Platonic Ranboo X Nonbinary Reader - Tumblr Posts
Michael and His Three Platonic Dads π
(699 words lol)
(Any but you are referred to as Dad)
Description: You are just a regular streamer that gets roped into the BeeDuo Family.
[Read the rest under the cut]
You chewed on your pop tart, scrolling through Twitter. Things were a bit random today, with people mentioning you in a bunch of random pictures of a baby piglin. Maybe your brand was built off of your piglin-esque skin but that didn't mean you wanted your fans tagging you in every tweet mentioning the piglin they named 'Micheal.
As you scrolled through them all, you found a tweet that mentioned how this all started.
"RandomTwitterAcc @doesntexistthisisfanfic
Ranboo and Tubbo adopting Michael and then everyone just forcing @ogpiglin into the role of third father is everything"
You raise a brow. You've heard about your fellow minors who stream minecraft before. They'd gotten insanely popular, so of course you had. But you've never interacted with them before.
It's just your luck that the first time you do, it's because the fandom is forcing you to adopt their piglin child, Michael, too.
Honestly? You've had worse introductions to people. When you had first met Georgenotfound, it was going against him in chess and trash talking him the whole time.
You're friends now, but thrashing someone in a game that's being broadcasted to thousands isn't always taken well. You're just lucky that the stans didn't come after you for it.
You did have a stream in thirty minutes, maybe you could make it apart of your stream to tweet about Michael. You could "officially" adopt him while on stream. That'd probably be good enough content before you got to your actual content. Which you still hadn't decided between an old lucky block mod with interactive chat or joining random fan's realms. Decisions, decisions.
In the end, lucky blocks had been too tempting. Who wouldn't want to relieve the nostalgia of their childhood?
Of course though, you had already mentally promised yourself to address the whole baby piglin situation. (And likely add gasoline to the flames)
"Hey chat!" You exclaimed loudly, the soft noise of Pigstep playing as your intro music. Chat was a mix of "hi" and "ba ba ba ba" with a few mentions of Michael. "How are you all doing today?"
You hummed along to Pigstep as you chat responds. You glance over donos and chucklewhen you realize a majority are about Michael. Yeah, it's best to get over with it.
"Alright guys! Before we get into playing Minecraft, I want to do something fun." You grin mischievously at the camera. It's not an expensive camera, nor is the rest of your set up, but it's been with you since you started streaming last year and you've gotten attached. Chat even named it a multitude of things, although the one they commonly use is nugget.
Maybe it's your fault for wrapping it in gold wrapping paper for Christmas. The name "gold nugget" just caught on and then nugget was founded. It's shorter but honestly, you've taken to calling it, lovingly, a piece of shit.
"We are going to officially adopt that one baby piglin from the Dream smp, Michael, on Twitter. Because why wouldn't we want to break Twitter?"
Chat enthusiastically cheered you on. Your mods were probably half-way close to putting it in money mode, but you just laughed and pulled up Twitter.
Techno stans me @ogpiglin
Everyone wants me to, so now I'm adopting Michael. @Ranboosaystuff and @TubbosLive we are all now Michael's dads.
You giggled, almost drunkenly, a few hours later. It was almost 3am, but you were having a lot of fun. Glancing over at chat, something you hadn't done in a while, you realize chat was excitedly yelling about Tubbo and Ranboo being in chat.
"Oh?" You raise an eyebrow to chat. "Apparently my fellow dads are in chat."
"Welcome!" You spin in your chair, flinging your hands into the air before you wobbily clutch your desk to stop a few seconds later. "I should probably vip you two. Give me a second... and done!"
Instantly, the duo spams "check discord".
Getting the message to check discord, you pull it up to see a pair of friend requests from them.Β Accepting instantly, you send a quick "hi".
A bit awkward. Especially since you're suddenly being roped into helping them raise Micheal in the dsmp.
[I found a photo from late 2020 that reminded me that my cavetown obsession was so unhealthy that I had been in their top 1% on spotify. Twas the good ol' days, sigh.]
[L0v3, k1ng]
π Baes, Bandaids, and Beaches
[Gender Neutral]
[400+ words]
Description: You complain about the cut on your foot to your own personal boy-next-door bestie Ranboo.
[Read the rest under the cut]
"I cut my foot," You whine at Ranboo, who's currently sitting on the floor next to your bed, just laughing at you. "It's not funny, it hurts!"
