keiji-jin - Keijin ᕦ(ò_ó )ᕤ
Keijin ᕦ(ò_ó )ᕤ

just vibing || \(• 3•)/ || this is my safe place :)

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More Posts from Keiji-jin

2 years ago

[10:47 - 220519]

I get a lot more “attention” on my Tumblr (that’s not the point of this post) but it’s not from people ik irl. It’s just other users and I like that honestly. Tumblr gets so much hate, it’s actually underrated, it’s lowkey my safe space where I can be myself. Idc. I genuinely love this platform. No one is here to judge, and I love it.

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2 years ago

“Respectfully, get tf up” 😭😭 HELP THATS SO FUNNY

NEWJINS: [17] she's so dense

NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense
NEWJINS: [17] She's So Dense

every person have a different path destined for them depending on their passions and dreams. huh yunjin is a courageous kid who chased her dreams, but she realized that a certain girl starts to become part of that dream. just like any other journey in life, she is faced with different obstacles as she tries to pursue the girl of her dreams. can she actually succeed or will she just be another 'jin' that you meet?

masterlist | previous | next

taglist: @vaeeeel @txtbrainrot @jmyjhjmj @captivq @falling-intoo-deep @twizoneorbit @winkura @yyeonmis @bzeus28 @boohirai @yumilovesloona @jisooftme

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2 years ago

that was great. I loved it.

not hanni taking a shot of mouthwash after hearing the L word. 💀

no fear.

she IS feared

hands down my favourite series.

please! — 67. you reek, and even then i still like(love) you.

Please! 67. You Reek, And Even Then I Still Like(love) You.

babbling incoherent words, hanni was dragging down y/n on the floor with her arms around her neck. “now i get why you do this.” she slurred out barely understandable words while y/n just sighed trying to get her girlfriend to get up.

see, it was now 12:56, almost 1 AM. and hanni had spent the last hour doing absolute nonsense at the party, like cursing out hyein (a child) for god knows how long, dancing strangely and making her girlfriend think she was having a seizure, throwing up in the kitchen sink on accident, and climbing up a tree when unsupervised.

hyein’s mom called, it was her time to go home. and by the looks of her state, it was hanni’s too.

“babe, please get down.” y/n exclaimed to her girlfriend who was sitting on a thick branch with seemingly no expression other than a blank stare to the people below her. “you’re gonna get dizzy and throw up.”

“my throw-up will go all over you like the peasants that you are.” she slurred.

“okay, what the fuck?” danielle, one of the only people with consciousness in the group, said offended.

“hanni, pleaseeeee!” y/n pressed her hands together as she pleaded her lover to get down. “i’ll take you home, just please get down.”

the girl on the tree seemed to think about it. “beg and i’ll consider it.” she shrugged.

“nah, this is some weird shit, dawg.” drunkenly, jungwon stumbled away in disgust.

“wha- god, hanni, please? can you just please get down? what more do you want? i’m literally kneeling, gosh…”

“help me, i can’t get down by myself, duh.” hanni complained.

holding out her arms as she carefully pulled hanni down the branch she muttered, “don’t ever get drunk again, goodness hanni…”

and now, a group of drunk teenagers and some sober ones walking down the dark streets to go home street. the ones who lived close together walked beside each other with the sober ones while hanni and y/n walked with each other with their arms around each other (y/n was just carrying all of hanni’s weight while the other hung on her shoulders).

danielle and haerin walked behind them to make sure none of them fell to the ground, and if they did… well, danielle would be there to take the pictures and (not) help.

other than the loud laughs and drunken comments by the teens, it was a peaceful walk, kind of. “y/n~ where are we goooingggg~” hanni asked as she clung harder to the tallers shoulders, almost dragging her to the ground.

“i’m taking you home, nini. we’ll get there soon, don’t worry.” she reassured her, pulling the girl closer to her instead of the pavement. the other just groaned.

