Dream Smp X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


My name is k1ng and I go by he/they pronouns. I write DSMP x Reader stories.


I don't write nsfw so don't ask.

I don't check my notes often so if you want to talk and/or request anything DM me or put it in my inbox!

Requests Are Open.

Anons welcome.



LinkTree (w/ Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter, and Tumblr links)


[These are all posted on my wattpad too but there is currently some Tumblr specific content (which im working on moving to wattpad too)]

Alt. Account @thek1ngtalks

Donate in Technoblade's honour: https://www.curesarcoma.org/donate/


Tags :
3 years ago

Phasmophobia ❤

He/Him Pronouns

1400+ Words

Description: You plays Phasmophobia for the first time with Scott, Wilbur, and Jack. Wilbur teaches you how to play and then something extra. (WilburxReader)

A/N: This was at the start of me writing so it's like the only one in third person.

[Rest of the story under the cut]

Y/N spins leisurely, waiting for their computer to boot up. They hadn't been ready to stream today but Scott DM'ed them a few minutes ago and Y/N couldn't say no to their favorite cousin.

Opening discord, they shot Scott a quick message and then pulled up twitch on their second monitor. Y/N smiled as chat spammed "hello y/n!" as the 1-minute timer slowly ticked down




"Hello everyone!" Y/N exclaimed happily, giving a quick wave to the camera. "Today we're going to be streaming Phasmophobia with Scott, Jack Manifold, and Wilbur Soot."

They couldn't help but giggle as their chat flew by with excited proclamations. As usual, their lovely fans started spamming "Y/N CLOUT" and "Y/N SUPREMACY" until it was all theycould see. Laughing, Y/N started reading out donos and thanking subs.

They were in the middle of thanking a 5 gifted sub when Scott made a private DM group and started a call. Quickly joining, Y/N and Scott started their usual greeting.







"Wilbur," A deep voice joined in. A startled laugh leaves them, making Scott and Wilbur join in.

"Ayup fellas." Jack Manifold startles Y/N again, his voice louder than either of their friend's voices. It's impossible to keep a straight face as they devolve into just the word "ayup".

When Y/N finally manages to load into the game, their characters face to face with Wilbur's. "Hello, Wil."

"Hello, Y/N," he says back, not moving. They keep stock still, looking straight into the camera like they assume Wilbur's doing. Actually, they pull up his stream on mute and barely manage to hide a grin when they realize he is. Taking a quick glance at his chat, Y/N can't help but giggle.




"I still prefer chadbur"

Wilbur breaks out into a giggle too, brushing his hair away from his eyes. It's odd being in proximity chat, but it's still funny to hear the distant noise of Scott and Jack arguing.

"Are you going to move?"

"Are you?"

Rolling their eyes, Y/N smiles as they move over to Jack, who's trying to throw the basketball at Scott. They devolve into "ayup" again as soon as Wilbur starts trying to talk to Scott.

Y/N shoots their webcam a quick grin and move towards the whiteboard where Scott's checking his items. With a totally innocent voice, they start bringing up last week's family party. (don't worry, covid doesn't exist in these au's unless I say so

"So, baby cousin, have you been drinking recently?”

"Oh no," he groans, instantly realizing his mistake in inviting Y/N.

"I mean, last week you were absolutely hammered and so I'm just worried." They coo, amping up their innocent tone until it sounds like they're speaking to a child. "Come on, sugar pea, tell your older cousin all your darkest secrets that I totally won't use for blackmail."

"Are you blackmailing Scott, Y/T/N?" Wilbur surprises you, his deep voice highly amused but also right next to you. They spin your avatar around, face to face, again, with Wilbur's.

They click their tongue, sighing dramatically. "I suppose I was trying to blackmail him until you came over, Wilbur Soot."

Glancing over at his stream, Y/N spots him grin mischievously at the camera. With a heavy voice, he utters four words that turn them bright red."Was I too distracting?"

"You're such a dick." They laugh.

"That's Scott's cousin you're flirting with," Jack Manifold cuts in with a mocking jeer. Y/N gratefully exit the situation and start setting up their items instead.

They can practically hear the mock annoyance in Scott's voice when they go back to bothering him. He loves Y/N though, despite the teasing.


Y/N realized after they arrived at the house that they've never played the game before.

"Scott," They start, putting their head in their hands. "How do you play?"

"Do you not know how?" Wilbur said incredulously. Jack was picking up stuff off the carts, crouching down by pressing buttons Y/N didn't know.

Y/N flushed, running a hand through their (h/l) hair. Chat both pities them and bullies them, exactly like they knew chat would. "Well, I've never played before."

"That's fine," Scott said, picking up his own gear and walking out of the van. "Wilbur can teach you. Right, Wil?"


Scott didn't hear because he was already making his way into the house.

Awkwardly, they started talking. "So-? Uh, how do you pick things up?"

"You press E," Wilbur chuckled. "G is to drop things. C is crouch, J is for Journal which you'll fill out with info on the ghost, flashlight should be T."

Nodding along, Y/N started picking up things from the shelf. "What do all these things do?"

"Some of them are obvious, like Thermometer. But others are easier to explain as we go. You should pick up a camera, crucifix, and flashlight. I'll take the EMF, a camera, and a spirit box."

