Literally Had Be Gripping My Pillow Sobbing.
Literally had be gripping my pillow sobbing.
I’m in pain
It was good tho.
More than good. Had me feeling my feels :,)
(𝟏𝟔) - 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
𝗮𝗲𝗿𝗶 𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗮 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗵𝘂𝗵 𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
part of the series: best friends
warnings: alcohol, mentions of sex
word count: 2,462

all of the headlines were the same. your group’s inkigayo stage went viral. it was no surprise to anyone, especially given how hard you had all been working. the other members would argue that it was you who worked the hardest, especially given everything you were dealing with, but you simply thought of it as doing your job.
which was why, as mentioned before, the only thing better than a good performance was an even better after party.
truth be told, after you had left aeri a voicemail, you deleted her contact entirely. you didn’t have the heart to block her just yet, but only time would tell when you would eventually find the strength to do such a thing.
however, fortunately for you, any thought of aeri was on the backburner. your performance and its success were enough of a well needed distraction for you, especially given the events of last night.
yujin let leeseo stay and enjoy the after party for once, but she was definitely keeping a close eye on her since she knew gaeul and rei would try and get her to drink a little.
there were a lot of other groups there as well, even if they didn’t perform, they were still invited. the energy and music were electrifying. the rhythm from the bass, the alcohol in your cup, and the flashing lights felt euphoric.
for the first time in weeks, you felt happy. your group was successful, your career was at an all time high, and you were slowly pulling yourself out of a hole that once felt like an endless abyss.
“you look good, y/n!” wonyoung shouted over the music, dancing next to you and gaeul. your roommate was relieved to see you coping much better than you had been just a week prior. she was worried about you not being able to pick yourself back up in time for the performance, but you did it. you gave it your all on that stage, and the result ended up in your favor.
“thank you, wony!” your genuine smile made both of your group members feel relieved. all of them could tell a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders since you finally cut ties with the aespa member.
for them, it was obvious that you were much happier without aeri. even your sister noticed it when she watched your performance in her living room. wendy and irene also congratulated you through a quick text, and they both commented on how happy you looked on that stage.
even if they didn’t know the reason why, it was obvious to everyone that you were much happier now.
even aeri herself noticed it.
i saw you dancing in a crowded room
you look so happy when i'm not with you
originally, only the other three members had been invited to the after party since giselle was still “grounded” as she referred to it. but after the company discussed it over, they decided to send her at the last minute in hope of giving her a chance to be seen with her members in a way that would seem positive.
except, aeri didn’t want to be there. she didn’t want to run into you and face the look of heartbreak on your face. your voicemail already haunted her enough.
she watched her phone ring when you called, and was about to answer too, but she was too late once the call icon disappeared. giselle didn’t think much of it at the time, but then when she heard your voicemail?
aeri almost ran to the ive dorm barefoot and in pajamas. but she didn’t.
and now, merely 24 hours later, she could finally see with her own two eyes the truth that she had been running from this entire time.
you truly were happier without her.
but then you saw me, caught you by surprise
a single teardrop falling from your eye
the rapper swirled the shot glass in her hand, watching the chinese whiskey dance around the ice. it was similar to the way aeri was dancing around you. from where she sat at the bar, she could see you perfectly through the cracks in the bodies of others.
your hair was slightly disheveled, but your stage makeup was still perfectly intact despite the thin layer of sweat lacing your brows. you had been dancing all night, quite literally.
she watched you throw your head back in a fit of laughter. it was probably due to something gaeul had said. you often mentioned the jokes she made whenever she had you come over. it was one of her favorite parts about seeing you.
aeri nearly jumped out of her seat when she saw your eyes meet hers. even though it was just for a fleeting moment, she could see the look of heartbreak and disappointment flash in your eyes.
it made her immediately turn her head to the side, focusing on the ever so interesting patterns of the bartop and the way her fingernails tapped against it.
she waited a few moments before turning to look in your direction again, physically feeling her tense shoulders relax when she saw her favorite smile return to your face.
it was ironic, truly. this whole mess started with her not noticing you at a party. and yet here the roles were reversed, with you not noticing her.
the only difference this time was that aeri didn’t want you to notice her.
i don’t know why i run away
i’ll make you cry when i run away
to be quite honest, aeri didn’t know why she ran in the beginning. she wanted to reach out to you and have you explain everything, but her pride refused to yield. her pride and her fear of heartbreak caused her to run.
she ran from her feelings for you for so long, which was why when she had the courage to finally accept them, your confession about your sex life with yunjin felt like a knife to her heart.
aeri wasn’t stupid. she knew when you started falling for her after that night. she noticed it in your touches, in your kisses, in the way you clung to her more. it scared her.
at least, initially it did. over time she reciprocated the same feelings that she had ran from for so long.
