Wilbur Soot X You - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Spooky - Ghostbur x Ghost!Reader


This is very short unfortunately bc I have like no motivation but happy halloween :D

Theme: fluffy ghost antics :D

Warnings: none, I think. If I miss anything, let me know!

Characters: Ghostbur, ghost!Y/N

Being a ghost wasn’t all bad. Halloween on the server was the perfect time to scare people, and Y/N and Ghostbur were quite good at it. To the point where most people would warn others to beware of the duo.

This Halloween, the two ghosts had dressed Friend up with a sheet that had two holes poorly cut into for eyes and a sharpie-mouth smile underneath. They were leading Friend around, moving things from chest to chest, hiding people’s belongings. Of course, this wasn’t their best work, they were just warming up. The entire day was spent messing around with people, playing around with Friend, and once it started to get darker they started to actually scare people. Some people were easy to scare, such as Niki or Ranboo, while others were very tough to scare but eventually they found a weakness, like Sam or Phil. Although, with Sam, they just needed a cat for him to be running the other way. They’d forgotten how creepers were with cats.

After a successful day of scaring and pranking, the two and their blue companion laid down, exhausted, underneath a big tree. 

“I think we scared more people than the year prior,” Ghostbur said happily, petting Friend lightly after taking the sheet off. “I’m really glad we got to do this, Y/N.” 

The other smiled and nodded. “Yeah! It’s really fun to hang out with you, Ghostbur. You’re like my best friend.”

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3 years ago

Dream SMP Reacting to a Witch!Hybrid

Pronouns: they/them

Includes: Dream, Quackity, Wilbur, qnd Tommy (PLATONIC)

Warnings: Meantion of drugs, swearing

A/N: This is based off of the canon characters and is set in the time of the Pogtopia/Manburg war!!! I might write a second part if this goes well. Also, this is the first thing I have written for this fandom, so I hope I get the character personalities correct. This is not beta read, so please don't attack me on my poor grammar skills. 😅

I hope you all enjoy!!! 💙

Dream SMP Reacting To A Witch!Hybrid


He was mining when he first met you

Dream heard a malicious cackle on the dark side of the cave and slowly drew his sword

He decided to charge towards the strange noise and was quickly met with an invisible body under him

He furrowed his brows and felt the body shuffle out from under him


"... excuse me?"

After a moment, Y/N's potion has worn off


Dream chuckled and put away his sword, deciding the person in front of him wasn't a threat

After Y/n calmed down, the two had a talk, explaining the situation

Turns out, you had thought of a joke while mining for redstone (hence the laughter)

"So where is your hat and huge nose? You are really attractive for a witch."

"Luckily, I got my attributes from my father. What was that last part?."

"Wait, what about your hat?"

"I haven't done laundry in a few days.... hold up did you just say I was attractive?"

Ever since then Dream has had you by his side partly because he is a little clingy creating potions for him and the rest of the dream team

"How do you feel about cursing children?"

"I'm not that kind of witch, Dream."

"But what if he was being a little blonde bitch?"


Loves bringing you stuff to use for your projects

Need blaze rods for a new brewing stand? Done.

Need lapis lazuli so you have a chance for better communication? Done.

Anything you want? Done.

He will literally go to the nether for a few hours and come back with his arms full of whatever you need

And if you don't need anything or just need to take a break, he'll spend the day taking you anywhere that he think you would be happiest

He has you make him a lot of potions, bragging to everyone on the server how much better at creating potions you are

"Y/n's potions last longer, are more effective, prettier-"

"Are you sure? I think-"

"Tell me what you think, I fuckin dare you >:( ."

Overall, he is your #1 supporter


The day had been long, dealing with Schlatt definitely tires a guy out after 5 minutes

On his walk on the outskirts of the Manburg wall, he spotted a suspicious row of blaze powder leading to the woods

Dawning his armor and a sword, he followed the trail to a small hut

He could see the outline of someone in the hut nervously pacing around

Deciding what he thought was the best possible option, he knocked on the door of the hut

There was immediately the sound of glass bottles falling on the floor and muffled words

Soon, the door swung open to reveal a disheveled being with a nervous grin

And Quackity went from tough to awkward

"C-Can I help you with something?"

"Uh, do you waNT SOME DRUGS?"

"ExCuSe Me?!"

Everything was going to shit

After a moment of awkward staring, a glass bottle tumbled off the brewing stand

Upon focusing on what was going on behind the two people trying and failing to act normal, they both saw that every brewing stand was on fire



Finally putting the fire out together, the two looked at their now soot stained clothes

The witch hybrid ran a hand through their hair and sighed

"Well this is completely ruined."

Quackity frowned a little hesitant to offer his help

"If you need to you could borrow some brewing stands-"

"Really? *-* "

On the walk back to Manburg, you explained who you were

Quackity was still a little confused

"Wait but what potion were you even brewing?"

"Fire resistance."

He immediately burst out laughing, which ended up with you slapping his arm repeatedly

Eventually, you two became the definition of the "friends to lovers" trope

You often helped him de-stress after stressful days in office with Schlatt

He'd try whatever you recommended

"I'd suggest putting quartz on your nightstand."


Later that night, you forgot something at his house

Once you walked into his house, you could see stacks of quartz next to his bed.

He really trusted any advice you could give him

And on days where people would criticize you for being part witch?

Big Q will attack anyone

Even if he knows he will lose

And at random parts of the day he'll just tell you oddly inspirational thoughts

"You are a bad bitch, dare I say a bad witch. Own that shit."

"That is oddly motivational, thank you. :) "


The former president was strolling along the side of a river, trying to form a coherent plan of action

Upon noticing a person trudging out of the water fumbling with glass bottles, Wilbur jogged over to them and put a careful hand on their shoulder

"Are you okay?"

The person moved the soggy hat out of their face and smiled

"Yeah, I just fell in the water while trying to fill up some of the bottles, but thanks for checking on me!"

He hummed in response, wondering why he was already so interested in the being before him

"Well I should probably get going, but thank you!"

"Wait! What's you name?"

"It's Y/n, and you are..?"

"Wilbur Soot, it was an honor meeting you, Y/n."

This man spent the rest of the night thinking about you and who the hell you were

He didn't know much about the mysterious person, but he did know that they were one of the most alluring people he had met in a long time

It was weeks since he saw you, Wilbur nearly gave up searching

That was until you walked into him on a rainy day

The brunette immediately went in defensive position and pulled the stranger to his chest, despite the dampened clothes

"Um, Mr. Soot?"

He looked down to see you and his face lit up

"Y/n! It's a pleasure to see you again."

He took a small step back and kissed your hand

No one can convince me that Wilbur "Gentleman" Soot does not flirt by giving hand kisses

The two went into Pogtopia and Wilbur almost immediately wrapped his coat around you

"What were you doing out there? The rain is coming down so hard you must not have been able to see well."

"I was going to ask if I could borrow a few golden carrots for a potion I'm making."

Wilbur nodded and walked towards the stared and whisper shouted down




The boy at the bottom of the stairs grumbled and the tall man sat next to you once more

After a few minutes of Wilbur fawning over everything you did, a blonde male walked up the steps and glared at Wilbur as he handed you the carrots


Wilbur dramatically gasped as you chuckled next to him

You eventually started coming over to Pogtopia practically every day

Most of the time it was to see Wilbur, but the rest of your time was spent creating potions for the war

As the nation grew, you were brought out of your shell more with Wilbur introducing you to everyone

He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable in a new place

You often walked along the same riverbank where you met

You have definitely pushed each other off a few times

He keeps small things that you enjoy on him at all times

He keeps a tiny bottle of sand from the river you met at, a piece of your old robe, and so much more in his pockets

Whenever he feels like he's in a dark place or justneeds to ground himself he takes out one of the items and just holds it close.

