k1ng0fn0b0dy - we are nobodies
we are nobodies

ASK BOX OPEN FOR REQUESTS he/they pronouns, @thek1ngtalks alt, cross-posted on Wattpad.

97 posts

If Possible, And You Can Ignore This But Continue The Prince Eret X Little Brother Series. It Would Be

If possible, and you can ignore this but continue the prince eret x little brother series. It would be so cool! But no pressure or anything :)

I am planning on continuing it, dw! It's just that I have a bit of a request list at the moment so it will be a bit before I can work on yours. Have a great day/night!

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More Posts from K1ng0fn0b0dy

3 years ago

I have to say Wildest Wills and No Friends absolutely ruined me in the best ways possible! Although I don’t expect a second part to No Friends, I’m so genuinely curious on what could happen afterwards because betrayal seems to be the only plausible option in Squid Game and I do enjoy myself some angst and romance! I think it’s so incredibly well-written and the speed of each game event flowed well enough for me to grasp at what standpoint they’re at.

I do hope you continue Wildest Wills especially! There’s so much content to work off of from where you left it and I’m just so obsessed with the concept! I liked how they met and I think following them in their journey together would be so incredible to read and see how they grow with each other. I’m such a simp for the Dream Team and Bad! I’m also such a sucker for badass readers wielding swords and kicking ass so I may be a bit biased for this specific work!

I really adore where your going with all your other writings! I haven’t read all of them yet but I’m obsessed enough to know I’ll be speedrunning them soon enough! I don’t know why but I really enjoy your portrayals and the way you depict scenes and characters! I hope you don’t mind the long comment I’m just absolutely wow’d!

So I don't think I'm going to continue No Friends but I will reveal some of my writing thoughts behind it since you're curious!

So it's based off a song with the exact same name. But uh, the nightcore version because... yup.

I had just finished Squid Game at the time and so I was like, yes this is a good idea. And then it was but it was also a lot of work and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

The "ending" I included is 100% fake. No minors were in Squid Game, though certain LManburg adults were. If i had to make an ending, I'm a sucker for angst but I also want happy endings so probably breaking your way out but then one of your sacrificing yourself to save the others.

If I had to decide a concrete ending with no "They all live" endings, Sapnap would be the winner. George would be too weak to survive too long, Dream would be taken down by Wilbur killing both of them, and Sapnap would in the end survive by killing Fundy, who had helped kill George.

So! I'm currently writing a pt 2 to Wildest Wills : Currently unnamed. Not going to spoil it! But! Expect some good old SBI ha ha :)

And omg you are so sweet!!! I really enjoy writing and I'm so glad all of you guys enjoy my writing too!!! Have a great day, you're incredible!!!

[L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
3 years ago

❤ Darling~

Request by (@) itsnotfire on Wattpad : "Could we get a part two of this where the reader does test Fundy's loyalty please? Also your work is absolutely amazing!" PART 1

[1800 words]

[They/Them pronouns]

Description: Your cute little hero's been homesick. As some quick fun you let him return home for a day :). (Fundy x M!Reader) This is unhealthy. So many things in this relationship are MEANT to be unhealthy. Do not glorify/romanticize these things because they are toxic and illegal.

[Read the rest under the cut]


It starts like all good things, with a bang.

Fundy's cooking for you, a hobby he's taken up as weeks with nothing to do have passed by. You can smell it from the study, the lining of cow's blood he mixed in the soup just for you. Fundy's part fox, which means he enjoys raw meat just as much as you, but he's never enjoyed human blood as much as you do. It's sweet for him to add some in, even if it's cows blood.

You're filing down more paperwork, seems some vigilante named Monarch has been raiding your warehouses looking for something or... You chance a glance towards the photo on your desk, a high-quality one of you and Fundy in your background having a picnic. He was laughing when it was taken, beautiful brown eyes pressed closed, cheeks slightly red. You loathed admitting you had gotten a tad attached to the little fox but the thought of someone coming looking for him had your blood boiling.

Then, as you almost snapped your pen in half, a loud bang came from the kitchen alongside a sharp yelp from Fundy. You rushed forward, slightly breathless as you whirled into the kitchen only to find Fundy tearing up, shaking on the floor as boiling soup soaks his clothes.

He looks up at you, shaky lips pressed together to hold sobs in. Without any hesitation he rushes for you, throwing himself into your chest to sob. The soup is a mess on the floor, steam rolling off it and you grimace. You peel him away from you, looking at the mess he's made of himself.