however, aeri was tired of running. which was why she had to walk away from you, too.
you could’ve asked me why i broke your heart
you could’ve told me that you fell apart
which was why when she finally got your voicemail, she couldn’t help but cry with you. she felt everything you had felt, but due to her petty actions and stupid mistakes, it ended up with the both of you losing each other.
as she watched you and wonyoung dance to the song currently playing, she felt the ghost of a smile form on her lips.
you were feeling happier than ever right now, but aeri couldn’t feel any more miserable than she already was right now.
at least, that’s what she thought.
but you walked past me like i wasn’t there
and just pretended that you didn’t care
her heart sank to her stomach when she saw you and your group members walking towards the bar. she moved her hair in front of her eyes in an attempt to hide herself, but truth be told, she knew you had seen her.
she knew that she was there. but you refused to even acknowledge her presence as you walked past her, laughing and shouting at gaeul to get you whatever she was getting.
you and aeri had been friends for so long that you could recognize each other from a mile away. and when things got more intimate between you two, you both knew that even in the dark, you had each other’s bodies memorized.
the both of you knew everything about each other like the back of your hands. which was why aeri knew it stung so much for you to ignore her just like that, even if she deserved it.
i made you think that i would always stay
i said some things that i should never say
the night of the date, or rather the argument since the date never really happened, aeri drove back to somi’s place and got absolutely wasted. she was so hurt, and somi was blasting XOXO so loud that she was positive everyone on that block heard it.
she remembered how she curled into a ball on somi’s bathroom floor, crying her heart out because of how much it hurt. however, she wasn’t just hurt because of everything you had told her.
she was hurting because of everything she told you.
it hurt her, to hurt you. except, she didn’t realize that fully until after she had been caught with jeno.
she should have never agreed with him to “get back” at you. but she was so hurt, and drunk on both pain and some japanese liquor that night that she couldn’t think straight. even though the articles said they were both sober, it could not have been any further from the truth.
just like how she wasn’t actually dating jeno either. SM only said that to try and help make the situation look better and deal with damage control. in their eyes, a couple caught having sex looked much better than two single idols being drunk and horny.
she regretted it in the moment, but she regretted it even more when she heard from karina that seulgi was looking for her.
needless to say, giselle had been walking on eggshells whenever she was in the company building.
yeah i broke your heart like someone did to mine
and now you won’t love me for a second time
aeri knew she had broken your heart, but as cliche as it sounds, she broke yours out of retaliation since you broke hers.
it wasn’t intentional, and she knew that, but the cycle of heartbreak began and ended with both of you getting hurt.
and now, the aespa member was well aware that you were no longer willing to have her in your life. not as a lover, or as a friend.
girl take me back, ‘cause i wanna stay
save your tears for another
the SM rapper knew better than to try and fix things with you. you wanted nothing to do with her, and your voicemail was your final goodbye to her.
even though she wanted to run up to you right now, hold your hand and dance with you under the illuminated lights, she knew she couldn’t.
giselle wanted to kiss you in front of everyone, and tell you over and over again how proud of you she was. you had always worked so hard, even as a trainee. it was one of the many things gigi admired about you.
it was the sum of these admirations that made her fall in love with you.
she didn’t want to be the reason you cried anymore. she wanted you to cry over things like winning awards, breaking records, and giving speeches. she didn’t want you to cry over her and her wretched heart.
in her eyes, it wasn’t worth it. she wasn’t worth crying over.
i realize i’m much too late
and you deserve someone better
you felt a tap on your shoulder, and when you turned around you couldn’t fight the smile that crept onto your face.
“hi, stranger.”
yujin’s arms wrapped you in the tightest hug she could muster up. “you did so good, y/n.” she grinned and pulled back to look at you. she had seen you at your lowest. when you were hurting because of giselle, even from the very beginning, she was there.
you and yunjin had a very long talk the day she slipped under your covers. yunjin had explained herself fully, and also told you why she did what she did. she even told you that aeri had been the one to text first that night.
however, at the time you were upset, but looking back on it, you were sort of grateful she did that. you knew you would have ran back to giselle in a heartbeat, and the vicious cycle would have only continued.
even though you and the american were not together, you had both agreed to take things slowly to see where they went. yunjin had confessed to you indirectly, but you knew how she felt. she was still moving on from chaewon, and you were still moving on from aeri.
but the two of you had each other, and you were willing to see where things with your new “best friend” would go in the future.
“thank you, jen.” the music changed to a more upbeat song, which prompted yunjin to grab you by the hand and drag you more towards her members.
as aeri watched you disappear further from her sight from the bar, she downed the shot in her hand. the bitter taste in her mouth matched the bitter feeling in her heart. but it was only directed at herself, and not you.
aeri knew you deserved better, even though she wanted to be the best option for you. she knew she couldn’t. it was too late for her.
she motioned for the bartender to give her another shot of baijiu. he poured the white liquor into another glass and slid it towards her. with her left hand, she held the glass out and in your direction.
she was making a final toast to you.