Mans is so in love


He met you in the nether while you were farming netherwart

The blonde was thrilled to find a new fortress and decided to raid it before reinforcements came

Seeing a sleeping figure next to a bed of sould sand, he took a few congident steps forward

Once close enough, he poked you with the stick

"You good?"

"I was good when I was asleep."


After arguing for what felt like hours, you both stormed off to find both exits being blocked by wither skeletons

Tommy had gotten beaten up pretty bad after the fight so you took him back to your hut to get all patched up

"I didn't even need your help. I'm tougher than I look."

"You legitimately passed out twice on the way here."


After a few hours of healing and a ton of laighter, you two became the most chaotic duo in the smp

This british raccoon child would often steal small potions to pull pranks

But unless they were really important and you needed them back, you'd always join in on the pranks

He tried to get you to make a potion using the 'Tubbo Bath Water' one time

It did not end well

At the point in your friendship where you revealed you were a hybrid, Tommy was so confused

"That makes no sense, witches are still humans, right?"


"So how does that make you a hybrid?"


"Listen here you little shit-"

He likes to show you off to anyone that can listen

"You think you're special? HA! I have a best friend that is part witch and they will kick your ass. >:)"

He is really interested in everything you do but will never ask

But if you tell him about what you're doing unprovoked?

Tommy would get so happy

He is so excited to learn what you have to teach and would be one of the best friends ever

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3 years ago


Pairing: L'Manburg!Wilbur x Reader

Pronouns: They/them

Summary: Wilbur comes home to his favorite person after a particularly stressful day.

Warnings: Soft angst but some fluff

A/N: I love greek mythology and this idea popped into my head so here is a drabble about our favorite softboy!


Wilbur sat at his desk in L'Manburg, staring at the clock. He had been waiting for the day to all be over for hours. The day had been filled with stress and problem after problem.

The only thought keeping him sane was knowing he'd be in your arms.

Serenity was rare for him these days, and you gave him that luxury. Although it's cliche, it felt like his grievances dispel the second he feels your touch. You were the bright light at the end of the tunnel, always there and welcoming his embrace.

The moment he walked through the door of your shared house, he was greeted by the the siren's voice, gladly willing to give into their sweet song. "Hey, Will! It's really late, are you okay?"

And despite his exhaustion he smiled and pulled his lover close, "I will be, Y/n..."

You both laid on the couch, simply holding each other close. Wilbur's head was on your chest, intently listening to the sound of your heartbeat as if it was his lifeline, while Y/n laid a comforting hand on his back.

After several minutes of near silence, the brunette spoke up. "I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. If I make a misstep I'll ruin everything we've worked so hard for. I can't lose that, I can't lose you."

Y/n could see the tears threatening to spill from his eyes and felt his breath shake when she cupped his face. Wilbur leaned into her touch, the affectionate act almost overwhelming.

"Let me be your Atlas, my love. Even for a little while," they smiled at him, "you should rest before you are hurt."

Wilbur lightly gripped their hand, pressing a delicate kiss to the inside of their wrist, before laying his head down to listen to the melody he loved most as he lulled to sleep.

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3 years ago

oh, tommy [wilbur soot]

pairing: wilbur soot x gn!reader

pronouns: they/them

synopsis: tommyinnit finds out a secret. tommyinnit cannot keep said secret.

wc: 1.5k

anon asked: "could you write just a fluffy piece for wilbur where everyone on the dream smp knows wilbur likes you, except you. one day someone slips up and casually tells you he’s in love with you with a fluffy confession from wilbur himself??"

a/n: happy mcc day! this is my first time writing wilbur so i'm sorry if its a bit out of context, i'll get better at his character after a few more works!

tw: none!

generally speaking, wilbur soot was a pretty private person. he tended to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, and on occasion, to his closest friends. much to his misfortune, tommyinnit happened to be one of those friends.

tommy had just finished setting up his stream, ready to go live for his thousands of viewers. he was doing a chill stream, and seeing as though phil and wilbur were already hanging out in a vc, he figured he’d pop in and invite them.

he hit join, hearing them in the middle of a conversation, so he decided he would simply wait for them to finish to make himself known.

“they’re just so great, phil. they’ve always been there for me, through so much. i really care for them.” he rambled, and tommy sat staring at his discord screen, mouth agape.

“i’m sure y/n feels the same way, mate. you should tell them.” phil replied, casually. tommy was practically bouncing in his seat, excitement flooding his being.

“you and y/n?” he screamed, and wilbur and phil instantly fell silent, taken aback by his presence. “oh, hello by the way!”

“tommy?” wilbur questioned, his heart plummeting. “tommy, please do not tell them.” he stated firmly, and tommy put his hands up in surrender, despite them not being able to see him.

“come on, wil! i’m great at keeping secrets. don’t even worry, big man!” he assured, though neither wilbur nor phil was fully convinced.

for good reason.

since then, tommy had likely told every person on the dream smp save for y/n. tubbo, ranboo, george, you name someone on the server, chances are they knew at the hands of tommy. it was truly a miracle he hadn’t accidentally leaked wilbur’s feelings for you on stream.

wilbur gave up trying to stop his antics long ago, considering most people on the smp would respect the fact he didn’t want you to find out, especially not from someone else.

at the end of the day, he knew tommy meant no harm and didn’t do anything intentionally, so he simply brushed it off with a small sigh and a shake of his head each time.

besides, even if he was teased about you, there wasn’t a chance in hell you’d actually pick up on the true underlying meaning. you’d simply brush it off as playful banter between two close friends, blissfully unaware of everything around you.

oh how he both loved and hated your obliviousness.

you, wilbur, tommy and tubbo had been planning a meet up for the longest time, and finally, you decided to do it. the day came quickly, and before you knew it, wilbur was parked outside your house with tommy and tubbo both in the car, waving frantically as you locked the door behind you and all but flew down the steps to the vehicle.

you first hugged the younger boys who'd met you halfway, glancing up as wilbur slowly made his way over. you smiled brightly, running the rest of the way and barrelling into his chest.

wilbur made a sort of grunt of surprise, before his beautiful laugh rang out in your ear, warming your heart. he wrapped his arms around you tightly, and you could easily say you’d never felt so safe.

“hi.” wilbur muttered, amusedly. you pulled away, shoving him slightly and pouting.

“you haven’t seen me in over a year and the first thing you do is make fun of me?” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest and sticking out your bottom lip.

as they watched the interaction, the two younger boys snickered quietly. “they’re deffo flerting!” tubbo whispered, and tommy broke, doubling over in laughter. tubbo joined in, the two simply laughing loudly amongst themselves.

you and wilbur turned in surprise, wilbur’s eyes narrowing suspiciously. “tommy. tubbo.” he scolded, his usual soft voice coming out far more intimidating. you forced yourself to contain your laughter as the boys straightened up immediately, eyes wide in shock of being caught. “what are you laughing about?”

tubbo took a subtle step back, pushing tommy forward and laying the burden on him. this earned him a small glare, but tommy’s playful nature rebounded immediately and he was back to his chaotic jokes. “well, wilbur. we were talking about how you and your partner y/n were just in your own little world, flirting away and being grossly couple-y!”

tubbo gasped, wilbur tensed and tommy’s hand flew to his mouth. you were completely oblivious to these actions, however, as you were too busy laughing blissfully to notice. the boys all watched as you wiped a tear of laughter from your eye, finally coming back to earth. “that- that’s funny tommy! wil and i? please!”

wilbur frowned, and tommy and tubbo offered him pitying glances, to which you finally picked up on. “hey, why the long faces? what’s wrong?” you asked, eyes jumping between your friends anxiously. “did i say something?” you frowned, and wilbur sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“y/n, i think we should take a walk. i have something to tell you.” he muttered, and you nodded, dread flooding you as you passed your keys to the boys, telling them they were free to hang out inside as you followed wilbur to the old park down the road.

for the first time since you and wilbur had become friends, you found nothing to say to each other. the walk was silent, tense. he sat wordlessly on an empty park bench, and you followed. you could practically feel the unspoken words rattling around his head, his thoughtful expression doing nothing to calm your nerves. “wil?” you asked, quietly. this broke him from his stupor, offering you an apologetic smile.

you hadn’t realized you’d been fidgeting with your hands until wilbur’s large ones encased your own. “you can relax, you know. it’s just me.” he reminded gently, his voice alone was enough to convince you. taking a deep breath, you smiled and nodded, waiting for him to continue.

