Reblog If Youre Bisexual, Support Bisexual People Or Are Actually A Bunch Of Tiny Velociraptors In A
Reblog if you’re bisexual, support bisexual people or are actually a bunch of tiny velociraptors in a human suit
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More Posts from Kazbrekkerscrutches
"Chaos has come again."
James "Bucky" Barnes - With Me
Warnings: Mention of trauma/nightmare/guilt, otherwise it's fluff. REAL FLUFF
Words: 1k

Ever since I was a child, I couldn't remember anything but the tragic events of my past.
My mother was taking me to this beautiful cabin in the forest. There were trees and flowers all around me. As though I felt free and safe, I knew I wasn’t. On my way out to the cabin in question, I heard a metallic, almost like a ringing sound coming from behind me.
My own mother was standing there, hold a machine-like device. It was shining, almost brighter than the sky. “Mum, what is this?” She looked at me, only to have me tear up to her gaze. “I’m sorry. I have to.”
She huffed out another word before pulling the trigger on it. My weight was launched by a man. He was dressed in a military uniform and another one was in the infamous Captain America costume. They were defeating her, until she popped one of her tooth, only to have bubbles coming out of her mouth.
“Mum.” I knew she had tried to kill me only a few minutes ago, but a part of me was left heartbroken.
She wasn’t breathing. Saints, no.
I shifted my weight to walk up to her, only to be stopped by the same pair of strong arms. “No, please. I just want t-t-to see he-er.” I looked up, only to see a beautiful man, whom had so precious blue eyes I could’ve swam in them.
He unhooked his arms and let me approach her. I hadn’t realised she was wearing a pin, containing the letters H.Y.D.R.A on it. A tear shot out of my eye, but I stood up, turning to face the males.
“Who are you?” I asked, still shaken from the previous moments.
“Steve Rogers.” The captain handed out his hand, only for me to shake it. I did, offering him a kind gesture even after what had happened.
“James Barnes.” He offered me his hand, but took mine only to take me further from my mother’s corpse.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N, but I guess you already knew that.” He nodded sadly, only before an automobile came through the woods. I felt an arm drape over my shoulder, and as I turned my head, James was looking at me with a soft yet sad smile.
Steve and my former companion walked me towards the automobile, which led to go God knows where. His arm was still draped over my shaken body: I couldn’t stop seeing her say those words before attempting to shoot me. I closed my eyes, trying to see back the last thing she had said to me.
My attempt was interrupted by James taking my hand in his again. “What’s on your mind?” I hesitated, still surprised on how they seemed so fine about what had happened.
“I remembered that she said something before trying to kill me: Hail H.Y.D.R.A. Is that supposed to mean something?”
“They’re not the good guys. Trust me.”
My memories from my past were still haunting me at this day. Even half a century later, I still couldn’t get them out of my head.
Being a super soldier was such a burden: she tried to kill me for being a scientific project.
Steve was dead: I had lost my best friend who saved my ass more times than I couldn’t count.
But I still had James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes.
He was the one who kept me from my own sorrow.
I was sitting in my desk, peacefully thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “You, okay?” James’ soft voice made me jump a bit. I turned on my chair, finding him wearing his casual black clothes.
“I’m fine.” I responded trying to stand up, but he crouched at my level, earning a look from my tired eyes. “I’ve known you since 1943, I know when you’re lying. What’s wrong?”
He took my hands in his, approaching his head towards mine. “I can’t stop thinking about them. My mum, my dad, my brother. A second ago, I was working on a design for my bow, and the next I was submerged by my past. And I know it was my fault, I-I-I…”
“Don’t say that. It was never your fault.” Tears that were bottling up during the day shot out of my eyes, dropping onto him. “What happened to them: it was all HYDRA’s fault, and they are going to pay for that.” I locked my eyes with him, finding the sincerity in them.
He placed his hands on the side of my face, passing his fingers slightly into my hair. He then pressed his lips to my forehead, drying my tears in his palms. I leaned into his touch, finding my home in him.
“They’re all dead, smartass.” As small chuckled left my mouth.