“to my best friend,”
she whispered to herself, the music and ambience of the party drowning out everything around her. she caught one final glimpse of you laughing and holding onto yunjin, just like you had done with her in what felt like forever ago.
this was the first and final toast to your friendship, and the shattered pieces of a relationship that unfortunately was never meant to be.
the glass met her lips as she downed the liquor, feeling the bitterness slide down her throat. she wiped her eyes gently, not sure if she was crying because of the alcohol or because of you.
(she knew the reason why. she just didn’t want to admit it.)
“i love you, too.”
save your tears for another day
a/n: the end :)
p.s. a toast with the left hand is considered more heartfelt since your left hand is closer to your heart
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More Posts from Keiji-jin
The confession>>>>
me when ?!?!
polaroid love - hanni pham x fem!reader

synopsis: miscommunication can get out of hand so fast.

“yah! y/n stop taking those stupid photos of me.” you took another one as she yelled at you and grinned at the film that started to come out of the front.
you shook the film to get it to develop faster and wiggled your eyebrows at the shorter girl, “hey! you can’t call my hobby stupid. that’s like me saying your singing sucks.”
hanni opened her mouth to respond, but she couldn’t find a good argument, “i wasn’t insulting your photos. you’re twisting my words! most of them are actually beautiful, but all of your polaroids of me aren’t. your real film camera photos are amazing.”
you blushed at the praise and continued shaking the film, “in my defense, i think every photo of you is beautiful.” it was her turn to blush, “stop complimenting me. it’s weird.”
you pushed her off the bench you were sitting on and stuck your tongue out at her. she looked at you with a flash of anger in her eyes. you realized your mistake and stood up and started to run away with your camera and bag.
“L/N Y/N! COME BACK HERE! YOU GOT DIRT ON MY PANTS.” she chased after you and you turned around to see where she was. you noticed her about to run into a field of birds to get to you faster.
grabbing your proper camera, you crouched down to capture the moment where the birds all flew up. the scene made hanni look ethereal with a flock of birds around her.
you smiled as you took the picture and looked up from the lens to the feeling of your best friend tackling you into the grass.
hanni grabbed your arm and pointed at an ice cream shop. you let yourself get pulled into the parlor. you stared at the different flavors on the menu, there were so many good flavors.
the two of you ordered your ice cream, and you made sure to hand your debit card before hanni could pay. you felt someone tap your shoulder and saw an elderly couple smiling at you.
“sweetheart, you have a rather large grass stain on your jacket. do you know that?” you bowed with respect and nodded, “oh yeah. um, i fell.”
hanni whipped around to see who you were talking to and bowed as well before correcting you, “i sort of tackled her into the grass.” she rubbed the back of her neck and the couple looked at the two of you amused.
“ah, you two remind us of when we were your age. i remember what it was like to be young and free.” the woman’s eyes flickered down to where hanni was holding your hand, “you two stay safe and remember to be kids.” she winked at you and turned to leave the shop.
hanni sat across from you and started to eat her ice cream, “do you want some?” you shook your head with disgust, “ew no. i don’t understand the appeal of mint chocolate but then you had to get a scoop of melon on top of it…”
she kicked your shin under the table, “stop being mean. i just wanted to share.” you rolled your eyes at her lightheartedly, “here you can have some of mine instead.”
you handed her your cup of coffee ice cream and smiled at how excited she looked. it made your heart ache a bit, but she was happy and that made you happy.
you laid your head down on the table. you and hanni were sitting shoulder to shoulder. you turned your head towards her and studied her. she wore a serious expression and looked studious with her glasses.
you traced her side profile: the soft angles of her jaw, the bridge of her nose, the way she had a slight pout when she read. you forced yourself to look away because you’d keep staring at her until she noticed.
it hurt to think about hanni for too long. if you were with her it was more of a dull ache that was covered up by whatever you were doing, but if you let yourself get lost in your thoughts and feelings about her felt like a raging fire.
you closed your eyes and rested your forehead on the cool wood again. “y/n?” your head shot up and you hummed in response. “are you okay? i know you’re bored, but are you okay?”
you nodded, “yeah, i’m fine. finish your class.” hanni giggled making you turn towards her, “what?” she shook her head and continued giggling, “you just have a bright red mark on your forehead.”
your eyes widened and you started to rub at your forehead. taking out your camera you started to tinker with settings and decided to take a picture of the bookshelf to your right.
after preoccupying yourself with mundane tasks you turned back to your best friend, “hanni, how much do you have left?” hanni chewed at the end of her pen, “i have another lesson module, but i can finish at the 50% mark. give me ten minutes.”
you sighed, “why do you have to do online school? especially australian online school, you always have weird times to turn things in.” hanni pushed you slightly with her shoulder, “stop complaining. you said you’d be my study buddy.”
hanni watched you from your school’s gate as you skipped towards her. you smiled at the vietnamese girl and took a quick photo of her. she was wearing sweatpants, a hoodie, and slides, but you noticed that her hoodie was new.