“i don’t think there’s any easy way to say this, and i really hope what i’m about to tell you doesn’t ruin our friendship.” he started, and you smiled, squeezing his hand in reassurance.

“nothing you could say to me would ruin our friendship, wil.” you promised, and he smiled, nodding his head slowly. you thought you heard him mumble something like ‘i hope so’ under his breath, but you weren’t sure if you imagined that or not.

“we’ve been friends for as long as i can remember, and we’ve been through so much together. i don’t know what i’d do without you, really. i’ve thought over how to bring this up so many times, and i was even working on a song about you, but i guess now is as good of a time as any. i’m in love with you, y/n, and i understand if you don’t feel the same, but i just wanted you to know.”

a heavy silence fell over the two of you, allowing his confession to sink in. wilbur was in love with you? you thought back to all the times you spent cuddled on his couch, watching stupid comedies you made fun of the entire time. you thought about the late night vcs and constant teasing. you thought about the way you smiled at the mere mention of his name.

the way you instantly felt safe in his arms.

a sudden rush of butterflies swarmed inside of you, heat creeping up your cheeks as you looked into the eyes of your best friend. his expression was neutral, though you could see the anxiety swirling through his mind.

finally catching up with your thoughts, a bright smile stretched across your face as you launched forward, tugging wilbur into a tight embrace, much like the one you’d given him earlier. you basked in the feeling of home that was his arms, and you pulled back to place a gentle kiss against his lips. he smiled into the kiss, breaking it gently.

leaning your forehead against his own, you giggled dreamily, his smile widening at the sound of your laugh. you stayed there, soaking in the moment for a few seconds longer before you pulled away, standing and tugging gently on his hand, motioning for him to stand. “we should probably get back to the boys, they’re impatient enough as is.” you muttered, and wilbur sighed, nodding.

he stood, readjusting your grip on his hand to interlace your fingers, the two of you walking back towards your house. “you’re probably right. let’s make sure they haven’t broken anything, yeah?”

you paused for a moment, frowning while you looked back up at wilbur, who gave you a confused look in return. “does this mean we owe tommy a thank you now?” you asked teasingly, and wilbur groaned playfully, running a hand through his hair once more.

you both laughed, hand in hand as you stepped up to your property, ready to have a fun-filled day with the younger boys you saw as brothers, and ready to be teased like hell from them for the entire time.

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3 years ago

perennial pages | w.s.


Pairing: college student au!Wilbur Soot x bookstore employee/college student!reader; no Y/N, gender-neutral (no pronouns mentioned)

Synopsis: You’re working at a bookstore when your favorite British man bursts in with two plane tickets to travel the world. 

Warnings: one (1) passing ref. to prev. fic Ozymandias, some cursing, cameo from Tina except she’s an old woman, one (1) dirty joke from Wilbur but what did you expect, failed British slang from an American author

Word Count: 2.2k


Prev. on the semi-related Wilbur Soot series: Ozymandias



You’re working alone today, but you don’t mind. You have classical music to accompany you, playing from the cheap speakers around a meter above and to your left. 

When you move to lean back against the wooden stool you’re sitting on, multiple synthetic leaves fall onto your face. You scowl, splitting the part that got into your mouth. 

“Plastic does not taste good,” you mutter under your breath. 

You shake your head to force the leaves off. The ceiling and most of the surrounding walls of this shop are adorned with the fake vines that Tina purchased at a yard sale with you around a month ago.

Tina founded the dual bookstore and plant shop Perennial Pages at a rather rough stage in her life. She had married young and been a trophy wife till 37, then divorced her wretched old money husband after discovering his mass tax fraud; it was a way out of the marriage. She clung onto his illicit economic activities as a subtle form of blackmail, threatening that she would expose him for it if he didn’t sign the divorce papers. He was a cheating bastard anyway.

Following the split, Tina used the cash from the split to make her childhood dream a reality in Brighton, England. 

Tina is a shorter, stout woman nearing her sixties with a personality that others might call downright appalling for someone born at such a conservative time. But you love the straightforward yet free approach that Tina takes on life. 

As your boss, Tina is nothing short of delightful. Well, except when she isn’t there. Then, you have no one to talk to but stone-faced customers who wish to release some stress by feeding their book addictions. All you’ve been doing today is watering plants, shelving and organizing books, and making a point to ignore the unhappy teenagers who come to Perennial Pages to escape from other people. 

Tina never fails to take at least one day off every month. The philosophy was to make as many memories as possible before she runs out of time. The thought brings you back to memories from the month before. 

A few weeks ago, Tina had announced that she’d continue to pay you for your normal hours if you accompanied her to a spontaneous four-day getaway to New York City, even though there was no one else to manage Perennial Pages in the meantime. Well, you didn’t argue with the prospect of a fully-paid vacation with someone who acts more like an older sister than an employer to you. 

The two of you had spent your first afternoon in New York shopping around Manhattan, browsing through vintage clothing—and the vines that attacked you—at various thrift shops across the borough. 

As you shopped, you discussed deeply philosophical topics, just because you could. It was during that trip that you had an epiphany; you prefer deep conversations over small talk. The gritty ones that expose personal trauma and bare core beliefs are much more fulfilling and fascinating to listen to than superficial complaints about professors who cannot teach well.

Mulling over it, you realize that it’s probably because you find conflicting opinions to be intriguing. It’s interesting how and why a person comes to form their beliefs regarding controversies. People, after all, are merely mosaics of the different ideas they come across. Learning which ideas created the mold that a certain person emerged from is a fascinating way to sincerely get to know someone and empathize with the experiences that shape their central ideals. 

The chimes tied in fuchsia yarn to the topmost hinge of the front door ring, jolting you out of such reminiscing. 

“Welcome to Perennial Pages, let me know if you want a specific book or plant and if you have any other questions,” you state with as little facial movement as possible, not bothering to look up to identify the figure stepping inside. Your shift began not that long ago, but without Tina there to entertain you with other arguably deep conversations, you’re too tired to give anything but a blank expression to customers today. 

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule (it’s more of a common occurrence than a rule, really); some people are far too captivating to demand anything lesser than your utmost attention. 

“Hello, darling.”

Case in point. 

Your head snaps up to meet the gaze of the familiar voice. The height of the man before you is quite towering, even more so since you’re sitting down on the rather stout maroon stool behind the cash register. 

But you know better than to be intimidated. 

He’s dressed particularly well today. He dons a plain red beanie covering that mess of curls and what has to be a receding hairline—you’ve previously attempted to whisk it off of him, but he refuses to give a forehead reveal—but the beanie is slipping slowly away from his hair and closer toward the carpet made of fake moss.

“Well, well, well, isn’t it Mister Soot? My most loyal customer.”

“For Christ’s sake, call me Wil,” he says as he rolls his eyes. But he’s smiling all the while. 

He shakes his head and the outside fringes of his hair sway as he does so. The beanie slips a centimeter more down his right ear. When he meets your mock unapproving gaze, a chuckle escapes his mouth even though he’s bitten the inside of his cheek to prevent such an action. When you hop off the stool and fully stand up, the grin on his face widens even more than you thought possible. 

That smile never fails to not catch your eye. He’s always grinning whenever you’re around, so much that you’d think his cheeks would hurt. But you’re not complaining, as you’d be a hypocrite to comment about his smiley tendencies without addressing your own. 

If Tina were here, she’d elbow you and say, “The rascal makes you happy, that’s why you get all smiley.” 