Wilbur's explanations weren't too hard to follow. The two of you stuck together as they wandered the house. It was two stories with a basement and the darkness was only slightly terrifying.

"Victoria Gonzales," Wilbur called out. They were about to leave the room when their flashlights started flickering. Y/N's thermometer was picking up freezing temperatures even if the room seemed safe. Their flashlights were still flickering, so Wilbur and Y/N huddled into a corner together, silently waiting.

Quietly, Wilbur started whispering to Y/N. "We can probably leave the room, right?"

"Isn't it still hunting?" They whispered back. Wilbur rolled his eyes, "C'mon, don't you trust me?"

Silently, Y/N thought about it. They did.

"Fine."They sighed. "But if anything happens I will blame you.'"

Wilbur grinned, "Absolutely nothing will happen to you, dear."

Y/N grumbled as they silently followed after Wilbur's character, pink dust scattered across their face.  The halls were dark, grey walls plain and boring but not any less terrifying. 

And unlike what Wilbur said, Y/N died 30 seconds later. It was far too quick for them to register what was even happening before the demon's hand was clawing their face out and their body was flat on the ground. 

Wilbur was next, the demon opening the doors to the closet they were hiding in and instantly killing him. They stalked away, leaving two corpses

"Wow, I never thought you'd be stupid enough to try and do this." Wilbur deflects instantly. Y/N sighs, sadly watching their corpse just lay there.

"Well, you're here with me, so that makes you stupid too."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, grinning softly. Y/N looks over, their eyes soft and shining. [Am I doing semi-realism in this now? Whatever, go with it]

Reaching out, Wilbur held their hand in his. It wasn't the smoothest, but the callouses were beautiful to him. He could die happy (if he wasn't already dead) just holding Y/N's hand.

"You did good," Wilbur murmered, closing the distance between them. Smiling, Y/N lifted their hands and caressed Wilburs cheek. It was gentle. Safe.

"So did you."

Pressing their foreheads together, Wilbur sighed softly. "You know, there's something I haven't taught you yet."

"That is?" Y/N grinned.

Wilbur closed the gap completely, pressing their lips together. It was quick and sweet, their noses bumped together but when Y/N tilted their head it all just fit. They chased one kiss after another, tasting the sweet mix of Wilbur's cherry gum and Y/N's bubblegum ring pop.

Wilbur leaned back, his hands placed on their waist tightly. "I guess that's one thing you don't need to learn."

They breathed heavily, still gazing into each other's eyes. Wilbur smiled and then the world flipped.


"I got it right, it was a demon," Scott bragged over Jack's defeated guess of a Wraith. Wilbur blinked and his chat was going crazy, full of the same thing.





"Shut up chat," Y/N said, Wilbur glanced up, grinning. Maybe his chat wasn't the only one being annoying


[Okay, guys. So I started writing this off of the second phasmophobia stream Wilbur had and halfway through he went live with another phasmophobia stream and it was the best and worst timing because I couldn't focus but also *Wilbur my beloved*]

[-L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
3 years ago

The American And The Brit 💜

(They/them pronouns)

(800+ words)

Description: Wilbur has a love or host. Unexpectedly though, you are right by his side. His clingy, American, flatmate.

A/N: Whether you take this as platonic or romantic is up to you.

[Rest of the story under the cut]


Wilbur was being boring today. You wanted to spend the day together and play some horror games, you even offered to let him stream it. But no, he wanted to have a "Love or Host" and find himself someone to replace you.

Okay, maybe you were being dramatic.

"Wil!" You whined, holding onto his leg tightly. "Don't leave me."

"Americans are so annoying," Wilbur whispered under his breath. Sighing, he reached down to pull you off. "If you want, you can stay in the room."

"No." You stubbornly denied. It was getting harder to not let go, so you were starting to make your eyes teary. "You're not allowed to leave me."

Wilbur grumbled, trying not to look you in the eye. When he managed to pry your hand off his leg, you started sniffling.

"Okay fine!" Wilbur broke. "I still have to do it since I promised Austin, but you can be right next to me."

"But," You loudly sniff. "I want cuddles."

Wilbur accidentally looked you in the eyes, seeing your pitiful puppy eyes and cracking under the tears. "Fine. Fine..."

"Thank you," You grin happily, still attached to his legs. "I love you, bestie."

"Call me that again and I will just throw you in the wheelie bin."


"Wilbur! Wel-, uh hello other person? Wilbur who is this?"

"Austin, this is Y/N. They are my flatmate and they forced me to bring them to my Love or Host." Wilbur sighed. You rest your head on Wilbur's shoulder and relax, just watching as Austin awkwardly nod along. "They'll just be here and do nothing. They're very clingy."

You poked Wilbur in the stomach, pouting. "You're the clingy one."

"Well, I suppose it's not too big of a deal. As long as they're not problematic, it's fine."

"Y/N doesn't even have Twitter."

Austin laughed. Then, he opened up the call and the contestants started pouring in.

Idly, you closed your eyes and played with one of Wilburs hands. They let you, talking softly with Austin as they started explaining the show.