“new hoodie? you have like twenty hoodies, why do you need more?” hanni grabbed your backpack from you and rolled her eyes, “it’s not new. it’s from my friend minji. i just grabbed something so i could walk you home.”
minji? who was minji? your mind was plagued with hypothetical scenarios of whoever minji was and hanni, but you pushed them to the back of your mind. you felt a paper bag being shoved into your hands.
you cocked and eyebrow at hanni who didn’t respond. inside was a roasted sweet potato, “oh? thank you, hanni pham.” she ignored you, waiting for you to eat it.
“you’re like when my grandma would pick me up from school in elementary. she always had either a rice ball or a sweet potato for me to eat.” hanni stopped in her tracks, “eat it.” you saluted teasingly and started to peel the potato.
the shorter girl was satisfied that you were eating and continued walking. you felt the insecurities about whoever minji was coming back amidst the silence. you blurted out, “who’s minji?” hanni turned her head and slowed down so she was side by side with you instead of in front.
she rested her hands on your backpack that she was wearing like a pregnant stomach, “a friend. she’s really nice, you should meet her. her name is kim minji if that gives you any clues, but i don’t think you know her.”
you scanned your brain for anyone named kim minji, but you came back blank. “no, i don’t know. how did you meet?” hanni looked at you amused, “you have so many questions. i met her at my dance lessons. anymore questions?”
you shook your head and started to imagine a faceless girl. the image you had of her was someone pretty, tall, talented. you sighed to yourself, why were you jealous over a friend? it’s not like you had the guts to tell hanni how you felt anyway.
you tapped your fingers on the counter as you waited for the cashier to come back with your developed film and the price for your new film you exchanged.
you grew impatient and decided to scan the shelves for the film you used. you knew you wouldn’t buy anything since the film they seller was always overpriced.
you preferred just to order more online in bulk. you heard someone say excuse me and you turned around. the person was a new cashier clad in the store’s uniform, “excuse me, miss? i’m sorry about my coworker he had to take care of a spill.”
you mind thought about him ruining your film until she continued, “it’s nothing to do with film, i can assure you. here are your pictures along with the film strips.”
your eyes flickered down to her name tag: minji. you looked back up at the girl, she was prettier than most of the actors on tv and had the physique of a dancer. you exchanged the envelope of film for your cash.
as minji handed you your change you asked her a question, “are you kim minji by chance?” her eyes widned, “uh, yes that is me. may i ask why and how you know my name?”
you waved your hands realizing that you sounded like a stalker, “i’m sorry. my friend knows someone named kim minji and you just resemble the description of who she told me about.”
minji nodded slowly, “may i ask which friend?” “hanni pham, er, pham hanni. she said you met at a class.” minji’s cautious demeanor changed into a relaxed one, “oh yeah, hanni. tell her i said hi and that i miss her. have a good day ma’am.”
you bowed your head and walked out. miss her? you bit the urge to run back into the shop and ask her why she missed hanni. so much for wanted to work at the film shop in the summer.
the phone rang three times and you sighed into the speaker, “hello, this is pham hanni. hi, it’s hanni pham. send a voice mail. leave a message.” you smiled at the dual language answering message.
“hey han. call me back soon. love you, stupid.” you hung up and stared at your ceiling. in a few minutes you felt your phone vibrating, “hello?” “hey y/n! sorry i didn’t answer your call. i’m at lunch with minji so i didn’t see the call. did you need something?”
you frowned to yourself. you were gonna ask her to hang out, “nah, it’s not important. enjoy your time, bye hanni.” “i’ll call you later, n/n.”
lunch. it was definitely a date. you needed to take a walk or maybe a run. the fire in your chest because of hanni could be replaced by a fire in your chest from running.
you missed your chance with hanni and you couldn’t even blame minji. it’s not like she was being a home wrecker if there was no home in the first place.
your chest definitely burned after running for a decent amount of time. you sat next to a bird on a bench.
you stared at the bird who stared back and tilted its head at you. you grabbed your package of sunflower seeds and started to peel the outside off for the bird.
you thanked the convenience store for only have unsalted sunflower seeds. you poured a small handful of seeds onto the bench for the bird.