Then Tina would return to humming an obscure Elvis song and walk away into the storage room. It would be just as if she hadn’t left you all alone in your thoughts with heat rising to your cheeks as you think about him. 

He’s made a beeline for the historical bookshelf today, near the peonies and sunflowers. 

“You should fix that,” you say, nodding toward the beanie that is half-falling off of his face. 

There’s quite the pause and it’s as if you can see the gears in Wil’s head shifting. Then, his grin has turned into a smirk.

“Fix what? I don’t know what you mean.” 

“You think you’re so sly, don’t you? I can tell you’re faking confusion,” you respond, lips curling upward despite your attempt to remain impassive. 

Granted, it wasn’t a very good try at concealing your happiness, but, then again, it’s always hard to hide your emotions around Wilbur Soot. He can read you like an open book, even if you’d like to think of yourself as one of those locked childrens’ princess diaries with voice-activated codes in them. 

“Cheeky bastard,” you mutter. 

But even as you’re complaining, you’re walking to the left of the counter and using your hip to push open the small door beside the counter. 

Honestly, curse the man’s charms. 

You make a come-hither motion with your hand, but the 6’6” man refuses to bend his knees or lean forward so you can properly adjust the beanie. 

“C’mere,” you insist, stopping right beside the nonfiction aisle, which is about a yard away from the plaque titled “HISTORY” in bold.

He crosses his arms and fervently shakes his head like a dog shaking water off of its fur after a bath. You have to bite back a laugh at his played-up mannerisms.

“No.” He frowns, then lights up with another eager smile. “If you call me Wil, though, I’ll consider your offer.”

“You’re a real drama queen, you know that, Soot?” 

You speak with as much force as you can muster, channeling stoicism, but your face betrays you. And your body too, which moves forward to meet him until you’re less than a meter apart. 

“Why won’t you just call me Wil?” He flashes the eyes of a sad puppy. 

“Whatever. Bend down so I can fix your stupid beanie for you.”

The man immediately begins to cough. It’s a shoddy attempt at covering his initial reaction.

All you do is roll your eyes and shake your head in disdain.

“What, it was funny! ‘Bend down,’ you know what else you can do when you bend down?” 

You’re pursing your lips, glancing around the room to see if anyone has heard. Of course, no one is in the room. Why would anyone be browsing for books or plants on a Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock in the morning? Well, anyone other than Wilbur Soot, that is. And he doesn’t even count, because you know that he’s only here for you. 

“Well, you’re the only one laughing,” comes your monotonous reply.

“Won’t you say ‘Wil’ and not ‘Well’ for me, love?”

All of a sudden, heat rises up your body, spreading like a wildfire underneath your skin. Unfamiliar to such a reaction, you clear your throat to break the odd silence between his question and your lack of a response. 

“What is with you and your odd infatuation with me calling you by your name? I think calling you Soot is–”

When Wil walks toward you, you immediately stop speaking. Your head tilts in confusion, eyebrows furrowed. It’s no secret that the man has an ego; he never submits to your will like this. 

You wait for him to respond, but he doesn’t, so you say, “Go on, then. Tell me, why have you dragged yourself all the way out to the middle of Brighton? I assume it isn’t just to have me fix your beanie up.”

You fail to mention that you still haven’t shifted the position of his beanie yet. Partly because you’re afraid of how you’d feel if you touched him that closely, and partly because you think you already know how you’d feel. 

A smile stretches across his face for what must be the twentieth time since he’s walked in; actually, you don’t think that he’s truly stopped smiling, except for his fake frowns to coerce you into walking closer to him.

He doesn’t answer you verbally. Instead, he reaches into the right pocket of his trenchcoat and pulls out two slim sheets of paper. Curious, you step forward until you’re less than a meter apart. 

“Florence? You booked two tickets for Italy?”

Bewildered, you take a step back. Wil walks forward to keep the previous distance, and maybe even closer because now you’re just a few centimeters away from his face. He’s sheepish now, biting on his bottom lip in anticipation. 

“Haven’t we been talking about traveling the world in the Blade’s class? I don’t want to leave you. Will you come with me?”

“Wil, of course I will.”

Before he can make a comment about the pun in that sentence, you embrace him in a hug. On reflex, he rests his chin on top of your head. Although his trenchcoat is cold from the weather outside, his breath is warm. Fearing that he’ll be able to see the rather embarrassing happiness plastered on your face that you can’t seem to pat down to a cool neutral position, you shove your face into his chest. 

He smells like coffee and sandalwood, like home and something more. 

When your hand reaches to grasp his hair, with his arms still wrapped around your lower back, you’re met with the soft fabric of his beanie. Finally, you adjust it so that it’s not exposing his hairline anymore. 

A laugh escapes your mouth as you tug the beanie down over his ears, the tips of which are bright red. He looks ridiculous like this, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Huh, a hug right after we got on first name basis? Seems like you’re moving too fast,” he jokes.

“Sod off,” you say as your cheeks heat. “You’re the bloody one who bought plane tickets without asking me first. What if I said no?”

“You wouldn’t have,” he says, and he states it like it’s a fact.

Lacking a rebuttal, you shove your face in the crook of his neck. And the two of you stay there, content because you’re in one another’s arms.  

When your supposedly absent boss Tina walks into Perennial Pages an hour later with a half-eaten bagel and a cup of chai tea from the bakery next door, your mouth hangs open in shock.

“I thought you were visiting your sister in Carlisle?” 

Tina looks at your hands, which are entwined with Wilbur’s. Her initial reaction is a soft smile, one that hints at knowing that this would happen before you did. When she looks back up at his face, she confirms your suspicions. 

“Congratulations. I told you she’d say ‘yes’ anyway.”



Tags :
3 years ago

✮𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗠𝗲 - 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗯𝘂𝗿✮


POV: wilbur has a new favourite song


gender-neutral reader

Word Count: 295

CW: none! just good ol fluff


“KISS MEEEEE! KISS ME WITH-” I laughed as Wilbur continued to sing at the top of his lungs. It was safe to say ‘Puppy Princess’ was his current favourite song.

“-YOUR EYES CLOSED WHISPER THAT YOUR HEART SHOWS-” his hands gripping my own as we spun in a circle. His eyes crinkled slightly with the smile that adorned his face. He was happy. Within that moment nothing could ruin the bliss that was coursing through his veins. One of his hands left mine and made their way to my waist. Slowly, moving towards my lower back, before his hand pressed between my shoulder blades pushing me into his chest. My arms immediately wrapped around his waist, head resting against his collarbone. He lowered the volume of his voice, before stopping completely. Just holding me in that moment. Swaying back and forth in the middle of the lounge room. I moved my head so that my chin was resting on his chest, leaving me to look up and into his eyes. He lowered his gaze to meet mine, a soft smile took over his face. His head dipped towards my own, his hand rubbing my back. Slowly starting to murmur the lyrics once again. “Kiss me. Kiss me with your eyes closed. All I want is you. Yeah you” Although he missed a considerable amount of lyrics between the lines. I didn't care. I raised my head as far as I could without straining my neck to connect our lips. It was soft and sweet. Even with dating for as long as we have, kissing him feels brand new each time. Butterflies filling my stomach and my mind. rational thoughts are immediately thrown out of the window. Intoxicating

Kiss me. Kiss me with your eyes closed.


Have a good day!

- Birdy

Tags :
3 years ago

✮𝗣𝗲𝘁 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 - 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻✮


Hi! I think a lot of people share this hc when it comes to the nicknames, (sapnap and nikis specifically) but oh well!


Headcanon - What i think they'd call their s/o Characters - CC!Sapnap, CC!Wilbur, CC!Dream, CC!Niki

Gender-Neutral Reader

Word Count: 805

CW: Cursing, dream being a basic bitch


CC!Sapnap: 214 words

Darlin' or sweetheart

this being one of the ONLY times his Texan drawl would come out

"Darlin' could you pass me my phone?"

