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Day 11 - Spotil Plant
Still getting back into the swing of things with Inktober. Thought I'd try something simple. What's more simple than a plant to draw? XD So yeah. This, is a fictional plant. The Spotil. Its fruit is the staple food of Buddy World, basically their potato. They eat it all the time, it's versatile and can be made into all sorts of dishes, from Mashed Spotil to Fried Spotil Slices or strips. It can be stuffed, boiled, or just eaten raw! So yeah. That's the Spotil for you. XD It actually tastes a bit like an apple when it's raw, but its consistency is more potato-ish. Kinda a mix actually but when you cook it I think it becomes a little more potato-y. So yeah. XD Confusing but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

Day 15 - Striatil and a Spotil I wonder If I should separate these and get two posts instead of one... .3. Nah I feel kinda guilty for just drawing a Spotil again. XD; Admitedly it's a different kind of Spotil though... It's probably a Small Spotil. Different species, slightly different taste, same deal. XD It's like how we have different kinds of apples. Yeah. As for Striatils, those are a whole different animal--or plant, so to speak. XD A relative to the Spotil of course, but actually tastes a bit like a mix between a pumpkin (hard, thick skin) and a melon. I think. I'm actually not sure what the second half is. It's sort of a bland, but sweet taste... like a white jellybean in sweetness but watery and melonish in consistency. ...Sorry I fail at descriptions. XD; but yeah. Striatils are less common, and hence can't really be counted as a staple food anywhere. They prefer the drier, more alkaline soil of the northern tip of Wing Alayna (continent on which the territory of Buddy World resides; ignore the erroneous naming there XD;), and can be found in various places along its coasts. So basically because they're less common, they're not eaten quite as often, and are considered to be more of a rare treat than a substantial food item. So yeah, that's about it. I'll leave you now to... stare at imaginary fruits. XD; yeah.

Inktober 2019 #1 - Spotil
A bit of a throwback to my Inktober 2014 adventures.
The month of October is called Spotilan on the JI Planet, named for the staple fruit of the Amicans. The Spotil has a consistency, texture and flavor somewhere in the range between an apple and a potato. Perhaps that sounds gross, but the Amicans never tire of it.

Inktober 2019 #8: Usu Honeyblossoms The nectar of these flowers are sweet but watery. It can be boiled down however to create a fragrant, very sweet honey to use for sweetening tea, cooking pastries, or as a drizzle in certain dishes.

Inktober 2019 #9: Wingilana Skyplantona
Native to the Sky Buddy World, Wingilanas are cultivated for their rich, golden nectar. It is beloved by Winged Buddys, and a jar of the substance makes a wonderful hospitality gift between Sky and Land Buddys.

Inktober 2019 #13: Featherfruit Flower
A rare, slow-growing flower that grows fruit where the leaves should be. Featherfruits are famously beloved by Buddys, though not everyone cares for them. They make great fruit leather, or can be cooked to use in dishes whole. They are juicy when big, though younger fruits are a little hard. It’s best to leave the small fruits on until they ripen, long though their growing season may be.