kaiyodei - i don't know what is going on here
i don't know what is going on here

i don't know. 99.9% womany, myrsexual myrromantic fictosexual. is this where I list all my medical and mental health problems? I wish I could be a hot mess, but I'm only a mess

522 posts

Sometimes I Fear Putting Non Food With Food For Family.

sometimes i fear putting non food with food for family.

a neurotypical: intrusive thoughts... does that mean you like... think about killing people... are the Demons telling you what to do... is it Dark In There

my shit brain: ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang eat that cardboard

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More Posts from Kaiyodei

8 years ago

it’s genetic you buttswaffer



well obviously all those non whites know it’s genetic. that, I supposed it’s scientiflcy proven some races can handle spicy food better than others.

which reminds me, didn’t some people used to think some races processed pain differenty? that they had a higher tolerance, or perhaps they were to primitive, making it like when some ask “can a clam feel pain?”

do some races feed their babies super hot food? do they give their children spicy food if they need yucky medication, while white people use sugar?

and what about the rare white person who does like hot food? are you going to call it cultural appropriation?

for a website that has people say shit like “PSTD from past lives as a cartoon character is valid” you all should know better



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9 years ago


i need help rounding up the genuine(non troll/poe/roleplay) food and plant kins to show people that not all “i identify as a pizza helicopter” people are making fun of transfolx. that there are some “real ones” even if they are some kind of autistic with reality processing disorders

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7 years ago

Things food snobs are wrong about

“Organic” isn’t better for you or for the environment. It actually means nothing of any significance at best and is sometimes even the more wasteful, more hazardous option.

A shitload of “natural” food including a lot of imported produce is grown and harvested through slave labor in inhumane conditions.

Pizza, fried chicken, french fries, fast food, candy bars and chips ARE nutritious. They are loaded with good things. Just because they have an abundance of excess fats and might not be healthy as a staple doesn’t mean they are “nutritionless” or that their calories are “empty.” Those are hokey buzzwords pushed by the people in charge of how much you pay for the alternatives.

Eating healthier costs more. Much more. Looking down on people for their reliance on cheaper food is extremely classist and expecting everyone to be able to live off fresh veggies and cage-free meats is insultingly unrealistic in the modern world.

“Processed” literally only means the food went through some kind of automated process. This can be literally the exact same thing a human being would have done to the food for it to be labeled “unprocessed.” Being processed does not make something less healthy.

Chemicals with long, scary names are part of nature. An apple is full of compounds you probably can’t pronounce. A shorter ingredients label only means they didn’t bother listing all 300 things the product is actually made of and HAS to be made of.

Preservatives, artificial flavors and other additives are not the devil. Most are harmless and in general they are part of the reason you haven’t already starved to death or died of a food borne illness.

MSG is not bad for you at all.

The fact that something might be made of “scrap” meats like pig snouts or chicken necks only means one thing: that we didn’t waste perfectly normal, edible meat.


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7 years ago
kaiyodei - i don't know what is going on here
7 years ago
OKAYI Have Been Meaning To Do This For MONTHS But Hey, Theres No Better Time Than The Present So Buckle
OKAYI Have Been Meaning To Do This For MONTHS But Hey, Theres No Better Time Than The Present So Buckle
OKAYI Have Been Meaning To Do This For MONTHS But Hey, Theres No Better Time Than The Present So Buckle
OKAYI Have Been Meaning To Do This For MONTHS But Hey, Theres No Better Time Than The Present So Buckle
OKAYI Have Been Meaning To Do This For MONTHS But Hey, Theres No Better Time Than The Present So Buckle
OKAYI Have Been Meaning To Do This For MONTHS But Hey, Theres No Better Time Than The Present So Buckle

OKAY I have been meaning to do this for MONTHS but hey, there’s no better time than the present so buckle up, here we go! THESE BOOKS ARE A GODSEND. I am ALWAYS on the lookout for writing aids that ACTUALLY HELP. If you’re like me, and occasionally venture out to buy books on, let’s say, showing vs telling - you will always get the same rehearsed speeches on what that means. -summons pretentious writer’s voice- You’ve got to shoooooow what’s happening in the scene, not teeeeeeell~~ BAH! What you NEVER get, however, is how to do it, or how do it better.


Each of these is so freaking helpful, I can’t even convey. They all follow the same format as the pictures I’ve shown above, so you get one detailed page of descriptions followed by tons of more in-depth, thought provoking concepts. I’ll do my best to lay out the five that I have and if you are interested, hop on over to Amazon and buy these suckers up because they are AMAZING; I have NEVER used a writing resource more than I use these. Negative Trait Thesaurus & Positive Trait Thesaurus -gives you a definition of said negative trait -gives you similar flaws also found in the book -gives you possible causes of WHY the character might have this trait -gives you a list of other behaviors the chara might have -gives you examples of the chara’s thought process -gives associated emotions -gives positive aspects of the trait, as well as negative -gives examples of well known chara’s that have this trait -talks about how the chara might overcome it -gives traits that, when combined with this one, might cause conflict How I use this information: Chara building, or when I get stuck on what I want a character to do. Man, I just can’t decide what they WOULD do. Well, awesome, I have a little guide to help me think through the character’s possible motivations. Also, I get help building a potential backstory because I get a framework of which to think, why is the character this way? Urban Setting Thesaurus & Rural Setting Thesaurus -gives a whole lot of examples of sights, smells, tastes, and sounds -gives examples of textures and sensations (ie at an ‘antique shop’ you may encounter chipped paint, distressed wood, etc) -gives you possible sources of conflict (ie at a ‘hotel’ you might have noisy neighbors) -gives list of people you might expect to find at said location -gives related settings -gives tips on this type of setting -gives a setting description example How I use this information: IMAGERY IMAGERY IMAGERY Emotion Thesaurus (aka MY FAVORITE) -gives a definition of the emotion -gives physical signs and signals (ie chara may look pale, might fidget, etc) -gives internal sensations (aka, blood pounding in the ears, dry throat, adrenaline rush) -gives mental responses (ie fight or flight) -gives cues of acute or long-term impacts of the emotion -gives ‘may escalate to _______’ and directs you to other emotions -gives cues of suppression (ie cues of suppressed rage) -gives writer tips How I use this information: I love this book so hardcore, it’s so helpful with internalizing. It’s great because I get to step outside of that box of using the same five responses to a certain emotion and start really thinking about, what can a character do instead to show that they are feeling this, rather than me using adverbs or his adrenaline pumped fifty gazillion times. These books are all co-written by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi (bless their souls) and if this sounds of interest LOOK INTO IT!! I get such buyer’s regret after buying writing guides but these are legit the best ones I have found and I reference them so, so, so much. Hope this helps anyone out there looking for something life-changing!!