He'd have a slight accent throughout the rest of his sentence mainly sticking to the pet name.

he would call you 'darlin'' any chance he would get.

no you don't understand this man would be OBSESSED with calling you pet names

even if said pet names weren't necessary and crowded the sentence

he would never refer to you as your real name.

if he did.

oooh shit you know you fucked up.

'Sweetheart' is something he uses when being endearing

if you're having a bad day, your man sapnap would swoop in and save the day.

"sweetheart look at me, trust me when I say everything will get better, even if it may take a while. we will get there"

AHHHHHHHHHHH the THINGS i would do to get this man to call me 'Sweetheart' without him being awkward.

I feel like his texan drawl would still be there for this one

you just have to listen very closely.

if you heard it as a one off youd never notice, but the more he calls you 'sweetheart' the more you pick up on it

overall this man is very wholesome.

gawd dayum.

CC!Wilbur: 238 Words

I feel like Wilbur wouldn't be one for pet names

opting to just use your first name, or a nickname given to you instead.

but on the rare occasion he did use a pet name on you, it'd be 'Hon'

100% I do not see that man referring to you as anything else.

He'd be very simple with it.

only using the nickname when he deemed fit.

Wilbur would use the nickname in very... intimate and tender moments.

like, admitting his undying love for you for the very first time

"I love you. I love you so so so fucking much it hurts. im scared of this, and how our relationship will progress. but fuck hon, i love you"

he'd be very cute about it

other times he would use it is when you might have had a really shitty day, completely stressed out whether that be with work or uni or even family and friends. hell it might've been because of Wilbur.

He, of course, would guide you through grounding techniques before pulling you into his arms, sitting in between his legs with your back pressed against his chest.

whether it be on your kitchen floor, at a park, or in your bedroom laying against the side of the bed.

mans would pull you into his lap and just whisper things over and over in your ear.

'hon' being thrown into the mix every so often

CC!Dream: 160 Words

ughhhhhh dream is basic

i hate to break it to you, but this man does not have a single creative gene in his body that isn't dedicated to minecraft.

he would call you 'babe'

and to spice it up.. he'd sometimes call you 'baby'.

mans thinks its cute and unique, but in reality its overused and cringe. (Im sure some of you like it im sorry D:)

You love Dream don't get me wrong.

But, sometimes you'd just wish this man would call you something else.

anything else.

at this point you think he's forgotten your name and just can't admit it.

he calls you 'Babe' religiously

"Babe, can you pass me the pepper?"

yes dear. UGHHH

you love him, i love him, but its gotten to a point where it's no longer cute

but you obviously cant say anything cause you dont wanna hurt his feelings :(

hes sensitive but he will never admit it

lol you can just tell

CC!Niki: 186 Words


love love love love love.

As i said in the notes, this is the one pet name everyone just seems to associate Niki with and apply to her and what she'd call you.

and i am just like everyone else LMAO.

it just seems so fitting

'Love' is just so very Niki.

There was never a wrong time for Miss Nihachu over here to call you 'Love'

although a bit basic persay, it still made your heart swell.

with her soft voice and wholesomeness. oh lord.

you'd melt right then and there.

"Love i'm going to be streaming with Jack for a bit, i'll text you right before we finish :)" WITH LIKE A KISS TO THE FOREHEAD OR CHEEK OR SOMETHING-

no matter how tall you were. whether it be 5 inches shorter or a foot taller

she would try her absolute darn best to give you a cheek/forehead smooch.

(Even if it meant you'd need to bend down for her for all the tall readers like myself)

long story short you're completely head over heels for her and her cute nickname for you.


Hello, Hello!!

I am back!! i appeared out of nowhere, uploaded for a week and then disappeared for a month. apologies about that one guys, shits been hard recently.

I hope you guys have a good day/night!!

- Birdy

Tags :
1 year ago

◜Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons◞

 Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons
 Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons

┊ ᝰ﹕SFW, please ignore my Google translate English

 Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons

♤ This man is a gentleman! He would be romantic but not in big things but in small ones.

♧ He would buy you your favorite snacks, memorize the way you make your coffee just so he could make it how you like it.

♤ He would want to know everything about you but not just about your life but about the things you like.

♧ And speaking of which, he would learn everything just to be closer to you, your favorite book? He will read it, do you like a band? He will listen to all the albums, are you a fan of a series? He will spend the entire morning watching just to have something to talk to you about.

♤ he's the careful type, he'd "fight" with you for not taking good care of yourself but deep down he knows he loves doing that, like always taking two sweaters when he leaves the house or making sure you've eaten that day.

♧ Talking about food, every time he needed to go out in the morning, whether for a Lovejoy rehearsal or a recording, he would make a point of waking up early just to prepare your favorite coffee and leave it on the counter with a note for when you wake up .

♤ Obviously he would take you to band rehearsals and take your opinion very seriously about the songs.

♧ You would have a VIP pass to go to all the shows and you always do, but when you can't attend Wilbur becomes a little less excited and anxious about the show, For him, you are like a lucky charm that makes everything perfect and incredible.

♤ He would include you in his group of friends, on trips and recordings and they will welcome you very well, but don't think you will be immune to Charlie or Tommy's jokes.

♧ If you are also a content creator, it will take you in front of the camera even if you are not have a public relationship, you will always be present in Tommy's vlogs or in some Sorry videos even if for just a few seconds.

♤ Talking about the Sorry brothers I feel like Wilbur would pull you into this (if you're a public person) even if little by little, it would all start with a few appearances here and there and then it would become something more regular and when you see it it's already part of the cast, but like Phil you try to be the point of balance amidst the general chaos.

♧ If you are not a public person you would still be present but behind the cameras, always helping backstage with clothes, makeup or video ideas.

♤ You would probably adopt a small animal, from the most common options like cats or dogs or something more different like a rabbit or ferret. Ps: they would probably have names related to music, either referencing a song or names of singers they both like.

♧ He would be the more reserved type of person in public and with little to no PDA, but he would still hold hands or have his arm on your shoulder.

♤ However, when you are alone Oh My God! this man is pure neediness, he would love hugs and physical touches, or just quality time where you are both in the same place focused on your own things but still together.

♧ I feel like he has three moods: The singer, the older brother and the boyfriend

♤ The singer happens when he is super focused and committed to his career, he has a dream and definitely wants to achieve it and he works hard for it.

♧ The older brother usually happens when he joins Tommy and Charlie, he is chaotic and playful, always making jokes and being sarcastic and picking on his "younger brothers" Tommy and Charlie.

♤ The third is something that few people see, it's the soft boy Wilbur, it's when he's not all that chaos and shouting, he just hangs out, listens to music or a movie and relaxes without having to worry about his career or the Internet for a while.

 Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons

.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌

Tags :
1 year ago

Can I request a Wilbur Soot where the reader and him have been dating for like 8/9 years and in one of tommys mod videos they just spend it on a cute Minecraft date, maybe they have a fake proposal where Wilbur gives reader a diamond and it’s really cute? Feel free to go anyway you want with this!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


◜Minecraft Date◞

Can I Request A Wilbur Soot Where The Reader And Him Have Been Dating For Like 8/9 Years And In One Of

Can I Request A Wilbur Soot Where The Reader And Him Have Been Dating For Like 8/9 Years And In One Of

┊ ᝰ﹕Just Fluff and a little drama, SFW, Reader GN, English from Google translate

┊ ᝰ﹕Thank you very much for your order, it was my first and it made me very happy! I confess that I had to watch some of Tommy's videos to do it, I hope you like it <3

Can I Request A Wilbur Soot Where The Reader And Him Have Been Dating For Like 8/9 Years And In One Of

♤ Ever since you and Wilbur started dating a few years ago, you've made a tradition of every Friday being reserved for date nights and it's always worked out well.

♧ Until today when the restaurant called saying there was a problem with reservations which resulted in nowhere to go and that left you feeling discouraged.

♤ Tommy, knowing what happened, decides to invite them to participate in his weird Minecraft mods video.