"Oh poor baby-man, can't handle a small cut," Ranboo rolls his eyes but obligatorily puts their hand put. You set your foot in it with wiggling toes and he rolls his eyes again. He looks over the cut, which is admittedly not that ugly, and winces in sympathy when he spots the puffy red skin around it.
"Oh geez, you definitely need to bandage that. Do we even have any band-aids though?" Ranboo sets your foot back and you pull it towards yourself, falling back on your bed.
"We?" You smile, amused. "Since when did you live here?"
"Since your dads stopped asking where I came from when I came down for dinner," Ranboo says, fully deadpan. He stands up, stretching his egriously long limbs out before moving towards your bathroom. "So, do we?"
"I dunno, check the drawers I guess?" You scratch at the area around your foot, grimacing. You love living by the beach (and it's even better that it's just a walk away) but sometimes days like these happen and you trip on the wrong stone and have to suffer with the consequences of your own actions. Okay, maybe you're a tad dramatic right now but it doesn't really hurt!
"Find any, Bae?" You call out, turning on your stomach to look at your bathroom door.
"Call me Bae again and I won't give them to you!" He calls back, already walking out with a box of Disney princess band-aids in hand. He just sighs at your grinning face and passes them over.
"Thank you, Bae," You reach out and pat his cheek before he turns away.
His face sours comically, though you can see him holding back a smile. "Whatever, I'm gonna go ask your dad for some lemonade."
"Dad's out right now, ask Pa!" You shout but Ranboo doesn't react so you shrug and just assume he heard you. God, you hardly remember the days Ranboo wasn't living right next to you but sometimes it hits you that he's just involved with everything you do now.
You can hear Ranboo going up your stairs, 2 at a time like always, and grin. It's a lot but you enjoy it anyways. Now, if you can just convince him to let you crash his streams...
[I was replaying Our Life (FREE TO PLAY SO GO PLAY ITS SO CUTE AND LOVELY) and I wanted to write about best friend neighbour's. Whether it's the romantic boy-next-door type or just friends, up to you.]
[Also I haven't posted real writing since like three days before my birthday which means it's been like two months. Uh oh. So take this small thing I wrote on the plane and I promise I'll have something longer in a few days. Peace, love you all. Take care of yourself, you matter!!!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars @hiwhatsupbruv
[1100+ words]
Description: Summoning goes wrong (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
[Read the rest under the cut]
"Y/N, are we sure this is really going to work?" Tubbo pokes at the candles you had arranged perfectly before he messed with them--
"Yes, Tubbo, I checked three times already, Tommy stop it!" Tommy flinches, spinning around and hiding the salt container behind his back. It's a very bad hiding spot considering the salt Is still rapidly pouring out, very loudly, into a pile next to him. "Give me that! You guys are ruining my summoning circle!"
"It's not ruined," Tommy protested weakly. The box finally empties out and he lifts it, as if to show it off. "See, we still haveβ¦" He blinks down at the pile of salt on the floor. Slowly, he leans down to try (and fail) at scooping it back into the hole he punched in the box. After an uncomfortable amount of time, he stands up and smiles proudly, "See, plenty!"
"I literally hate you both." You sigh, neither seem that bothered by that fact. "Go buy some more salt, I'm going to fix it all and then when you get back, neither of you will touch anything. Kapeesh?"
Tubbo and Tommy nod sulkily, "Kapeesh."
"And remember," You yell after them, "don't get the cheap shit! We're summoning a demon, not a back alley imp!"
"Fuck off!" Tubbo flips you off as Tommy pulls out of the driveway. You flip him off too and watch them drive away. Fucking dickheads, they're so much fun.
You're midway sweeping up all the salt Tommy dropped when you trip over the candle Tubbo had moved. You lay there, groaning in pain for a minute or two before you sit up. Everything spins for a second so you wait, pressing your hands to the back of your head and feeling around for any bumps.
Your fingers come back bloody and your head spins again at the sight. Jesus, that made you queasy. You crawl away from the glass, turning to sit flat on your butt, cradling your head in your hands. Belatedly, you realize you have an even bigger mess to clean up.
"Ackβ!" You jump forward, gasping, as a giant mass of shadows, layered over each other by the thousands, looms over you. Their eyes shine and you can see thousands of stars, being created and exploding all at once, full of every constellation in the sky, burning like a supernova. They are, you realize, a predator. One who could devour you whole and leave nothing, not even a skin cell, behind.
"Don't hurt me," You cry out, throwing your hand in front of your face.
