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"Activate Ray Shields."

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More Posts from Kazbrekkerscrutches
James "Bucky" Barnes - With Me
Warnings: Mention of trauma/nightmare/guilt, otherwise it's fluff. REAL FLUFF
Words: 1k

Ever since I was a child, I couldn't remember anything but the tragic events of my past.
My mother was taking me to this beautiful cabin in the forest. There were trees and flowers all around me. As though I felt free and safe, I knew I wasn’t. On my way out to the cabin in question, I heard a metallic, almost like a ringing sound coming from behind me.
My own mother was standing there, hold a machine-like device. It was shining, almost brighter than the sky. “Mum, what is this?” She looked at me, only to have me tear up to her gaze. “I’m sorry. I have to.”
She huffed out another word before pulling the trigger on it. My weight was launched by a man. He was dressed in a military uniform and another one was in the infamous Captain America costume. They were defeating her, until she popped one of her tooth, only to have bubbles coming out of her mouth.
“Mum.” I knew she had tried to kill me only a few minutes ago, but a part of me was left heartbroken.
She wasn’t breathing. Saints, no.
I shifted my weight to walk up to her, only to be stopped by the same pair of strong arms. “No, please. I just want t-t-to see he-er.” I looked up, only to see a beautiful man, whom had so precious blue eyes I could’ve swam in them.
He unhooked his arms and let me approach her. I hadn’t realised she was wearing a pin, containing the letters H.Y.D.R.A on it. A tear shot out of my eye, but I stood up, turning to face the males.
“Who are you?” I asked, still shaken from the previous moments.
“Steve Rogers.” The captain handed out his hand, only for me to shake it. I did, offering him a kind gesture even after what had happened.
“James Barnes.” He offered me his hand, but took mine only to take me further from my mother’s corpse.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N, but I guess you already knew that.” He nodded sadly, only before an automobile came through the woods. I felt an arm drape over my shoulder, and as I turned my head, James was looking at me with a soft yet sad smile.
Steve and my former companion walked me towards the automobile, which led to go God knows where. His arm was still draped over my shaken body: I couldn’t stop seeing her say those words before attempting to shoot me. I closed my eyes, trying to see back the last thing she had said to me.
My attempt was interrupted by James taking my hand in his again. “What’s on your mind?” I hesitated, still surprised on how they seemed so fine about what had happened.
“I remembered that she said something before trying to kill me: Hail H.Y.D.R.A. Is that supposed to mean something?”
“They’re not the good guys. Trust me.”
My memories from my past were still haunting me at this day. Even half a century later, I still couldn’t get them out of my head.
Being a super soldier was such a burden: she tried to kill me for being a scientific project.
Steve was dead: I had lost my best friend who saved my ass more times than I couldn’t count.
But I still had James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes.
He was the one who kept me from my own sorrow.
I was sitting in my desk, peacefully thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “You, okay?” James’ soft voice made me jump a bit. I turned on my chair, finding him wearing his casual black clothes.
“I’m fine.” I responded trying to stand up, but he crouched at my level, earning a look from my tired eyes. “I’ve known you since 1943, I know when you’re lying. What’s wrong?”
He took my hands in his, approaching his head towards mine. “I can’t stop thinking about them. My mum, my dad, my brother. A second ago, I was working on a design for my bow, and the next I was submerged by my past. And I know it was my fault, I-I-I…”
“Don’t say that. It was never your fault.” Tears that were bottling up during the day shot out of my eyes, dropping onto him. “What happened to them: it was all HYDRA’s fault, and they are going to pay for that.” I locked my eyes with him, finding the sincerity in them.
He placed his hands on the side of my face, passing his fingers slightly into my hair. He then pressed his lips to my forehead, drying my tears in his palms. I leaned into his touch, finding my home in him.
“They’re all dead, smartass.” As small chuckled left my mouth.
“That’s the smile I love.” He whispered, pulling me up with him. He scooped me in his arms, hugging me so tight. I inhaled his intoxicating smell, a mix of cinnamon and firewood. He brushed his calloused fingers along my back. His actions were soothing and calming, as was his presence.
“Come on. Let’s go to bed, it’s getting late.” I didn’t even realize it was nighttime until I saw the moon shining on us. He led me to our room, where we would spend most of our evenings in.
He handled me one of his shirts, as he knew I adored them so much. I slipped that on and got comfortable in the bed. He laid by me, pulling me into his embrace and whispering sweet nothings in my ears.
“You’re so beautiful. I never, ever want to spend a day without you by my side. I love you, darling.”
I lifted up my head just enough to catch his lips onto mine. They always felt so soothing and warm. It was the most peace I’d ever experience in my life.
“I love you too, dearest.” He pressed his lips against mine again, greeting them with passion once again.
I nuzzled myself into his chest, truly falling asleep in an instant.
Thank you SO MUCH for the notes on my most recent most! I really really appreciate it!
So, For The Night of Sorrow, I will do a part 2! I do have school, but it'll probably be out tonight or later on the week.
Again, thank you so much for the support and I wish you all the best!
rose <3