“That’s the smile I love.” He whispered, pulling me up with him. He scooped me in his arms, hugging me so tight. I inhaled his intoxicating smell, a mix of cinnamon and firewood. He brushed his calloused fingers along my back. His actions were soothing and calming, as was his presence.
“Come on. Let’s go to bed, it’s getting late.” I didn’t even realize it was nighttime until I saw the moon shining on us. He led me to our room, where we would spend most of our evenings in.
He handled me one of his shirts, as he knew I adored them so much. I slipped that on and got comfortable in the bed. He laid by me, pulling me into his embrace and whispering sweet nothings in my ears.
“You’re so beautiful. I never, ever want to spend a day without you by my side. I love you, darling.”
I lifted up my head just enough to catch his lips onto mine. They always felt so soothing and warm. It was the most peace I’d ever experience in my life.
“I love you too, dearest.” He pressed his lips against mine again, greeting them with passion once again.
I nuzzled myself into his chest, truly falling asleep in an instant.
General Grievous

"Activate Ray Shields."

Michael Langdon - Lost Lovers
Warnings: Death by fire, kind of mention of the witches massacre/genocide
A/N: This HAS to be one of my favorite imagines that I've ever written. I was really inspired when I wrote it, especially because I loved American Horror Story: Apocalypse. I hope you enjoy!
Words: 2.5k

“There’s humanity in you. I see it.”
I was part of the witches coven and Michael was part of the wizard coven. Normally, we would both hate each other, we should hate each other, but we don’t.
Not at all.
We both met when we were in the same church of darkness. He was taken by Ms. Mead, my mother and was actually the son of our saviour. I didn’t believe that the Devil itself was bad, it was bad compared to the christians, but we could say the same about God. My mother was kind enough to give him shelter after we had taken him in the infamous “Murder House”. I was the youngest member of our belief, but they didn’t know that I was more powerful than they thought.
Ms. Mead was my adoptive mother; my real mother was the last Supreme of my line. It was two supreme existed at the same time, but it wasn’t impossible. The royal blood ran through my system and when my mother died, two years after Ms. Mead took me in, I gained her powers.
Nobody knew that I was a witch, but if they did, I’d be burning at a stake right now. I had heard rumors about a witch coven in New Orleans, with the other Supreme, Cordelia Goode. It had been a few months that Michael and I had met each other, but I had to make myself disappear. That is why, one night, I got into my car, left a note to Ms. Mead; saying that I’ll leave forever and never come back.
I arrived in New Orleans in no time, and met my fellow sisters. Zoe and Cordelia herself had welcomed me into the academy. It was a place that was actually safe for me; I had to hide some of my powers for my safety, but not from Cordelia. I actually helped her bring her formal mother, Myrtle Snow back.
I had heard that Michael had brought back Queenie and Madison from the dead. I didn’t know who they were until I came to his school, while he performed the seven wonders. I had already performed them with Cordelia, but I knew that it was different with a warlock. He saw me, thinking I was dead and asking himself why I was with the witches.
With the help of my telepathy, I answered these questions for him though my mind.
“Michael, I’m one of them. I have been since I was born. Royal blood runs through my veins. I am the second Supreme of this coven, and I couldn’t tell you. I’m sorry, Michael. I had to disappear for my own survival.”
He only responded with a sad look and a small tear coming out of his eye. I walked away, letting Zoe know that I needed some air.
I had later known that he did pass the seven wonders and brought my old friend, Misty Day. God, I had missed her.
I walked into the library and Michael was sitting on a desk, catching his breath. I saw Misty and Cordelia on the floor, hugging each other. They separated and I almost jumped into her arms. She was practically my real sister. She was always so nice to me, and she welcomed me into her home after I ran away from my previous home.
I thanked Michael by telepathy, for bringing back my sister to me. He only nodded and slightly smiled. I knew him and I had a connection before I got away, but I didn’t want to leave him. I never wanted to, but I knew that he and Ms. Mead wanted all of the witches to be wiped out, and that would include me.
A few weeks after, one of the warlocks of the council was found dead and Cordelia asked me to bring him back. It was more complicated than it looked like, the man was burned to the bone and practically nothing was left of him.