"Oh darling," You coo, reaching up to cup his face. "You're filthy. I bet it hurts, doesn't it."

Fundy nods, sniffling. "I didn't mean to drop it, I swear. It was just so hot and..." he sniffles, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, shh shh, look at me." You wiped tears and soup off his face. "Go run a shower and I'll get someone to pick this up and meet you there."

"Okay," he muttered softly. Glancing back at you, he leaves slowly.

You sigh, turning to the kitchen. It's a burden to pick up yourself so you'll just call someone to do it for you. As you call for a helper, you think back to Fundy's distant behavior. He's been zoning off far more lately and while he's always quick to fix anything he does wrong, today he's... sensitive.

You don't stand around long. After you call them, you're already making quick strides to catch up to Fundy. As you open the door, you catch the sniffling over the pouring of the bath.

Fundy looks over, stripped sown to just his boxers, which miraculously look barely touched. He does brighten up a bit when you enter but it's still diluted in the melancholy.

You strip to your undergarments too, sitting in the large tub with Fundy gladly between your legs, back to your chest. Your little fox greatly enjoys being held, even now that somethings bothering him he's all over you, head tipped back to rest on your shoulder.

"What's wrong darling," You ask gently, pressing soft kisses to his jawline. "You're acting more distant than usual."

"It's nothing just..." He bites his lower lip and looks away with a sigh. "I miss home."

You try to ignore the tension in his body as he asks. It's so off-putting when he gets scared of you. You sigh, thinking back to Monarch's recent break-in to one of your warehouses, trying to find information on Fundy, rightfully assuming you had something to do with it. Maybe... maybe he could visit home.

"If you miss them that badly, you could visit." You suggest casually, though you know the suggestion is anything but to him.

"Really!" Fundy turns, water sloshing out of the tub. He throws his arms around you, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"


"You're not coming along," Fundy asks again, biting his lip.

"I'll be there the entire time, just not by your side." You assure him, reaching up to brush hair from his eyes. He smiles widely at you, relaxing back at your words. He offers his arm to you one more time before you leave. "Not right now, darling. Can't have you looking less than perfect for your family."

Fundy pouts but obeys as obediently as always. You fix his shirt, making sure the hem isn't too roughed up. It's an old shirt but you can't just dress a missing person in a suit and send him back. He has to look somewhat hazardous. As you hold your hand at his collarbone, pressing against it lightly, he tries to smile. "I'll miss you."

"I know you will, darling." You smile, pulling your hand away. Fundy chases it for a second before swaying back in place, stock still just for you. "Now, I can't drop you off but if you ever need me just say the word. I have people ready to teleport us out."

"Y/N..." Fundy hesitates. "How long do I have with them?"

"All day if you're good." You smiled as Fundy squared his shoulders. "Now, let's go before someone wakes up."

You walk Fundy down an empty road, face covered with an cracked obsidian mask, molten gold filling the cracks. He seems anxious as you walk, hand curled into yours. You stop a few blocks before Fundy's previous residence as a precaution, bringing his hand up for a brief kiss before disappearing into the shadows.

The fox turns toward the street that will guide him home, firey red eyes glimmering in the artificial street light. He takes a step forward, and then another. He starts running, hair mused by the wind, feet carrying him faster as his neglected powers crackle with eagerness. As eager to be used again as Fundy was.

You follow behind casually because you already know where he's running. When you catch up, Fundys gasping lightly, hands on his knees as he stares at his old home with wonder. When he gets his breathe back he reaches forward, hands brushing the redwood door adoringly.

After a seconds hesitation and a glance back for you, he knocks. And then knocks faster. There is a distant voice you can hear yelling but Fundy doesn't stop.

"What!" They yell before the sight in front of their eyes catches up to their brain. They reel backwards, hands reaching to hold their mouth. "Fundy...?"

"Dad," he answers back, voice just as wet. He reaches forward and Wilbur wraps his arms around him and lifts him up, breathless. "Dad! Dad, put me down!"

"Where were you," Wilbur says when he puts him down, voice still shocked as he holds Fundy's face between his hands. He can't quite seem to help himself from pulling Fundy back into his arms.