You're frozen in that pose for a full minute before your arms drop. The creature, the demon you had been preparing to summon, was staring at you, face fallen as you realize belatedly, they can't escape.
In your blind stumble, it seems you had managed to surround the summoning circle in a very messy and rather box-shaped figure of salt. The demon seemed honestly distressed at being stuck, their long, gauntly claws scraped at the invisible wall. "HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS?"
"How dare you treat me like this," You repeat, mocking in a shrieky voice. Maybe it's the shock making you so confident. "This is my house, you bastard!"
The demon seems flustered at that, hands clutching their chest. "YOU SUMMONED ME. I AM A GUEST IN YOUR HOME."
"WELL, YOU'RE NOT ACTING LIKE IT!" You yell back, flinching back preemptively. They're still stuck though and their claws have dulled into more human-like nails, now balled into fists at their side. "I DIDN'T EVEN MEAN TO SUMMON YOU!"
"What?" The demon reels back, blinking rapidly at you. They shrink suddenly, the mass of shadows melting down into a smaller, still looming figure, with pasty white skin and black sclera. "Why didn't you start with that."
"You-You're human!"
"No, you're a human," The demon sniffs, like it was insulted. "I just mimicked a similar form, for ease of comfort.
"Oh," You say distantly, "That makes sense."
"Really?" The demon shakes its head in surprise, "You're one weird human."
"And you're a demon," You're feeling faint suddenly, "I accidentally summoned a demon."
"Not just any old demon," They sniff condescendingly, "but Prince Ranboo the second."
"Oh, wonderful," Things start blacking out. "A prince."
You drop back to the floor like a sack of potatoes.
When you wake up, Tommy and Tubbo are above you, talking loudly about whether or not you're dead or if Tubbo just sucks at reading a pulse. When Tubbo notices you groaning he screams, "Zombie!"
You can hear Tommy wack Tubbo with a pillow, hard. "They never died, Tubbo. Stop screaming before you knock them out again."
They help you stand, leading you past the broken candle and broken lines of salt. There is no mass of shadows there, maybe you had just been dreaming the whole thing up.
Tubbo goes to clean and Tommy sits by your side, checking up on you every few minutes. He only leaves to make you tea after lots of promises you wouldn't move. Maybe it was a bit traumatizing to see one of your best friends knocked out on the floor in a pile of their own blood.
"Finally," A familiar voice drones out, sounding bored beyond belief. "I thought they would never leave you alone. That blond one is basically a mini-me of Phi-elza."
"You!" You lean far back into the couch's armrest, "You're real!"
"Of course I am, otherwise you'd be hallucinating," Ranboo's nose wrinkles, "Though I know your species isn't unused to that."
"I thought I was dreaming, or the concussion-," You pause to take a very deep breath. "Why are you still here?"
Ranboo eyes you with a deep, analytical glare, "You summoned me. Even if unintentional, you also have to dismiss me."
"Oh," You mutter, "How do I do that?"
"βΈα·αβ· α²πΉβΈ Μ£ βα·β·αβΈ Μ£ αβ·α βα·κ!Β‘ α²α·," Ranboo sighs, though you understand nothing of what he just said. "It's such a waste of such raw talent for you to be so clueless about something as basic as reverse summoning."
"Talent? What does that have to do with anything?"
Ranboo shakes his head, "No, I am not going to waste my time. I'm teaching you how to reverse summon me and I'm leaving. You can summon any other demon to ask, just return me back to my home."
You frown, "whatever, what do I have to do,"
"Just repeat the phrase you used to summon me in reverse," Ranboo rolls his eyes, "Seriously, it's easy as breathing."
"I didn't use any phrases to summon you though," You point out, staring at Ranboo innocently.
"β¦" Ranboo has a stiff smile, "What?"
[Anyways I'm going as a pirate, in case anyone cared even a tinkly itty bit. Also I may or may not have forgotten to edit this a few hours ago and almost fell asleep before posting life a dumb. In better news I now know how to work my coffee machine and haven't repeated the mistake of trying to use instant coffee in the machine! Yay improvement!!]
[Take care to improve yourself too, learn from your mistakes and work towards becoming a version of yourself that feels true. Remember, the only validation that matters is your own and that you also carry the weight of your own world, don't be afraid to let some of it go and take care of yourself before you try carrying it all alone again. People love you, take care!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Monster Week Prompt List
Taglist: @creatorofstars