18 - shewelcome to my delulu space

46 posts

"Chaos Has Come Again."

"Chaos has come again."


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More Posts from Kazbrekkerscrutches

3 years ago

Hello people!

This week and the ones to follow, I will be at school everyday so I'll update more slowly. Feel free to send me some request, if you would like to.

Have a great week,

love you all.


Hello People!
3 years ago

Tobias Eaton/Four - I'm Not Going Anywhere

Warnings: Mention of fighting, blood, injury-ish, nightmare/PTSD awakening, trauma(obviously), Caleb (his name is traumatising)

Words: 1k

A/N: Main character takes Tris’ place and Four takes care of the reader after the fight. SHE/HER PRONOUNS

Also hello, I haven't written in a while, I've been busy working just busy in general. I'll try to upload more often.

Tobias Eaton/Four - I'm Not Going Anywhere

[Y/N’s POV]

I had just got back from Erudite: after a tough evening in the tower. Caleb wasn’t very interested in helping me: which proves that faction is after all before blood. The only thing that ran through my mind in that moment was the urge to yell at him: even punch him to make his realise that we’re still family, but he does not seem to care.

The silence was loud in the staircase: buzzing through my ears as I walked down to my current faction. MY steps became loud in the narrow hallway. I stopped my track for a second, thinking someone was following me. It was probably late: I was surely imagining things.

My steps led me to the center of the underground passages before someone put their hand on my mouth. Two other pairs of arms lifted me through the air: crushing the nerves in my limbs by their strength. As my boy tried to free itself from their hold, my punches were a success after a few seconds of kicking and struggling to get out. I used all of my strength to prevent myself to fall off the edge. My hand had reached one of the guys that were ripping my own skin off of my body right now.


His face was the one to make me crack. One of the guys had punched me in the head, almost making me fall off the edge as I gained a boost of aggression to push them off of me. They almost fell off the cliff, which gave me enough time to think this through.

Why would he do this to me?

He’s my friend, is he?

What do they want from me?

Why are they trying to kill me?

Some many questions were running through my head. Two fists were placed in front of my self, waiting for them to come to me. Another one of the boys shot his fist in my face, causing me to fall down of dizziness. Blood was running down my face, especially nose causing it to throb in pain.

I couldn’t fight anymore.

But Dauntless don’t give up, at least they try to.

As if time stopped, I saw the glimpse of Al’s fist coming up only to be stopped another man stepping in. My vision was too blurry to figure out who it was. I could only see bits of action. The three abductors were down and I felt a pair of strong arms lifting me up.

“Are you alright? Can you stand up?” I could barely get words out of my mouth. The only thing that could get out a whisper, filled with pain.


He lifted me in his arms, carrying me out their reach as I felt my soul get out of my body. Then, all was black.

[Four’s POV]

She must have lost consciousness. I carried he back to my room, gently setting her on my bed. Her clothes were ripped from the dicks that went on her.

Right now, the only thing that mattered was her.


Only her.

I’ll deal with them in the morning.

I carefully slipped one of my sweater on top of her body, looking for any other wounds than her face on her.

She was all bruised and bloody. A broken nose including a head trauma. They’ll pay for that.

I took a bowl a clean water and carefully wiped blood from her knuckles, lips and even the trauma on her head.

I set a chair by my bed, not wanting to let her go of my sight.

She looked so vulnerable, I wanted to make her mine: make her safe and keep her close to me at all times.

[Some time later]

I woke up from my watch; it was still night.

She was still lying in the position, breathing deeply but shakily as well. I stood up, feeling her pulse on her soft wrist only for a few seconds. I didn’t know why her pulse was so high. She was sleeping; at least I thought so.

Her head suddenly snapped from one side to another on the pillow. Her arms lifted themselves on the top of her face; as if she was protecting herself poorly. She was whimpering; almost sobbing of pain. A few words could only come out of her mouth

“Stop, please.” I lowered myself to the level of the bed.

I tried placing my hand on her shoulder only to find her jumping awake. My own body moved as fast as hers to sit by the edge of the bed.

“You’re okay. Y/N, you’re safe” She looked lost until her eyes met mine and tears shed out of her eyes. I softly placed my hand on her cheek, carefully wiping her tears with my thumb. She was shaking.

