totally won't use for blackmail."
"Are you blackmailing Scott, Y/T/N?" Wilbur surprises you, his deep voice highly amused but also right next to you. They spin your avatar around, face to face, again, with Wilbur's.
They click their tongue, sighing dramatically. "I suppose I was trying to blackmail him until you came over, Wilbur Soot."
Glancing over at his stream, Y/N spots him grin mischievously at the camera. With a heavy voice, he utters four words that turn them bright red."Was I too distracting?"
"You're such a dick." They laugh.
"That's Scott's cousin you're flirting with," Jack Manifold cuts in with a mocking jeer. Y/N gratefully exit the situation and start setting up their items instead.
They can practically hear the mock annoyance in Scott's voice when they go back to bothering him. He loves Y/N though, despite the teasing.
Y/N realized after they arrived at the house that they've never played the game before.
"Scott," They start, putting their head in their hands. "How do you play?"
"Do you not know how?" Wilbur said incredulously. Jack was picking up stuff off the carts, crouching down by pressing buttons Y/N didn't know.
Y/N flushed, running a hand through their (h/l) hair. Chat both pities them and bullies them, exactly like they knew chat would. "Well, I've never played before."
"That's fine," Scott said, picking up his own gear and walking out of the van. "Wilbur can teach you. Right, Wil?"
Scott didn't hear because he was already making his way into the house.
Awkwardly, they started talking. "So-? Uh, how do you pick things up?"
"You press E," Wilbur chuckled. "G is to drop things. C is crouch, J is for Journal which you'll fill out with info on the ghost, flashlight should be T."
Nodding along, Y/N started picking up things from the shelf. "What do all these things do?"
"Some of them are obvious, like Thermometer. But others are easier to explain as we go. You should pick up a camera, crucifix, and flashlight. I'll take the EMF, a camera, and a spirit box."
Wilbur's explanations weren't too hard to follow. The two of you stuck together as they wandered the house. It was two stories with a basement and the darkness was only slightly terrifying.
"Victoria Gonzales," Wilbur called out. They were about to leave the room when their flashlights started flickering. Y/N's thermometer was picking up freezing temperatures even if the room seemed safe. Their flashlights were still flickering, so Wilbur and Y/N huddled into a corner together, silently waiting.
Quietly, Wilbur started whispering to Y/N. "We can probably leave the room, right?"
"Isn't it still hunting?" They whispered back. Wilbur rolled his eyes, "C'mon, don't you trust me?"
Silently, Y/N thought about it. They did.
"Fine."They sighed. "But if anything happens I will blame you.'"
Wilbur grinned, "Absolutely nothing will happen to you, dear."
Y/N grumbled as they silently followed after Wilbur's character, pink dust scattered across their face. The halls were dark, grey walls plain and boring but not any less terrifying.
And unlike what Wilbur said, Y/N died 30 seconds later. It was far too quick for them to register what was even happening before the demon's hand was clawing their face out and their body was flat on the ground.
Wilbur was next, the demon opening the doors to the closet they were hiding in and instantly killing him. They stalked away, leaving two corpses
"Wow, I never thought you'd be stupid enough to try and do this." Wilbur deflects instantly. Y/N sighs, sadly watching their corpse just lay there.
"Well, you're here with me, so that makes you stupid too."
Wilbur rolled his eyes, grinning softly. Y/N looks over, their eyes soft and shining. [Am I doing semi-realism in this now? Whatever, go with it]
Reaching out, Wilbur held their hand in his. It wasn't the smoothest, but the callouses were beautiful to him. He could die happy (if he wasn't already dead) just holding Y/N's hand.
"You did good," Wilbur murmered, closing the distance between them. Smiling, Y/N lifted their hands and caressed Wilburs cheek. It was gentle. Safe.
"So did you."
Pressing their foreheads together, Wilbur sighed softly. "You know, there's something I haven't taught you yet."
"That is?" Y/N grinned.
Wilbur closed the gap completely, pressing their lips together. It was quick and sweet, their noses bumped together but when Y/N tilted their head it all just fit. They chased one kiss after another, tasting the sweet mix of Wilbur's cherry gum and Y/N's bubblegum ring pop.
Wilbur leaned back, his hands placed on their waist tightly. "I guess that's one thing you don't need to learn."
They breathed heavily, still gazing into each other's eyes. Wilbur smiled and then the world flipped.
"I got it right, it was a demon," Scott bragged over Jack's defeated guess of a Wraith. Wilbur blinked and his chat was going crazy, full of the same thing.
"Shut up chat," Y/N said, Wilbur glanced up, grinning. Maybe his chat wasn't the only one being annoying
[Okay, guys. So I started writing this off of the second phasmophobia stream Wilbur had and halfway through he went live with another phasmophobia stream and it was the best and worst timing because I couldn't focus but also *Wilbur my beloved*]
[-L0v3, k1ng]
My name is k1ng and I go by he/they pronouns. I write DSMP x Reader stories.
I don't write nsfw so don't ask.
I don't check my notes often so if you want to talk and/or request anything DM me or put it in my inbox!
Requests Are Open.
Anons welcome.
LinkTree (w/ Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter, and Tumblr links)
[These are all posted on my wattpad too but there is currently some Tumblr specific content (which im working on moving to wattpad too)]
Alt. Account @thek1ngtalks
Donate in Technoblade's honour: https://www.curesarcoma.org/donate/

Baby Brother 💛
(TransMale Reader but it's technically not an important detail)
(He/They Pronouns)
(1000+ Words)
Description: You're bored so you randomly decide to visit your baby brother. How were you supposed to know George was streaming?