Please! 67. You Reek, And Even Then I Still Like(love) You.

hanni doesn’t know how y/n even managed to get the both of them on the bus, all she knows is that she feels a little sleepy. the atmosphere of the night pulling down on her eyelids, and before she knew it her head was resting on y/n’s shoulder once again as her consciousness faded away.

y/n felt the weight return to her once heavy shoulders. she looked down to find her girlfriend resting peacefully beside her. the lights of the city shining on her features made her look even prettier.

y/n was about to take her phone out before she held back and just admired the view with her own two eyes. a light gust of wind came in through the upper windows of the bus. could the moment get better than this?

a few minutes later, y/n recognized the bus stop approaching from the window. it was the same one she waited in when she took hanni home on their first date. she gently shook the sleeping girl, whispering sweet words to wake her up from her rest.

groaning once again, hanni let herself be guided by y/n to the doors of the bus while the other carried both their weights with difficulty.

hanni almost tripped as she got down the stairs of the bus, giving y/n a mini heart attack. “are you okay?” she asked with concern, hanni just nodded in response.

“are your parents home?” y/n asked once again as they walked that familiar path towards hanni’s home. hanni shook her head carefully while pouting, “mm-mh, if they were i wouldn’t have gotten drunk, dummy.”

“right.” y/n chuckled at her girlfriend’s drunken expressions. they were getting closer to the house and y/n internally battled with herself if she should just drop her off at the front door and go home or accompany her inside to make sure she went to sleep accordingly and not wake up with a headache the next day. she figured she’d just let hanni choose in the end.

as they got closer and closer to hanni’s house’s front door, y/n began to grow more nervous. ‘what if she sets her house on fire when i leave?’ thinking of every horrible and possible outcome of leaving a drunk hanni alone in her own house started to freak her out until she heard the other’s soft sleepy voice speak.

“you’re gonna help me brush my teeth, right?’

y/n almost let out a big sigh of relief.

“if you let me then yeah.” hanni just chuckled at the taller’s words.

y/n barely noticed they were already in front of their destination when hanni removed her own arm from y/n’s shoulders to take out her house keys as she stumbled trying to keep her balance. y/n quietly hovered her arm behind the shorter, just in case.

hanni tried about five times to get the key in the key slot before she could actually unlock the door to her house, y/n just watched her patiently as she thought trying to help might disturb her concentration and make her feel worse. as soon as hanni opened the door she immediately got inside and took of her shoes to go sit down and rest her body, but she stopped halfway on her tracks when she noticed the front door was still open and y/n was still outside.

“you’re gonna stay outside and freeze until you die?” she sarcastically asked, letting a giggle slip through her words. “come in before i go back and slam the door in your face.” and so y/n stepped inside, admiring the inside of what her girlfriend called home.

meanwhile y/n closed the door behind her, the shorter girl was slowly starting to stress out in her mission of finding the TV remote. “y/n.” said girl rapidly turned her head to where she was called, “help me find the remote.” hanni whined. chuckling, the taller could already spot the object from behind her partner on top of the counter the TV stood in. slowly making her way towards it, she checked if said object was the one hanni was so desperately looking for. “this?” she asked.

with an embarrassed frown, hanni took it from her girlfriend’s hands. “huh. weird. i checked there.” y/n laughed endeared at the other’s excuses.

“why were you even looking for it? we have to get you ready for bed.”

“yes, but… i need the TV as background noise so i feel less lonely.” she shyly admitted. “don’t.” she cut off y/n, who seemed like she was about to speak, in fear she’d make fun of her habits. “don’t make fun of me.”

“i was just gonna say i do that too, nini. don’t worry, i would never make fun of you for something like that.” and although the first part was true, the second one was a complete lie as their relationship was just pure bullying towards each other as a way to hide their “embarrassing” feelings.

after hanni chose a channel to leave as background noise, she drunkenly carried herself towards her own room, y/n following behind her as she kept admiring the decorations in the house. it took a little longer than expected to walk up the stairs, but y/n let hanni go at her pace instead of carrying her up and getting her dizzy and potentially having them both fall down the stairs.

“wait, you’re going in my room for the first time, this is exciting!” hanni randomly turned around and looked at her girlfriend with excitement. “i’m- i’m going in your room?”

“you’re gonna brush my teeth in the kitchen?” the shorter asked.

y/n grinned, “i mean, you seem sober enough to do it yourself, i don’t know.”

“i could kick you out.”