♧ You end Wilbur up accepting and staying home for game night.

♤ Chaos is the definition of everything, Tommy running and screaming as he is being chased by some horror entity.

♧ While Philza just tries to build his house in peace while being continually hindered by Charlie.

♤ Somewhere between gathering resources and laughing at Tommy getting killed by Chucky, you get the brilliant idea to turn your date night into a Minecraft date.

♧ Wilbur immediately agrees and you look for a village to make your place and everything looks beautiful with rugs and flowers.

♤ However, the peace was short-lived, because as soon as Tommy and Cherlie found out about the idea, they made it their personal mission to destroy your date.

♧ You only turned around for three seconds before being blown to death by a TNT placed by Charlie.

♤ And a war began, on one side you and Wilbur trying to build your meeting and on the other Tommy and Charlie doing everything possible and impossible to ruin it.

♧ And in the middle we had Philza who simply gave up on all of you and went off on his own to create his own house.

♤ They exploded your venue a total of six times before you guys finally gave up and looked for another place for your date.

♧ However, it seemed that Tommy had predicted it since the choice of mod didn't help his goal at all, and every time you had any moment of peace and tranquility it ended with you both being chased by Jason or Frankenstein.

"We're that couple in horror movies that goes out to make out and ends up dying" Wilbur says as his character walks around looking for somewhere safe

"Wow, what a comforting babe" you respond ironically

♤ You decide to dig down to the badrock and build your place there, without the chance of being interrupted by your friends or any mob.

♧ Wilbur decorates the place with plants on the wall and a table in the middle, carpet and flowers everywhere.

♤ He gives you cooked meat and fish and you just sit and talk.

"I'm sorry we can't go on a real date"

"it's not your fault will, and anyway we're having our date now"

"Well but that doesn't stop me from giving you something precious and expensive" he jokes and throws some diamonds to you

"Ohh is that a propose?" You say laughing

"Yes Madam, would you like to spend the rest of your cubical life building houses and mining by my side? I promise you a huge house and all the diamonds in this game" he says in a pompous voice

"Wow it's impossible to deny it my good sir after all this is every person's dream" you respond in the same tone

♧ The conversation doesn't last long before Charlie invades the place.

"I can't believe my eyes! You betrayed me, Wilbur, with that!" Charlie arrives, hitting Will and making a big show of it. "And our children?! Our love was nothing to you?!”

♤ The fight lasted for a good few minutes resulting in the room being broken and everything being blown up, as well as one death for willbur.

♧ The recording didn't last any longer and soon Tommy finished it.

♤ And the rest of the night was just you and Will relaxing on the couch watching some cliché romantic comedy, without any kind of explosions or murderous chases.

Can I Request A Wilbur Soot Where The Reader And Him Have Been Dating For Like 8/9 Years And In One Of

.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌

Tags :
1 year ago

◜Willbur x Pregnant! reader Headcanons◞

 Willbur X Pregnant! Reader Headcanons

 Willbur X Pregnant! Reader Headcanons

┊ ᝰ﹕Fluff, SFW, feminine pronouns

┊ ᝰ﹕Do you guys want a part two with Dadbur headcanons? comment here please <3

 Willbur X Pregnant! Reader Headcanons

♤ As soon as he found out about the pregnancy he would be overjoyed, and also very anxious and nervous.

♧ He wouldn't read books but he would definitely watch YouTube videos about fatherhood

♤ He would seek a lot of advice from his mother and especially from Phil who, even though he is not a father, is definitely the view of a responsible adult

♧ He wouldn't tell his audience for at least five months because he didn't want the stress and hate it would bring.

♤ After that time he would definitely post some photos of himself with his belly showing in his feed, but all of them with comments disabled

♧ The baby shower would be set to a musical theme (like Kourtney and Trevis), and he would take the opportunity to play a song written about his future child.

♤ He would be happy regardless of the child's gender, but I feel like he would have a preference for girls

♧ If it's a girl, the name would 100% be talulah

♤ This baby would be extremely spoiled before it was even born, not only by Will but also by the Sorry Boys and the boys in the band, we're talking about small animal outfits and little band t-shirts with the lovejoy logo

♧ Small musical instruments 🤏🤏🤏

♤ He would write many songs for the baby even before he was born

♧ Before the birth he would work a lot to make sure the child would have a stable monetary life, I feel like he would work a lot at home to be able to keep an eye on you

♤ He would be very careful with you, he was before but during the pregnancy he became 200x more

♧ He would sing and play songs to the baby, he would also read to him while he was in his tummy and use those stupid voices to interpret

♤ He and Tommy are very good friends but I can't think of anyone else Wilbur would trust with his son more than Phil and Krist, they would be the godparents and they would be very touched by it.

♧ He wouldn't let you if you want to get up to get a glass of water

♤ Breakfast in bed every day, he would learn to cook just for that

♧ Will, Charlie, Tommy and Phil They would make a video setting up the baby's room, which would be complete chaos, with paint everywhere, screaming, Charlie pretending to be a baby and getting into the crib and lots of screaming and laughing.

♤ During the last months of pregnancy he would be a thousand and one percent more attentive, with any sneeze from you he would already be running and asking if you need to go to the hospital

♧ I don't think he would be the type of father who faints during childbirth, but he would definitely have a huge panic attack that would probably be controlled by Philza

♤ As soon as he saw the baby he would immediately start crying

 Willbur X Pregnant! Reader Headcanons

.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌

Tags :
1 year ago

◜Dadbur Headcanons◞

 Dadbur Headcanons
 Dadbur Headcanons

┊ ᝰ﹕Fluff, SFW, mention of divorce

┊ ᝰ﹕Part Two of Dadbur, send me suggestions and asks for the next ones <3

 Dadbur Headcanons

♧ ok, imagine a mini wilbur with curly hair and a snub nose, well that's your son.

♤ At first Will would be absolutely terrified, he didn't have the best parents in the world so he was afraid of being the same for his son.

♧ This man tries so hard! he didn't want to fall into that stereotype where only mothers really take care of their children, so he'll be there to change their diapers and give them bottles, waking up in the middle of the night to get them back to sleep. He knows how stressful and tiring this is for you, so he does everything in his power to make it easier.

♤ Lullabies but not children's ones, he would play Bowie like Starman and Space Oddity, Beutiful boy would definitely be in the repertoire and he would change the gender if it was a girl.

♧ He would spoil his son a lot, with clothes and toys, and he often buys things that are definitely not for his son's age but always ends up saying "he will use them in the future".

♤ He wouldn't post photos of his child, just one or two that don't show his face, he doesn't like this type of exposure on the Internet, especially with his son.

♧ When the child grew up and had some kind of interest in appearing, he would agree, but nothing excessive, just a few appearances on streams or things like that.

♤ As soon as he reaches a certain age, Will would like him to be at his shows even if it's with ear protection headphones.

♧ If he won a prize he would promptly dedicate it to you and your son.

♤ Possibly the baby would appear in some Lovejoy music videos (when he was old enough).

♧ Would you create a family day that happens every week, where you both take time off from work just to spend time with your child outdoors having picnics, trips to the beach, going to amusement parks and things like that.

♤ You would also have a game night, with a good pizza and board games or video games, sometimes you also invite your friends to participate.

♧ Another family tradition is to always have dinner together and talk about your day and plans for the next one, you also like to cook dinner together it's always a lot of fun.

♤ You also always travel on vacation to different countries, you want your child to get to know different cultures and experiences.

♧ Trips to Disney with Uncle Tommy are definitely your child's favorite.

♤ Once a week Phil and Krist babysit for a romantic parental date.

♧ Will would definitely cry on the first day of school, I see this man coming home and checking his watch every 5 minutes to see what time he will have his son back.

♤ As a first-time father he would also despair at any slightest sign that his child is falling ill.

♧ I can easily see Will, Tommy and Charlie dressed up like princesses and made up for tea time, and they would absolutely love that.