It took all of my self control to not take her in my arms, but it wasn’t enough. I pulled her softly into my embrace, she squeezed me tight against her.

[Y/N’s POV]

Four pressed me against him, God I was so scared. I couldn’t breathe. They were all over me again, hitting me but this time I couldn’t do anything about it. Al, Chris even Will was there. They were all laughing and kicking me as if I were their punching bag.

But he was there now. Keeping me safe from them. “Thank you.” A soft whisper left my mouth, still holding on to him.

He softly took the back of my neck forcing me to face him. “Y/N, I will never, ever let them get close to you ever again. I promise you that. You will never see them again.”

“If they even think about approaching you, I will kick them over the bridge myself.”

A soft smile appeared on my face.

He softly kissed my forehead, holding me back against him.

My head suddenly felt like a tornado and he noticed as fast as I did. “Come on, lie down.”

He looked down sweetly at me.

“You probably got a concussion. Get some rest, love.”

I catched his hand before he got back in his chair. He stared down at me with his soft expression gleaming.

“Please don’t go”

He smiled sweetly.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

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3 years ago

Anakin Skywalker - Older

Warnings: Death, Mention of the Dark Side [haha]

Words: 2,1k

Anakin Skywalker - Older

[10 years earlier]

“FATHER!” My throat was raw as the piercing scream came out of my throat. Obi-Wan was stuck in two different pulsing electrons as we watched my father die. Tears of anger and revenge shot on my face.

As the pulsing electrons disappeared in front of me, my lightsaber shot up, the green color filing up the space around me. My legs were running before I knew it, while taking the first step to attacking the Sith. My fellow Jedi walked behind me, now attacking the Sith by two. Slashing sounds were all that could be heard through the grunts and the lightsabers hitting themselves.

My mind was racked with wrong ideas, ideas that weren’t the Jedi way, but now my father was the one to pay. Our enemy made me trip over the melting pit, but I cached a nozzle on the side before perishing into the whole. My lightsaber, that my father had helped me do it, fell into it. It was probably the only thing that I had that reminded me of him.

Obi-Wan needed to fight the Sith, but I knew that our opposant was stronger. I looked all around me to see what I could use to defend myself, as I saw my father’s lightsaber lying by him.

I’ve always been good with the Force, but when it comes to situations like these, I can barely function with the pressure. I focused my mind to help myself raise from the pit and to take my father’s belonging. I felt a boost of adrenaline run through my veins, making me lift up from the ground and catch my father’s lightsaber through the thin air.

I approached the both of them and attacked the Sith ruthlessly, slashing his body in half, and seeing him fall into the pit. I immediately rush to my father’s side, taking his hand in mine as Obi-Wan placed his head on his lap.

“Master.” Obi-Wan’s voice was filled with sadness and helplessness. Tears ran on his delicate face, making me tear up.

“It is too late...It's...” My father’s voice rang through my ears, making me regret not spending enough time with him.

“No, Father. Please don’t go.” My father looked down at me, holding his hand to my cheek, as I held his on my face, feeling his warmth for the last time.

“Y/N, my… beautiful daughter, Obi-Wan, promise me you’ll… both train…the boy.” He whispered loud enough for us to hear. I nodded my head against his hand.

“Yes, Master.” Obi-Wan ran his fingers on his face, admiring the only father figure he had.

“He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance...train him! Y/N… I love… you…” His hand fell from my cheek, falling on the ground. My heart was broken and a powerful heartbreak was unleashed inside of me.

“Father, NO. Please wake up, I-I-I need you.” My head fell on his chest as I felt Obi-Wan taking me away from his body.

“No, Obi-Wan, No.” I sobbed while he took me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me.

“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry...” He whispered in my ear, brushing his hand by my neck, making me look up to him.

“I know it-t-t hurts, but we need to leave, now.” I nodded against my own will, but our Jedi duties were needed. I took my father’s precious lightsaber in mine and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “I will always love you, father.” I stood up and Obi-Wan led me towards the real battle.

[10 years later]

“Master Y/N?” A soft voice made me snap out of my thoughts. I had heard news that two Jedi knights were coming to help protect Senator Amidala. It made me relive some odd memories about my father, and my journey along the path of light.

