k1ng0fn0b0dy - we are nobodies
we are nobodies

ASK BOX OPEN FOR REQUESTS he/they pronouns, @thek1ngtalks alt, cross-posted on Wattpad.

97 posts

Baes, Bandaids, And Beaches

💜 Baes, Bandaids, and Beaches

[Gender Neutral]

[400+ words]

Description: You complain about the cut on your foot to your own personal boy-next-door bestie Ranboo.

[Read the rest under the cut]

"I cut my foot," You whine at Ranboo, who's currently sitting on the floor next to your bed, just laughing at you. "It's not funny, it hurts!"

"Oh poor baby-man, can't handle a small cut," Ranboo rolls his eyes but obligatorily puts their hand put. You set your foot in it with wiggling toes and he rolls his eyes again. He looks over the cut, which is admittedly not that ugly, and winces in sympathy when he spots the puffy red skin around it.

"Oh geez, you definitely need to bandage that. Do we even have any band-aids though?" Ranboo sets your foot back and you pull it towards yourself, falling back on your bed.

"We?" You smile, amused. "Since when did you live here?"

"Since your dads stopped asking where I came from when I came down for dinner," Ranboo says, fully deadpan. He stands up, stretching his egriously long limbs out before moving towards your bathroom. "So, do we?"

"I dunno, check the drawers I guess?" You scratch at the area around your foot, grimacing. You love living by the beach (and it's even better that it's just a walk away) but sometimes days like these happen and you trip on the wrong stone and have to suffer with the consequences of your own actions. Okay, maybe you're a tad dramatic right now but it doesn't really hurt!

"Find any, Bae?" You call out, turning on your stomach to look at your bathroom door.

"Call me Bae again and I won't give them to you!" He calls back, already walking out with a box of Disney princess band-aids in hand. He just sighs at your grinning face and passes them over.

"Thank you, Bae," You reach out and pat his cheek before he turns away.

His face sours comically, though you can see him holding back a smile. "Whatever, I'm gonna go ask your dad for some lemonade."

"Dad's out right now, ask Pa!" You shout but Ranboo doesn't react so you shrug and just assume he heard you. God, you hardly remember the days Ranboo wasn't living right next to you but sometimes it hits you that he's just involved with everything you do now.

You can hear Ranboo going up your stairs, 2 at a time like always, and grin. It's a lot but you enjoy it anyways. Now, if you can just convince him to let you crash his streams...


[I was replaying Our Life (FREE TO PLAY SO GO PLAY ITS SO CUTE AND LOVELY) and I wanted to write about best friend neighbour's. Whether it's the romantic boy-next-door type or just friends, up to you.]

[Also I haven't posted real writing since like three days before my birthday which means it's been like two months. Uh oh. So take this small thing I wrote on the plane and I promise I'll have something longer in a few days. Peace, love you all. Take care of yourself, you matter!!!]

[L0v3, k1ng]

Taglist: @creatorofstars @hiwhatsupbruv


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More Posts from K1ng0fn0b0dy

2 years ago

❤ Falter In Fall's Light

Request by (@) Gay_Ikea and (@) ender66665 on Wattpad: "PART TWO PLEASE" "We need a part 2 please I'm begging" PART 1

[He/him pronouns]

[1300+ words]

Description: You're hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo when Eret comes to talk. Things get significantly more complicated. [Ex-Eret x m!Reader]

[Read the rest under the cut]


It was lovely sitting there and watching the sunset. The way the sky mixed in beautiful pinks and purples, tinged at the top with a greyish blue. Cracks of orange split from between the clouds and you sighed softly as Cat played in the jukebox next to you.

Tommy begrudgingly gave the seat up after you guilt-tripped him with your crutches. Your crutches were leaned against the jukebox anyways and Tubbo helped convince him they were basically dual weapons.

You tipped your head back, keeping your eyes closed as someone walked closer. They paused, foot skidding up some dirt as they waited. Tommy and Tubbo didn't hear them, obviously, too busy arguing with each other. You sighed again, taking in a peaceful night sky for one last moment before you sat up, tapping Tommy's shoulder to warn him as you reached for your crutches.

They weren't entirely necessary all the time, most of the time you just needed a walking stick and you could still kick ass, but you were a bit glad you used them instead today. They were technically knock-offs but that made them heavy enough to knock a man to the ground and with two of them, you'd manage to protect yourself more than most people thought you would.