"Nowhere important, Dad," Fundy mumbles into his father's shoulder. You feel something twist uncomfortably in your stomach as you stare at the reunion but it's easy to ignore. "I don't really want to talk about it. Can we just... watch a few movies? We could have that pizza from down the block?"

"Fundy you hate that place," Wilbur says with a small frown, he smoothes it out easily when Fundy just tilts forward with a sigh. "Alright. I'll call them and we can watch Treasure Planet. How'd that feel bud?"

"I'd love that," Fundy says, more relaxed than you've ever seen him. "I really, really would."

The night goes off without a hitch. Wilbur seemed tense but he always let Fundy lie to him and pretend it was nothing. They sit around and eat really cheesy pizza and watch the same movie twice before just talking for another 3 hours. They eat the leftovers of the pizza and Wilbur makes sure to remind Fundy every 5 minutes that he loves him.

When Fundy took a step out the front door, face nostalgic and sad, Wilbur took it in stride. He sweeps Fundy into one last hug, shoulders shaking with repressed tears. When he pulls away, he sets a gentle kiss on Fundy's forehead and says one last time, "I love you."

And Fundy smiles, that sweet and gentle one you had grown to adore, "I know, Dad. I love you too."

He steps away, pausing for a moment like he's rethinking something. With a small shake of his head, he lets go of the hesitation and leaves. You wait, staring right at Wilbur- Willow, you realize now, and his face splits into a soft sob as he falls to his knees.

You turn to follow after Fundy and don't looks back.


Fundy has been in a higher spirits after his visit home. He seems lighter now that he's been reassured they're okay. It's not really insulting that he thinks you'd hurt them, you've had far worse assumptions made about you. Your mother had thought you the antichrist and tried murdering you as a young toddler, so at least this one was believeable and didn't result in a lifelong scar.

He seemed normal, pressing kisses to your bloody hands when you returned from work, bleeding for you, tracing your claims on his body like he wanted to brand them into his skin. But you never quite managed to get rid of the memory of his willing departure. You had started this with adrenaline coursing your veins, joyful at how much work Fundy was to break, ravishing yourself in his unique blood. Now though, it felt different. There was no game to play now that you knew he was loyal to you, utterly and completely yours.

You flicked through papers from your henchmen who were only reporting minor issues, homeless people breaking into warehouses or vigilantes sniffing around. Ugh, even they had started producing higher numbers. You were undoubtedly the strongest villain in the city and yet— You were incomplete.

"Darling," You call out, lips quirked up as eager footsteps come racing. Fundy waits patiently by the door for you to say something, anything at all. You rack your finger against the desk, nodding him over. As he settles on your lap, hands on your shoulder silently, something feels wrong.

You look back at your desk, staring at the picture of a homeless kid. Their thin white hair is disheveled as they struggled against two of your workers. Their pale blue eyes glare up at the camera, mouth foaming as he likely screams at the worker holding it. He was apparently a homeless kid with an unusually strong superpower who had broken in for a night's rest. You tilt your head at the photo for a second.


You look into Fundy's eyes, a sharp-toothed grin on your face. "How'd you feel about adopting a kid?"


[Bro this request is from like 3 months ago ;-; I'm so behind on requests. FYI, the next request is for a third (and final part) of the King Eret works and then after that is another Eret request for a sequel to Sweet Summer Sun. If you're a first time reader who doesn't know what the fuck those are, go to the Eret section and have fun!]

[Anyways I'm going to go start that and then I'm going to rewatch Doukyuusei (this really cute mxm story and it's just ahfkahgk!!!) Take care of yourself, you are loved and appreciated and there are things and people and stories waiting for you that you don't even know exist yet so hold on until you get to meet them and then let them help pull you up.]

[L0v3, k1ng]


Taglist: @creatorofstars

Tags :
3 years ago

❤ Shampoo Shopping

[1200+ words]

(He/him pronouns)

Description: You're running out of Shampoo when someone collapses in the same aisle. Who knew they were going to be pretty? (George x Reader)

[Read the rest under the cut]


You stare at the white bottle, the tiny black words practically blind to you. When was the last time you went shopping? It was an abhorrent thought because ew, social interaction. But sadly, because of your isolation, you've lost all skill at shopping.

You're just standing there,, considering the benefits of a classic Dove shampoo. It's not 2 in 1, so it's probably fine. You throw it in your trolley and head off towards conditioners.

