kimpossibly - gracie

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96 posts





pairing: rowan laslow x fem!reader warnings: once again we have knives, fighting, two people literally trying to unalive each other (enemies to lovers things), fear, at one point someone tries to unalive themselves (please do not read if you are sensitive to that kind of thing), gratuitous sexual tension, possibly ooc rowan? (i've only seen a couple episodes of wednesday)

summary: y/n and rowan have been trying to kill each other since the day they met. on this particular day, rowan finally meets the other guy who's trying to kill her. note: OH MY GOD IT'S PART TWO GUYS. Part one did so unexpectedly well so I decided to sit down and plan some stuff for part two. Theoretically I could write a whole "limited series" type deal on this with an arc and an OC and a plot n all that but I'm not 100% sure I have all the motivation necessary for that haha. Plus I have like two other WIPS going right now, one of which I desperately need to update and the other I need to plan. But anyway! Here's this! Enjoy! word count: 3693


Being at Nevermore was becoming more and more like a lethal game of hide and seek. She'd go about her day as normal, talk to the people in her classes, participate in demonstrations, and then she'd almost be killed by a flying knife as she headed back to her dorm. If there was one good thing she could say about Rowan, it was that he was persistent.

As Y/n walked through the halls of Nevermore that day, she was attempting to untangle her destiny — why was she the one destined to end the world? She wasn't anything special, really. So she could do a couple things that Normies couldn't, but that was the entire population of Nevermore! No one there was strictly normal, so why couldn't the universe have picked another person to take the weight of destruction?

While she ruminated, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She knew that familiar chill of the spine. So she looked up and found exactly who she was expecting: Rowan. They were in a crowded hallway, so there wasn't much he could do in the way of killing her. She liked to smile at him in situations like this, just to confuse him, but something stopped her before she could muster up a grin. Behind Rowan stood a tall, shadowy figure, stretching nearly eight feet tall. It was vaguely human in stature but made entirely of inky black shadow. At the sight of it, Y/n's blood went cold. It had found her. Without so much as a blink, she turned and sprinted down the hallway, nausea creeping up her throat.

As she turned around to see if the figure was following her, she ran into someone hard, sending them both to the ground. She groaned, scrambling for her books. "Sorry," she muttered as she stacked them back in her arms.

The person she had knocked over was Xavier Thorpe, Rowan's roommate. Y/n hurriedly held out a hand to help him up, glancing behind herself every few moments. "No problem," Xavier said as he stood up. He noticed the frantic look in her eyes and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Y/n responded quickly. Too quickly. "Look, um, if Thornhill asks where I am next class, can you tell her that I went to the Infirmary? I'm not feeling well."

Xavier was confused, but he nodded anyway. "Sure."

"Thanks." Y/n said, immediately walking around him and continuing her fast pace down the hallway. Xavier watched her go, still perplexed by her hastiness to get away.

He passed by Rowan in the hallway and noticed that he too was looking after Y/n, his brows twisted up in confusion. "What's up with her?" Xavier asked.

Rowan just shook his head. "No idea."

Y/n had barricaded herself in her dorm room, now glad that she had one all to herself (her last dorm mate had dropped out after one of the carnivorous plants in the greenhouse had nearly taken off her pinky finger). Y/n first took the small pendant off from around her neck and opened the locket to reveal a small mirror no bigger than a slightly above average grape. "Keep a lookout, okay?" she muttered to the mirror. She placed the pendant just inside her door and set to work.

She opened the closet and dragged out her prized possession: an ornate mirror taller than herself, handed down from her grandmother. In the L/n family, all females were given the powers of vitrikinesis, or mirror manipulation. At least most females. Her mother had inherited some sort of mutation that gave her a different kind of power.

The pendant had been passed down for generations, beginning with her great-great-great-great grandmother Alethea, whose soul had been trapped in that one small mirror. She acted as a guardian of sorts for the wearer, which came in handy in any conflict where Y/n mother was involved.

She traced the ornate detailing of the mirror with her finger, then stepped back and closed her eyes, drawing in a breath. When she opened them again, duplicate mirrors lined the walls of her dorm, stretching all the way to the ceiling. Speaking of...

Y/n stood on her bed, stretching her hand as high above her head as she could get it. The moment her fingertips touched the plaster ceiling above her, its entire surface became reflective, and soon enough she could see herself in its image. She jumped down from the bed and was about to begin arming herself, but the pendant suddenly flew from the door into her hands, and a voice reverberated in her head: Someone is coming.

Y/n didn't waste another second before approaching the nearest mirror and stepping inside of it. Immediately she was engulfed in a mirror version of her own room, allowing her to see out but not to be followed or seen by anyone who chose to walk in. Except shadows. The shadows could always see.

Y/n looked down at the small pendant in her hand. "Show me who it is." she whispered. The mirror changed from showing her own face to showing her who stood just outside her door. There was a knock then, and Y/n saw in the mirror hazel eyes behind a pair of glasses. Shit.

She stepped out of the mirrored room. "Go away, Rowan!" she shouted.

"Relax, I'm not here to kill you." he replied.

Y/n scoffed under her breath. "That would be a first." she muttered. Suddenly the pendant rattled in her hand and the voice of Alethea came back: It's coming. You need to hurry.

"This isn't a good time!" Y/n shouted, ready to jump back in the mirror. Alethea's voice came back: It'll kill him too.