♤ He goes to put the baby to sleep and ends up sleeping in his place>>>>

♧ I think during pregnancy with his first child he would be extremely nervous but after that he would definitely want more children.

♤ I think he would like two or three, nothing too big but not small.

♧ He would be in favor of positive and non-aggressive parenting with his children, he would also be a great supporter of all of his children's choices.

♤ He would also be in favor of teaching his children to be independent with things like handling money, knowing how to cook, having responsibilities and things like that.

♧ When he was on tour with Lovejoy I feel like they would have two options, the first is that if your children are young and not studying yet he would try to convince you to go along with him, but if the children are not so young anymore he you would just feel really bad about leaving them and wonder if you are being a bad father.

♤ In the second option he would make a point of calling all the time, at least two calls a day, he would also buy gifts and things from every country or city he visited, collectibles like postcards or key chains.

♧ He would have lots of photos of his children, some funny ones with just them sleeping, and his lock screen would be a photo of his loved one next to his children.

♤ Even if you separated he would be a good father, he would try to solve all your problems so that it doesn't affect the children and they have a good co-parenting.

 Dadbur Headcanons

.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌

Tags :
3 years ago

The American And The Brit 💜

(They/them pronouns)

(800+ words)

Description: Wilbur has a love or host. Unexpectedly though, you are right by his side. His clingy, American, flatmate.

A/N: Whether you take this as platonic or romantic is up to you.

[Rest of the story under the cut]


Wilbur was being boring today. You wanted to spend the day together and play some horror games, you even offered to let him stream it. But no, he wanted to have a "Love or Host" and find himself someone to replace you.

Okay, maybe you were being dramatic.

"Wil!" You whined, holding onto his leg tightly. "Don't leave me."

"Americans are so annoying," Wilbur whispered under his breath. Sighing, he reached down to pull you off. "If you want, you can stay in the room."

"No." You stubbornly denied. It was getting harder to not let go, so you were starting to make your eyes teary. "You're not allowed to leave me."

Wilbur grumbled, trying not to look you in the eye. When he managed to pry your hand off his leg, you started sniffling.

"Okay fine!" Wilbur broke. "I still have to do it since I promised Austin, but you can be right next to me."

"But," You loudly sniff. "I want cuddles."

Wilbur accidentally looked you in the eyes, seeing your pitiful puppy eyes and cracking under the tears. "Fine. Fine..."

"Thank you," You grin happily, still attached to his legs. "I love you, bestie."

"Call me that again and I will just throw you in the wheelie bin."


"Wilbur! Wel-, uh hello other person? Wilbur who is this?"

"Austin, this is Y/N. They are my flatmate and they forced me to bring them to my Love or Host." Wilbur sighed. You rest your head on Wilbur's shoulder and relax, just watching as Austin awkwardly nod along. "They'll just be here and do nothing. They're very clingy."

You poked Wilbur in the stomach, pouting. "You're the clingy one."

"Well, I suppose it's not too big of a deal. As long as they're not problematic, it's fine."

"Y/N doesn't even have Twitter."

Austin laughed. Then, he opened up the call and the contestants started pouring in.

Idly, you closed your eyes and played with one of Wilburs hands. They let you, talking softly with Austin as they started explaining the show.

"Er, who is that?"

"Niki, this is Y/N. They wanted to be clingy today so I had to bring them with me."

You opened an eye, poking Wilbur in the cheek and turning to face the camera. "He is lying. Wilbur is lying to your face. He demanded I be here. For moral support. And also because he is deeply and totally in love with me."

The group started laughing, making you grin wirly at Wilbur. Your roommate flushed and pokes you back.

"They're American though?" The Irish one asked. Minx, if you recall correctly.

"I came here because Wilbur convinced me to and then I got accepted to a college. It was practically entrapment because I'm stuck here now."

"Oh, shut up." Wilbur pinched your cheek, making you pull away and whine. "You're such an annoying American."

You frowned comically. "And you're a depressed e-boy."

"Austin, Y/N is bullying me!" Wilbur started whining. You smiled and closed your eyes again. Resting your head against his chest, you fell asleep for a few moments.


"He's eating another fucking banana!"

Minx's loud yells made you groan as the group started cackling. You twisted until you were pressed even closer to Wilbur, trying to block out the noise.

"Oh," Wilbur whispered, pressing a hand to your back to help you fix yourself. He ran his fingers through the back of your hair, gently tracing random shapes. "Go back to sleep, it's okay."

"Hmm," You hummed. It was a weird limbo between awake and asleep. You could feel and hear everything, but the warm gooey feeling Wilbur made you feel kept you melted into a pile of sleepy goo.

"- so when you choose me and we go on a date-,"

"Mine," You mumbled, clutching tighter onto Wilbur. No one reacted, so you were probably too quiet about it. Louder, you said. "Mine."

"Y/N, shush." Wilbur patted your head. You shook your head sleepily, "No. Mine."

"That's actually adorable, Willington." Baffy comments, smiling at you. "I mean, yeah sure. You can have him."

Austin laughs. "Baffy? What the hell?"

"What?" She defends herself, "They're cute together."

"True." Another contestant agrees. "Are we just third wheeling right now?"

"Mhm," You mumbled softly. "My Wil." You let yourself relax again, blinking up at an exasperated Wilbur. With a dopey smile, you nuzzle your nose in his neck.

"I kinda don't want to win." Minx muttered. Niki blinked before nodding along.

"Is-, Y/N is somehow winning? And they're not even a contestant?" Austin said, thoroughly confused. You grin, sleepily blinking at the webcam.

"He's mine." You agree. Wilbur sighs and shakes his head. "I don't think I'm allowed to disagree." You pout when he stops running his hands through your hair. He barely lasts a second before he starts again.


"Wilbur, since I won can we go cuddle."

"I don't think I have much of a choice, Y/N... You're such an annoying American."

"I love you too, British boy."


[I haven't watched Wil's loh since it happened so the only people mentioned are people I only vaguely remember existing in it.]

[Either you're a clingy best friend or your a clingy person with a crush. The clingy isn't optional.]

[-L0v3, k1ng]


Tags :
3 years ago

Ghostie 💜

(They/them pronouns)

(400+ words)

Description: You wake up and try to find Wilbur. Along the way you stop the pub(e) from burning down. (Wilbur soot x reader)

Whether you take it platonic or romantic is up to you.

[Read more under the cut]


You roll yourself up into a ball. The light pink blankets pool around you, making the empty space more obvious. Wilbur always got up early, working on his pub. (You refused to call it pube.)

Your shulker shells float around you, making a quiet little whirrr noise. You stand up, stretching your arms over your head. The window curtains are still shut, they always need to be when you live with a phantom.

The floor isn't cold, thank goodness. You don't think you'd be mentally prepared to deal with cold and not just break into tears. You pull one of Wilbur's sweaters over your head and yes, it is a bit too big for you. It hangs around your mid-thigh, the yellow contrasting the light pink of your bunny pajama pants.

As you step outside, you frown at the sky. The sun isn't bright today, mostly hidden by the clouds and yet it's still so warm out here. You don't like it when it's warm, but it's better than the cold. You wanted cuddles no matter that.

You start climbing the ladder, not taking a glance back. Wilbur would probably be up here, talking with someone about one thing or another. He was such an avid talker, as much as he bullied Tommy for that.

In fact, those two were far similar than they like to admit. As you entered the pub, you were met with two devils.


"GOD CANT SAVE YOU NOW!" Tommy cackled, maniacally spreading his arms as a small fire ate away at the wood.

Sighing, you muttered griviences. "They're lucky I love them." You started putting out the fire as Tommy and Wilbur argued. When they turned back to the fire, it was just you placing blocks back and ignoring their squabble.

"Aww," Tommy pouted. "I wanted it all to burn down..."

"Thank you, Y/N. I'm so glad that I have someone on my side here."

You shook your head. "Tommy. We can go burn down someone else's house. Let Wilbur keep the pub."