“Yes?” My padawan came through the doorway of my chamber. He was one of the younger children I had helped in my journey. Most of my padawan were children who were orphans and didn’t know how to control their gift.

“The Jedi Knights are arriving.” He softly spoke to me. I smiled in approval. “Thank you, dear one. You may have the day to yourself, enjoy it!” He ran through the doorway, going to join his friends in the junior training center.

I really loved to work with the children, especially with the younger ones. It reminded me of my pleasant childhood on Coruscant. I walked towards the elevator, ready to welcome the two Jedi Knights. I didn’t know who were coming, but I felt a great force coming from the two of them.

I heard the doors open and turned around. I immediately recognize their faces.

Obi-Wan and… Anakin? Perhaps.

“Y/N!” He almost ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and holding me tight against him. We trained most of the time together, and eventually became best friends.

“It’s great seeing you after all this time, Obi-Wan.” I gave him a squeeze around his back as he let go of our embrace, taking a good look at the woman I became. I looked at the teenager behind him and I could recognize those blue eyes anywhere.

“Anakin? God, you’ve grown.” A smile grew on his face, I walked closer to him, smiling back at him, and embracing him into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my middle and landed his head in the crook of my neck.

His smell was always one of the things I always loved about him; he would always smell like sunshine and warm vanilla. I had no idea how much I had missed him until now. He mumbled something against my neck, making me shiver in his embrace. “I have missed you, Y/N.” His voice was much deeper and more mature, making me remind me of our last meeting ten years ago.

“I missed you too, Anakin.” I whispered by his neck, making me press my hand towards his hair, feeling his brownish hair in my fingers. We separated and just looked at each other for a few seconds.

I normally wouldn’t feel like this, but he made my heart flutter for the first time. After my father’s death, my heart couldn’t be repaired or fixed by anyone. His death had created a void in my soul, which made me loose some of my powers for a while.

Jar-Jar made his way towards the protectors and led them towards the Senator. Anakin turned his figure and smiled at me, offering me a small wink.

I smiled back and made my way towards the training center, which was below the conference floor. I had lived in Coruscant for a long time now, and it was and always will be my home.

[Time Skip]

I was training in the center with some electronics. I still had, even 10 years after, his lightsaber. I always had ease with the green lightsaber, as it offered me balance in my very core. Yes, I had my father who guided me before, but he appeared to me a few times. His Force was given to me after his perish, and I knew he would always be with me.

I used a blindfold to cover my eyes, seeing through it with my Force, my lightsaber was ignited and I took a deep breath before concentrating myself.

The electronic shot. Blocked it. It shot again, blocked it again. This sequence was repeated a long time before I took of my blindfold and decided to meditate.

As I removed it, I say Anakin standing in the doorway, eavesdropping. I closed my saber and walked closer to my training equipment.

“Hi there, pretty boy. Want to come in?” He nodded, smirking slightly. I opened the window that was facing towards the city, directly pointing at the sunset. We both walked towards the opening.

“How have you been, Y/N?” I took a deep breath and looked up at him, leaning against the railing.

“It’s been a hard couple of years, but otherwise I’ve been great, Anakin. I finished my padawan training and I’ve been on the council for about five years now. To be honest, I’ve never thought that I would be on the council someday.”

I chuckled to myself, hearing the words of my father that he used to tell me when I was younger; “When you’ll get older, I promise you that you will have a seat by my side, on the council.” This promise could’ve been fulfilled if things were different.

“And you? I imagine a lot has happened since I’ve met you on Tatooine.” He smiled and leaned too against the railing.

“Well, I’ve had loads of training sessions with Master Obi-Wan, but I do believe I would be ready for the trials.” He turned his head to me, running his hand through his hair. “I know that I should’ve started training when I was younger, but I feel it in my soul. I really do.”

“I get that Anakin, and I’m a master now, which can be helpful if you would want me to talk to the council, or even just to get you to do the trials without anyone, but me, knowing.” His feature stood up straight, as did mine.

His nose arrived at the top of my head, as I looked up to his complexion. “You wou…could do that?” I nodded as he wrapped his arms around my middle, spinning me in the air with him. A laugh came out of my throat for the first time in years.