"Er, who is that?"

"Niki, this is Y/N. They wanted to be clingy today so I had to bring them with me."

You opened an eye, poking Wilbur in the cheek and turning to face the camera. "He is lying. Wilbur is lying to your face. He demanded I be here. For moral support. And also because he is deeply and totally in love with me."

The group started laughing, making you grin wirly at Wilbur. Your roommate flushed and pokes you back.

"They're American though?" The Irish one asked. Minx, if you recall correctly.

"I came here because Wilbur convinced me to and then I got accepted to a college. It was practically entrapment because I'm stuck here now."

"Oh, shut up." Wilbur pinched your cheek, making you pull away and whine. "You're such an annoying American."

You frowned comically. "And you're a depressed e-boy."

"Austin, Y/N is bullying me!" Wilbur started whining. You smiled and closed your eyes again. Resting your head against his chest, you fell asleep for a few moments.


"He's eating another fucking banana!"

Minx's loud yells made you groan as the group started cackling. You twisted until you were pressed even closer to Wilbur, trying to block out the noise.

"Oh," Wilbur whispered, pressing a hand to your back to help you fix yourself. He ran his fingers through the back of your hair, gently tracing random shapes. "Go back to sleep, it's okay."

"Hmm," You hummed. It was a weird limbo between awake and asleep. You could feel and hear everything, but the warm gooey feeling Wilbur made you feel kept you melted into a pile of sleepy goo.

"- so when you choose me and we go on a date-,"

"Mine," You mumbled, clutching tighter onto Wilbur. No one reacted, so you were probably too quiet about it. Louder, you said. "Mine."

"Y/N, shush." Wilbur patted your head. You shook your head sleepily, "No. Mine."

"That's actually adorable, Willington." Baffy comments, smiling at you. "I mean, yeah sure. You can have him."

Austin laughs. "Baffy? What the hell?"

"What?" She defends herself, "They're cute together."

"True." Another contestant agrees. "Are we just third wheeling right now?"

"Mhm," You mumbled softly. "My Wil." You let yourself relax again, blinking up at an exasperated Wilbur. With a dopey smile, you nuzzle your nose in his neck.

"I kinda don't want to win." Minx muttered. Niki blinked before nodding along.

"Is-, Y/N is somehow winning? And they're not even a contestant?" Austin said, thoroughly confused. You grin, sleepily blinking at the webcam.

"He's mine." You agree. Wilbur sighs and shakes his head. "I don't think I'm allowed to disagree." You pout when he stops running his hands through your hair. He barely lasts a second before he starts again.


"Wilbur, since I won can we go cuddle."

"I don't think I have much of a choice, Y/N... You're such an annoying American."

"I love you too, British boy."


[I haven't watched Wil's loh since it happened so the only people mentioned are people I only vaguely remember existing in it.]

[Either you're a clingy best friend or your a clingy person with a crush. The clingy isn't optional.]

[-L0v3, k1ng]


Tags :
3 years ago

Polus ❤

(He/him pronouns)

(1700+ words)

Description: You and your repair team arrive on Polus. While working on the ship, someone dies. There is an imposter on Polus. (Fundy x Reader)

[Read the rest under the cut]

Arriving on Polus was unnerving, to say the least. The cargo holding area opened to a deserted planet settlement that was thick with silence. Your job was to fix it up.

With 9 of you, it'd be quick. You would be on a ship back to your baby brother in all but blood, Sykkuno, before the week was over. Maybe even before Corpse did. Which was an impressive thought, a goal to aim for.

Corpse and his team held the record for quickest repair and evacuation. It was more than inspiring, if you were honest with yourself. It was badass too. You were so proud of Corpse, who was practically family with how close he and Sykkuno were.

Oh, Sykkuno had been so proud when he heard you'd gotten accepted on an off-planet mission. They'd even took the time to make your favourite cookies before you left. Speaking of which...

You sighed happily, the [topping] cookie was heavenly to your taste buds. After days of just special space food, which was just usually disgustingly dehydrated blobs labeled as "food".

Now that you were on a planet with an atmosphere that'd allow your stomach to handle solids, you were going to take full advantage of it.

"What's that?" Someone asked, peeking over your shoulder.

You squeaked, hunching into yourself uncomfortably to hide the box. Turning your head, you saw the fox hybrid who had introduced himself as Oliver Arechtenshire Smichalist Cumbucket and refused to say his real name.

"Oh," You laughed awkwardly, closing the lunch box with one finger. "It's nothing, Cumbucket."

"What?" They blinked, flushed. Then, it hit the fox like a train. "Oh! Pff, my name is Fundy."

Grinning, you nodded along. "Oh, sorry Cumbucket."

"Wha-? Stop!" They demanded, pretty pink dust scattered across his face. It's a shame he still had his helmet on, you thought.

"I'm Y/N." You happily ignored his embarrassed spluttering. "And it's a pleasure to meet you, Fundy."

"That's a pretty name," Fundy said before catching himself. "Pretty unique, I meant. It's a unique name."

Raising a brow, you nodded. He stepped back with an oddly shy air to him. For a man who told everyone his name was "Oliver Arechtenshire Smichalist Cumbucket" with not a hint of embarrassment, he certainly was easy to fluster.

