My Internet Is Soo Bad Just Let Me Read My Fics In Peace Please
My internet is soo bad😔 just let me read my fics in peace please
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Exact same energy
I am in my duncney feels
Within reason I might add
they were down HORRENDOUS for eachother i fear

One thing that kinda irritates me in good girls fics is if Ruby and/or Annie get out of the crime life Beth still gives them apart of her cut. Like babe they aren’t helping or anything so why give them money. Make them work for it. But maybe that’s just me
They should’ve dated

I'd like to train with you for a while. There's so much more I want to learn from you, Nanno.
Girl from Nowhere 2.05 “SOTUS”
Total drama action is my favorite
Im gonna be honest with you guys i actually really like total drama Action. Its funny as fuck. The teams were so funny there was barely any team animosity because all the beef was very personal and direct. It was so stupid and so funny. The screaming gaffers were hilarious and im tired of pretending they're not.