As he put me down, still holding on to me, I wrapped my arms behind his neck, slightly running my fingertips in his soft hair. Anakin lifted his head, still looking in my Y/E/C eyes. His deep blue eyes and features were glowing against the dim daylight. They both looked down to my lips, lowering his head to meet mine.

Our lips collided together, making me stand up on my feet to reach his level. His hands travelled lower to my waist, pulling me closer into his warm embrace. His soft palm travelled all the way to the back of my head, making a chill run up down my spine.

My lips against his felt, like fire on ice. Soothing and loving in both ways. He was delicate and soft with me, just like he always was. My Anakin.

Even though I knew that “love” was forbidden in our sacred code, he and I had a different way of thinking. I had heard one of his conversation with the senator the other day, and somehow I couldn’t get it out of my head: “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life.”

I always thought this way, because I knew that my father had a woman in his life, maybe he didn’t love her but he made sure that I knew that he loved me.

We both parted, as a smile grew on my face. “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I turned ten.”

“You waited that long, huh?” A small laugh came out of his mouth.

“Yes, Master Jinn.” I kissed him again, this time his hands making their way through my hair, finding a small braid on the back of my Y/H/L Y/H/C hair.

He placed a small kiss on my nose before taking the braid in his fingers. “Is that…”

“My padawan braid, yes. I kept it, because it reminded me of you and, my father. He was the one to place the bands on it, when I was Master Windu's padawan.”

“I can never remember what the bands are supposed to mean.” His softness made me laugh.

“Well, the yellow and the red at the bottom are the ones I had when I was thirteen and sixteen, and then the white and green ones mean that I am a counselor and also a healer. Mostly healer, but I do have great skills from my previous master.”

“Oh, I do not doubt that.” I nudged him in his rib, making him chuckled a little. We both didn’t realise that the sun had gone out, when I looked to my right, seeing the stars appear.

“I believe your duties are calling, Anakin.” He nodded and gave me a last kiss, before running toward his master, a few floors higher.

“Y/N!” I turned to Anakin, seeing him stand on the doorway. “How about we train together tomorrow?” I smiled and gladly accepted. He turned around, practically jumping towards the elevator which made me smile even brighter than I was before.

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3 years ago

John Murphy-Please

Warnings: Blood, Bullet wound, Y/N instead of Raven(2x01-The 48), Mostly inspired by the original script, All Rights to The 100cw.

Words: 1,4k

John Murphy-Please


“Come on, get in here.” Raven whispered to me. We were under the dropship, trying to save Bellamy from Murphy. Jasper was resting, so the second engineer had to come in. And that would be me.

“Okay, so those wires should open the door, but with the wires from the solar panels, they’re gonna be hot.” I breathed to her; she gave me her I’m not stupid look. “Sorry.”

We started working on the wires, until one of the wires burned my hand. I yelped and looked at Raven. She quickly got out to talk to Clarke. I heard Murphy shout and pull the trigger. I screamed as I felt a bullet hit me in my hip. Even though the pain was terrible, I finally finished pulling out the wires, making the dropship door open.

I walked out, applying pressure on my wound.

“Y/N!” I heard Finn say, before I fell unconscious.

[Present time]

I heard a sound coming from outside the door. I was bleeding out from the inside, but I guess I could still pull a trigger. A grounder walked through the ship, probably looking for parts. Without wasting a second, I pulled the trigger on the grounder. Another sound popped up, still coming from the same direction. I kept the gun close to my face, until a familiar face came through the door.

“W- whoa! It's okay. It's okay, Y/N, don't. Don't shoot. Please.” Murphy raised his hands in defense. I still held the gun in my hands.

“Why not? You shot me.” Even though we were friends on the Ark, a lot has changed since we got on the ground. He tried to kill Bellamy, one of the only family figures that I had. I pulled the trigger, but I didn’t have any ammo.

“Yeah, I would’ve shot me too.” He said, sitting down by a wall.

“What are you doing here, Murphy?” I asked him, feeling the pain run though my veins.

“Dying. Same as you.”

“Speak for yourself. How many more are out there?”

“None. You fried them all. The only reason this one survived is because they left him behind to guard me.”

