Future's Past
Future's Past
The last thing Melanie saw was his smile dripping in sadness. She didn't know why she did it; she knew it would hurt him. Melanie didn't necessarily want that, want him to feel responsible for her leaving. Essentially offing herself with her grandfather's magic. Was it a way to handle a break up? Yes, but a rather dramatic one. The past was getting too much for her anyway. Her mother was almost never happy, her father battling what would eventually take over in her future. She thought the past would be happy, surreal, nothing but joy and positivity. But man was she wrong.
Melanie found herself appearing in what would become her Main Post. It had been so long since she was in her future that the walls were foreign to her now. She looked around, staring at the maps tacked on to the walls, connected by red strings. Places she had tracted her father but failed to find him every time. A twinge in her heart threatened to start tears. She had him in her life again and now he was gone again. Just like that.
She was alone again.
Well, not entirely. A crash followed by German cussing came from another room. A spark of hope set off in her body. She slowly made her way towards the sounds. Glancing around the corner, she sees Nicholas staring at a broken bowl at his feet. He ran a hand through his hand with a sigh. Melanie smiles, stepping into his view.
"You're still here.."
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Sam waking up one day and he's suddenly, unexplainably, full human.
Humming happily to herself, Gwen checks her appearance over in the mirror. A skintight, black leather dress with matching heels and a killer red lip to complete the look. Once satisfied with her adjustments, she walks over to her nightstand. She clicks open a secret compartment on the underside reveal a jagged dagger stained dark red around the handle. Gwen slips the knife into her purse as she made her way out of her room.
Samuel stood in the hallway, looking his half-sister up and down. He was rather interested in such a sight. "What's with the get up?"
Gwen glances up with a smile, both looking innocent and mischievous simultaneously. "Oh, I added myself on a dating site and some sorry fuck wanted to take me out to drinks."
The older half demon folded his arms with a knowing look. "You're just gonna kill him, aren't you?"
Her smiled widened "Horrifically."
He couldn't help but check her over again, slowly, biting his bottom lip as he did so. "It's a shame we're siblings."
Gwen walks over to him, the sound of her heels clicking the floor echoing. Once incredibly close to him, she ran her fingers over his cheek. "Oh, sweetie, we're demons. Blood doesn't matter." She giggles at the way he side eyed her. As She started her way towards the front door, he called after her.
"I already have a girlfriend, yknow."
"Baby, you keep looking at me like that and you won't anymore."
I wanna do boxes again
But I also wanna do pirates
But I also wanna do fae
But I also wanna do Alice
Lucifer had been gone for a few months, that was normal. AJ hated his long trips, being alone for who knows how long waiting for him to return ate at her every time. She noticed soon after he left that she didn't feel good. Days went by and she felt more tired and sick as they dragged on. Knowing the signs and hoping she was wrong, she made a doctor's appointment. AJ couldn't believe the news, nor that he wasn't even home to be told said news. As the months went by she anxiously waited to tell him.
When he finally came home, AJ sat at the table in one of his baggy shirts to hide her bump. She looks up at him with a wide grin, a couple of pictures flipped over in front of her. "Welcome back, puppy"
Guestbook: Gwen
General Information:
Full name: Gwyneth Morningstar
Gender: Female
D.o.B/Age August 30th / 21 (286)
Height/Weight: 5'10" /175 lbs
Physical Appearance: Gwen wears her brown hair in high pigtails held together by ribbons given to her by her older sister. She has a natural white streak in her bangs. Her eyes are completely red. She wears a little black dress with fishnets and white Van's. She also usually has one of her brother's jackets on her shoulders.

Place of Birth: Her mother's childhood town
Race: Mixed Halfling
Education: Dropped out of High School
Occupation: None
Strengths; Loyalty to those who deserve it, cooking, singing
Weaknesses; Impulsive, easily angered, cant read through lines, extremely jealous
Talents: She's very well versed in handheld weaponry
Fears: Losing her family,
Likes: Collecting Knives, blood, her full siblings, manga, popcorn, cats, Jpop
Dislikes: Being told what to do, summer, being ignored, people touching her knives
Thing that makes them special: Gwen shares her father's bloodlust and gives in to it most of the time
Key personality traits: Yandere, childish, curious
Backstory: Growing up, Gwen was in an out of detention which graduated to juvie as she got older. They were for a multitude of offenses: assault, larceny, trespassing, ect. Her older brothers protected her as much as possible and bailed her out when her mother couldn't. This lead to Gwen eventually giving up on school and taking over a section of the basement in her mothers house. Even when her mother died, she refused to leave; being the only child to keep the house together in the future.
Family: The youngest of all of AJ's kids; the youngest of Triplets. Lucifer is her father.
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
What they look for in a relationship: Someone that will only love her. She wants someone completely devoted to her an no one else.
Top or bottom? Switch
Romantic or Sexual? Sexual