Technoblade - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

If that theory holds true, that would be the biggest "bruh" moment for Technoblade and his involvement with the Egg.

wait guys what if sir billiam is techno’s ancestor and the eggs influence runs in the family? and the reason he says blood for the blood god is because he has an instinct to kill for the egg, or the blood god, to feed it?

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11 months ago

Technoblade's old rival, Im a squid kid, posted a video on their YouTube channel about a backup plan he thought of during the potato war. Go check out the video.

Also, all money that Squid makes from the video will be going to the Sarcoma Foundation. There is an active link to donate in the video.

Technoblade Never Dies! 🐷⚔️👑

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1 year ago

Y’all I just saw a post about Technoblade and started balling my eyes out😭I miss him soooo much .

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2 years ago

Technoblade seemed like such a good man, and such an inspiration to all. We'll all miss him, and after his long fight, he deserves to rest in peace. Please be respectful to his family and friends, this most definetly a hard time for them. Do not beg for content from ccs or complain about delays or lack of quality. Be respectful, their friend has died. Also be respectful to in community ccs such as writers and artists. Be kind. As much as I wish this was a joke, a "jk, I'm actually fine" it's not. So treat it as such.

Rest in peace, Technoblade. May you take on the kingdom of whatever god is out there, knowing you changed the lives of all you touched.


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DSMP Small Town AU

ok so this is gonna be clumsy and probably a little ooc at times, but I made an AU!!!! this is just the basic idea cause I couldn’t figure out how to put down everything I had, but I’ll add the other bits in other posts. Ask me anything, suggest headcanons, go nuts! Inspired by @dazenightmare’s store au, so check them out, but anyway here goes nothing!

Phil, Techno, Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo work at Techno’s garden supply store

Techno is the owner, but he leaves most of the managerial stuff to Phil

Wilbur sometimes helps out

They play unassuming videogame music over the store sound system. Tommy snuck Pigstep onto the playlist, and he and Techno rap to it sometimes

Tubbo likes to watch the bees in the flower bushes

Techno has a potato plant in his office that’s older than Tommy and has produced ungodly amounts of potatoes

The garden store doesn't have a uniform/dress code because it's just whatever Phil will let them leave the house in

Tommy and Tubbo once made a fort out of bags of mulch

Wilbur, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity work at Wilbur’s pawn shop

It’s kinda the hangout place

Their “uniform” is a flannel. 

Wilbur blasts closing time by semisonic to tell his employees to go home

Quackity creates a civilization in the unexplored back corner of the pawn shop and manages to kidnap most of the candy store staff plus Karl. Wilbur is incredibly confused

Friend is a stuffed sheep that showed up at the shop one day and Wilbur took one look at it and went “this is the entire backbone of my emotional stability now”

Tommy and Tubbo sometimes help out

Tubbo likes the rotary dial phone and Tommy likes the spoons

Someone pawned a set of boomwhackers. Chaos followed

Bad, Skeppy, Ant, and Sam work at the Nook Cafe

It kind of becomes a place that moms can leave their kids at while they run errands because they’ll be taken care of

Skeppy acts out little stories for the kids. He always asks the kids who should be his princess in the stories and they always say Bad. Bad protests every time but always gets into it and has fun with the kids and Skeppy

Bad bakes the kids treats

There’s this one little boy who is just constantly clinging to Antfrost. He wears a cat hoodie

Sam keeps their appliances running

They have one coffee machine that Sam has been wrestling to keep running for years. Bad refuses to replace it because Skeppy named it

Dream, Sapnap, and George work at the candy store

Dream is just managing in place of the absentee owners

George handles the chocolate because he’s colorblind

Sapnap likes giving kids free samples

Dream is good at making old fashioned hard candies 

Sapnap gets mesmerized by the taffy puller often

Someone shows one of them candy store from heathers and now all three of them sing it or catch themselves humming it all the time

Karl is an author, Puffy owns a flowershop, Shlatt is Fundy and Quackity’s landlord, Eret drives the town’s singular taxi, and Purpled makes money running errands for the townsfolk and various businesses in town.