You moved towards him, heading for the security cameras. You were only slightly hoping to spot someone tripping or something.

Fundy trailed behind, his warm brown eyes sharp as he searched for something. At the same time, you both spotted half of James laying in a bloody pile near vitals.

"Holy shit-!" You stumbled back, right into Fundy. They held onto you tightly, staring at the screen, stone-faced. They spoke solemnly. "We have to call a meeting."


"Was anyone with anyone?" Lyaria asked, looking around the room of, now, only 8 people.

"Me and Fundy were together the entire time," You offered, still leaning heavily into the fox. Fundy held you tightly, protectively curled around you as you stood around the table. "We got distracted and then-, we saw-,"

"We got onto cameras and James was dead." Fundy finished, he rubbed circles into your arm. His eyes met Lyaria and he practically growled.

"Anyone else?"

Sebastian spoke up for the first time, nervously glancing over the room. He met Fundy's eyes before they darted away and he cleared his throat. "I was with Drew in specimen."

"What?" Drew exclaimed, "I was no where near any special men. You're an imposter!"

"Yeah," Fundy spoke up. You had to shift over as the hybrid leaned forward. "I think you are."

"What?" Sebastian laughed nervously. "You're not serious? I saw you, Drew! I was right next to you! Why would you-?"

Lyaria cut him off, her cold blue eyes acessing him. "I believe you."

"Y-you do? Oh thank god!" Sebastian sighed. They whirled around on Drew immediately. "I think it's Drew!"

"Probably," Billiam said. "But we should throw him into space because he's poor, I don't really care about James."

"Sure." Karl agreed. And slowly, everyone came to agree. Drew simply nodded along, uncaring. Or maybe he was too stupid to realize he was going to die.

You frowned, it was a tough decision but everyone was making it so easily. Drew was going to die, whether you voted him or not.

The voting was anonymous, but it still showed exactly what you thought it would. Drew had been the only one to vote Sebastian, you had voted skip, and everyone else voted Drew.

You turned away, hiding your face into Fundy's chest. They wrapped their arms around you, pressing themselves close and laying their cheek on your head. All you could hear was the yelling as everyone forced Drew away, to his death.

Then, Fundy started humming softly.

It was something to focus on. A lifeline to your horrible day. Fundy's heart beat heavily in their chest, helping you just melt into the man's arms.

It was over. Drew was dead. James was killed. Things weren't going to be as easy as you had hoped.


Things were strange after those deaths. You and Fundy stuck together the entire time, navigating through empty, abandoned halls that were full of tense anticipation.

You had gotten half of your tasks done before the next murder. Fundy was ahead of you, waiting for specimen doors to open.

The lights had flickered at first, before everything went out completely. Your comms were still up tough, so you managed to make it to the wires next to the door and wait there for Fundy to find you or for lights to turn on.

Lyaria was dead.

Billiam's butler had found her.

"How many words sir?"

"Hm," The man considered. "11."

"I found her in, uh, Admin? I think someone vented. That's all." They said, fiddling with a bucket of milk. Billiam nodded.

"I was with Y/N. He and I were together the entire time." Fundy said, resting a hand on your shoulder. You nodded along, even if you hadn't seen Fundy the last few minutes.

"We were about to a go into specimen," You explained, picking at your fingers. Karl and Butler nodded along, but Billiam hummed curiously.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at you two. "You guys have been vouching for each other the entire time... I don't know if I trust you."

"They seem rather chummy," Karl noted. Their brown hair was pushed away and they looked into your eyes. You tilted your head and Karl fidgeted. They glanced up, over your shoulder and shuddered. "But I don't think it's Y/N."

Fundy's lips were pressed into a thin line as he tugged you closer to him. Relaxing back, you looked over everyone.

Only 6 of you. If there were 2 people killing like you guessed, they were dangerously close to winning their twisted game.

You should vote to be safe, that'd be the safest option but...

"I think we should skip."

With nothing to guess on, it was all you could do.


Things were dangerous. The lights were out, you lost Fundy, and everything was going wrong.

"Fundy?" You called out, peering cautiously into the dark space. The floor squeaked under your shoes, making your heart skip a beat as you slowly looked down.


You bit down a scream, stumbling back into doors that closed before you could leave. Suddenly someone stepped closer and you found yourself face to face with a bloody Fundy.

"Oh," You gasped, choking down a sob. Fundy saw you and instead of killing you instantly, his face broke. He looked just as dejected and horrified as you felt.

"You weren't suppose to see this." He said, sounding heartbroken. But he just... he killed someone. You shouldn't feel bad for a murderer.

"Fundy," Your voice cracked, (e/c) eyes peeking through the smallest gaps and just seeing more and more blood. "What did you do...?"

"Y/N," Fundy cried out instead, heart-broken. "I'm so sorry. You weren't supposed to-, to-!"

"You were supposed to be unaware and-, and weak," Fundy recited, like it was ingrained in his head. "We were supposed to kill them and-, kill everyone. It's our mission."

It broke your heart hearing Fundy practically sob. "Fundy, I-,"

You didn't know what to do, so you threw yourself into Fundy's arms. The man hiccuped, looping their arm around you and holding you so tightly.