"Why are you here, Eret," You frown at the man. Tubbo got his sword out, tilting his head in a silent offer. You shook yours back.

Eret seemed to grow more resigned at your silent talk, a long drawn line of regret on his face. "I was just passing by."

"Really?" Tommy narrows his eyes, his mistrust of all things Eret still bubbling. "If that was the case then Y/N wouldn't've warned us. You not here to backstab us again are you?"

You clenched your jaw at the memory. After Eret's betrayal, it was safe to say that you two broke up and stayed that way, but it was a sore subject to bring up anyway. "He's not wrong, Eret. There's some other reason."

"Guys," Tubbo started slowly, looser than either of you. You knew Eret's betrayal hit you and Tommy the worse but you'd expect a bit more anger.

"What, Tubbo," Your hands itch to do something. Hit something, maybe, you're not too sure.

"If he came here for a reason why not hear him out," Tubbo met your eyes, not with any warmth for Eret but something other. You think it might've been for you. "We out-number him anyways. He's harmless."

You bit your tongue to keep from saying anything you didn't mean-- you knew he was saying the truth, it didn't make it easier to hear. Eret seemed relieved when you turned to him with a nod, even with the scowl on your face. "You have 5 minutes. Talk fast."

"Thank you," He spoke quickly to Tubbo and maybe you. "I just wanted to talk to you. All of you, I suppose. There's a lot of things happening right now and I just want to, uh… I need to apologize before anything. I haven't really… done that. I'm sorry."

It was awkward how Eret refused to meet your eyes, gaze firmly placed on your shoulder of all places. "Dream's planning a lot of stuff with this upcoming election and… I need to apologize for not being able to stop him. Like before."

Your heart squeezes in your chest. Before everything, you would've taken one look at the lost look on Eret's face and fallen over yourself consoling him. Even now— even after everything his actions put you through—you can't help but hurt for him. You hated him for everyone he's managed to hurt. Now you're reminded of how much you hate yourself for loving him despite that.

"Yeah," You mutter lowly, remembering soft summer days and even softer lips. They look cracked now. Eret licks them when he catches you staring as if embarrassed at the state they've fallen in without you. Part of you wants to mutter a secret to him, an ugly truth you hold close to your chest. I've already forgiven you.

Tommy wraps his hand around your forearm and it feels like you're breathing air again. He carefully doesn't look at you, "Is that it? An "I'm sorry" to get the guilt off your chest before Dream tries to kill him– us, again."

Eret goes solemn, head dipped to his chest. He looks small. "I'm doing all I can against him without outright fighting him. We both know I'd lose."

Tommy takes a deep breath in but you set your hand on his arm and he shut his mouth, jaw flexing with obvious temptation. Tubbo seems to take that as his cue.

"Thanks, man. It's," he purses his lips, "it means a lot. To me, at least."

Eret nods, obviously relieved. Tommy crosses his arms, barely giving Eret a nod before he gently reaches to grab his music disc and guides himself to his home. His shoulders are tense and you can tell he's close to a panic attack. Tubbo watches him walk away with a complicated look. "I'll go calm him down. If you need anything, just say the word."

Eret looks a little ruffled at the insinuation he'd hurt you. You almost point out that he already did. You nod, "Talk him through it. 4, 8, 7. Keep it simple for him."

Tubbo nods and follows after Tommy, not closing the door.

Eret turns to you, licking his lips nervously again. You're left alone with a rising moon behind Eret. He looks lonely in the pale lighting. You don't try to join him.

"Y/N, I—," Eret cuts himself off. "I don't," he exhales roughly. "I hurt you. A lot worse than I hurt Wilbur or Tommy or Tubbo or Fundy. I betrayed you all."

His breath hitches like he's actually near tears. "But I didn't pretend to love you. I loved you, Y/N, I still do. And I know I don't deserve you. I know… but I need you to know that it wasn't all fake. It wasn't all lying."

"Then what was?" It's rough to say, hurts like you just swallowed instant poison and then pinched your throat. "Because from where I'm standing, Eret, all of you seems fake."

Eret flinches as if his name is worse than his title of king. With the amount of vitriol in your voice, it almost did sound worse. "I know, Y/N. I lied about my reason for being there and I lied about wanting to help but I was raised by a single dad and my favourite colour is greenish-blue and—," His voice cracks, "I love you, Y/N. I can't stop loving you."

You want to cry, scream, beat him with your crutches until he stops talking. When he stops making sense. You close your eyes and try to ignore the tears that cling to your eyelashes. They're heavy, so incredibly heavy.

