Nallea Paqres - Tumblr Posts

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"oh, hey ninara! I already know you so this is kinda cheating on my part, but you're very sweet and I'd love to become better friends, especiaLLy now that I'm spending more time at my hive. it'd be cool meeting aLL the troLLs you hang out with too, you sure know a lot of people! though I guess by that logic I do too."

"aLL in aLL, I've gotta give you a solid 10/10. you're a very good friend and I bet we'd make a pretty cool team, right?"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"a streamer, huh?"

"that sounds cool as heLL! you gotta let me foLLow. I don't have much time for watching streams and videos, but you look pretty awesome! definite 9/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"hmmm... you're a toughie, for sure. I like your style, it's definitely not for me but I see the appeal. you look pretty confident overaLL, which I always appreciate. trouble with your ancestor, huh? I won't pry, but I getcha, a couple people I know have uh.. questionable ancestors."

"real cool. definite 9/10, taking off just one point because I'm jealous I could never pull off that jacket."

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"aww, you definitely pass the check, don't worry. you look like the nervous type, but that's okay, I'm nervous sometimes too. a dark secret... now that's intriguing."

"you seem real sweet! I love your shoes and hair! 10/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"'pretty poet' is right! I love your eyeliner and freckles, they remind me of consteLLations. not to mention your hair! is it dyed? super cool. definite 10/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"huh. weLL."

"you seem like a reaLLy cool person with a cool style. I like your piercings! your hair looks reaLLy nice too, do you use any products? 9/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone
Nallea, do your pink hair ties hold any significance?

"they're fuchsia, like my matesprit. looking at them.. it calms me down when he's not around. I get overwhelmed reaLLy easily, so reminding myself that someone out there cares helps a lot..."

"I just wish I had something that comforts me as much as he does when he's affectionate towards me.."
Waddles over and pokes Nallea Hi Nallea :>!!!! How have you been today? Talked to anyone recently?

"I'm doing terrible, thanks. and I haven't talked to anyone."

"...not anyone important, at least."
-> Hmm. Nallea appears to be troubled.. Maybe something happened. She doesn't look happy about it, whatever it is.
You seem upset, Nallea. What's going on? :(

"just ran into someone I used to know earlier. not a big deal."
Well.... It SEEMS like a big deal, Nallea... Who was it?



"...I don't want to talk about it. not right now."
Aaaa I'm sorry, Nallea!!! Please don't cry!!!! D: It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it....
-> Nallea turns away, wiping her eyes with her forearm. She hates it when people see her cry.
"it's fine. don't worry about it."

James??? Doodling a ship that ISN'T Blue Spades??? More likely than you'd think! @ketchfantrolls helped me out with some aspects of this doodle!!! <:) <3 Iced Mocha my beloved!!! Featuring my boy Sejcei [Fuchsia] and his girlie Nallea [Bronze] Reblogs appreciated!!!
You should You shoooooould Tell everyone why you love Nalleaaaaaaa
i really like nallea because she's just,, everything i kind of want to be? i project a lot of my own insecurities onto her, and then through story arcs i help her conquer her weaknesses in order to help myself sort through my own! she's strong, but she struggles with confidence and is very dependent on whoever she's with for everything - she feels stifled, unable to move beyond the boundaries that seem to have set themselves up for her to fail. but with the help of her community, she can thrive!!
she is also trans that might play into my love for her jus a little bit......

some uhhh sketchy doodles i've done in the past few days bc i havent posted art in awhile. :D tomorrow im gonna be EXTRA inactive because IM MEETING UP WITH @windy-trickster FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!! AND I AM VERY EXCITED!! :DDD

^this one is of his fantroll maasai, who you can ask questions now yipee!

and finally. obligatory nallea
Nallea. U r a q tee :>

"aww... took me a second of reading that out loud, but thanks."

"wait. did sej put you up to this. that sounds like something he'd say."

"I mean that in the best way possible, obviously."
Hi Nallea I gotta say! You ARE a cutie.

"what's with aLL the sudden compliments..?"

"thanks.. means a lot."
Prisym :( Can I have a hug? I'm not feeling well :(

"Not feeling well? 0)-"

"O)-f course you can have a hug! I can't have my best asker sad, can't I? That would be awful!"
>Prisym gives you a very warm hug, squeezing you before letting go and holding your hands with a bright smile.
"I'll make you some tea and we can talk about it, if you're up to that. If not, I can just let you stay in one of my guest blocks to relax. It has a private balcony, an indoor pool, and whatever else you might need! I can also make you a warm meal or snacks, if you'd like!"

i don't suppose she would want to judge a very strong yet sensitive bronzeblooded girl? :3c
she's protective, stubborn, and can be a bit over-the-top with her emotional reactions to things - but she's also very kind and would do literally anything for someone she cares about!!
and yes, she has won a couple fights against indigobloods, the rumors are true
Freana Elkena - ''Judgement'' Meme!

Updated, new and improved judgement meme for Freana!
Curious to see what this chipper, lively and lovely ex-cloistered Jadeblood thinks of YOUR sillies? Then drop 'em in!! The more the merrier, afterall.
Multiple muses allowed, one per reblog.
Judgebacks are welcome but not required.
Little bits of information about your muses are welcome, and allow for more detailed ''Judgements''! That, and I'd love to hear about them! <3
Freana's new lovely sprites and redesign courtesy of @windy-trickster!