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5 years ago

The Gang; a list of Houseguest (ocs)

Amasa, the Dorky Demon

Ingrid, the Protective Sister

Annie Rose, the Shy Mouse

AJ, the Mom

Charles, the Proper Giant

Melanie, the Curious Halfling

Samuel, the Angsty Halfling

Minhyuk, the Quiet Nerd

Siren, the Slutty Vampire

Eunmi, the Princess

Lilith, the Underloved Demon

Side ocs;

Kana, the Magical Girl

Satan, the Trickster Lord

Eve, the Mother Angel

Minyoung, the Newborn Death

Vanelope, the Clusmy Trickster

Naomi, the Bitchy Vampiress

Mastema, the Schizophrenic Angel

Quincy, the unemotional Angel

Different AU ocs;

Winter, the Wounded Soldier (Apocalypse)

Zoey, the Kawaii Zombie (Apocalypse)

Winston, the Living Glitch

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5 years ago

Minhyuk watching Eunmi and Jae dancing together, probably doing the Chicken Noodle soup dance, and feeling super inadequate because he's the only danceline kid that can't dance well.

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5 years ago

Melanie stares at her reflection. The bright vanity lights shining onto her grandfather's gift. A slim finger reaches up to trace along its peculiar shape. How long had she been wearing this and never remembered it? Her curios mind ran with questions of what would happen if she took it off. Maybe nothing? Or maybe, knowing her grandfather, something tricky. Something evil, but with good intentions

Her finger drops and she puts her hands in her pockets.

Not today.

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5 years ago


Flipping through his sister's notebook he found on the floor, eyes scanning over the weird scribbles over maps and chats with what he presumed to be other demons. Minhyuk knocks on Melanie's door, not moving his eyes from the pages. When she didn't answer, he decided to let himself in. The door creaking open in the slightly rusted hinges.

"Mel? Hey, I found your book. What is all this about?" He spoke to the quiet room. He glanced up and now scanned over the teal walls decorated with pictures of her family. Most of Samuel and her than him. He scoffs under his breath. Looking to the rest of the room, he didn't see her; bed still made and neat save for an outfit thrown onto the sheets for later. He decided to check the connecting bathroom. Opening that door, he was just in time to see Melanie yanking off her necklace once again.

Panic immediately ran through his mind. Dropping the book, he rushed to her side and caught her before she hit the yellow titled floor. Melanie gasped for air as he held her. He didnt know what to do. He only knew that she would come back. She always did. It was a sick thing her grandfather did to her, but at least the scene never lasted long. Yet, she had no idea. This wasn't the same Melanie from the first time. Her mismatched eyes were filled with fear as she felt her body giving up on her. Minhyuk only smiled solemnly and hugged her.

"It'll be okay. I'll wait for you again, okay? You'll be back, just close your eyes..." He let out a shaky sigh as he felt her body turn to dust, dropping into a sand pile in front of him. He wiped a tear that threatened to leave his eyes. He may have seen this probably ten times already but it never got easier.

Almost by muscle memory, the Korean boy swept up what remained of his older sister and carefully placed the sand in a bottle. He set the old, glass Coke Bottle on the shelf lined with nine other bottles. The house has decided that each Melanie deserved to be remembered. It was Minhyuk that decided to hold them in her favorite drink.

Walking out of the room with the odd journal, he made his way to Lucifer. That's where she always came back to.


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5 years ago

And Forever

AJ hissed at the sunlight at suddenly washed itself into her room. Hiding in the blankets to shield her sun deprived body. The light illuminated the bowls of halfeaten noodles and takeout boxes scattered around her bed. The floor was clear of clothes as she hadn't changed since both of her boys left her in the same day. She had hid herself in her room for about a week, unable to mske herself leave her room.

Minhyuk, who had stormed into his mothers room and ripped open the blinds, watched his mother thrive in the shock of morning. With his arms folded he walked up to his defeated mom. "Eomma, you need to get up. Fuck off with the depression and sit up." His voice faltered a bit with the sterness he used, as he was generally a quiet introvert. Glad his mom was too catatonic to reprimand him for his language, he stepped back as she did what he told. Her eyes squinting against the brightness, hair a mess and body pale.

"What tue fuck do you want, Min? Can't you go bug your father? Or is he too busy with Lilith?"

"Eomma, seriously. Just listen. Melanie hasn't come back."

"What do you mean 'hasnt come back'?" She rubbed the sleep from her eyes with a yawn.

"She did the thing again, I waited, she hasn't come back. Eomma, she always comes back." His voice started getting shaking with panic.