"I'm sorry," Fundy whispered, but not to you. "I can't kill them all. I won't kill him."

"I love you," he said louder, this time to you. I'm sorry but I do."

Laughing stupidly, crying all the meanwhile, you burrowed yourself closer. You pressed yourself so much closer, until you could almost forget that Fundy was covered in blood. When you could forget that their louder than average heartbeats was because he was an alien and not just nervous.

Pulling back, you couldn't help but sob those words out too. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

You pressed your foreheads together, ignore the sickly feeling of blood sticking to your hands. Their hands trembled as he held yours tightly, leaning into the touch. Smearing blood on Fundy's cheek when you caressed it, you gave him a small nod.

"I won't say anything, Fundip. We'll both get out of this, okay?"

"Yeah," he shakily said, his eyes fluttering open. "I won't let anyone kill you. I'll kill everyone before they get to you."

Crying, you pressed a quick kiss to Fundy's lips. When you pulled away, he followed.


You lived, but at what cost?

Their deaths was all you could think of as Fundy held you, in the middle of a bloodbath. Everyone was dead, even Billiam, who looked stronger than your fox. They were the other murderer, but now they were dead...

You laughed weakly. You couldn't go back now. Sykkuno would be heart broken and Corpse would pull away again but you've already chosen.

You chose him when you shared your special cookies and when you joked together. You chose him when you were crying and kissing. It was you and him now.

Leaving Polus, a graveyard that was still only half-functional, you leaned against Fundy and you weeped.


[God, I love Fundy. Was this more for me than you? Maybe a bit. The next one should be a romantic Dream one, so that'll come out on Sunday(?)]

[-L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
3 years ago

Ghostie 💜

(They/them pronouns)

(400+ words)

Description: You wake up and try to find Wilbur. Along the way you stop the pub(e) from burning down. (Wilbur soot x reader)

Whether you take it platonic or romantic is up to you.

[Read more under the cut]


You roll yourself up into a ball. The light pink blankets pool around you, making the empty space more obvious. Wilbur always got up early, working on his pub. (You refused to call it pube.)

Your shulker shells float around you, making a quiet little whirrr noise. You stand up, stretching your arms over your head. The window curtains are still shut, they always need to be when you live with a phantom.

The floor isn't cold, thank goodness. You don't think you'd be mentally prepared to deal with cold and not just break into tears. You pull one of Wilbur's sweaters over your head and yes, it is a bit too big for you. It hangs around your mid-thigh, the yellow contrasting the light pink of your bunny pajama pants.

As you step outside, you frown at the sky. The sun isn't bright today, mostly hidden by the clouds and yet it's still so warm out here. You don't like it when it's warm, but it's better than the cold. You wanted cuddles no matter that.

You start climbing the ladder, not taking a glance back. Wilbur would probably be up here, talking with someone about one thing or another. He was such an avid talker, as much as he bullied Tommy for that.

In fact, those two were far similar than they like to admit. As you entered the pub, you were met with two devils.


"GOD CANT SAVE YOU NOW!" Tommy cackled, maniacally spreading his arms as a small fire ate away at the wood.

Sighing, you muttered griviences. "They're lucky I love them." You started putting out the fire as Tommy and Wilbur argued. When they turned back to the fire, it was just you placing blocks back and ignoring their squabble.

"Aww," Tommy pouted. "I wanted it all to burn down..."

"Thank you, Y/N. I'm so glad that I have someone on my side here."

You shook your head. "Tommy. We can go burn down someone else's house. Let Wilbur keep the pub."

Wilbur was about to argue before deciding it was the better of two evils. Tommy excitedly raced up to you, eagerly talking about everything you could burn down. Glancing back at Wilbur, you winked.

Wilbur mouthed a thank you and turned back to whatever he was doing in the first place. Your little ghostie better be grateful.

Oh well. You suppose arson was just as good as cuddles.


[This is short because I made it a while ago when I was busy. But it's something. If you want I might post an xDream in an hour, idc]

[-L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
3 years ago

Distance - Wilbur Soot x M!Reader

Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader
Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader
Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader
Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader

Hi, I'm writing an xreader story and decided to make little mood boards for it. Might remake Wilbur's (possibly y/n's too) though since I don't 100% like his.

I'm also planning on making a few more but what do you think? First time making mood boards so I hope they don't suck.

Tags :
3 years ago

Perfect Family ❤

(They/Them Pronouns)

(Realistic dsmp)

(1000+ Words)

Description: You start missing your fiance, Dream, so you pack up and start travelling to his SMP. You and Milo, your cat, meet him and a few extra people on a wooden path.

[Read the rest under the cut]


"Hey," Dream grinned at you, beautiful green eyes staring down at your face. They dragged down, lower, smirking at the marks he left on you.

"Hey," You laughed, wrapping a leg around his waist and tugging him down. Dream fell on you, crushing you into an odd sort of hug.

He pressed a kiss to your cheek, relaxing with a soft breath.

It was nice, to just be there with Dream. Managing his world left him little time to do anything with you.