me, too.

Me every time I write
As a fellow member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I wish you all an amazing month of June. And don't forget that this page is a safe place for anyone, no matter what gender, sexuality, skin color and ethnicity. I love you all, and STAY GAY (or anything in the LGBTQIA+ hihi)

Kaz Brekker - The Night of Sorrow
Part 2 here
Warnings: Mention of haphephobia (fear of being touched or touching others), mention of the Menagerie aka selling people, lost family.
A/N: I am not romanticizing Kaz's phobia. The context of this imagine is that the reader has been known by Kaz for a long time, just like for Inej. It is not sudden, or else his phobia wouldn't be his diagnosis. Overall, enjoy and let me know if you want a part 2!
Words: 1.5k

[Kaz’s POV]
What a fool.
An evil and ironic thought came through my mind, making scoff a bit. I do have that painting, though.
Everyone in this club, my club, my Crow Club looked like pitied old fools who wouldn’t be able to hold on for another drink. I walked to my chamber, to finally get some peace from this hellhole.
As I walked through the door, locking the door, I could hear the wet and muddy streets of Ketterdam. My window was always open, hoping to get the humid and wet air from outside into my lungs.
I carefully took off my gloves, hoping to have them refreshed before going further on the night. I heard a slight sound, other than the one coming from my gloves, behind me.
I felt a familiar presence coming out of the shadows; the only person I would let into my personal chamber.
“Hello, Y/N.”
I looked at her through the reflection of the mirror placed in front of me.
“What information do you have for me tonight?”
I watched her slowly pull her hood out and place her mask down to show me her beautiful complexion.
“A lead on a job. A big one. Enough money to change lives.” She spoke with her stern, but sweet voice.
I would do anything for her, but for a job? That is not likely.
“It doesn’t take much to change someone’s life in the Barrel.” I kept scraping off the dirt off of my hands when I heard her heels tap on the floor.
“A million Kruge?” I raised my head, slid my gloves onto my hands and turned to look at her. Closely walking up to her, I felt my heartbeat race at the sight of Y/N.
I knew how promising she was, both being kind and loyal, but also being useful and resourceful.
“What’s the name?” I cocked an eyebrow.
“Dreesen. A wealthy merchant.”
“Dreesen. I’ve heard of him. He could afford it. The question is, what’s worth a million Kruge to him?” She looked nervous, almost scared of what she was about to say.
“He’s looking for a crew willing to cross the Fold into East Ravka and bring back something.”
“The Fold?” She nodded. “Well, of course, certain death pays a million. He didn’t say what he wants nicked?”
“No. But he’s taking meetings tonight, starting at midnight. Don’t worry. I followed him.” A small smirk appeared on the side of my mouth. She was a very fast learner, and a brave soldier.
She told me details about what she saw. I will say one thing: She’s a smart girl.
We both moved to my desk, hoping to set a plan for the night to come.
“Kaz, I got this lead from one of the girls at the Menagerie. They tell me things in case you’d buy them out, like you did with me.” She released shyly. I knew she felt bad about all of her friends.
“I didn’t, I’m paying off your indenture.” She tilted her head impatiently
“You know what I mean.” She stared at me with dark eyes.
“This one girl, Kesh, she has skill. She’s like me-” I swiftly cut her off, lifting up my head from my papers.
“I only invest in the one of a kind. She isn’t like you. No one is.” I felt her eyes flutter in mine. I never had a deep conversation with her, certainly not of this kind.
“Kaz-” She insisted.
“This isn’t up for discussion, Y/N. Now, are you in or not?”
“I'm in." She started walking away, I could see how mad she looked on her face. As though I was never able to touch anyone, I quickly walked towards her and grabbed her hand.
Her skin on my gloves didn’t feel wet and cold, it felt warm and comforting. She turned her head to face me again and most of that anger was now gone. She sighted, and held back my hand.