Wilbur was about to argue before deciding it was the better of two evils. Tommy excitedly raced up to you, eagerly talking about everything you could burn down. Glancing back at Wilbur, you winked.

Wilbur mouthed a thank you and turned back to whatever he was doing in the first place. Your little ghostie better be grateful.

Oh well. You suppose arson was just as good as cuddles.


[This is short because I made it a while ago when I was busy. But it's something. If you want I might post an xDream in an hour, idc]

[-L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
3 years ago

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)

𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐.


𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘦𝘴. "𝘚𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦."

𝘏𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘥, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮. 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘴 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘥 𝘢𝘪𝘳, 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥. "𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦."



The schedule is now set to once a week, every saturday! :3

[L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
2 years ago


[1400+ words]


Description: It's in the title. He's just a vamp, you made jewelry, what more can I say?

[Read the rest under the cut]

You brush your fingers down your coat, a thick fur coat Wilbur had gotten you especially for today, trying not to fiddle too much. Wilbur obviously caught onto your anxiety and took your hand in his, leaning down to press a kiss to your knuckles. His fangs ghosted over your skin, "No one will harm you, beloved."

"You will protect me, yes?" You asked softly, twisting to offer him your arm instead.

"Always," His teeth sunk into your forearm like butter, ice flooding your veins followed by a familiar numbness.

You relaxed back into the coach box's seat as Wilbur pulled back and your wound slowly mends itself back together. You bring your arm back to you and drag your fingers over where the wound had been. It's odd, you know you should be feeling something but your touch is dull and there is nothing but skin.

You remember the first time he had bitten you. It felt much different than it does now. His eyes much sharper, teeth puncturing twin holes into your neck. It hadn't been numb, then. It burned, like pressing you hand flat against an iron except through your entire body, a pain nothing could soothe.

It had been an accident the first time. He had gone mad in his hunger, devouring anything to satiate the gnawing desire to feed. You were just lucky that he had devoured a whole house of mice before he had found you. It's likely the only reason he didn't bleed you dry.

When he came to he had seemed so mournful, as if the life of a stranger had meant so much to him as to cry when it's gone. But, by some miracle, you had survived. He had spent months nursing you back to peak health, a better health than you'd been in before he'd attacked, and sometime between then and now, you had fallen for each other.

With your consent he had began feeding from you periodically. Twice a week, supplementing the rest with the animals that had taken over the abandoned house next door. And with this arrangement came a meeting with a witch named Niki, who had given you a few talismans to protect you. They had helped to make Wilbur's feeding easier too.

Now, almost a year after meeting Wilbur and 4 months since you started dating, he wanted you to meet his family. You had, quite honestly, presumed Wilbur had no family until then, as he had brought up not a whispher or mutter of any family.

You agreed to meet his family but now that you were truly on your way there, not simply speaking empty promises, you were anxious. Wilbur had assured you that everyone in his family had a proper control over their hunger but still, you couldn't help but worry. And on top of that, what if Wilbur's father didn't like your gift? Then you'd have made a bad impression on top of being dead, the horror.

Wilbur broke you out of your thoughts with a soft press to your hand. Being brought back to the present, you notice that the coach box has already slowed to a near stop. Your eyes drift to the beautiful five story house (if you can call it that) with a thick, gothic style stone archway, artfully decorated by a budding moss.

The door pops open and Wilbur is on his feet instantly, holding a hand out for you. You're almost mesmerized by the way Wilbur looks back at his home, with hair mused by the wind, a piece of his lip caught between his teeth.

Now it's your turn to press your hand to his, helping him find his footing. Wilbur's face softens and he offers his arm to you, "Shall we?"

"I suppose we shall," You go through the archway and the air instantly feels different. You can't place how but Wilbur just takes a deep breath in, like he's savoring clear air.

You can spot the three men from the steps, though you imagine they've been able to see you for a while. Two of them—the older blond and the well-built pink one— are eyeing you critically, the only one to look happy to see you both is the young, tall blond who's positively bouncing on his feet. Or, more accurately, happy to see your boyfriend.

"Wilbur!" They beam, "You look like shit."

"Watch your language around our guest, Tommy," The older blond tutts before looking directly at you and finally smiling, "It's wonderful to meet you, Wilbur has told us all about you. I'm Phil, his sire."

Sire. Basically his father then.

"It's nice to meet you too," You shake his hand. Apparently age doesn't detract from strength since this man seems to have it in spades.

"I'm Tommy, Wilbur's favourite," Tommy chirps out, already poking at Wilbur incessantly. He looks exactly like an annoying younger brother should.

"I'm Technoblade," The tall, broody pink-haired one drones out. "Wilbur's actual favourite."

"He's my vampire twin!" Wilbur excitedly ushers you towards the door. "We were turned on the same day, only he was turned a few years early. We're basically twins besides that."

"Not how it works, Wil." Phil sighs. He, Techno and Tommy step through the door, while you and Wilbur stop just before the frame. Wilbur hesitates and you take the first step, winding your hands together and pulling him through the door with you.

Wilbur relaxes when he makes his way inside without trouble, as if doubting that his home would ever stop welcoming him. You squeeze his hand when he lingers a moment too long at the doorframe and he smiles at you, pulling you towards the drawing room.


Phil absoloutely loves the jewelry you had brought him. The dazzling emeralds gleam seem to enchant the old vampire and he made quirk work of wearing them. After a jealous outburst from Tommy, you had promised the rest of the family matching pairs.

Dinner was going wonderful too. Even though none of them needed human food, they all were polite enough to share and eat along with you. No one (besides Tommy) complained and they seemed like such nice people, completely making you forget you had been nervous to begin with.

"So, what type of magical being are you?" Phil asked with a polite smile.

You and Wilbur froze. You glanced over at him, asking with your eyes how he'd forgotten to mention something so important in his letter. Wilbur winced and opened his mouth, only to instantly close it. Honestly, how had you fallen for such an airhead.

"They aren't—"

"They're a witch, obviously," Tommy snorted, as if Phil's question was truly that easy to answer. "Can't you feel the talismans on them. Quite high class too."

Phil rolled his eyes fondly, "Not all of us are sensitive to Magic, Tom."  He turned to you, "So, a witch. I always knew Wilbur had a type."

"I do not have a type," Wilbur pouts. Then he looks back to you, tipping his head. You shake your head back and he just nods, trying to subtly mimick zipping his lips. He fails.


"That wasn't at all like how I planned it to be," Wilbur groans, but he can't keep the smile off his face. "They loved you."

"I wouldn't say love, but we certainly got along," You falter for a second, "but they still don't know I'm human."

"Well, what they don't know won't kill them," Wilbur offers. He frowns when you don't even smile, moving to kneel down, staring up at you. You can't look away as he reaches a hand up to smooth over your cheek. "It's not a big deal, beloved. I could always write Phil another letter, he won't judge you for it."

"And Tommy? He was so excited to find out I was a witch," You mumble, leaning heavily into his palm. "I just don't want to mess anything up."

"You could never, my moonlight, you are perfect." Wilbur fixes you with a strong gaze, every word coming out of his mouth like proven fact, strong and indisputable. It almost makes you believe it too.

"If you really want," Wilbur offers, "I can ask Niki to train any magic potential you have. Tommy saw something special in you besides the talisman, I know it's not displaced."

You melt into Wilbur, feeling pure warmth in your heart, "How did I get so lucky?"

"I should be asking you that," Wilbur leans up and kisses you, lips cold and warmth flooding your face.



[In a more serious manner, I'm going to post everyday (for the next week) leading up to Halloween following a self-made prompt list. On the actual day of Halloween I'm planning on making 3 posts, which is ambitious but I'm mentally ill so I'm going through with it anyways.]

[Anyways, I'm feeling dysphoric so another trans!male reader comfort fix will probably be uploaded soon. Take care of yourselves, you odd, odd folks.]

[L0v3, k1ng]


Taglist: @creatorofstars

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