The bottles are all so colourful over here, you noticed almost instantly. You don't have much time to notice, though. Not when a fellow shopper at Tesco's suddenly collapses. Their head bounces off the wall as they start sliding down, trolley bumping into yours.

You blink. "Uh...?" Hesitantly walking over, you poke the man in the arm. They move slightly, to your utter relief. You can't imagine what you would've done if they had just died. That would not have looked good to be caught poking a dead body.

"Sir?" You try, to no result. They are limp, their cart a few feet away from them. Slowly, you reach over and pull their head onto your lap so you can check them over.

There isn't any blood that you can find, sifting your fingers around his scalp. So it's likely just gonna be a heavy headache. You still take a second to brush a finger over the area as a sort of condolence. They shift under your hands, pressing themselves closer to the hand.

Wow. They seem almost as touch starved as you.

You pull your hand away from their fluffy brown hair and consider ways to wake someone. You saw once on the American Office that Dwight held the nose and mouth closed to wake someone up. You also experienced it once when your delightful sister tested it on you.

Maybe not then.

Luckily, or maybe unluckily, you didn't have to think much longer when your sleeping beauty slowly blinked. You almost thought you heard then mumble pretty before your situation registered.

"What the–!" You flinched away as they scrambled back. "Who are you–!"

"Er, Y/N? I'm sorry it's just, you had collapsed and– and, I dunno?" You flailed awkwardly. They nodded along, just as awkwardly. Their pretty eyes were slightly teary as they rubbed at the back of their head. "Are–, you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm just–, well, colourblind so–, uh..." They grimace at their own odd explanation. "My eyes are sensitive and it doesn't usually make me pass out but today was just unlucky."

You wince. You couldn't imagine how hard that must be. Your cousin dealt with minor colourblindness, but never to the extent of passing out. You never even knew it could get that bad.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay, uh–?" You flustered yourself, realizing you don't even know their name. "... mate?"

They blinked at you for a second before bursting into laughter. You couldn't contain your own laugh, feeling oddly charmed by the stranger.

"My name is George." They give you a small grin, which lights up their face. You give a small, flustered squeak to which they thankfully ignore.

"I'm glad you're okay, George."

"Thank you for, well, trying to help," George awkwardly laughed. "Sorry you had to see me like that though."

"Oh no! You're fine. I mean, who wouldn't help?" You fiddled with a loose thread on your sweater.

The pretty brunet shook his head, "Still, thanks."

"I mean," You licked your strangely dry lips. Now wasn't a good time to look half-dead, you realized. "I get that this might be awkward and you can totally say no but—, uh, can I get your nunber?"

George flushed red, turning their face away. "S–sure."


"Are you still thinking about Shampoo Boy?" Your sister asked, leaning against her palm. She was talking on the phone with one of her friend's cousins as she made dinner, but it seems she caught onto your moping.

"I don't know what to say." You bemoaned. Life is so unfair. Why did all your braincells have to die with your social skills. "What did you say to get your boyfriend?"

Your question was towards Sam's phone, which hummed for a second. Sam handed it off to you, excusing herself to grab a cup of water.

"Well, when I realized I liked Jackie I just talked to him. Like a normal person."

"Oh God, you're useless." You cry, hiding your face in your arms. "I can't just talk to him. You don't get it! George is so pretty and– agh—!"

Sam raised an unamused brow, the empty cup still dripping lonely drops of water. "Are you done? Good, you were getting annoying."

"I hate you," You absoloutely mean your words. Sulking to your room, you frowned at your phone. George's contact was saved under "George ❤" and yet you couldn't find the confidence to actually text him anything. Why was existing so hard?

You lean back on your bed, teasing your lip between your teeth. Chewing on it as you started drafting a message. Immediately, you deleted it all. And started writing again, and deleted again, and writing again.

Curse stupid, stupid social anxiety. Locking you into a stalemate of not wanting to say too much and not wanting to say too little. You've technically had a mini text already. So that George actually had your number you sent it to him there with your name and a compliment, your sister always said that everyone loved compliments.

He responded back after giving you the goofiest smile. A simple hi but with your own special compliment.

Maybe you could compliment him again. He had good fashion taste, maybe you could compliment his sweater. Or would that be too weird? Agh!

Your solace came from someone you least expected.

George. Your screen bubbled up with "..."s as George started writing something horribly long. You waited, clutching your phone between both hands.