All of a sudden, I couldn’t breathe. Blood raised higher into my throat, making me cough.

“Y/N. Lie on your side. Lie on your side. Come on.” I tried pushing him away, but he wouldn’t budge. “Fine, then just roll over yourself. Get down on your side. You’re okay. It’s all good.” He wiped the blood from my mouth and rubbed my arm softly.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked him, tears floating over my eyes.

“I don’t wanna die alone.”

“You know, if you hadn’t become such a dick, you could’ve earned me back.” I told him, as he fixed his leg. I was the former doctor with Clarke, but I could tell from where I laid that he wouldn’t die from his injury.

“I’m sorry for shooting you, but I’m not sorry for trying to get justice on my behalf.”

“You knew that if you killed Bellamy, you would never get me back. You tried to get revenge, because I pushed you away when I was hurting. Instead, you’re killing me.”

"That’s not true. Bellamy got this on himself. If I had wanted you dead, you’d already be dead right now. He deserved it. They all did.” He spat at me, hurt showed in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, that they strung you up; I tried to convince them that it wasn’t you. Murphy, we’ve known each other for years, and even though you acted all though, I knew that there was still a real human heart underneath. I cut the rope that was strangling you. I knew that the John Murphy, that I grew up with, was still inside the man I looked on the ground.”

He was speechless.

“I loved you, John. I fought for you, and you didn’t notice. Not for a second.”

After what seemed an eternity, I felt dizzy.

“Y/N?” My head hit the ground. “Y/N!”

[Murphy’s POV]

I ran to her side, pulled her head onto my lap, and looked at her with regret.

“I’m so sorry, Y/N. Please don’t die, I love you. Just wake up. Please. I don’t want you to die, come on!” I cried, holding her.

“What happened to her!” Abby appeared in the ship.

“I shot her. I didn’t mean to, I swear. She’s dying.” I told Abby; my sore eyes dropped with tears.

“It’s okay, we’ll help her.” The guards took her from my arms, placed her into a stretcher.

Abby asked me what happened and Bellamy came into my sight.

“Bellamy. You're- you're alive.” I walked to him before he tackled me to the ground.

“You murdering son of a bitch!” He punched me a couple of times.

“Bellamy, get off of him!” I heard Y/N say.

She’s still alive.

[Time Skip]

[Y/N’s POV]

I got back to Camp Jaha, injured and barely hanging on. They got me into medical, and I saw John going somewhere, with Bellamy. I mumbled the same thing in my periods of consciousness.


Abby woke me up, and she was there with her apprentice, Jackson.

“Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?”


“She’s lying.” Finn walked through the medical door.

“Abby, I know that face, just spit it out.” Abby was standing there, worry in her face.

“The bullet is still shifting, that’s why you’re in pain. I was hoping it would stabilize by now.”

“So, can you take it out?” I asked her, feeling the weakness running through my body.

“Y/N, we need to talk about that. The bullet is pressing on your spine. If we leave it in, you'll live, but you'll never walk again.”

“And take it out?” I responded with worry coming in my heart.

“The surgery could kill you. We have no equipment; we have no anesthesia.”

“But will I walk again?” A tear escaped my eye.

“Maybe, but you'd be awake the whole time. You’d feel everything.”

“Okay, sign me up.” Finn was staring at me; he was like a brother to me.

“Y/N, you could die.” Finn walked closer to us.

“Finn, in space, I wouldn’t need my legs. Down here, I do.” I looked at Abby.

“Take it out”

[Time skip]

“We’re almost ready.” Abby whispered in my ear.

Finn was sitting by me, taking my hand in his.

“Do you want me to stay?” I shook my head; I didn’t want him to see me this way.

He sat up. Abby told him to stay close, in case I would need anything. They clipped the belt over my waist and I felt the scalpel draw closer into my skin.

“Stop!” A few tears escaped my eyes. “I need John. I need him.”

“John Murphy? He shot you, Y/N.” Jackson lowered himself to face me.

“I don’t care, please. I need John. I can’t do this without him.” He nodded, looked at Abby, telling him to come and get him.

A few minutes had passed and they both walked into the doorway.

[John’s POV]

Jackson told me that she had asked for me, just before going into surgery.

“John?” Y/N asked with the shakiest voice that I’ve ever heard her talk.