“sorry.” was the last thing any of them said before hanni opened the door to her room. still, it was only hanni who went into the bedroom.

she turned around and glared at the taller, “are you gonna keep doing this?” y/n only chuckled. “change into your pajamas by yourself! i’ll wait here.” and she turned around, back facing the door frame.

“weirdo…” hanni muttered before shutting the door to change clothes. it’s not like they had that type of confidence yet, they were a fresh couple, also minding that hanni was still drunk and not yet sober. it was only better to wait.

y/n stood outside the door to hanni’s room, listening to the sound of the TV downstairs and admiring the new surroundings. but that short peace was disturbed not long after by hanni’s screams for help inside the walls behind her.

“y/n! help me! i’m stuck!” she held in a sigh and braced herself for any possible scenario she’d discover once she opened the door. “hanni? are you okay-


“stop laughing, asshole! help me out!” the shorter demanded, but who wouldn’t laugh? when hanni was standing with her arms up in the air and her head barely making it through hole of her pajamas. the room suddenly turned quiet, “y/n? where are you?”


“did you just take a fucking picture?”

but there was no other sound apart from the soft giggles that left y/n’s lips. she finally got hanni’s head through and was met with the sight of pink pajamas with bunny prints and a very red faced short girlfriend. y/n could not figure out if the redness was from anger or embarrassment.

hanni just glared at her girlfriends silly smirk, and only frowned harder when she teased, “there you go, big head.”

“fuck you. brush my teeth.” the shorter hissed.

“but we have to take your make up off first, silly!”

2:02 am. hanni was sitting on her bathroom’s countertop while y/n was, after a long session of whining and complaining, diligently brushing the other’s teeth.

after she was done, the latter took the toothbrush to rinse it with water while her girlfriend stared intensely at every action. “god, hanni. never get this drunk again.” she once again complained.

hypocrite. “but i wanna get drunk at our wedding.” hanni muttered sheepishly, clearly acting and noticeable by the way she threw her shoulders out. nevertheless, y/n dropped her jaw in shock at the sudden comment. “what? do you not want to get married?” hanni still feigned innocence, this time with a smirk on her stupid face.

“what?! no! i-i mean, yes! i just- i don’t- i didn’t… you know…” y/n’s face grew redder every second while hanni’s smile grew wider. “i don’t know…” she mumbled in surrender.

“you’re cute. i like you.”

y/n smiled at her confession, “no shit, hanni. we’re girlfriends. i’d hope you at least liked me.” she rolled her eyes as a chuckle escaped with her words, only to find a pout and watery eyes when she put them back on her girlfriend. “are you crying?”

as soon as she said that, hanni started bawling. “we’re *hiccup* girlfrie-ends.” the taller could only laugh in disbelief. she was the lucky one to be able to call the girl she liked a lover, and yet here she was, drunkenly crying at the fact that they were dating.

but then again, hanni’s mouth smelled of alcohol and her opening it as she sobbed didn’t help. at all.

 “hanni, i really love you and all, but you reek of alcohol and i need to find this mouthwash. so, pleeease stop crying.” and so she stopped, with little tears dropping past her pout as she watched y/n kneel in front of the counter’s cabinet trying to find the blue liquid.

“found it.” but when she went to stand up, she hit her head on the counter. “ow.” the pain fading away the moment she heard hanni’s little giggles. she handed the bottle to the girl, but saw she refused to take it because it was still closed. with a groan, she twisted the cap and poured the mouthwash into it, finally handed it to hanni, who reluctantly took it and drank it like a tequila shot.

“what the fuck?!” y/n yelped at the scene she just witnessed. hanni just stepped down from the countertop and face y/n as if nothing that insane had happened, making y/n step backwards and almost trip. “what?” she chuckled, there she goes again with the innocent act.

this idiot was just crying and now she’s downing mouthwash shots. crazy.

walking away mindlessly, hanni turned off the bathroom lights with y/n still inside, signaling her to also walk out. “wait! i’m scared of the dark!” she said as she ran off.

this time it was hanni’s turn to laugh loudly, “no you’re not!”

“a little…” the taller mumbled.

