Purpled - Tumblr Posts
This account is about to become a purpled AND Eret apologist account so BUCKLE THE FUCK UP FOLKS
lol everyone is sleeping on the eggpire when it’s literally: the unofficial leader of the manhunt hunters who has been in a 3v1 against techno and won, Cartoon-Logic-Extraordinaire himself who can bs his way through almost anything, the guy fucking Dream calls on to do his dirty work, a 20 ft magical catboy, the server’s only doctor who also only has one of his own limbs left and canonically sold his soul, and fucking purpled
The Red Banquet and important things I noticed
(All rp of course)
- It seems the egg is now invulnerable to explosions. Bad said they made the preparations but what does that mean? Did that mean they had to feed the egg more or did they alter the egg in some way to make it withstand explosions better? There’s also the question if the nukes would work.
- Foolish mentioned the egg suppressed him so I would assume the egg has a powerful force that can suppress other people’s powers.
- Quackity distracted the eggpire members by telling them to look at the egg, and gave Puffy an axe and a golden apple without them knowing. I didn’t notice this in Puffy’s stream at first and I definitely didn’t notice in Bad’s stream until I went back to look for it in Puffy’s.
- Props to Quackity for getting Purpled and Techno to help them, especially Techno, since they’re like enemies. Makes me wonder if there is potential of them teaming up again in the future (also had a thought that Purpled and Techno are the other hooded people from Quackity’s lore, but honestly it probably isn’t)
- Puffy killed Antfrost, who used to be a good friend of hers, to try to stop the eggpire. That must’ve not been easy for her. Also Quackity and Co. leaping to defend her from the other eggpire members.
- Apparently Niki disappeared after the offense against the eggpire. Could it be connected to the syndicate? Idk. I don’t really know what to make of that but perhaps someone will.
- Quackity repeatedly asks George if he was ok. It seems that even through everything, Quackity still cares for George.
Edit (omg I forgot one more thing):
- Ranboo could be seen sneaking on the vines above the crowd. He was wearing a hooded outfit and it’s possible that he was in his enderwalk state. We see him again near the end when everyone escaped the egg room, but he’s in his normal skin again. I wonder if he did anything or was he just watching?
Funny things I noticed from the Red Banquet
- George showing up late because he was sleeping and showed up in his usual clothes. He’s making his ancestors proud by actually showing up to lore this time
- Fundy’s, uh, mispronunciation of clock
- Sam dunking his dumpy into the punch and Bad saying “dumpy”
- Bad’s “yup, prepare to die” when the lava came down
- When Quackity said “I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to Bad” to Antfrost like damn
- Sam’s go to answer is to imprison the problem. He really is a warden at heart haha
i love him so much