I’ll post more about this, but feel free ask about it or share ideas!!

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sbi is my comfort dynamic, so here’s their story in my small town au!!

Phil married Wilbur’s mom when he was 19. She ended up dying in childbirth when Phil was 21, so it was just Phil and Wilbur until Will was 11 when Phil met Techno, who was 18 at the time. Techno didn’t live it the town, he was just there for a job, but he comes back to hang out with Phil more frequently over the next few years. A year after meeting Techno, Phil adopted Tommy who was five. Then when Techno is 22, he moves permanently to town and buys the garden supply store and asks Phil to help him manage it. Two years later, Phil starts fostering 10 year old Tubbo. Then when Tommy and Tubbo are both 15, Ranboo starts working at the garden store. He’s 19.

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Because my brain is doing this now, some dsmp people as, like, times of year or sorts of days.

Sapnap is the part of winter when the excitement of the snow has worn off but the cabin fever hasn’t set in yet. When there’s a decent amount of snow on the ground and it’s not first snow sparkly but not gross and brown either.

George is that bit at the beginning of spring when everything is kind of wet cold, but you can tell that it’s not winter anymore and everything is muddy.

Dream is state fair season at the end of summer when everything is exciting and busy but there’s that little bit of latent anxiety with school coming up again.

Eret is those days in any season when you step outside and everything feels a little off from reality, but in like a pleasant, ethereal way. Fairy days.

Quackity is those days in summer when you can tell that you’re neighbors are barbecuing.

Ranboo has distinct late/mid school year vibes. The perfect blend of stress and not giving a shit.

I feel like Techno is those days when it's raining just the lightest little bit but the sun is still shining.

Tubbo is the day when it was supposed to rain really hard but then it's sunny and beautiful all day.

Tommy is the day before the Fourth of July. I don't really have an explanation for this.

This might be exclusive to me, but Shlatt is a summer family reunion where you can count the people you recognize on one hand. And the venue edges just a little bit into uncomfortably warm.

Bad is the last day or two of school when you don't have anything to do and your locker is all cleaned out so you're just there in this weird luminal space suspended between structure and freedom.

Conversely, Skeppy is the first week of summer when everything is exciting and you feel all that summer potential rising up and you think about all the things you'll do when really summer is just the freedom to do nothing remotely productive for three months.

Wilbur is a good solid thunderstorm day where the sky turns black and the air smells like electricity, but only if one enjoys thunderstorms. If one is unsettled by thunderstorms then that is simply not the vibe.

Niki is autumn. Not for the holidays or for the colors or the pumpkin spice or anything like that, but for the ability to once again wear sweaters and layers of clothes. And also specifically the very beginning of fall when most of the trees are still green but once in a while you see one that's bright red orange or even the ones that go just ever so slightly red pink.

Karl is a late spring early summer day where the temperature is perfect but there's like a slightly chilly breeze but otherwise it's beautiful and the only problem is that the sun is literally too bright to open your eyes.

Phil is a winter day with really good packable snow and it's sunny so even though you bundle up to go outside you take your coat off after like a half hour, and your probably gonna do some sledding of questionable safety.

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some more small town sbi house because it’s been a criminally long time since I posted

Techno and Phil share a duplex

Tubbo and Tommy think Wilbur is the coolest thing ever and he’s a really great big brother

Tommy has a golden retriever collie mix named henry

Tubbo is two days older than Tommy

Tommy will occasionally, in a fit of rebellion, “move in” with Techno for a few days until he inevitably misses Tubbo too much and moves back in with Phil. Phil and techno just roll with it

Techno has a white Tibetan mastiff named Steve. Steve doesn’t do much

Tommy and Tubbo take one look at tall, gangly, socially awkward Ranboo and just go “big man needs us” and freaking adopt him and he just rolls with it because it’s affection and he couldn’t stop them anyway. Tommy is doing his very best to be a bad influence on Ranboo and Tubbo has threatened Techno with a custody war multiple times