"I wish you were home like this more often," You sigh, cradling your green-clad lover in your arms. He caressed your cheek, gently tracing a small scar. He whispers, "So do I."

But that conversation ended there like it had every other time you had it. Two sentences in and a broken heart.


Dream had hardly been home the last few weeks. Busy with the ever chaotic SMP he ran. There were houses to build, people to keep in check. Your fiance had more important things to do, apparently.

So, you found a cat. A beautiful calico cat. Admittedly, it was more like the cat found you.

Wandering through the forest, bounding straight for you. It circled your legs a few times, almost tripping you before they mewed happily. Ever since Milo has been with you.

And Milo has been amazing. So sweet and gentle. Offering cuddles almost constantly. But you still miss Dream.

Which is why you now have to deal with Milo attempting to hide in your backpack, the one thing you're taking with you to find Dream.

"Milo, no." You warn, picking him up and setting him on the floor again. Milo mewls sadly and curls around your feet. You didn't have enough space in your backpack to carry him and it likely wouldn't be comfortable either.

But maybe...?

Frowning at your own weak will, you pick up Milo and set him on top of your things. Definitely not comfortable... maybe you would just carry him.

Milo meowed happily though and so you let him be for now

That cat had you wrapped around his paws, you swear.


It took forever to get to where everything happened. Dream had been so paranoid that he made you two live ten thousand blocks away. Countless mountains and rivers, long stretches of plains, and snowy hills that went on for miles.

You crossed it all.

And in the end, you found him. Your beautiful, loving fiance, walking down an old, slightly broken wood path.

"Dream!" You called out, rushing over. Colliding into the green man, you almost knocked him to the ground.

"Y/N?" Dream laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist. Softly, he thumbed a finger over your shirt. "What are you doing here?"

Grinning, you pulled the mask away. You got on the tips of your toes and kissed him. It wasn't an answer, but you've gone so long without him that you deserved some kisses.

When you pulled away, you rested your head on his shoulder. "I-, uh, I missed you."

"Oh," Dream's face was soft when he pulled away. Gently, he muttered back. "I missed you too."

Giggling, you pulled him down for another kiss. It was softer than your other kiss, sweeter. You leaned closer, not wanting to stop.

Dream pressed a hand to your back, deepening the kiss. You both missed this, it seems.

"What the hell?" Someone shouted, shrill and horrified.

Pulling away, your eyes met a young teenager who stumbled back into an older man. The dyed blonde next to them shifted uncomfortably when you looked at them.

"Tommy," Dream said, emotionless. Your brows furrowed and you pulled away from Dreams arms. "What are you doing here?"

"We were heading to Tommy's embassy and then we caught you smooching with some random stranger," The older man said, eyeing you curiously. It was unnerving. Like they were trying to disect exactly what you meant to Dream. "Who are you?"

"I'm Y/N. His fiance." You said. Glancing between Dream and the group of odd people. "Who are you?"

"They're nuisances," Dream gripped his diamond sword tightly. "And they shouldn't even be stepping foot on this side of the SMP."

"Dream," You grabbed the arm holding the weapon, gently lowering it. "They're not violent. You're picking a fight for no reason."

Dream looked at you, his eyes softening up. Glancing back at the men, who were watching you warily. Almost as if you were silly for attempting to calm your fiance. Your fiance sighed, gently brushing away hair from your eyes.

He pulled away quickly, focusing back on the group. "Wilbur, you're lucky that Y/N is here. I'll let you go today."

The British man nodded, pushing Tommy forward and sparing the other a quick look. They passed by quickly, but they looked at you like you had stopped the apocalypse.

"Thank you," You softly told Dream, picking up his hand and pressing a quick kiss to the palm.

Dream sighed, more tired than they had been earlier. "I'm sorry I got so worked up. Those people are just-, they've been causing problems in the SMP."

"It's okay. Just don't go picking fights when I'm here. I don't like seeing you get hurt."

Dream smiled at you, gently placing a kiss on your forehead. Before you could pull him down for a real kiss, Milo meowed.

"What was-?"

"Oh!" You exclaimed. Pulling away, you took your backpack off quickly and gently set it on the ground. Milo jumped out, circling your legs before going up to Dream. "This is Milo."

Milo meowed at Dream. Dream blinked before he sighed. Kneeling down, Dream gently reached out a hand. Slowly, Milo pressed his head into their palm.

"Aww," You cooed, kneeling down beside Dream. It was wonderful that you got to be here with him. You loved seeing the way his eyes glittered with gold in the sunlight and the pretty way his freckles popped out when he blushed.

Milo curled between the two of you. It was your own perfect family.


[Dark undertones? In my fanfiction? Never.]

[Milo is best boi btw. Also, this was supposed to be way more angsty. Like, reader sees Dream beating up Tommy in Exile and dumps his ass angst.]

[Next one is a Fundy one and then another Dream post.]

[-L0v3, k1ng]

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3 years ago

Bloody Lovers ❤

(1100+ words)

(They/Them Pronouns)

Description: You run a very illegal business. An up and coming rookie hero names "Kitsune" is messing things up though. You're interested in him, so you leave for your very own look at them. (FundyxReader)

(Warning: Very dubious consent relationship, Stockholm Syndrome, and kidnapping. The relationship in this is unhealthy.)