I hope you're not busy but I just wanted to thank you again for helping me ba

Back at the store*

Sent too early

I'm sorry

You pull your phone close to your neck, pressing the top to your lips in a silent panic. How badly you want to kick your feet and squeal like a kid with a crush. Okay, Step 1) Answer him like a normal person. Step 2) ... marriage? Step 3) Profit.

Totally reasonable and not at all made up on the spot.

Youre absoloutely fine

No need to apolgize* not like youre fine fine

Well you are good looking but I wasnt

I'm going to stop now

Thanks I think?

And uhm

You're good looking too


... I'm sorry

No please do not apologize

I think we're just both really awkward

Let me start over



George I think you're really pretty and I would like to ask you out on a date if that's alright with you

If not you can totally block me like I'm so sorry

No you're perfectly good

I would love to go on a date

With you


... I'm sorry

I never thought I'd get this far

Uh cool so I can pick you up at 7 this Saturday

If that's good with you ofc

That's amazing

I'll see you this Saturday


By the way I think I have your shampoo


[I posted this on Wattpad like 2 days ago but Merry Christmas Eve, another post is going to come out soon so bye for now!]

[L0v3, k1ng]


Taglist: @creatorofstars

Tags :
3 years ago

💛 Blue Boquets and Brothers

[1400+ words]

[No pronouns]

Description: Tommy's been stealing flowers from your garden for weeks. Today though, you finally catch him in the act. (Platonic Tommy x Reader)

[Read the rest under the cut]


Tommy shuffles down the street, dragging his feet across to kick a random stone. It skids just out of reach so he moves on, wrapping his hands around the straps of his backpack in that way movies always depicted nerdy kids. In a way, it fit.

The garden on his way to Wilbur's is empty, devoid of human life like it is every time Tommy walks up to it. The little chain link fence isn't good at keeping out people but he imagines that it had to be good for something since there aren't any dogs chewing on leaves. His foot fits into a hole and he pushes himself on top and jumps a bit to land perfectly.

He bend down, dirt and rips already staining his relatively new pair of jeans. There are blue hyacinths next to a array of purple flowers that he can't name even as he plucks a few of both.

Tying them together with a strand of blue ribbon, he carefully puts them in his backpack. Throwing it over his shoulder, reaching back awkwardly to fit it over his other, something rattles the door to the garden and Tommy throws himself forward to climb the fence. Too late, he thinks as someone's hand wraps around his ankle. "Let go—!"

"Not until you come down!" You yell back, tired lines under your eyes. You were waiting for him, he realizes. "You're going to break your leg trying to jump!"

"Then let go!" He tugs at his leg but for just a moment he loses balance and gives up on his pants to curl his fingers around the metal tug himself up. In his panic he kicked you in the face. Good, he thinks vindictively.

You tug harder and Tommy is wailing as his arms reach out to stop the impact. His palms burn, arms aching with the impact still ringing in his bones.

"Shit kid," You had jumped back when he fell but now you're kneeling at his side, face twisted like it's torn between helping or not. Tommy doesn't even care, instantly scrambling to make sure the flowers in his backpack are safe. To his great relief, the flower petals are only slightly smushed.

"Just go away," Tommy says, pulling his backpack to his chest, watching you with narrowed eyes. "I haven't been doing anything wrong."

"You've been stealing my flowers," You chide softly, frowning as you stood up. Taking him in for a second, you sigh, putting out a hand to help him stand. "Alright, let's go then."

"What?" Tommy knows his face probably looks like he bit a lemon but honestly it's a fair reaction. "Uh?"

"I want to make sure the girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft." You say, crossing your arms when Tommy stand on his own. He puts his arm through the backpack strap slowly, staring down at his shoes. This is a... fairly odd situation he's in now.

"I have a feeling you won't let me leave if I don't bring you with me," Tommy says, grimacing at your determined nod. This was going to be awkward. He's never really brought anyone to see Wilbur before, not besides Tubbo and Ranboo. "Alright, let's go then."

You unlock the gate, pulling a key out of your pocket like you knew Tommy would break. Together, and that is such an odd thought, you start walking. You're a few paces ahead even though Tommy's supposed to be leading but he's too busy holding the flowers gingerly, careful not to knock any petals off, to care where you are.

"So," You start, probably uncomfortable in the silence that had been following you both. "What's her name?"