“eat up, buddy. this is better for you than bread is anyway.” you grabbed the lid of your water bottle and poured some water in it for the bird.
“why aren’t you startled by me? i’m talking to you and everything.” you noticed a little metal band on it’s leg and smiled, “they’re tracking you. it’s like you’re on house arrest. well buddy i guess you’re stuck with me.”
you talked with a bird for awhile and even named it. a few people who passed you looked at you weirdly but ignored you. “it must be nice being a bird. you just fly and enjoy the sky.”
your mind wandered to the thought of hanni running into the field of birds. “we’re you one of the birds that hanni interrupted? i apologize on her behalf.” you sighed and the bird stared at you.
“do birds fall in love? do you have a bird-friend? it must be nice, huh. i’m stuck being in love with my best friend who’s literally on a date right now.” you handed the bird a few more seeds.
“her and minji would be a cute couple though. i’d be happy for her regardless, but it’d still hurt. i wonder if bird’s experience unrequited love. if you have im so sorry.” the bird finished eating and hopped around the bench.
“are you done?” the bird shook out its feathers and you realized it was about to fly off. “bye, bandy.” you watched the bird fly through the sky and decided it was time to walk back home.
you woke up to the feeling of something falling on top of you. your eyes opened and you squinted at the weight that was spread across your chest.
“hanni?” you rubbed your eyes and heard a whisper, “hi.” “why are you here? it’s so late.” hanni rolled over you, making you groan, so her body was completely over you.
“i just missed you.” you reached to turn on your bedside light, “and you couldn’t wait to just see me tomorrow?” she shook her head, “no.”
your eyes adjusted to the light and you realized hanni was still wearing her jacket, “yah! han, why are you wearing your outside clothes on my bed? you’re gonna contaminate my bed,” you whisper-yelled
you felt her giggle and get up, “okay, germaphobe.” you heard rustling and felt the weight return, “better?” you hummed and kept your eyes closed.
“y/n?” “yes?” “i’m cold.” you rolled your eyes at your best friend, “then get under the covers? use your common sense.”
the covers were ripped off of you and now hanni was holding onto you like a koala under the covers. you were bright red and hoped she wouldn’t look up. she rested her head on your chest, “why’s your heart beating so fast?”
you lifted your head to look at her, “because you broke into my house and almost send me into cardiac arrest?” you we’re half telling the truth. “fair enough.”
you were wide awake after being rudely awakened, “how was your date? did you finally get your romantic first kiss?” you waited for an answer but only the sound of hanni’s steady breathing and the light sound from the cars outside could be heard.
“han? you’re asleep.” you sighed to yourself and reached to turn the lights off. you’d ask her tomorrow.
you woke up to the feeling of someone poking your face, “y/n. y/n. y/n. l/n y/n!” you groaned at the sudden noise, “stop it.” “no. wake up. let’s go to the beach.”
you felt hanni roll off of you as you sat up. “beach? it’s winter.” hanni threw a pillow at you, “so? it’s not like i said let’s go swim. i said let’s go to the beach.”
you laid back down at the feeling of the pillow hitting your chest, “hanni, i know you’re a foreigner and stuff, but you’ve been here long enough to know that the beach is not just an impulsive trip.”
you flung the pillow back in her direction, “it’s at least a two hour train ride. one way. and that’s if you want to go to the tourist beach.”
hanni continued to move around your room, “i know, that’s why i got you up at 7. plus it’s winter. no tourists are going to the beach, it’ll be deserted. cmon, get up.”
you rose again, “it’s deserted for a reason, but fine. you have to tell my mom that we’re going to the beach.” you watched hanni fix her hair in your vanity, “i know. i already did. she gave me some money and told me to keep you in check.”
sighing, you got up and started to get ready. you sat at your kitchen table staring at your best friend. you ate your toast and rubbed your eyes, sleepily.
you rested your head on hanni’s shoulder as the movement of the train lulled you to sleep. hanni flicked your forehead, causing you to wake up, “cmon, sleepy head. we have to take the bus to beach and then we can have a picnic.”
you stopped by a convenience store first and picked up some food to eat. you placed the food into your backpack and waited at the bus stop. “hanni, did we have to come all the way here just to have a picnic?”
hanni ignored you and kept her head high as she waited, “stop ignoring me.” she grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the waiting bench. “for some reason you’re always complain-y when you’re sleepy.”
you held onto her arm and rested you head on her shoulder again, “i am not.” “yes you are.” “no.” “yes.” “i’m not.” “you are.” “i’m not.” “you are.”
as you were about to retaliate, the bus pulled up. you paid for your fare and noticed that there was only one free seat left. you motioned for hanni to sit down and you stood in front of her.
you sighed and wished someone would give up their seat, but no one did. you accepted your fate and realized that when the bus braked you’d had to try and not fall over.