I did bring him back, as he confessed that Ms. Mead and two of the warlocks of the council had plotted behind the back of the coven to execute John Henry Moore.
Here was the day that everything changed. The three murders were sentenced to death by fire, and I obviously had to watch them burn. Yes, I do recognize our history, us witches, but that doesn’t mean that I do like it.
Before Mr. Moore conjured them to their deaths, Ms. Mead spoke up to me.
“Y/N, I thought you were dead, my child. You still have a chance to repent, to follow the path of the Armageddon.”
“I’m with my people, now. I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to follow the good path. As much as I appreciate all that you did for me, you have to pay for what you did.”
“Oh please. Michael will find a way to wipe all of you.”
“Light ‘em up, Moore.”
I turned my back to the killers and listened to their screams. I really did hate, Ms. Mead for what she did, but a part of me was dying inside. My 3 years with her, with Michael, just went away like the snap of my fingers. I knew there was no going back now, not for me, nor the coven and certainly not for Michael. My heart ached at the screams, feeling how Michael would be destroyed after this.
[Time skip]
[Michael’s POV]
Three bodies, well the rest of them were stuck to wood stakes. I approached them, revealing their identities to me. Mr. Ariel and Mr. Baldwin were among the three of them. They had helped me, rescued me when I was in jail. The third corpse had me panic for a moment, the shape of it looked familiar to me. As I pressed the palm of my hand towards the body, I saw the face of my beloved adoptive mother.
An agony scream shot out of my throat. The last strands of good in me were torn out of my heart. A whole in me, a void was created in this very moment. I had lost my only family. I lost Constance, Y/N and now my Ms. Mead.
[Y/N’s POV]
Cordelia and I teleported ourselves to the burning site. Michael was sobbing on the pavement floor, facing our adoptive mother. Cordelia didn’t know this, but I was the only person who Michael truly opened up to. I walked up to him, but Cordelia stopped me before I could get any further to him.
“It's over. We know who you are. Your allies are all dead. You failed.” Cordelia spat at him. He turned to face us. Tears were dripping down his face, his eyes were bloodshot red.
“I've already proven to you that I can defy death. I'm just gonna bring her back. And when I do, my Ms. Mead will stand by me as we watch you die.” Michael responded back to her.
“You can certainly go to Hell, but you won't find her there.” The first real sentence left my mouth. His voice had changed so much, his tone was deeper, but I could still hear the same soft tone he used with me.
“What have you done, Y/N.”
“Her soul is hidden by a spell only I can break. You'll never see her again.” Pain fluttered all around my chest, feeling my heart caving in.
“You’re all alone.” Cordelia completed.
It wasn’t true though. Yes, I was part of the witches’ coven and was loyal to them, but a part of me will always be with my Michael.
He was the first boy I’ve ever met. My mother was the only person I knew before I got into a car crash and Ms. Mead took me in; with having no idea that I was a witch. They would plot around my back and I would react by agreeing with them, taking no attention to my real self.
He was the first one to comfort me when my nightmare would start. He would tell me all about the house he was born and never hid anything from me. I felt guilty and unsafe with them because they wanted not only the witches to be all gone, but the whole godamn world.
I left, not even saying goodbye to him, I walked into his room before stepping out. Leaving him a kiss on his forehead and one of my rings; he would always play with them and he especially loved my small gold ring.
“I'm never alone. I have my father.” His voice broke.
“Where is he now? Why did he let this happen? You don't have to follow this path your father laid out for you.” Cordelia let me step closer to him. I lowered myself to his level.
“You can write your own destiny. You can still turn away. Michael, there's humanity in you. I see it. If you come with me, maybe we can find it, again. Together.” I offered him my hand, hoping her would take this chance to be better.
I saw the raw pain in his eyes, his thoughts were devouring his soul. He took my hand, but pulled me roughly against him instead.
“Somehow, some way, I am gonna bring her back. And then I'm gonna kill every last one of you.” He let me go of his embrace and walked towards Cordelia. He didn’t mean to say that to me, he said it directly to Cordelia.