"His name is Wilbur," Tommy awkwardly starts, unsure of how to broach the fact that they're definitely not dating.

"That's a nice name," You say without skipping a beat. Not homophobic then, that's nice. "Does he like those flowers or did you pick at random?"

"Hyacinths were his favourite but I always bring him blue so I thought purple would shake things up," Tommy shrugs, glancing up at your approving look before scowling down at his flowers. Well, technically yours but— doesn't matter they're his now.

"Those are lavender," You slow down next to him, pointing at the pretty flowers that wrap around the hyacinths. "But you also have a few small alliums. They're the circle ones, right there."

"They're pretty," Tommy says softly and now that he's thinking the allium is kinda familiar. Ranboo had given him one when they first met. He had it pressed between a book somewhere. "I'm sure Wil's gonna like them."

"Do you bring him flowers every weel?" You ask, side-by-side. looking over the bouquet.

Tommy nods because he always takes flowers from your garden so you probably already knew. "II like to keep him looking nice. If he's surrounded by dead flowers it just gets sad."

You tilt your head in confusion but shrug. it goes silent for a minute before Tommy sees large metal gates., pulled open wide and ever-daunting. "Ready to meet him?"

"We're at a graveyard." You bring up, skittish like Tommy can't tell where he is. You do look pretty disgruntled though so Tommy doesn't take it to heart. "do you and Wil hang around graveyards often?"

Tommy just wordlessly guides you along, hearing leaves crunch as you slowly follow. In a few minutes of silence, minutes you try to fill by asking questions that Tommy can't answer. Then you are standing by a polished grave and Tommy plucks a few offending weeds off the carved stone. pulling the wilting flowers out of the glass vase and replacing them with the new ones, making sure the ribbon stays on nice and pretty.

"Oh," You say and when Tommy looks back at you, you're lips are pressed together into a tight line, brows furrowed with tension. "I didn't realize..."

He shrugs, wordlessly turning back to Wil. "Hey Wil, this is Y/N, I've been stealing flowers from their garden for you. They're... alright, I suppose. I think you two would've gotten along, probably."

"Hello Wilbur," You start slowly, moving to kneel down next to Tommy. "I meet Tommy like 20 minutes ago but I've already gotten tired of him." Tommy rolls his eyes with a smile. "Tommy told me you liked Hyacinths, they're nice flowers. You have good taste."

"I still think the alliums are better," Tommy chimed in, leaning forward to brush a hand against the stone. He softens his words, speaking quietly to the heaviness in the air that haunts him. "But I guess you do have pretty good taste."

You put a hand on Tommy's shoulder, squeezing with a silent apology. He nods, feeling slightly choked. After Wilbur's death, the whole family took it hard. Phil started putting crazy hours into working, Technoblade went on another fencing tour (which he hasn't done in years), and at this point, Tommy's the only one who lives in the empty two-story house. Until you joined him, he can say with certainty that he was the only one who visited Wilbur. No one's held him since it happened, not until your slightly awkward one-arm hold on his shoulder, comfort and burn.

"Two weeks," You say and Tommy turns to you, slightly confused. "That's how long you've been stealing flowers from me, two weeks. Is that...?"

"Yeah," Tommy says and this time his voice is watery. God, he should've just told you to fuck off. Now he's going to look like a mess. "I try to visit him every day. I don't want him to feel lonely without me or some shit."

"You're a good kid," You say, rubbing a circle into his shoulder. You look back at the flowers and grimace, "I'd like it if you didn't steal my flowers but I'm not going to report anything. Not to your parents or the police. It can be our secret."

"He would've liked you," Tommy says before he can stop himself. His ears burn and it's not just with the cold. "You're a good person and... Wilbur would probably be in love with your garden."

"If he's anything like you, I'd probably like him too." You look over at him, probably spotting his embarrassed flush. You stand, holding a hand out to help him and he takes it. "It's pretty cold out, kid. Let's go get some hot cocoa, my treat."

"Okay," He says and it's with a relief he can't understand. "Goodbye Wil."



[L0v3, k1ng]


Taglist: @creatorofstars

Tags :
3 years ago

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)

𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐.


𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘦𝘴. "𝘚𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦."

𝘏𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘥, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮. 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘴 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘥 𝘢𝘪𝘳, 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥. "𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦."



Sorry for the late update and post! I had been doing school work and completely forgot about Tumblr! (//▽//)

[L0v3, k1ng]

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