"Min, calm down, usually it takes a few hours-"

"Eomma its been almost 4 months."

AJ was suddenly shooting out of bed, clad it a pair of Hoseoks shorts and Lucifers shirt. Her eyes less depressive and now full of panic. Four months? That's way too long. Even Satan said it should take no longer than half a weeks worth. Maybe the universe ran out of copies? No, that makes no sense. What could possibly prevent her from coming back. Minhyuk studied his mom for a few seconds, watching the gears turn in her head.

"Eomma, who do we call?"

She ran her fingers through her hair as she paced her room. "Um.. Lucifer, I guess? But we aren't really speaking right now-"


"Ugh. Fine. I can't guarantee that he'll answer me though..." Not even bothering to make herself look more presentable, she calls out to him. Part of her hoping he ignored her, the other half wanting him back.

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5 years ago

Guestbook: Jung Kyung-Ah

General Information:

Full name: Jung Kyung Ah

Gender: Female

D.o.B/Age: September 13th/24

Height/Weight: 5'5"/125

Physical Appearance: she's relatively small everywhera, she wears her hair long, bangs cut across her forehead just above her brown eyes. Her tanned skin usually covered with striped long sleeves, knee length skirts and black leggings. She loved wearing beanies and hiding her face in oversized scarves.

Guestbook: Jung Kyung-Ah

Place of Birth: She was born in America but lived in Gwuanju for a while with her dad

Race: Korean American

Education: She dropped out of college to be in her friends girl group as a dancer

Occupation: Kpop idol


Strengths: her dedication to her group and family. She never lets anyone down and always does things with a smile.

Weaknesses: Shes a perfectionist with her dancing and it tends to cause her to skip eating and sleeping to get a routine right.

Talents: Dancing and singing. She can also play the drums

Fears: dark rooms, injuries

Likes: Candy, reading, time to herself

Dislikes: loud noises, salty food, dogs

Key personality traits: Friendly, Hardworking, dedicated, loner

Backstory: Kyungah had a tough time growing up with Lilith constantly trying to steal her away from her mother. Her mother thought it'd be best years later for her to get away and be with her father for a few years while they got rid of Lilith. Her middle and high school years were spent in Gwanju. She moved to Seoul for college but decided to drop her English degree for being a lead dancer in a girl group with Eunmi and Jiyeon. She works hard every day to live up to her father's fame and make him proud.


Family: Daughter to AJ and Hoseok, older sister to Minhyuk and Melanie, half younger sister to Samuel.

Relationship Status: Currently single and prefers to stay that way

Sexuality: She's never ventured to figure out

What they look for in a relationship: Someone that likes long, comfortable silences and can deal with her weird family. She wants someone as an equal.

Top or bottom? Probably a switch

Romantic or Sexual? Romantic

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3 years ago

Guestbook: Alastar

General Information:

Full name: Alastar Morningstar

Gender: Male

D.o.B/Age: August 30th/ 21 (286 in Demon years) Height/Weight: 6'2" 205 lbs

Physical Appearance: His build is rather muscular, he has one red and one green eye, and short brown hair that usually covers said eyes. He keeps himself well groomed and free of wrinkles in a business casual suit.

Place of Birth: His mother's childhood town Race: Mixed half demon

Education: Finished Law school

Occupation: Clerk at a City Hall


Strengths; His physical strength, can debate himself out of death,


Talents: Good with a gun

Fears: Him or his siblings dying, losing his job, the future

Likes: Blood, tea with sugar, being alone, work

Dislikes: Idiots, flying, using anything demonic, humans

Thing that makes them special: He's an excellent marksman

Key personality traits: Cold and distant

Backstory: He and his siblings were born and taken well care of. He had straight As in school and kept his sister out of trouble the best he could. When their mother died, he surrounded himself with work. He doesnt acknowledge her death as it was rather hard for him.


Family: AJ is his mother, Lucifer is his father, hes the oldest triplet of him, Gwyneth and Cedric

Relationship Status: Single, he doesn't care for human relationships

Sexuality: Straight

What they look for in a relationship: If he was actively looking, he would want a girl that shares his brains and brings exciting new knowledge to the table.

Top or bottom? Top

Romantic or Sexual? Romantic

Guestbook: Alastar

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3 years ago

Guestbook: Gwen

General Information:

Full name: Gwyneth Morningstar

Gender: Female

D.o.B/Age August 30th / 21 (286)

Height/Weight: 5'10" /175 lbs

Physical Appearance: Gwen wears her brown hair in high pigtails held together by ribbons given to her by her older sister. She has a natural white streak in her bangs. Her eyes are completely red. She wears a little black dress with fishnets and white Van's. She also usually has one of her brother's jackets on her shoulders.