the bus reached your stop and you were holding on to the pole as tight as you could. your knuckles were white and you planted your feet. as the bus approached the stop you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
you looked down to see hanni holding you in place. you looked back up and felt your face getting hot. you closed your eyes and tried to focus on not falling over. the bus stopped abruptly but fortunately hanni’s arms kept you from moving.
you sat on the blanket and pulled out the bag of food you bought. “egg or tuna?” hanni looked up from her drink and shrugged, “cant we both get half and half?”
you handed her half of the tuna sandwich and watched the calm waves. you thought about the night before and remembered your question.
hanni was chewing but felt you staring at her. she turned red at the attention and looked away, “why are you staring at me?”
you shrugged and took out your camera to capture her. “you have mayonnaise on your face by the way.” she smacked you since you took a picture of her before pointing it out.
you put your camera down and looked at the flock of seagulls. “by the way, how was your date? did you kiss her?” hanni started choking on her sandwich.
your eyes widened, you started to pay her back, and offered her the water bottle. after she stopped choking and got her breathing under control she looked at you bewildered.
“kiss? you realize i just got lunch with minji, right?” you nodded slowly, “yeah obviously. you went on a date. so did you?”
hanni turned to face you properly, “y/n. i went out with minji.” “yes, and you like her.” hanni’s eyebrows furrowed, “what? no i don’t. where did you get that idea from?”
you scratched your head, “you’re always with her, you talk about her a lot, she said she missed you one time, she’s talented, she’s tall, she’s pretty, do i need to go on?”
the australian stared at you, “i don’t like her. i was having lunch with minji because i needed advice.” you blinked at her and she continued, “i needed advice about you.”
“me? why?” hanni sighed and looked down. you followed her line of sight and saw her picking at her fingers, “god, i’m going to have to spell it out for you aren’t i?”
you threw your bottle cap at her hands to get her to stop picking, “spell what?” “y/n. all the reasons you gave me as to why you thought i liked minji… who else could those apply to?”
you shrugged, “i don’t know? you don’t really hang out with anyone else. occasionally you hang out with that one australian girl i introduced you to, but she’s always busy.”
hanni sighed, “i like you, not minji.” you didn’t comprehend the sentence and started to laugh, “me? okay funny prank hanni. you couldve pulled this back home.”
“it’s not a joke y/n. i’ve liked you since i met you when i was 13. you showed up and handed me a bag of chips when i knew almost no korean. i remember how you learned english just so you could talk to me because you thought host families should as similar to my home family as you could be,” she took a deep breath.
“i liked you throughout your braces treatment. i liked you when i moved out. i like you now. i like you even when you take the most unflattering photos of me. y/n, i like you.”
you stared at her for a second, “you’re sure?” “oh my god.” “i like you too. i’ve liked you for years. i just don’t believe you. this is 100% not a prank right?”
hanni grabbed your face, “does this seem like a prank?” you turned red as soon as hanni leaned closer to you, “a little?” hanni rolled her eyes and leaned to kiss you.
before she could she asked you something, “can i kiss you?” you mumbled a yes and she kissed you. you could feel her smile into the kiss.
you pulled apart and hanni still had a wide grin, “you just walked the prank.” you threw your sunflower seeds at her and quickly leaned until you were centimeters away from her face.
you noticed how panicked and red she got, “you’re blushing so it isn’t a prank.” she let out a huff and noticed a bird pecking at the sunflower seeds you threw at her.
“BANDY! did you follow me?” hanni looked at you concerned, “why do you know a bird?” you squinted at the metal ring on the birds leg and how it ate the seeds, it was definitely the bird from yesterday.
“yesterday i went on a run and met bandy. it’s not afraid of me.” you waved your hands around the bird and it looked back at you with the same tilt of its head. “see?”
“so youre telling me my girlfriend talks to birds in her free time? what am i signing up for?” you looked up from the bird, “girlfriend?” “i kissed you and just basically confessed me undying love for you.”
you threw more sunflower seeds at her, “you’re annoying.” “maybe but then i’d be your annoying.” you looked at hanni with disgust, “ew stop. just because we’re together doesn’t mean you get to be all corny.”
hanni threw a piece of her crust at you and the bird seemed very happy at the food fight that was going on. you took out your polaroid camera out and took a picture of hanni.
“hey! i wasn’t even ready.” you grabbed the ejected film and shook it, “that’s the point of the polaroid. my film camera is for my professional photos. my polaroid is for my fun pictures. i’ll label this one with todays date. our anniversary.”
hanni’s angry face dissipated into a soft smile, “you’re cheesy. are you gonna take a picture on our 100 day anniversary and every milestone after?” you shrugged, “let’s make it to one day and we’ll discuss that.”
you’d make it to one day or three thousand if it meant you could be happy with hanni (and bandy). “does this mean we have a child?” “shut up han.” “i’m just saying. also bandy is a terrible name.”