Phil notices that Ranboo likes to be around the dogs but both dogs are very much someone else’s so he asks Ranboo if he wants a pet and they get him a bunny

Tommy and Tubbo have to be separated when either of them is sick because they’re both extra clingy when they’re sick and will get the other sick immediately. But it’s also very very hard to separate them

They swap back and forth between having breakfast at Techno’s or at Phil’s

Tommy and Phil are the same height, but Tommy is tall and Phil is short, I don’t make the rules

They have one car. It used to be Techno’s 

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Winnie the pooh au? Idk, just wilbear soot and raccooninnit and crowza and techno pig and tubbgoat and catboo vibing in the woods. Their Christopher Robin is just Chat. Techno is the biggest and has some grey spots because I said so. Tommy gets dirty and damaged more than any of the others. He has a little bandana around his neck. Wilbur is the softest and he has a little guitar.

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im bored and i have no shame so here have this entirely unedited draft that i’ll probably never finish

“You two don’t sit still much, do you?” 

Phil watched the two boys carefully. The taller one looks ready to bolt, or possibly attack Phil if it came to that. He’s wiry, barely an ounce of meat on him, fear poorly hidden by anger on his dirty face and a hand tucked into his friend’s. His clothes aren’t anywhere close to new or even clean. Phil took in the worn shirt and wondered if one of Wilbur’s old shirts would fit him. The little one looked a bit less world worn, if only because he’s less gaunt. By the way the taller was poised to react if Phil made some wrong move, he could guess that he must have been the protector. Phil wouldn’t be surprised if he gave most of his food to his friend when times were lean. 

The short one was looking at Phil with a politely neutral expression. It was a facade though, Phil realized. His eyes had a familiar observant intensity. Phil smiled, reminded of a boy with pink hair who’d looked at him the same way. 

“No sir,” the little one answered. 

Phil keeps his face even and lets himself be judged. The short one spares a glance at his friend, hardly taking his eyes off of Phil for more than a few seconds, and Phil watches the two boys have an entire conversation in front of him without uttering a word. He catches the head tilt of a question, and barely keeps from laughing out loud at hearing the little one mumble, “I can’t understand you when you look at me like that.”

Eventually, their conversation reaches its conclusion because now the tall one is looking at him with loaded and hesitant hope and the little one turns back to Phil with the air of a businessman. 

“Do you have anything that needs fixing at your house?” 

He doesn’t ask anything else. Not for food or shelter or even pay for the labor. And oh, Phil wants to pull them both into his arms and give them the chance to forget the ways they’ve learned to keep themselves alive. But he can’t. Not yet. They’re too wary, too tired now to accept the possibility of rest, so he pretends to look thoughtful for a moment. 

“The garden is about ready. Big harvest this year; I doubt I could pull it all in by myself. I’m not as young as I used to be.” He doesn’t mention that he has two helpers waiting at home, nor that age has never really made a dent in his ability. 

“We’re good with gardening,” the taller one says, finally speaking up now that Phil has apparently been deemed mostly harmless.

“Harvesting, at least,” the shorter one interjects.

“Yeah. Never could get anything to grow on our own, but we’ve helped with plenty of harvests.”

“That’s good. I can pay you and feed you if you’ll give me a little help.”

The boys’ eyes get a bit brighter, and the short one nods enthusiastically. 

“My house is this way. It’s a bit into the woods; can you walk that far?”

The tall one apparently takes offense to that, because he huffs and pulls on his friend's hand, speeding up and walking ahead of Phil towards the woods. The smaller one looks back at Phil, who smiles goodnaturedly, and then turns back to follow his friend. Phil follows at a distance. He won’t begrudge these two their independence. They’ve been through too much to be patronized, even by genuine concern for them. 

Soon though, they reach the edge of the woods and slow down, realizing they don’t know the way. They’re startled by Phil draping his cloak over their shoulders. He couldn’t help it; they looked so cold. And it felt better to do something instead of just wondering how often they slept outside in this weather. The shorter looked down in shock, rubbing the fabric between his fingers. The tall one looked at Phil with something between accusation and confusion. His eyes widened when Phil walked past, though. Phil smiled, a bit of mischief in his eyes as the tall one nudged his friend without looking away and suddenly there were two sets of eyes staring in awe at the large wings on Phil’s back. 

