ketch - 18+ - @windy-trickster ilyyyyyother art blog is @ketch-sideblog
630 posts
Prisymmmmm!!! Hi!!!! :DSoooo... I'm Going To Poke You About Your Quadrants Now Bc I Can. So Tell Us.
Prisymmmmm!!! Hi!!!! :D Soooo... I'm going to poke you about your quadrants now bc I can. So tell us. Who's in what quadrant? :)

"O)-h, hello there. My quadrants? Alright. 0)-"

"Let's start with my ashen quadrant, then. I am with a bronze named Aretez. We are being actively mediated by his matesprit, a purple named Veleer. Both of whom I find insufferable. 0)-"

"Then there's my moirail, a sweet Fuchsia named Henzel. He completes me on an emotional level due to his skittish yet forward nature. I value him very much and would hate to ever part with him. 0)-"

"O)-f course I can't forget my dear matesprit. Bileda... She is wonderful. I still can't believe she ended up wanting to be in my red quadrant.. She has my pusher firmly in her grasp, that's for sure. I'd give anything to see her smile, as rare as that is. 0)-"
windy-trickster liked this · 1 year ago
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The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.

Oh no. Who let these two hang out. They're gonna be so annoying together. Reblogs appreciated :> Vityaz Meiura - @wormstuck
hey sherco!!!! gigi is too shy to ask herself but she's wondering if she can meet some of the friends you've made! she is a very lonely girl :(

"0)-> 0f c0urse she can! She can t0tally meet Cervin and Amdala! And Damiri and R0snix! She's t0tally g0tta meet P0isi0 t00! And Yaz! <-(0" "0)-> I g0tta see if Cervin will let us dr0p by his hive t0m0rr0w! He d0es live in the neighb0rh00d after all! S0 d0es P0isi0. <-(0"
Aaaa I'm sorry, Nallea!!! Please don't cry!!!! D: It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it....
-> Nallea turns away, wiping her eyes with her forearm. She hates it when people see her cry.
"it's fine. don't worry about it."