Guestbook: Gwen

Place of Birth: Her mother's childhood town

Race: Mixed Halfling

Education: Dropped out of High School

Occupation: None


Strengths; Loyalty to those who deserve it, cooking, singing

Weaknesses; Impulsive, easily angered, cant read through lines, extremely jealous

Talents: She's very well versed in handheld weaponry

Fears: Losing her family,

Likes: Collecting Knives, blood, her full siblings, manga, popcorn, cats, Jpop

Dislikes: Being told what to do, summer, being ignored, people touching her knives

Thing that makes them special: Gwen shares her father's bloodlust and gives in to it most of the time

Key personality traits: Yandere, childish, curious

Backstory: Growing up, Gwen was in an out of detention which graduated to juvie as she got older. They were for a multitude of offenses: assault, larceny, trespassing, ect. Her older brothers protected her as much as possible and bailed her out when her mother couldn't. This lead to Gwen eventually giving up on school and taking over a section of the basement in her mothers house. Even when her mother died, she refused to leave; being the only child to keep the house together in the future.


Family: The youngest of all of AJ's kids; the youngest of Triplets. Lucifer is her father.

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual

What they look for in a relationship: Someone that will only love her. She wants someone completely devoted to her an no one else.

Top or bottom? Switch

Romantic or Sexual? Sexual

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3 years ago

The day was mostly quiet, everyone keeping to themselves as the hours went by. Minhyuk sat on the couch with his head in his laptop. He thought that the passing day was odd but was silently enjoying the fact nothing weird happened today. Which was odd in itself because Samuel sat a few seats away from him absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. The siblings never really had a quiet, calm moment. But right now was bliss. Kyungah in her room, Melanie outside with her father practicing something that didnt involve setting something else on fire, and the brothers enjoying themselves in the same room.

Sam flicked pass a couple of news stories talking about a seemingly unrelated series of murders in the past night. The halfling snorted at the report, making his little brother lift his head curiously. Samuel noticed and gestured his screen toward him. Minhyuk raised an eyebrow "Was that you? Do you not like how they're painting you?" Samuel rolled his eyes

"No it wasn't fucking me. I was with Mei last night; she was panicking again. I dont know who thinks they can just come up on my scene like that, though."

"Oh that was me."

A new voice from behind them startled the brothers. Minhyuk's laptop falling off his lap and hitting the floor as Samuel flashed onto his feet, turning and summoning a sword into his hand before the computer touched the ground. Samuel stared down at the person at the end on his blade; a girl with a huge grin on her face. She was hunched over like she had been reading over his shoulder. As she straightened herself up, she stuck her hands into the oversized hoodie on her shoulders. "Well hello to you to. Is that any way to greet your little sister, Sammy?"

Samuel narrowed his purple eyes at her "You aren't my little sister." The grip on his sword tightened as two men walked up behind the strange girl. The older looking one reached over and gently pushed Sam's blade away from her.

"You'll have to forgive Gwen," He said as he shifted the weapons target "She isnt great with introduction"

This "Gwen" giggled at the mans words. The other one, looking rather happy for the current situation shook his head "Always causing trouble. Anyway. Where's ma?"

Minhyuk looked between the three new strangers and blinked. "Ma? Who the hell are you and why are you in our house??"

The older one looked down at him and extended a hand in greeting "I'm Alastar. This troublemaker is Gwen and the other idiot is Cedric. We're your siblings."

"Yup! Actually if I know where we are in time, I think mom hasn't told you yet. Right?" Gwen grins widely. The smile was teetering between happy and sinister. Minhyuk officially found her the scariest. Just as Sam was going to ask what the hell they were talking about, AJ poked her head into the living room.

"Boy's I need to tell you- oh well that was fast. Usually you kids give me a few days before showing up. You must be the triplets-"

Cedric, the happy looking one, immediately ran towards her, almost tackling her in a hug. He was about a foot taller than her but that didnt stop him. AJ chuckled and hugged him back, gently rubbing his back. "I see I was right, huh?"

The other two decided to walk after their brother. Gwen looking back at Samuel who was still glaring at her. "Nice sword by the way. I remember stealing it from you too." Samuel huffed at her words, letting the sword vanish from his hands. He and Minhyuk looked at each other as the triplets shared hugs and hellos with their mom. Cedric wiping away a few tears.

AJ kisses his cheek before looking around at her new children. "How about we go meet your father, yeah?"