"I think you should leave, Eret." You barely manage to say. It's quiet. Eret doesn't say anything for a minute, doesn't even move. Then slowly his footsteps wander away, slower and shuffled. Uncomfortable, awkward, upset, and so clearly caused by you.

When you can't hear them anyway, you sniffle. Tears are making your vision blurry and when one tips over, the rest burst like a dam. You're sitting on the grass, weeping like a baby.

Tubbo legs it towards you, pausing once he sees you. Tommy pushes past you, wrapping a hand around your forearm and his own voice is suspiciously watery. "It's okay, Y/N. He won't hurt you anymore. I won't let him."

I would, you think miserably. You would let Eret hurt you if it made him stop hurting. If you could hold his face and kiss those chapped lips soft again. Suddenly, you think you're going to throw up.

Tubbo kneels down next to you, rubbing soothing circles into your back with his palm. He stops to gather your crutches in his arms and sets them by Tommy's door. Then he turns back and together they lift you and carry you into Tommy's bedroom.

When it's late, much, much later into the night, you hold the pillow Tommy let you borrow to your chest and weep again. Maybe this time, you're crying for yourself.


[Well, this hurt to write. Will your relationship mend? Will Tommy learn to forgive people? Will Tubbo stop shying away from emotions? Who knows! Me, technically, but I'll keep that secret.]

[Anywho, small updates: school is slowing down, testing is picking up, way more exhausted now than I thought possible. Writing is going better though, not as hard. I've somehow managed to get into the batman Fandom and now I'm obsessing over Damian Wayne (I've read all complete Damian-centric fanfics on ao3) and now I'm writing about him. I've never read a single comic, but I'll figure it out.]

[Drink some water, eat some food, get sleep. Take care of yourself, the world needs you. Peace!]

[L0v3, k1ng]


Taglist: @creatorofstars

Tags :
2 years ago

moths_on_w33d on a03 published one of your works to "save"

Thank you so much for letting me know! I just commented asking them to take it down and I will be going to the other authors who had gotten their posts stolen and letting them know.

I honestly didn't think I had to say this but considering these events, DONT REPOST ANY OF MY WORKS ON OTHER PLATFORMS!!! Don't even ask for permission because if I wanted my works on other sites, I'd make an account and do it myself.

Everyone who isn't a plagiarist, have a good day and again, thank you so much anon!

[L0v3, k1ng]

Tags :
2 years ago

Hiya! i hope you dont mind detailed requests but, Can i request a C!Techno x male reader? And reader had to run errands and left Yechno alone in the house but He unfortunately had the Voices demanding blood, And Reader comes back home with the house trashed and messed up so he looks for techno and found him in the bedroom covered with a few wounds (from like knocking the vase over and such) so reader's like 'Oh my Techno dear, come here' (and also reader is the only one who can be like that to Techno since he thinks that is he openly shows he's like vulnerable and stuff) and comforts him and the voices then after that he just patches up Techno and they cuddle? if your not accepting requests you can ignore this lmao and you dont have to do this right away! Hope your hydrated and you ate well :D -Monomari

Hello!!! I absolutely don't mind detailed requests. I really wasn't planning on doing this right away but I was suddenly hit with inspiration to write this and I finished it in one run. So the post is going to be fixed up a bit and posted sometime tomorrow!

In the meantime have a lovely day/night and I'm making sure to get my own water bottle rn! Take care!!!

(I also hope you don't mind me doing it in separate posts, requests are just a bit lengthy so I'm trying not to make it seem too long or give too much away in writing, might just do that for long requests though, unsure. (I'll make sure to tag you in the post!))

Tags :
2 years ago


[1800+ words]


Description: You go Ghost hunting and end up meeting a traumatized ghost.

[Read the rest under the cut]

"This is so creepy," You murmur, slowly trailing the light of your flashlight across the dull, stone walls. The buildings, ruins of some old castle, were horror movie material. It made it really popular a while back when a few Ghost hunters filmed an episode focusing on its apparent haunting.

You're sure it's all just babble meant to sell more tourist traps and attract ghost nuts. That's the only reason you accept your friends' dare to explore the place but now that you're actually here, you're regretting that decision a bit.

A loud gust of wind shakes the windows and you bite your tongue, trying to shake off your nerves. There were probably other people inside as well, so at the very least you're not alone.