“good thing i have a nigh light! can finally put it to use.” hanni mentioned.

y/n suddenly stopped in her tracks, “wait, i’m sleeping here?”

“if you allow yourself to.” hanni shrugged. “you just said the l word to me but can’t dare to sleep in the same room as your girlfriend.”

“i can sleep on the floor- wait, what did i say?”

“you said the l word. few minutes ago.”

“no i didn’t?”

“you did.”


“why would i lie about that?”

“to tease me.”

hanni laughed, yet agreed. “yeah, i would do that. you still said it, though.”

“did you say it?”


“will you say it?”

it was quiet for a bit.

“i’ll think about it.”

“great, let’s go to sleep.” said y/n as she walked towards the bed to undo the covers so hanni could get in first.

getting under the covers, hanni started thinking while she stared at her girlfriend who was fixing the night light. “if i was a bug-”

“no. sleep.”

“not even a buttefly?”

“butterflies scare me.” y/n laid in bed next to hanni, who fixed her position to look at her face to face.

“what about a roach?”


“you’re no fun.”

“snore… mimimimimi…” y/n pretended to sleep and made fake snoring noises, making hanni giggle. “read me a story.”

“no.” y/n had already closed her eyes.

“i hate you.”

“you stink.”

“even if i stink you still like me.”

“even if you reek i still like you.”


“can you please sleep?” there were no words after that, only soft breaths and a few sounds of shifting in place made by hanni who tried to find the most comfortable position. y/n was also slowly falling asleep, and when the taller unconsciously wrapped her arm around hanni’s waist, she found the most comfortable place was in her arms.

masterlist | epilogue

— y/n is most definitely not immune to pretty girls, and hanni is very pretty. she begs for one chance, but when it’s given, what will she do?

## taglist ! @lcv3lies @yourwife @haerpins @rosielover69 @luvkait @lizseos @gojosrug @xuimhao @captivq @yumtooki @ahnneyong @seeju @sserajeans @phamminji @llluvbluy @sserafimez @misumiausworld @lostamoeba @archerheejin @skisk1 @giginings @falling-intoo-deep @jenaissantesworld @txtbrainrot @luvrsxt …

kurinote 📝 i havent slept in four days <3 officially the last chapter of please! hope u liked it lol hehwjebsj (epilogue still on board btw dw!!)

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2 years ago

Happy 200 days to NewJeans and Tokkis!!!

stills from NewJeans Phoning app
stills from NewJeans Phoning app
stills from NewJeans Phoning app
stills from NewJeans Phoning app

(Credit: Phoning - 2023.02.06)

stills from NewJeans Phoning app

^^ actual dialogue between Minji and Hanni from the photo above:

Hanni: “I look like a Giraffe”

Minji: “you’re not that tall (saying she’s short)”

Hanni: 😃🙂 *walks out of frame and throws a fit*

(Hello!!! I found a clip of Minji saying she can’t be a giraffe - twitter: @/newjeans_loop)

It’s okay HANNI I felt that. 🫂

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1 year ago

to the one i loved most

To The One I Loved Most
To The One I Loved Most
To The One I Loved Most
To The One I Loved Most

SYPNOSIS — `` | minji has done everything in her power to pursue her greatest story but all of it seems to backfire at her. was love always this cruel? it wasn't like anything kim minji had envisioned before.

PAIRING — `` | kim minji x pham hanni

GENRE — `` | fluff start. heavy angst.

NOTE — `` | enjoy ^•^

CONTINUATION — `` | haerin ver // hanni ver

To The One I Loved Most

kim minji has always thought of her life like it was a story.

a story so well-written that whoever reads it falls in love with it the moment they've seen the first sentence. minji likes to think that she was the main heroine of a romance novel that potrays the perfect life of hers.

however, she had never gotten a romantic partner in her entire life.

sure, many had confessed to her about their feelings— but she knew that what they felt towards her was only temporary attraction that would disappear after losing interest in her. minji has read far too many books where those kind of confessions were written.