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3 years ago

31 Days of Angst; Day #10 [Ghost]

Minhyuk liked to spend his days in the darkness of his room only illuminated by the screen of his computer. Headphones adorned blasting music into his ears, fingers pressing keys faster than his monitor could keep up. This was his sanctuary in the craziness of the world around him. Every so often his mother or siblings would drop in to tell him dinner was ready or that his girlfriend was on her way in. On certain days, usually once a week, he would be dragged out of his room to be involved in "Family time" which was either a movie or a game night. Other than that, he was a hermit and happy about it. So it didn't click in his mind that he had gone a few days without eating, really getting tired or a family member popping their heads into his room. It wasn't until he checked his messages from Jaeyeong and saw nothing. She didn't usually ignore him or go a day without a good morning text. When he tried to send one himself, the message wouldn't go through. Confused that his phone wasn't working properly, he made his way out of his room. Looking around for someone, his eyes fell onto his mom walking past his room. He tried to wave to her but she seemed to ignore him. He called out; ignored again. He was getting frustrated that his mom would ignore him, so he tried to catch her. Minhyuk froze when his hand ghosted right through her shoulder. He stared at his hands and realized he could see through them. Panic started to set in as other members of the house walked straight through him in the hallway.

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3 years ago

31 Days of Angst; Day #13 [Revenge]

Melanie didn't want to say anything to her older brother knowing how he was and how he would most likely handle the situation. Though, it would've been better to tell him rather than Samuel finding the only sibling he cared about sobbing on the couch. He had approached her and demanded to know what happened. When nothing but a muffled "nothing" came from her, he kneeled down and asked again, his tone becoming stern.

Samuel didn't need to have her repeat again. He simply nodded and disappeared, the floor singed from the flames where he had stood. Sam appeared in Hell, angrily pushing pass other demons as he forced his way to the one his sister described. His human features fading with each step, transforming himself into his full demon form. Red scales covered his skin, his eyes shifting into that of a snakes and a long spiked tail swishing angrily behind him. Sam finds his target laughing with a group of others. Who, upon seeing the furious Samuel charging towards them, scattered. Before he had the chance to get away, Samuel snatched him by the throat and slammed the demon into a nearby wall. Samuel dug his razor sharp claws into his neck. Smirking as the lesser demon struggled against him.

Samuel asked him if he thought it was funny to assault his sister, to which the demon weakly laughed responding that Melanie made it easy to be used in such a way. With that, Samuel shoved his other clawed hand into his chest, twisting and ripping out whatever he could get his hand on. Sam threw him onto the ground, pouncing on top of him and ripped the demon apart. Enjoying the feel of its blood splattering over his face and body.

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3 years ago

31 Days of Angst; Day #15 [Helplessness]

She had gone too far this time. What was supposed to be a routine outing for her quickly turned deadly. Gwen had done her usual; getting a helpless human to take her on a date and letting her bloodlust end her dates life before returning home. But this time, she found herself on the other end. Her date for the night had not been human, but a rouge angle looking to do that same as her. Gwen laid in a puddle of red, her hand becoming stained in her own blood as she tried to cover the deep wound. The Angel had given her nothing more than a smirk as he walked away. Leaving Gwen to weakly call for her father that never came. Tears filled her eyes as she slowly blacked out

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3 years ago

31 Days of Angst; Day #17 [Personal Failure]

Alastar held himself in high regard. He was the oldest of the triplets, the token child when it came to smarts, the one that aspired to have the answer to everything and be the best at everything. His younger siblings weren't the hardest to beat when it came to just about anything. He could beat Cedric in any intelligence-based test. He could overpower his sister during her lust rages. Alastar aimed to please his father in every way possible; except ownership of power.

Every demon was born in an innate power unique to them. While immaculate knowledge could be his power, it wasn't one that demons often, or ever, got. Most times it was powers that helped with killing or an ability to change the world around them. His uncle had an affinity for colors, his older sister that of time, his youngest sister one that could corrupt humans around her. But Alastar was left with none. Even his nitwit brother had an affinity with foods. Alastar felt like he had failed his demonhood,

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3 years ago

tag the oc that is easily annoyed

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3 years ago

Sam looks more like his father

Melanie looks like her father more but has an eye color from her mom

Minhyuk looks more like aj in terms of skin and hair

Kyungah looks more like her mom

Alastar leans towards his mom

Cedric is a good middle point

Gwyneth leans towards her dad

Did any of your characters clearly inherit their looks from their parents? Do they lean more towards one parent over the other?

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