[Read the rest under the cut]


You scan the report, taking in every place where your workers got interrupted. There were quite a few disruptions, which you'd have to take up with them. You couldn't allow them to keep repeating mistakes with such high profile work at risk.

Of course, you do realize a few of them were uncontrollable on their part. A new hero, a skilled rookie as far as your quick search could find, going by the name "Kitsune" was to blame.

A suitable name, you muse. What, with their foxy features. And of course, the ears and tails that you assumed were apart of their powers also helped the name. The hero had been relentless and ruthless.

So unlike a hero.

It was altogether intriguing. A hero unafraid to get their hands, or paws in their case, dirty. You smiled, thoroughly amused. This hero, an apprentice to Willow themselves, was just as interesting as you had hoped.

Maybe it was time to get out on the streets again. It has been so long since you've wondered from your luxurious throne but perhaps this could be worth it.

You laughed, staring down at the paperwork with a confident smile. You can't wait to get Kitsune's blood on your hands.


They screamed beneath you, the terrified glint in their eyes feeding your bloodlust. A wayward mugger had chosen you as their next victim. Helpless and unaware of their oncoming demise. You laughed wildly, dragging a knife down their arm.

You could rip them apart, limb by limb now if you pleased. But where was the fun in that? Why would you end it there when things could get even more fun.

If your mother was here, she'd scold you for playing with your food. But she wasn't, and so you licked the blood of the knife as they trembled on the ground. Hm, it was a sickly sort. They were probably the type of person with a weak immune system. The disease flowing through their blood, a transmitted type, wasn't helping the sour taste.

"How sad," You mock sighed, like a disappointed parent. "You just had to be a bad apple, didn't you? Who knows, maybe if you had a better taste I would've let you live." They sobbed, begging on choked words.

You know that would never happen, but they didn't. You grinned and they screamed again as you stabbed them between a rib, cutting through their lung. You pulled the knife out and they seemed to choke on their own blood.

Standing, you wiped the blood off on their pants. The hero hadn't shown, and the shouting had been quite loud. Kitsune likely wasn't on duty.

Turning around, you came face to face with a shell-shocked bystander. They looked sick, their face a pretty pale sheet as they backed up. Before they could run, your rinkaku shot out as quick as lighting and wrapped around them. They struggled, and stronger than they looked but you were even stronger.

Smiling coldly down at them, you looked them over. "Why hello there. What is a pretty little thing like you doing here?"

What? They were unfairly pretty. A nice dark shade of red, with a pretty white streak through their hair and wide-eyed dark brown eyes. And maybe the terror in their eyes didn't help, but the rest of them was still pretty.

Maybe you could have another meal to make up for the last one being lacklustre. Grinning, you gave them a seconds warning. "Any complaints on being eaten?" Before cutting a thin slice on their cheek with your knife. They blanched, opening their mouth with a silent struggle.

You shushed them. Licking the blood off the knife, you were overwhelmed with one of the best-tasting blood you've had in a while. You practically moaned, greedily taking it away. They seemed thoroughly disturbed by your reaction, which was fair enough.

And unlike the other meal you had, you almost wanted to keep this one.

"Hm," You considered, gently grabbing their chin. They froze as you turned their face side to side. "I don't see why not. I'll keep you."

"Wha-What?" They spoke their first words to you, a shiny new voice that fits their pretty face. "Let me go! No-! Stop!"

"Hm, no." You said, pressing your knife to their neck. They froze, staring into your eyes with a worryingly calmer look. Certainly, they were interesting. In fact, they reminded you of someone. "Don't worry, you won't die yet."

It didn't seem to relax them, but they were certainly more complacent with the knife at their neck.


Your newest pet project had taken a while, Kitsune certainly knew how to put up a fight. But you were stronger, both mentally and physically. And now here he was, putty in your hands.

To think you had found him so easily. And that he had such beautifully delicious blood. Truly, your luck was legendary.

"Fundy, darling," You call, beckoning him from his bedroom. He hurries over, almost tripping over himself to get to you. It was an amusing sight when barely a month ago he would be fighting you every chance he had.

You press a hand to his cheek, which he leans into heavily. Fundy places his hand over yours, staring up at you with an adoring look. Tiny cuts littered his body like freckles, but they all showed one thing. That he was yours. These marks showed that. And they'd never leave.

You smile, letting go of him. Quickly, he pulls up a chair and sits close. Fundy practically has your arm in his grasp, leaving you with only your left to do your work. It's slightly annoying but you'd rather have him here with you, stupidly in love in your arms than have him fighting against you.

You'd hate to have to kill him. It'd be an easy decision to make if you had to, but you would still dislike the idea of losing such a great find.

Although with how deeply he's fallen, it's unlikely you'd ever have to risk that. Fundy was so good for you, falling deeper into the rabbit hole with every touch you let linger. So good, in fact, you might start testing that love.

Release him. See if he comes back.

It's a tad bit risky but you know that despite his love for you, he misses his friends. If you let him go back with them for a few hours, you could test his loyalty. It would be so easy to get one of your teleporting workers to fetch him if he decided to stay.