You tug at one of the many doors, though this one is distinctly unique in that the locked bolt is on the outside. You tug at the rusty bolt and it snaps off instantly. Guilty, you drop it to the floor, looking around for witnesses. No one's around though so you kick the bolt far, far away. No evidence.

Of course, you've already unlocked it You strain yourself for almost a minute trying to pry the door open but even unlocked, it's almost glued shut. You turn to walk away when a quiet 'creeeak' comes from behind.

You whirl around, hands trembling. The door is wide open now, framing a desolate and dark room, enveloped in thick shadows. You fumble with your flashlight and it falls to the floor, rolling about a foot away from you and right in front of the now-unlocked door.

You slowly step forward, squatting down to pick up the flashlight without taking your eyes off the door and its tempting entrance.

You know there are other people in the castle, you broke in easily enough so you know entering wouldn't be a problem for others. Knowing this, you jump to thinking it's someone pulling your leg, hoping that's all there is to it. But there's a sinking in your stomach, tossing and turning and thinking that maybe, just maybe, this isn't a prank but something else. Something otherworldly.

You tighten your hold on your flashlight, just in case, and step through the door. You're swept by a wave of chills instantly, though all the windows in this particular room are clamped shut and sealed like they were trying to keep something trapped inside.

You walk towards the bed that's oddly enough set in the exact middle of the room. You scan the flashlight across the room, realizing distantly how the furniture makes the room look like a dungeon. It's all muted colours, dusty beyond belief. You think back to the rusty bolt you snapped off and realize that no one's entered the room in what's probably been decades.

You walk around the bed to see the other side of the room when you spot marks against the floor. You stifle a gasp by biting your tongue, staring at the marks with wide eyes. You trace the marks leading from 4 spots, 2 against a wall and another 2 evenly spaced in front of them, scratched into long lines leading towards the bed. Your brows furrow as you realize the marks are from someone pushing the bed into the middle of the room. Weird.

You don't have to worry about it for long because you're immediately faced with an even worse issue. The door shuts and you instantly run towards it. "Fuck,"

You're so screwed, so so screwed. The door isn't opening no matter how much you push and shove. You know it's not locked, you had broken that before entering, but it feels like someone barricaded it with ten tons, impossible to push or even make budge.

You get goosebumps instantly, a burning chill spreading behind your back, feeling like someone standing, pressed behind you. You whirl around and there is nothing, no one. You cast the light of your flashlight across the room rapidly and your heart leaps to your throat when you double-take to a slumbering figure on the bed. The bed you were previously standing next to. The (previously) empty one.

it's made of different shades of white, casting the room in a moody glow. You're entranced by the beauty of the sleeping figure, feeling your nerves settling just by looking at the peaceful face of the slumbering teen. You take a step towards them, feeling out of control of your own body. You keep walking in a trance until you're a step away from the bed, close enough to see the muted shades of colour.

You lean towards them, just to admire them. It's an instinct, the same way a baby cries when they're hungry. You want to know how it feels to sleep so peacefully. You want to sleep long enough to know how it feels when your bones turn to ash…

Their eyes fly open and you're instantly shot back into your body, falling back onto your butt, trembling. Their skin is more pigmented now, flushed with energy in the same way that yours is now pale like someone applied a white overlay to it. You don't know where your flashlight is so you stumble to your feet and almost trip over a table trying to find the door.

"You look fucking stupid," It giggles like your panic is amusing. They admire their skin, which is still glowing radiantly, but it's stronger now. If you could describe it you'd say that earlier it was a dying ember and now it's a strong flame. "I took a bit too much energy from you, sorry for that."

It stretches leisurely, "Though if I hadn't stopped you, you would've lost your soul so really you should thank me."

You finally find the door but it's still locked. You push at it, putting all your weight behind it. Your knees go weak and you almost fall to the floor, exhausted and panting.

"That's not going to work," It watches you, frowning. It shakes it's head when you push yourself to stand taller, sighing when you try slamming the door open and failing. "You should stop trying, you're only going to fail."

"What do you want," You cry out, feeling drained both mentally and emotionally, not to mention psychically. Though you do have that fucking ghost to blame for that last one. "Why won't you let me leave."

Its face twists at your words like the word is revolting, though it's overshadowed by the raw sadness dragging its otherworldly beauty down. "We can't leave. The door has to stay shut. It has to stay shut."

"it was open earlier," You stutter as their eyes settle on you, full of more emotions than just the amusement you saw earlier. "How do you think I got in?"