“the moment my eyes caught sight of you, it was like love at first sight.”

that was the most familiar sentence she had seen from all those letters she'd received. minji thinks that 'love at first sight' is simply stupid. what stupid person would fall in love just by seeing someone for the first time?

and then, pham hanni— oh-so-gorgeous and talented foreign exchange from australia pham hanni came and ruined her vision of love at first sight.

kim minji swears that the first time she had laid her eyes at hanni, there was that butterfly feeling she had heard of in her stomach. it was surreal, really.

the foreign student looked so ethereal with their school's uniform, it fits her albeit a bit too perfectly.

oh wow, look who was experiencing that 'stupid' love at first sight. how truly ironic.

"hi, uhm, do you mind if i sit here...?"

minji loved hanni's honey-like voice— perhaps the angels had rang the bell from heaven because she was hooked from the first time she had heard of it.

"oh, not at all!" the kim recovered quickly and flashed a small smile at the shorter girl, looking at her friends who only gave their own thumbs-up.

she just noticed it now, but hanni was speaking in slight broken korean— well, what could minji say? she was a foreign exchange student! duh, minji. "my name is minji kim, by the way. you can call me just minji!"

it was a relief that she had her fair share of english-speaking experience. the exchange student seemed stunned for a second before that smile took over her face, "hanni pham. i'm pleased to meet you, minji."

ah, if minji could turn back time, she would have encourage her younger self to push hanni away.

what a big mistake she had done.

that was the first flaw in kim minji's greatest story.

To The One I Loved Most

minji never knew why she agreed on the date that changed everything for both her and hanni.

she should have known better.

"minji, you look great! stop pacing around, you're making us all dizzy!"

her friends (who had helped her find the perfect outfit for this 'date') were fed up by her constant mutterings about how nervous she was and how she wanted to back down now.

"but guys–!"

"seriously, min. you're looking incredible! and don't back down now, it's finally your chance."

the girl huffed, trying to calm herself down. "she's almost here, you know." one spoke bluntly, making the now calm female panic again. "great job!" they smacked the former whilst minji looked at her mirror.

"you'll be fine... it's just pham hanni..."

it's just pham hanni.

it's just that damned pham hanni.

there was a knock on her door, making her snap out of her daze. "SHE'S HERE—!" the kim slapped her hand on one of her friend's mouth, glaring at them for being so loud. "shush!"

they began pushing minji down the stairs, practically forcing the girl to her date. "you got this, min! it's just that pham hanni!"

right, it's just that pham hanni.

she took a deep breath before opening the door, pushing her friends to hide. there she saw that pham hanni, grinning brightly as she stood in front of kim minji.

"hey, min! ready for our... date?"

there was a blush painting her cheeks for a second as she hesitated, smile growing shy.

minji, flustered and not trusting her voice at the moment, only nodded with a meek smile.

"uhm, let's go?"


if the present minji could turn back to that day, she would've convinced the minji back then to listen to her thoughts.

"it's not a date— you do not like hanni, kim minji."

ah, what a shame.

To The One I Loved Most

"ma, did you regret anything in your past?"

to hear her daughter, out of all people, question her that, minji was thrown back to reminiscing her days back then and she thought back to those days where the flaws in her perfect story started to appear— all because of one person.

pham hanni.

"no, i had never done anything to regret my past."

minji could remember it quite vividly. how she fell in love so quickly with that idiot's antics, how her stupid smile seemed so infectious, how her eyes seemed to hold the stars that were supposed to be in the dark skies, how hypnotizing her voice sounded whenever she was talking or singing.

everything about pham hanni is so perfect— minji thought of her as another main heroine in her perfect little story. that was such a mistake in her part because hanni— her precious hanni pham turned out to be the main antagonist in her story.

quite the unexpected kind of antagonist, if i must say so myself.

their separation was inevitable. kim minji, herself, had known this ever since the day they first got into a heated argument. hanni would always walk away as to not continue their argument and goes straight to y/n's room, eyes losing the anger that consumed it at the sight of her daughter.

how does minji know this? of course, she had seen it.

pham hanni loved her daughter more than anything. she was the one who thought of the name 'y/n' back when they were still in high school, it was oh-so-sweet at first. she loves the name, really she does!

but now, all kim minji could taste was the bitterness of that pham's broken promises whenever she was talking with her beloved daughter whom she had taken custody over of.

minji does not blame y/n for their separation throughout all those years, she knew that it was for the better if her relationship with hanni ended before it could do some real damage on the child's life.

but y/n— oh-so-innocent and naive kim y/n is so much like that woman.

their personality, resemblance in many ways, and everything; it was completely the same. minji hated it but can she really say that out loud? she loves her daughter with her whole heart, after all.

but that aside, the kim knew that she had to end it all herself.

their relationship was very much toxic and highly mentally draining. arguments were like a daily routine for them, insults always thrown around in the air, tension is always thick and suffocating, shading each other, and things she could not bring herself to remember anymore.

and on that very day, kim minji snapped.