Yes. You would. Picking a knife off the table, you turned to Fundy. With a pleased smile, Fundy gave you his arm. But you wouldn't need that when he was so easy to give. To love. You smiled back.


[Next post is a Dream post and then I shall disappear for a year /j.]

[L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
3 years ago
Remade 2 Of Them. And Then I Made Fundy's! Time To Do More Work On The Actual Writing More Sadge
Remade 2 Of Them. And Then I Made Fundy's! Time To Do More Work On The Actual Writing More Sadge
Remade 2 Of Them. And Then I Made Fundy's! Time To Do More Work On The Actual Writing More Sadge

Remade 2 of them. And then I made Fundy's! Time to do more work on the actual writing more sadge

Distance - Wilbur Soot x M!Reader

Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader
Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader
Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader
Distance - Wilbur Soot X M!Reader

Hi, I'm writing an xreader story and decided to make little mood boards for it. Might remake Wilbur's (possibly y/n's too) though since I don't 100% like his.

I'm also planning on making a few more but what do you think? First time making mood boards so I hope they don't suck.

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3 years ago

Serial Lover ❤

(Any really, gender isn't specified)

(800+ words)


You have enough work to deal with. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second someone dies. It's a tiring job having to deal with the amount of death in the world.

And of course, having someone fall in love with you makes it even worse after they get it in their head that the only way to see you is murder.

"What do you want this time?" It's so irritating, every drop of blood they shed was just more work for you. The bloody figure leapt up instantly, their masked face splitting into a wide grin.

"I've missed you," He softly chuckles, ignoring the tone. The almost dead body at their feet trembles, hazy eyes begging you for help.

You take their soul with a flick of your hand. It's the only mercy you can provide. "You're so irritating, Dream."

He pulls off his mask, setting it to the side and stepping over the dead body. "You love me though." Dream giggles when you sigh.

"I'd love you if you stopped giving me work," You grumbled, trying to mentally account for how many more people you'd have to visit in the next minute. America wasn't your jurisdiction alone, but you did a majority of the work since the rest of the reapers still had family alive. "Now can we get this over with?"

Dream pouts, looking in your eyes with a pitifully sad frown. "But you just got here." They kick their feet like a child, stubbornly getting closer to you.

Sighing, you already know he won't let you go without a fight. It's happened before and you'd rather not go through it again.

"You can come with as long as you don't ruin anything."

Dream nods enthusiastically. He latches onto your arm and you roll your eyes. With a quick flick of your hand, you both are gone.


"Oh wow," Dream stares at everything with a thinly veiled excitement. Your office is nothing special, but he seems fascinated by it all. "It looks so homey."

You shrug. You did stay there most days, so it made sense to keep most of your personal belongings there as well. It seems your mortal companion was awestruck by it.

Dream turns to you again, a cheeky grin on his lips. "You should bring me here more often."

Rolling your eyes, you gesture to a seat beside your desk. He sat swiftly, giving you a sickly sweet smile. Sighing, you sat down at your desk. Instantly he shuffled his seat closer until he was practically leaning all his weight onto you.

As you started writing, Dream deeply inhaled. He pressed even closer, nuzzling his nose in the crook of your neck. Very quickly, he was sat in your lap.

It wasn't even five minutes until he started peppering tiny kisses to your neck. It was mildly irritating, as it did distract you from your paperwork. "Can you stop?"

"No," He chuckled and continued with his gentle kisses. Honestly, you were just going to ignore it until you got your paperwork done. Then, you'd bring him back to the mortal realm and everything would go back to normal.

Until he started killing again.

Sighing, you toyed with the idea of keeping him. A few other personifications of Death had ended up taking up mortals. Whether as children or friends and even occasionally lovers. It wouldn't be impossible to keep him with you to lower your workload.

Dream pressed another kiss, to your jaw this time. "Stop thinking so hard," he soothed. "You'll get frown lines with how much you're thinking."

You straightened your posture, fixing your face back to a neutral impasse look. Dream giggled, tilting his head back to get a better look at you. Yes. You suppose it would probably be easier to just keep him.

Looking down at him, you lifted a hand and cradled his face. Dream eagerly leaned into it, a soft smile lifting his features. The relatively smooth, slightly tan skin and pretty blue-green eyes. He was unfairly attractive by mortal standards.

"Hmm..." You traced a finger along his cheekbone, watching as the mortal shivered delightfully. The blood that speckled his face was an inconvenience, you had always been finicky about that stuff, but you could make him a mortal fit for a god. "Yes, you will do..."

They peeked through an eye at you, hopeful and slightly crazed. It almost made you laugh, mortals were so strange. Taking pity, you give him what he desires. A simple kiss. Truly, mortals are such simple creatures.

His lips are chapped, but they taste faintly like cherries. You find that you quite like cherries. You don't want to pull away for a second, but you do anyway.

The mortal sighed dreamily, staring up at you with a lovestruck expression. You smile down at him. He was such a pretty problem.


[I am just now realizing how little xMreader or xNBreader content there is on Tumblr. Sadge, honestly. I'm trying to catch up the Tumblr with Wattpad so that there's more content. Tumblr deserves more content.}

[L0v3, K1ng]

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