Its face is full of despair as they stare at the door, anxiously pressing itself into one of the bedposts. "No one saw you enter. No one heard the door close. If they did…" They look back to you, "Where were they, why didn't they stop you? Maybe… Maybe this is a trick."

"What trick," You find the energy to stand again, staring them down. "Why can't we open the door."

"You're trying to get me to open the door so I get in trouble again," They murmur anxiously, their skin pulsing with vibrant, human colours. "I can't leave, I can't leave, never again."

"No one's waiting out there to hurt you," You drop your tone to a low, soothing hush, "I just want to go home. Please just let me open the door."

"It's not me," They whispher, "It's the maids. They've locked me in here again. We can't leave until they say so. We can't leave or they'll hurt us. They're only pretending to be gone, they tricked both of us."

You almost scream in frustration. None of your words are getting through to him. Instead, you slowly walk over, "No one is out there, I checked. The only person keeping you trapped here is you. We can leave."

"What?" They scan your face, hands trembling. You're standing next to the bed and you hesitantly offer your hand. They stare at it for a second, their voice comes out a whisper, "Are you sure?"

When you nod, he sets his hand into yours. They don't really step onto the floor, their feet are more whisphy, but he's on the same level as you now. He stares at the door, face still haunted, so you take the first step towards it.

He trails after you, still holding your hand. When your hand wraps around the handle, his breath stops (though you imagine as a ghost it's unneeded). The door slowly pushed open and they squeezed your hand anxiously, eyes darting around the empty, dark hallway. There is no one there though and he is still trembling.

"They could be hiding," They whisper low, setting your hair on edge. They hurriedly tug you back. "They're going to come back, we need to go back inside."

"No," You say firmly and start dragging him along with all your might. You need to leave and evidently, so does this ghost. You turn the corner and it's empty, he seems more anxious at that sight. You turn another corner and then another and then you are standing in an overgrown garden.

The ghost seems mesmerized by the plants, staring at them with an alienated fascination. They let go of your hand to walk towards a flower, hands spreading frost across its petal. He doesn't seem to know how much strength to hold it with and he rips a petal off. He tries again, smoothing the petal between his fingers. It looks ice cold now but he is smiling brightly, skin back to a softer, pastel light.

"No one is here anymore," He mutters to you, entranced by the flowers the same way you were entranced by him earlier. He looks up at you, "I never asked your name, did I?"

"I'm Y/N," You say softly, taking one of the fallen petals into your hand. As you had thought, it is cold but it is also beautiful. Memorialized in the ice, almost. "I didn't ask your name either."

"Oh," They look over to the plants again, "I've never… I'm Tubbo. I'm the- I was the prince. I think I'm dead now."

"Yeah," You nod. "I think it sucks you were trapped in that room for so long."

"It did suck," He takes a deep breath in, "But I don't have to go back now. My father, King Schlatt, hated me. He hated even looking at me. I wasn't allowed to leave my room. It got so lonely and now… I don't know now."

"Now you're free." You take his hand and put the frozen petal on his palm. He looks back up at you, starry-eyed. "You can go anywhere. You don't have to be alone anymore."

"Can I come with you," He says breathily, excited. "I've always wanted to see the kingdom. I've only read books. How much has changed?"

You can't help but laugh, "Okay. I guess I've got a ghost buddy now."


[This wasn't supposed to be this long or depressing ngl but i love a good angsty backstory. Anyways lore time, TW FOR THIS SECTIONS!!! Tubbo is a dead prince who as we find out had been hated by his father, king Schlatt and basically exiled to a separate wing of the palace. He is locked in his room most of the time and has been traumatized repeatedly whenever he leaves, usually by the guard and maids who lock him in there. After the palace got destroyed by rioters, Tubbo died of starvation in his room and came back as a ghost due to the traumatic experiences he faced. He still doesn't leave the room though because he's afraid of being hurt again and still believes he's being locked in there as punishment until you help him through that.]

[Anyways the next two posts will be spread out over the next day because I was too ambitious in my planning but rest assured, I will post them even if they're a bit late.]

[L0v3 k1ng]


Prompt List

Taglist: @creatorofstars

Tags :
2 years ago

are you able to write a platonic x reader with the cc's comforting reader?

Hi I got another ask just like this, anon, so I combined the two and it will be posted in like 5 minutes (its fairly short though!). The cc's chosen were Niki, Tommy, Wilbur, and Dream but if you'd like other cc's, you can always put in another ask!

[L0v3, k1ng]

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