“It’s this way,” Phil said, gesturing for the boys to follow.

“You have wings!” The tall one shouted.

“Can you fly?” The other asked.

“Not here, the trees are too low. I’d have to go over.”

“You can fly!” That was the tall one again.

“Thanks mate, I noticed.”

He didn’t miss another wordless exchange between the two, but he didn’t bother wondering what it was about.

“What should I call you?” He asked, letting the conversation drift away from his wings. Surprisingly, the taller took no time to answer.

“Tommy. This is Tubbo.”

“Tommy,” Tubbo scolded, for some reason.

“Tubbo, huh?” Phil asked. 

“Sorry sir. It’s… Toby. My name is Toby.”

Tommy looked upset at that. 

“I can call you what you like. Do you prefer Tubbo?”

Tubbo looked surprised, but Tommy answered for him.

“He does.”

Tubbo looked at Phil apprehensively. Apparently deciding that Phil was being genuine, he nodded shyly.

“Tubbo it is then.” 

They walked for a while, Phil leading at little more than an amble, and the two boys trailing behind him, whispering excitedly and glancing at his wings, and sharing the cloak between them. 

They reached the house by the time the sun was almost down. The horses were missing from their small stable, which meant that techno and will were still out. That was probably good. Phil didn’t want to overwhelm the two boys. He ushered them inside, not missing how they were trying to hide their shivering, especially Tommy. 

“The garden is out back. We can work on it tomorrow,” Phil said.

“Tommy and I can work on it tonight if you want,” Tubbo offered.

“It can wait. We can have dinner for now. May as well rest while it’s dark.”

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Also I Painted Some Pencil Toppers!
Also I Painted Some Pencil Toppers!
Also I Painted Some Pencil Toppers!

Also I painted some pencil toppers!

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Behold, gibberish!! I love this concept but I know I’ll never get around to actually writing it so here’s my unfiltered word barf of an idea! If anybody writes this we’ll be best friends forever, it’s the rules.

Fate!Tommy Fantasy au where Tubbo and Tommy are kinda on their own for the most part, and Tommy has got this destiny situation that he’s just avoiding at every turn like pink hair anime girl avoiding being a main character. They meet the rest of sleepy inc and they’re all trying to adopt this tall child and Tommy really likes them but is trying not to let them adopt him because he has tubbo and he argues that tubbo is all he needs even though tubbo knows that’s bullshit, and then tubbo gets injured and he immediately runs to them for help and is successfully adopted. Wilbur can basically tell whenever Tommy is in trouble. Pre adoption brotherly instincts. Tommy sees freaking Excalibur in the woods and just draws googly eyes on it and walks away. There’s some version of this where Tommy #destiny dies and Wilbur’s not having it so he just straight up breaks into whatever their version of the underworld is and brings him back, possibly fighting some gods along the way. Techno is impressed because mythology. Once Tommy is back they get a visit from foolish, who is in charge of the line between life and death, and he’s like “more power to ya, tbh that was really moving, but you just broke the rules of life and death. Not as in violated, either. Busted. Broken. So what are we gonna do about this?”

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11 months ago

I highly recommend this fic
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: Techno takes on a sketchy babysitting gig to make some money. Hs’s not entirely sure they’re not trying to murder him.

Author: @opheliabloo

Note from submitter: SBI is fantastic and this is the stupidest crack fic I have ever read - which I mean in the literal most loving way. It's a great fic for when I just need some mindless fun and good vibes

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11 months ago

Would you be so kind as to have Technoblade riding Floof into battle?

:0 The mightiest warrior

Would You Be So Kind As To Have Technoblade Riding Floof Into Battle?

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11 months ago

Pinning art to the metaphorical refrigerator

behold-a-cat - What Do You Even Put Here?

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