## fluff <3
I’m malfunctioning.
prettiest to me

I'll write the melody, you write the words for me it might not be the prettiest, but it's the prettiest to me
word count : 2k words
genre : fluff & fluff; when minji wrote a melody and asks if you could write lyrics for it; minji's a simp for you; singer-songwriter! minji x uni student! fem! reader
t/w : slightly suggestive(?) ig (idk how to do this we ride or die)
a/n : to commemorate the ending of pr stunt by @silantryoo, here's a minji oneshot to thank bestie silan on making me squeal at 3am with this smau, it was a wonderful journey and I still can't believe it ended :') this marks my first nwjns fics :3 plot has nothing to do with pr stunt and I wrote this in one sitting so there might be errors or just weird flow since I didn't proofread enjoy !!
"babe! come down for a minute!"
"what is it? I'm a little busy with my assignments."
"that can wait, I'm more important here."
"well, you aren't wrong."
just as you reach the foot of the stairs, you don't seem to see your girlfriend anywhere in sight. that's when you figured she was in her mini recording studio. she would always be there if it wasn't the garden, which is her favorite spot for handling her work.
"so, how may I help you, my dearest minji?"
you weren't sure why she needed you in here, when you made it a fact that you weren't exactly musically gifted with that time you tried to serenade her but failed miserably (you practiced real hard and she appreciated your efforts).
"can you cook up some lyrics for this melody I wrote?"
"me? are you sure that's okay? I mean hanni would be able to create a masterpiece with your melodies, better than I could ever."
"sure she can, but this is for us. I write the melody, and you write the words."
"umm, okay? don't expect too much out of it though."
it would be a lie that minji didn't have a slightest expectation because she knew you had a way with your words. that was one of the reasons why she fell for you, amongst hundreds of them. utmost of all, you treat her real good, like she's your world and your one and only, which isn't wrong at all. you do love her more than yourself, and you don't mind throwing yourself in front of a truck for her (which had her smacking you on the back when you told her that).
as much as you don't enter her studio, there was only one chair and of course, it was already taken by the owner. minji saw how your eyes were searching for an extra one, so she just put her hands over your waist before pulling you over onto her lap.
the slight red tint on your ears doesn't go unnoticed by her, making her heart swell at the fact that you still burn bright red whenever she gets intimate. despite being together for years, you still do, and that reassures her that you feel the same for her, just as she does for you.
"I c-could have just gotten another chair from the kitchen."
"yeah, but I like it this way."
minji snakes her arms around your waist, giving you her signature cheeky smile, which you have a love-hate relationship with. it's just so annoying, but endearing because you love her. all you could do is role your eyes at it and pretend you don't like it.
she leans forward to get her earphones before handing you one side, putting the other into her own ear. with a click on the space bar, the melody she had just finished perfecting flowed out in the earphones.
with every stroke of the electric guitar, you found yourself lost in her eyes, and same goes to her. it made you feel so nostalgic as you reminisce the moments you shared with minji. the first time you met her, all the dates you went to, all the hours you spent staring at her eyes more than the scenery, all the times you said 'I love you' (that were three times in total of the 3 years you've been together for).
you just knew, this wasn't just some typical love song. it was your love song. yours only to listen to, which made you so sure, that you were going to spend the rest of your life with this girl in front of you, kim minji.
it made you feel loved by her, and also made you realize how madly in love you were with her. so this was why she insisted on you writing the lyrics. you didn't know how only just a melody could make you feel this way. god are you smitten by kim minji.
"min, you're a genius."
"are you sure? I'm pretty sure you literally just called me an idiot two days ago."
"I take it back, you're a bitter meanie."
"hey! you can't blame me for having good memory."
your glare seemed so 'intimidating', minji couldn't help but crack a smile at your attempt at being scary. and you followed suit, weak at how her lips would curl up and her eyes folding into crescents.
"you're adorable."
"don't think you're off the hook just because you call me cute."
"didn't think of that but yes, you are cute and I love you too."
she leans forward to steal a kiss on your lips, smiling sweetly at you as she stares into your eyes again. knowing the effect she had on you, minji purposely did so because it was fun to see you flustered, which makes you a thousand times cuter than you already are (minji's words not mine).
and she was absolutely accurate with how the red tint on your ears prolong and your gaze fall to the ground.
"so how was the melody? what makes you say I'm a genius just hearing that?"
you glance over at minji, full of curiosity and anticipation, as if she doesn't know how that melody just made you fall for her further.