“Hey” I walked to her, sat, and took her hand. “What are they doing to you?”

“We’re taking the bullet out. Murphy, we need to start.” Abby responded, instead of her.

“Y/N, I shot you, why do you even want me here?” Squeezing her hand, tighter.

“I forgive you, John. I understand now. I get how you felt, being strung up for nothing. I just need you here. I love you.” She told me, barely hanging on to reality.

“I love you, too. You need to hang on for me.” I stroked her hair with my other hand. “Okay? I can’t lose you.” She nodded and I nodded back at Abby. “She’s ready.”

Abby started the surgery. She started screaming, sobbing, and squeezing my hand tightly. I stroked her hair and helped her breathe with me. I remembered how she helped me breathe after Bellamy hung me. Watching her in pain, seeing how she felt right now, only remembered me of how I felt in the grounder’s prison camp.

I fought through it, thinking of her; having the idea of seeing her again, made me survive.

She has to make it.

I swear to God, I can’t lose her.

Not again.

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3 years ago

Kaz Brekker - The Night of Sorrow

Part 2 here

Warnings: Mention of haphephobia (fear of being touched or touching others), mention of the Menagerie aka selling people, lost family.

A/N: I am not romanticizing Kaz's phobia. The context of this imagine is that the reader has been known by Kaz for a long time, just like for Inej. It is not sudden, or else his phobia wouldn't be his diagnosis. Overall, enjoy and let me know if you want a part 2!

Words: 1.5k

Kaz Brekker - The Night Of Sorrow

[Kaz’s POV]


What a fool.

An evil and ironic thought came through my mind, making scoff a bit. I do have that painting, though.

Everyone in this club, my club, my Crow Club looked like pitied old fools who wouldn’t be able to hold on for another drink. I walked to my chamber, to finally get some peace from this hellhole.

As I walked through the door, locking the door, I could hear the wet and muddy streets of Ketterdam. My window was always open, hoping to get the humid and wet air from outside into my lungs.

I carefully took off my gloves, hoping to have them refreshed before going further on the night. I heard a slight sound, other than the one coming from my gloves, behind me.

I felt a familiar presence coming out of the shadows; the only person I would let into my personal chamber.


“Hello, Y/N.”

I looked at her through the reflection of the mirror placed in front of me.

“What information do you have for me tonight?”

I watched her slowly pull her hood out and place her mask down to show me her beautiful complexion.

“A lead on a job. A big one. Enough money to change lives.” She spoke with her stern, but sweet voice.

I would do anything for her, but for a job? That is not likely.

“It doesn’t take much to change someone’s life in the Barrel.” I kept scraping off the dirt off of my hands when I heard her heels tap on the floor.

“A million Kruge?” I raised my head, slid my gloves onto my hands and turned to look at her. Closely walking up to her, I felt my heartbeat race at the sight of Y/N.

I knew how promising she was, both being kind and loyal, but also being useful and resourceful.

“What’s the name?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“Dreesen. A wealthy merchant.”

“Dreesen. I’ve heard of him. He could afford it. The question is, what’s worth a million Kruge to him?” She looked nervous, almost scared of what she was about to say.

“He’s looking for a crew willing to cross the Fold into East Ravka and bring back something.”

“The Fold?” She nodded. “Well, of course, certain death pays a million. He didn’t say what he wants nicked?”

“No. But he’s taking meetings tonight, starting at midnight. Don’t worry. I followed him.” A small smirk appeared on the side of my mouth. She was a very fast learner, and a brave soldier.

She told me details about what she saw. I will say one thing: She’s a smart girl.

We both moved to my desk, hoping to set a plan for the night to come.

“Kaz, I got this lead from one of the girls at the Menagerie. They tell me things in case you’d buy them out, like you did with me.” She released shyly. I knew she felt bad about all of her friends.

“I didn’t, I’m paying off your indenture.” She tilted her head impatiently

“You know what I mean.” She stared at me with dark eyes.

“This one girl, Kesh, she has skill. She’s like me-” I swiftly cut her off, lifting up my head from my papers.

“I only invest in the one of a kind. She isn’t like you. No one is.” I felt her eyes flutter in mine. I never had a deep conversation with her, certainly not of this kind.