He then walked away, turned to face me, and shared a thought with me. “Look in your hand.”
I did. The small ring I had given to him was right there, two years after my disappearance. There was a small word carved in my hand; “Come.” He wanted me to find him in the way he was going.
I did want to, but I didn’t how I would. “Y/N, let’s go.”
I nodded to her and watched her teleport herself back to the academy. It hurted me to betray my sisters, but I really needed to talk to him.
I walked toward Michael, almost losing the sight of him. I didn’t know where he was going, but teleporting myself to the unknown could cost me my life.
A few minutes later, I found Michael on his knees, on the ground, staring down at his hands. He must’ve heard a twig snap under my feet, his head snapped towards mine. He still looked so innocent and kind.
“You came.” He stood up, walking towards me.
“What do I have to lose.” His stance stood before mine, looking at me.
“Why didn’t you say anything to me when we lived together?” His tension falling off of his broad shoulders.
“I never told you because I was scared. I was scared that one day, you’d come into my room and rip my heart out my chest.” Tears made their way though my throat, causing my voice to crack.
“I grew up with you, you showed me so many things and not only did you give me a chance to be good, you were the first person who didn’t see me as the spawn of Satan. You saw me for who I was, even though you knew all about me. I would’ve never, ever hurted you.” He walked closer to me, seeing his eyes fill up with tears.
“What do you want me to say, Michael. I didn’t know what to believe, two years ago.” Tears were now dripping on my face. Words had left my mouth before I realized what I was saying.
“I loved you, Michael. I fell in love ever since the day our adoptive mother took you home. I didn’t know back then what you were, but when I found out and when you started making up all of your plans, my heart was shattered. I gave you a chance, but I was too scared to be near you. I went away and gave you this to remind you that even though I was weak to leave, that I never wanted to leave your side.” I fell on my knees, the weight from my shoulder was finally off of them after so many years. I ran my fingers along my black dress, taking a deep breath.
“I knew there was always something off about you, but seeing you stand with them. I never would’ve thought you would want me dead, because that’s all they want. If you loved, or still love me, you would know that I would never, ever hurt you, Y/N. I’m sorry about how I treated you in the past, but I am not sorry for falling in love with you.” I looked up to him, he was already looking at me, offering me his hand.
I took it, his touch made me feel safe. Even though all that he is, I did not care at all.
“Falling in love?” My lips felt like they needed to be on his desperately. His eyes looked even more blue in the dim light.
“Ever since I’ve met you, I knew what I felt for you was not only friendship. I love you so much and I’m not the type of person to say this if I don’t mean it.” His hand was now on my cheek, rubbing small circles on my jawline. Even though our height difference wasn’t extreme, I took a step closer and embraced our lips together.
His hands found their way on the back of my neck and on my waist as mine travelled to his hair and one behind his back. His lips felt heavenly on mine, almost like fire meeting ice. His devotion could be felt all the way through my body, my heart was radiating relief.
We departed to catch our breaths, my hands on the back of his neck, fiddling with his blonde curls. His hands were resting on my back, tracing lines on my back with his delicate yet strong hands.
“I love you too, Michael. And I promise you that I will never leave your side again.” He sighed and kissed me again, holding me closer to his body.
“Just stop reading my thoughts, alright?” I nodded and chuckled on his lips, kissing him desperately again.
“Alright.” I shared him my thought again, making him pull me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around my middle and never pulling back.
“I’ll find a way to get our Miss Mead back, I’m so sorry.” I whispered by his neck. His hand ran up higher to the back of my neck, nodding against my skin.
“Thank you, thank you, my love.” He rambled by my ear, holding even tighter to me.
The Night of Sorrow-Part 2!
So part 2 will be out at 4:00 PM EST, which is my time in Quebec. The part 2 is already scheduled for the release. Anyways, I have loads of fun to write it and I hope that you will enjoy it even more than the first part.
Let me know on my Instagram, or even just commenting, if you want The Night of Sorrow to be a whole series!
I will add my socials to my masterlist if you want to send me private comments!
Much love and I'll see you at 4 PM!
rose <3