[Read the rest under the cut]
You were hanging upside down on the couch, scrolling through Tumblr. Today was a slow day. Nothing fun was happening, not even anywhere else.
Twitter was dry, Tumblr was the same as always, no one cool was on Snapchat, and so your boredom had you practically one foot in the grave.
Scratching under the edge of your binder, you spotted a brilliant piece of artwork that sparked an idea.
It was George, with those streamer friends of his, watching a movie and cuddling.
Oh, you were so ready to rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies. George was such a nerd about them too, so he'd probably be fine with you barging into his apartment with no warning as long as you brought food.
Grinning, you got up. It was a shaky start since your head was now pissed at your previous upside-downness. Picking up your keys, you picked up an old hoodie off the coat rack you barely use and started driving to Taco Bell.
Maybe you should've thought it through. That thought only hit you after you broke into your baby brother's home. (Was it really breaking into if you had a spare key?)
Or, more accurately, the thought came to you when you opened George's door and came face to face with a camera and computer that was showing, what you assumed, was tens of thousands of people your face.
"Oh shit," You backtracked instantly, shutting the door behind you. George was still staring in dumbfounded shock, his previous shrieks tampering out.
"I'll be right back." He rushed out of the room after double-checking he muted and shut his camera off.
"Y/N! What the hell!" George yelled. He wasn't angry, probably. Just concerned. (Or maybe both)
"I-I'm sorry!" You stammered. "I didn't know you were streaming. I-,"
George groaned, annoyed. "You should have called if you wanted to come over. Now everyone knows about you!"
"I know! I just-," You hesitated, frowning down at your shoes. "I wanted to spend time together. I didn't mean to interrupt or-, yeah... I'm sorry."
"I-, it's okay." George sighed. "I'm sorry too, it's just, the stans aren't always the nicest. They can get, weird. I don't want that happening to you."
"I don't want that happening to you either," You said. And wasn't that just the sweetest. Your baby brother wanted to protect you. You opened up your arms for a hug, which George happily gave.
You were taller than George, actually. By multiple inches. He was practically burrowed into your chest. It was painfully obvious when you two were hugging. You set your chin on his brown mop of hair.
"So," You started. "I had come over for Taco Bell and movie night but since I interrupted your stream, how about you go finish that. I can wait here."
George hummed, frowning when you tried to pull away. Your baby brother's face twisted pathetically, guilt-tripping you with his puppy eyes. "Or you could come with me when I end it? They already saw you and I don't wanna let go."
Smiling, you held him for another few seconds before starting the awkward shuffle towards his room.
"Hello," You say into the mic, glancing over at the words flying by in all caps. "I'm Y/N."
"Chat, give me a second to get my camera back on." George said, briefly moving away to reveal you both to the stream. Withing seconds, your nervous face is smiling at the stream. "So this is Y/N! They're my older brother and if anyone says anything weird about him I will ban them from chat.
"Protective 'Gogy'?" You laugh, reading out chat. "What the hell is a 'Gogy'?"
George flushes, swatting the back of your head.
"Anyways," George smiled innocently, still leaning on you fully. "We should probably unmute and undeafen on Discord, Dream and Sapnap will be worried."
"What the hell kinda name is Sapnap? Or Dream?" You laugh, teasing George, who rolls his eyes. "I didn't pick their names, Y/N"
"Okay, so-,"
"GEORGE!" Someone yells. "Where the hell were you?"
George sighed, giving you a pleading look. Grinning, you leaned closer to the mic.
"Hello, boys."
"What the hell?" Someone shrieked loudly. The previous guy seemed so startled that they knocked multiple glass bottles off their desk. "Who are you!?!"
"I'm Y/N," George settled next to you, resting his head against your shoulder. "And I'm George's kidnapper-, ow, sorry, I'm his brother."
"Oh,"The first voice says, embarrassed. "I'm Dream."
"And I'm Sapnap," The other confidently cut in. They both sounded so American. "You have a hot voice."
"Sapnap!" Dream laughed, an odd wheezing noise that you think you remember George telling you about. "That's his brother."
"And?" Sapnap defends himself, "Am I wrong?"
A pause. You can't help but laugh. George is just reading chat, picking apart the conversation as the public reacts. "Y/N, tell them we're leaving. I want to watch the fourth Harry Potter movie first."
"Of course, bubba," You smiled, ruffling his hair. "Alright fellas, while I'd love to stay and be flattered more, me and George are gonna go have a movie night."
"Oh, bye!" "Byeee!"
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" George grins up at you, holding the bag of Taco Bell in his lap. You just nod, chuckling as he splays onto his couch and watches you set everything up.
Maybe you spoil him too much...
"Y/N! Hurry up! I'm getting bored." Your baby brother pouted. Yeah, you definitely spoiled him too much. But then again, it wasn't like your parents were going to.
"Alright, alright," You sat down on the couch, instantly getting an armful of George. He was scrawny enough not to be too uncomfortable though.
As the movie started, you were glad that you came. At least now you have the discord of a hot Texan man and Taco bell, things couldn't have gone better.
[Hello, I am going to go burn a house down, go be gay and do crime!]
[-L0v3, k1ng]
Distance - Wilbur Soot x M!Reader

Hi, I'm writing an xreader story and decided to make little mood boards for it. Might remake Wilbur's (possibly y/n's too) though since I don't 100% like his.
I'm also planning on making a few more but what do you think? First time making mood boards so I hope they don't suck.