“I’m… I’m sorry I can’t help them out. I just… I need you. Only you, darling.”
Ever since I’ve met her, I couldn’t explain how I felt.
Something in me was moving every time that I could see a glimpse of her. My heartbeat felt heavier. A drop of sweat dropped on the back of my neck.
She stepped away from me, losing the warmth of her hand. She cleared her throat.
“So, what do we do now?”
“You’re the one who believes in a higher power.” I clenched my jaw, cursing to myself about the last sentence. “If we’re going to survive a round trip through the Fold, we’ll need a miracle or two.”
I looked up, only resulting facing my open window, reflecting the street of Ketterdam.
[Time skip]
“Inej?” I called out from the shadows. The small and discrete girl walked out from the club.
“Y/N. There you are, I’ve looking for you for hours.” She took off her hood, showing me her face.
“What have we learned?” I asked sternly.
“Too make it short, we have to find a way to get through the fold, by sunrise.” I raised my eyebrows sarcastically.
“By sunrise? It’s in less than 6 hours. Saints, what is so important to Dreesen?” She looked down and took my hand to lead me somewhere quieter. We walked up some stairs, to Kaz’s chamber. He opened the door, letting us both in. But I looked behind me, only finding the door.
“Where have you been?” Kaz asked as he looked at his pocket watch. “Out.” I answered dryly.
“Inej told me you were by the sea; I know you go there when you’re troubled.” He looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
It was true: I always go there when I don’t feel like myself.
I jumped right through the window, leaving Kaz to himself.
My only thoughts at the moments were dark and disturbing. I almost ran to the sea, inhaling the salty and humid smell. My heart felt heavy and weird. I don’t know why, but the way Kaz said: “Only you, darling.”. It almost made me feel nauseous.
I’ve never had a romantic relationship before, even just a real friendship. Inej and I were taken to the menagerie when we were young, and well I wasn’t as good as her back then. She was always the better one with weapons, mostly knives. I was always better with a bow and arrow, but it’s not convenient nor easy to find. She was also better to make friends, that is how she got out of the menagerie.
I sat down on the shoreline, admiring the waves of the True Sea. I remembered in my childhood that I would sing to my little brother, Dmitri. My throat started to sing before I even thought about doing it. I let my thoughts drift off, enjoying the time to think about Kaz.
I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anything for Kaz. He does make me feel like I’m the only one he cares about. I knew about his past, and I respected his boundaries. In fact, I do believe I was the only one who could walk into his room without getting a cane in the face.
Oh Saints.
I need to go back.
[Present time]
“What is it that Dreesen wants?” I took some papers in my fingers, studying them.
“You didn’t answer to my question, Y/N.” He stopped what he was doing for a second, studying my expression.
“I needed a break, that’s all. Answer to mine.”
“He wants a Saint.” My head snapped to his. A Saint? The only Saint that ever existed was more than a thousand years ago. As if he read my thoughts, he continued his sentence. “A Sun Summoner.” My eyes widened.
A Sun Summoner? Saints, that explains the million Kruge.
“What’s the plan, Kaz?” “I’ll find a way.”
“Are you sure?” He didn’t reply. “Do you want me to go?” I started walking away, but he called me, just like the previous hours.
“Stay, I need your help. Besides, you’re coming with us.” He completely dropped the papers and walked closer to me.
“I can’t leave.” I insisted, showing him my wrist: which had the mark of Tante Helene.
“You will. I have a plan, for you.”
“Bu-” “Don’t you worry about a thing, Y/N. I’ve got you.” He lifted his hand to my hair, taking a deep breath and passing it through my locks. A small smile appeared on my face, as it did on his.
The two lovers of Ketterdam.
The Bastard of the Barrel and the Orphan Hunter.
Even Jesper knew it would happen.