have a wonderful day everyone 💜💜
💜 Trouble's A Coming
Request by @ -KIYOORIN on wattpad: "Purpled x male reader where reader find out quackity blow up purpled’s ufo and decided to comfort him (i have watch the full thing on purpled's lore so yeah sorry:"))"
(700+ words)
(He/him pronouns)
Description: Quackity fucks up and there seems to be a theme with minors following in their gaslighters footsteps.
[Read the rest under the cut]
"Take the gamble, Purpled," Quackity said, hand outstretched. His lips were spread unnaturally, half of his face twitching, scarred skin pulled at but still barely moving. "Take the gamble and you can change everything ."
"You know where to find me!" Quackity screams when he turns and walks away. Purpled's suit is dripping wet as thunder strikes something close by. "You know where I am Purpled!"
He chewed at his lips, trying to ignore the trembling in his hands. Maybe it was a bad coping method (or whatever Puffy called them) but Purpled's hand ached to burn away the anger and his sword was the easiest way to do that.
And his vision blurred together. Flashes of vague recognizance of his surrounds before they melted away into raw fury. Sounds clattering around his head for a while after they happened. It could've been hours or days before he opened his eyes again and saw.
His hands were bloody, aching and raw. There was gunpowder and silk and rotting blood dripping off his palms, his sword was coated in so much more.
Now, emotions raw after having his obsidian thick anger peeled away, he trembled and hiccups. Purpled didn't feel care much for his legacy, his legacy didn't matter to him, but the ufo... it was his way home. He could make another but it'd take months and without the right resources it'd never make it off planet. He was screwed, stuck on a shitty green and blue planet that rotated a fucking sun.
If he could get angry, he would. Tears welled up behind his eyes and he wanted to slam his fists into the trees.
"Purpled?" Someone called out. He didn't want to look, didn't want them to see the mess he made of himself. Gentle hands touched his shoulder and he jerked away, whirling to face them.
You stood there, lips pressed together into a frown. Eyes wide, you veered a bit closer, close enough for Purpled to hear the way your breathing stopped. "Oh Purpled..."
"Don't talk to me like that," he said, heart pounding in his chest. He slapped your hand away, wiping at his face. "I'm fine."
"You don't look fine," You said, glancing over at his sword, edges dull and coated in blood. You look back up and your face is full of softness and concern. It makes his stomach turn. "You don't have to tell me anything. Just let me heal you up. Please,"
"Okay," he murmured, unable to meet your eyes. He felt... bad about everything right now but you didn't deserve to feel bad too. He sat on the ground legs stretched out in front of him.
You sat by his side, already swirling a healing pot in hand. You reach up and touch a scratch and even your careful hands make Purpled hiss in pain. "You really got fucked up this time, huh?"
It's a subtler question than last time, a small prod to see if he's willing to talk. And it's a mixture of guilt and tears that spill from his mouth when he wordlessly agrees. "Quackity blew up my ufo."
The kindness melts from your expression, lips twisted into a frown. "He did what?" You poured a bit of healing on a rag and started wiping at his face, like a parent would to a child with food on their face. "I swear if I ever see that man,"
Purpled shook his head, a small smile on his face at the idea. You cared a lot for a lot of people and yet he still found it crazy that you cared. "I've got it handled, (Y/N). Don't worry."
"I know you do, you're strong," You sighed. You put the rag down, reaching up to trace now smooth skin, cradling his cheek in your palm. "I'm still here for you. No matter what."
"I know you are," He said right back at you, smiling softly.
He reaches up, fingers lightly hovering over yours before he relaxes back. In a spur of the moment decision, he relaxes enough for his antennaes to pop out of his hair, glowing a dim purple. It's a sign of trust on his home planet but the thought makes his heart burn.
"They're very pretty," You say, moving to throw your legs over his lap. It doesn't even seem to bother your alien friend, who just moves his legs a bit before closing his eyes, head resting back against a tree. You pour more healing potion and wiped away the rest of the blood.
As the sun starts rising, you lay asleep with your legs tangled together.
[This gave a lot more relationship vibes than intended. Up to interpretation I suppose.]
[Anyways my Technoblade merch arrived in the mail today pogs in chat boysss !!! I might be able to write pt2 to Wildest Wills before finals, who knows!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
exile arc but every day someone puts on a blonde wig and red n white t shirt and takes Tommy’s place as they all try to gaslight Dream
quackity: Hello it is me tommyinnit
dream: you aren’t tommyinnit and you don’t look or sound like him
quackity: *in a British accent* hello it is me tommyinnit
dream: tubbo I can see that it’s you
tubbo, wearing the ugliest blonde wig known to man: what? im tommyinnit. here I’ll prove it I just need some flint n steel and the location of your house
dream: are you ghostbur?
ghostbur: yes!
Phil: oh I forgot to tell you! Tommy’s street name is ghostbur. that’s why he said that :)
dream: oh hi “Tommy” why is your hair blue?
jack manifold, who didn’t own any other wigs: I’m going through a mid life crisis
dream: Ranboo I can see that you’re an enderman
ranboo, wearing a red and white suit: im tommyinnit. I remember everything. i can definitely swim mhm mhm
Dream: you aren’t even wearing the red and white. you’re just another blonde guy
purpled, a paid actor: wdym didn’t you know there’s only one blonde person ever. im tommyinnit
dream: technoblade what I meant to think of this
technoblade, wearing a sign that says ‘im tommyinnit’: well most people think I’m annoying at first
dream: you’re literally a pig
technoblade: that’s kinda rude to say about the British
Dream: how are you here. you’re dead.
glatt, who pierced the veil of life and death in order to make fun of tommy: no im tommyinnit. pogchamp or something
My headcanon is that purpled's family sigil is not a swan, but a goose.
My headcanon is that purpled's family sigil is not a swan, but a goose.
My headcanon is that purpled's family sigil is not a swan, but a goose.

Sorry for not posting, I've had a huge art block. I hope this will make up for it though. :)
Also no more whiteboard because it fell over and broke a while ago :(

I'm practicing different art styles, and I absolutely love how this turned out!
My latest for anyone who’s interested
Do any of y’all know if there’s a group name for Phil, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Eryn, and Purpled?
If not I might need to make one idk
Another one! :D
New chapter out now
This one is good I love it
Hope you all enjoy too