“Kaz-” She insisted.

“This isn’t up for discussion, Y/N. Now, are you in or not?”

“I'm in." She started walking away, I could see how mad she looked on her face. As though I was never able to touch anyone, I quickly walked towards her and grabbed her hand.

Her skin on my gloves didn’t feel wet and cold, it felt warm and comforting. She turned her head to face me again and most of that anger was now gone. She sighted, and held back my hand.

“I’m… I’m sorry I can’t help them out. I just… I need you. Only you, darling.”

Ever since I’ve met her, I couldn’t explain how I felt.

Something in me was moving every time that I could see a glimpse of her. My heartbeat felt heavier. A drop of sweat dropped on the back of my neck.

She stepped away from me, losing the warmth of her hand. She cleared her throat.

“So, what do we do now?”

“You’re the one who believes in a higher power.” I clenched my jaw, cursing to myself about the last sentence. “If we’re going to survive a round trip through the Fold, we’ll need a miracle or two.”


I looked up, only resulting facing my open window, reflecting the street of Ketterdam.

[Time skip]


“Inej?” I called out from the shadows. The small and discrete girl walked out from the club.

“Y/N. There you are, I’ve looking for you for hours.” She took off her hood, showing me her face.

“What have we learned?” I asked sternly.

“Too make it short, we have to find a way to get through the fold, by sunrise.” I raised my eyebrows sarcastically.

“By sunrise? It’s in less than 6 hours. Saints, what is so important to Dreesen?” She looked down and took my hand to lead me somewhere quieter. We walked up some stairs, to Kaz’s chamber. He opened the door, letting us both in. But I looked behind me, only finding the door.

“Where have you been?” Kaz asked as he looked at his pocket watch. “Out.” I answered dryly.

“Inej told me you were by the sea; I know you go there when you’re troubled.” He looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

It was true: I always go there when I don’t feel like myself.


I jumped right through the window, leaving Kaz to himself.

My only thoughts at the moments were dark and disturbing. I almost ran to the sea, inhaling the salty and humid smell. My heart felt heavy and weird. I don’t know why, but the way Kaz said: “Only you, darling.”. It almost made me feel nauseous.

I’ve never had a romantic relationship before, even just a real friendship. Inej and I were taken to the menagerie when we were young, and well I wasn’t as good as her back then. She was always the better one with weapons, mostly knives. I was always better with a bow and arrow, but it’s not convenient nor easy to find. She was also better to make friends, that is how she got out of the menagerie.

I sat down on the shoreline, admiring the waves of the True Sea. I remembered in my childhood that I would sing to my little brother, Dmitri. My throat started to sing before I even thought about doing it. I let my thoughts drift off, enjoying the time to think about Kaz.

I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anything for Kaz. He does make me feel like I’m the only one he cares about. I knew about his past, and I respected his boundaries. In fact, I do believe I was the only one who could walk into his room without getting a cane in the face.

Oh Saints.

I need to go back.

[Present time]

“What is it that Dreesen wants?” I took some papers in my fingers, studying them.

“You didn’t answer to my question, Y/N.” He stopped what he was doing for a second, studying my expression.

“I needed a break, that’s all. Answer to mine.”

“He wants a Saint.” My head snapped to his. A Saint? The only Saint that ever existed was more than a thousand years ago. As if he read my thoughts, he continued his sentence. “A Sun Summoner.” My eyes widened.

A Sun Summoner? Saints, that explains the million Kruge.

“What’s the plan, Kaz?” “I’ll find a way.”

“Are you sure?” He didn’t reply. “Do you want me to go?” I started walking away, but he called me, just like the previous hours.

“Stay, I need your help. Besides, you’re coming with us.” He completely dropped the papers and walked closer to me.

“I can’t leave.” I insisted, showing him my wrist: which had the mark of Tante Helene.

“You will. I have a plan, for you.”

“Bu-” “Don’t you worry about a thing, Y/N. I’ve got you.” He lifted his hand to my hair, taking a deep breath and passing it through my locks. A small smile appeared on my face, as it did on his.

The two lovers of Ketterdam.

The Bastard of the Barrel and the Orphan Hunter.

Even Jesper knew it would happen.

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