Inktober 2019 #16: Kuana PlaniaAn Unusual Plant, Even For Crescent Minoria. It Takes In Very Little Moonlight
Inktober 2019 #16: Kuana Plania An unusual plant, even for Crescent Minoria. It takes in very little moonlight via its glowing bits. Instead, it relies on its deep root system to find nutrients hidden far beneath the continent's low-nutrient top soil. However, due to this, the plant stays very small in its first stage of life until its roots can find proper nutrition. It's glowing bits are also larger then, gradually shrinking as the roots locate nutrients. Once they have found sufficient soil, the little plant can grow very rapidly to its mature size.
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More Posts from Kazeharuhime
Inktober 2019 #2 - Crespetalia Flower
Still going with the throwback idea, though the Crespetalia actually comes from a piece I retouched back in 2015 rather than ‘14.
Crespetalias are an iconic flower of the continent of Crescent Minoria of the JI Planet. The orb in the center is actually a delicacy, tasting reminiscent of cherry candy. The rest of the plant, though quite decorative, is not favored for eating.
Inktober 2019 #3 - Loopspeed Flowervine
Another throw back to this drawing from Inktober 2014.
The Loopspeed Flowervine is an unusual plant that grows in the Great Buddy Highlands and Great Buddy Mountains.
Its leaves grow as if the plant is in motion, and it does grow quite fast- three days from seed to flower. It is rumored the leaves change position at night, leading some to believe the plant really can move.
The petals are beloved for their spicy, cinnamon-like taste and aroma. The leaves also have a similar taste and aroma, but are on the whole much milder than the petals. In tea they are often used to compliment the taste of the petals and give them a richer taste.
Inktober 2019 #23: Shifuru Tsufruit Another unique plant that bears one of Buddy world’s delectable staple fruits, the Shifuru Tsufruit. Its bright coloring makes for a wonderful addition to dishes, either as the main course or to spruce up a pre-existing dish. The plant's braided vine stem helps to support the hefty load it carries, while also providing the plant with more sustainability- after the fruit is picked, one of the vines can lie fallow while another takes its place forming a new fruit. As a result, it can grow full-sized fruits in a matter of days. However, its quick growth tends to deplete the soil of nutrients quicker than slower growing plants. As a result of this, it often grows alone. Though they could be cultivated to grow within a few feet of each other, the soil would need to be diligently enriched for them to flourish.
Inktober 2019 #20: Sappora Flower An unusual flower with few known uses. Its appeal is mostly in its aesthetics, and it is surprisingly easy to care for. The flower can grow indoors or outdoors, but is much more vigorous outdoors, or if put out to sun at least during the day. In spite of its bright pink petals, it is not very sweet. The leaves, too, are bland. It is best appreciated visually than gastronomically.
Inktober 2019 #10: Windia Flowana This flower feeds on the power of the wind. It seems most comfortable in areas where it can get a lot of wind, but can be coaxed to grow in other areas as well. However, not enough wind will cause the flower to close and the leaves to curl up against the stem. An especially windless Windia flower will droop, and may even disappear into the ground.