"because that screamed 'I love you and no one else'? you just made me remember the feeling of being in love with you, baby."
to be honest, minji's heard countless 'I love you's' and 'baby's' in her entire career. but when it comes from you, it makes her heart flutter and all giggly like a lovesick schoolgirl. she too, remembers when you spell it out for her.
the feeling of being in love, and specifically with you. she could never forget how she fell for you. it wasn't love at first sight, but she did realize she was in love with you at a particular moment. that moment you smiled at her as you pulled her along by her wrist to the arcade. she didn't know what it was, but that endearing smile that tugged perfectly on your lips led her to offer you her heart.
and it was the same smile minji loved seeing every day, the smile you only showed when it came to her. you could very well call it 'minji-exclusive smile' and your friends would 100% agree because there was just a different glint in your eyes and a higher tug against your lips when it was for her. dani mentioned that and was so supportive of you two while hanni gives you her signature side eye. (she secretly likes you two together because you treat her bestie well and vice versa)
"now that you say it, I guess it does sound like that. well then I believe you have your inspiration right there."
"of being in love you?"
"yes, that, and us. this is our song, so it's about us, our love."
"I suppose I can start from there."
you still can't get used to minji using the word 'love' so easily, rolling off her tongue like it meant nothing. but you knew she means it every single time she stares into your eyes, saying it with utmost warmth. she makes you feel at home, as you are wrapped up in her arms. although you two are cotton candy clouds most of the time, there will always be times where you two bicker and argue over something unimportant just like other couples out there. even so, voices are never raised and what more physical.
it was an agreement made at the start of your relationship and it was never once broken, which made you love minji more than you thought you could ever. your previous relationship begged to differ, so you were honestly afraid to start another one. yet this girl in front of you showed you that you were worth every drop of love she could offer, every kiss you shared, every night you spent cuddling with her. the list could go on and on, and she would still have so much to give to you because you deserve it.
"then there's that. now you can attend to your assignments, but make sure to be down here later for dinner."
minji squinted her eyes at you, making you look away as you remember how you used to starve yourself just to finish your thesis. all that was past you when you moved in to live with her. of course it was when she'd make you meals so you never skip, and being the stubborn person she is, she makes sure you finish it. (minji treats you like a kid but she does so because you do act like one at times, and she's not complaining since she loves taking care of you)
"okay, mom."
you lift yourself off from her lap to get back to whatever you were working on, but as you did, she pulled you back down. what she does next catches you so off guard, you push her away, running out of the studio before she can see how you're about to explode from embarrassment.
"I don't think you suck your mom's lips off, do you?"
to top it off, she puts her lips near your ears and whispered, extremely seductively. her breath tickled and lingered against your skin in the best way possible. you couldn't deny though, you quite literally sucked her lips off the other time you spent the last friday movie night, making out with the movie just playing on in the background. if someone were to ask you about that movie, you were sure you aren't going to be able to tell them what it was about. you apologized to her after the session when you saw how red and swollen her lips when you two finally got out of it. (your lips weren't any better either)
"I hate you."
"thanks babe, I love you too."
you were pouting as you made your way back upstairs, but was stopped by your beloved girlfriend before you could take a seat to continue your assignment. minji threw her arms over your shoulder, hugging you from the back as you refuse to look at her. she loves teasing you because you just give her the best reactions, and it's become a routine.
"if you keep teasing me, I'm not writing the lyrics."
"what's that gotta do with the lyrics? you promised, and remember, no breaking promises."
"that's up to me."
folding your arms across your chest, you turn your head to the left because minji leaned forward to look at you from the right.
just as you turn your head back to the right, kim minji once again steals another peck on your lips. if she thinks she can get you to stop being 'angry' at her with this, she is absolutely right. (she just knows you too well, and also because she knows you love her very much)
when she notices the way your lips become less pouty, minji tightens the hug as she buries her head in the crook of your neck. she takes a seat on the chair with her still hugging onto you like a bear, mumbling against your skin, sending shivers down your spine (in a good way).
"don't be angry with me."
"I'm not..."
when clingy minji shows up, you just know you can never win against her.
"you will write the lyrics right?"
"of course, I made a promise. and I'll make it the prettiest in the world so you won't be disappointed."
"if it's written by you, I'll love it no matter what. you can write me a nursery rhyme, and I'd give you a nobel prize."
her jokes never fail to crack you up, as if her sense of humor was built to match yours. she never fails to amaze you every single day you wake up to seeing her by your side, soundly asleep. minji used to suffer a lot from insomnia but from the day you slept by her side, there wasn't a single night she spent awake.
"whatever you write, I just know it's gonna be the best. even if you think it may not be the prettiest, it's the prettiest to me."
"you're the prettiest to me."

What a cutie ☺️

(from Instagram: @_chaechae_1 )
And what if I sobbed?
I will wait patiently for a moment like this to happen😌