"wouldn't it be just better to end this now, pham hanni?"

pham hanni never looked so pitiful until that very moment. "but min—"

"it's over for us, and you know it."

her voice was as cold as ice, poker face placed on so perfectly. ah, even now, she is flawless. her marvellous love story is finally coming into an end, what a shame. "min..."

"...i'm tired, hanni. i'm so sick of this. let's end this already."

she felt that familiar hand desperately clinging into her own, as if stopping her from doing what she had feared the most. "minji, please." hanni sounded so desperate.

minji almost felt bad for doing such a thing, but it had to be done.

"get out, pham hanni!"

"let's not— minji, stop. don't you care about what y/n would feel?!

they were raising their voices again, not caring if their daughter would hear them arguing now. "of course i care! she's my child, too!"

"then, why are you doing this?!"

"because i'm so sick of arguing with you every fucking day!"

minji never had thought that her story would become so... miserable.

"it's normal, isn't it?!"

"no, it's not! fuck, hanni... stop gaslighting yourself into thinking that all you've been doing is right all along!" she took a deep breath, calming herself a little as she held the doorknob of the entrance of their once cozy and warm home. "i'm doing it for our family!"

"did you think that leaving me alone for the whole day waiting for you to arrive home on our anniversary and forgetting about y/n when you were supposed to take her home strengthening our bond as a fucking family? well surprise, surprise! it does not! you're leaving a gap between y/n and me, not closing it, you idiot!"

hanni silenced herself, clutching her head in frustration as she closed her eyes. minji took a breather before speaking once more, "i loved you, hanni. so much that i ignored all those things your family and my family said about us. i tolerated those because i knew that you were always there for me, so... what happened to us?"

what happened to us?

that was the million dollar question that minji persistently tried to answer.

"what happened to the pham hanni i fell in love with? what happened to those promises you made with me...?" minji gripped the knob, feeling tears streaming down on her cheeks. she never bothered to wipe it away, expecting hanni to wipe the tears for her—

oh, right.

it's never going to happen when hanni is in a worser state than her.

"i loved you so much, hanni. you don't know how much time i've spent waiting for you to come home, how much time i've spent staring at my phone to see if you replied, how much time i've spent overthinking about what i did wrong for us to become like this!"

the kim panted lightly before turning away from the sight of the pham clinging into the door frame, "that was how much i've loved you, hanni. so, please get out of this house."

minji never cried before, not in front of hanni nor y/n— not in front of anyone. so, seeing her parents fighting once again and seeing her mother crying so much, y/n didn't waste any time; rushing to the scene right away.

"mom..? ma..?"

hanni slowly turned to her dearest daughter, smiling sadly with tears running on her cheeks before patting her head softly. "sorry, y/n. i made your ma cry," minji turned away from the two, not liking the fact that both of her loved ones (one former) was seeing her in such a miserable state.

"i'm going now. take care, alright? have the sweetest dream, you two. and i'm sorry again, for ruining our family."

"mom? where are you—"

hanni smiled at the confused look y/n had. "i'll be back soon, champ. we'll play all day when the time comes, alright?" the young y/n brightened up. "you promise?!"

"promise! in the meanwhile i'm gone, take care of your ma, alright?"

"of course!!"

"great! i'm going now, goodbye."

minji never bothered bidding her farewell, simply walking back to their shared room.

what has happened to us? perhaps, we were too in love that god got sick of it. perhaps, we were too happy in the eyes of others. perhaps, we're never really meant to be. i don't really know, but one thing was for sure;

kim minji regretted so many things.

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