Y/n sighed, whispering to the pendant. "Would that really be the worst thing?"

Alethea said nothing back, but that was response enough. Y/n groaned, rolling her eyes. "You are so passive aggressive." she hissed, slipping the pendant back around her neck.

Y/n ran to the door and flung it open to Rowan standing there. Without so much as a hello, she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, sticking her head out the door frame to scan the hallway.


"Shut up." she hissed. A cold shudder went down her back and she looked to her right. A black shadow was forming at the opposite end of the hallway. She slammed the door behind her and grabbed Rowan by the arm again. "I don't have time to explain, but we're both in danger. Well, I was in danger, but since you decided to show up unannounced, you are also now in danger — so if you die, I will not be taking the blame." she stopped them in front of one of the many mirrors. "Get in."

Rowan looked at her like she had actually gone insane — which, for the record, he hadn't totally ruled out yet. When he hesitated, Y/n groaned and pushed him as hard as she could. Rowan braced himself to hit the mirror, but instead he fell right through and landed on solid ground. When he opened his eyes he saw the mirrored version of the dorm. "What the hell?" he muttered.

Y/n stepped through the mirror just as Alethea's voice came back: It's here.

Rowan looked up at her. "What's going on?"

Y/n said nothing, shaking her head and pulling him back up to stand. When he tried to protest, she slammed a hand over his mouth and backed him to the wall in between mirrors. All at once, the temperature in the room seemed to drop twenty degrees. It had come in.

As Y/n stood with her hand clamped over Rowan's mouth, he saw something he had never seen in her: fear. True, unadulterated terror. There was a low growl from the other side and her eyes squeezed shut, lips pursed as though she was afraid she might accidentally scream. He noticed she was shaking from head to toe.

In the corner of her eye she saw the Shadow as it slowly walked about the room, looking for her. If it chose to step through the mirror, they'd be dead in seconds. She couldn't protect Rowan at that point. Protect Rowan. That was an odd thing for her.

Y/n's knee began to shake so violently that her heel rattled against the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw the Shadow turn its head. She sucked in a breath, terrified tears forming in her eyes. She had taken her hand away from Rowan's mouth and now pressed herself against him, trying to take up as little space as possible to prevent them from being seen. Rowan was still too confused to really notice as she buried her head in his shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut again to stop herself from crying.

When the Shadow left her line of sight, she looked back up, looking around carefully before fixing her eyes on Rowan. "Stay here," she mouthed to him. After another careful glance in the mirror beside her, she stepped back until she was in the center of the room. Now it knew she was here. "Contritus." she said aloud.

At once, every mirror in the room shattered. Rowan flinched as pieces of glass fell at his feet and all around the room. He looked up to see Y/n holding the pendant she always wore, her brows knit together in terror. "Is it stuck, Alethea?"

He didn't hear a response, but Y/n soon nodded as though she had. "Good." she said. She looked back at Rowan, her cool demeanor slowly returning. "Congratulations, Rowan. You were almost just killed by Shadow, my mother's henchman."

"That thing works for your mother?" he asked, bewildered.

"You're not the only one trying to kill me." she said lowly. "It's trapped on the other side. As long as none of the mirrors in here are intact, it can't get through to us. The only problem is we can't go back. Shadow is a patient guy, too, so it looks like we'll be here for a while."

"What's here?" Rowan asked. "Where are we?"

"A mirror dimension. But it's limited." she crossed the room and opened the front door. Immediately outside it was a reflective wall preventing them from getting through. Y/n knocked on the mirror to show him it was solid. "It's unbreakable. Nothing exists outside of it., so nothing can get in. This is the safest place to be when a Shadow attacks."

After a moment of silence, Rowan spoke: "Vitrikinesis." he said. "You're a mirror manipulator."

Y/n nodded, pacing about the room.

"So how does charmspeak tie in?" he asked.

Y/n frowned. This was just about the first time he had engaged with her and not tried to murder her in the process. It felt weird to tell him things about herself. It felt weird that he wanted to know in the first place. “It's a branch of mirror manipulation. It takes whatever I want someone to do and reflects it back on their mind, making them think it’s something they want to do.”

Rowan nodded, and they lapsed back into silence. As Y/n paced, he noticed she was picking at a hangnail on her thumb. She checked the pendant every few moments, presumably to see if Shadow was still lurking in her dorm. He was still in shock from seeing her look so afraid. He had almost convinced himself that she had no capacity for fear, but this was irrefutable proof of the opposite. He had no idea what Shadow really was or what it could do, but he had the feeling it was much worse than he could imagine.

After a few minutes had passed, Rowan asked the question he had been dying to ask: "Why is your mother trying to kill you?"

Y/n stopped pacing, going completely still. She stared across her at one of the broken mirrors, unblinking. When she finally did speak, her voice was flat and monotone. Unfeeling. "When you said your mother had predicted that my destiny was to end the was like you had confirmed my worst fear, Rowan." she said. "Do you know why I came to Nevermore?"

He shook his head, but, realizing that she was facing away from him and couldn't see him, he responded. "No."

"I came here to escape my mother. Six months ago she had a dream of the world ending — and I was at the center of it all. Believing she had received a vision from the Universe, she discerned that I was going to cause the end of the world, and that the only way to stop it was to kill me. For six months, I ran. But everywhere I went, Shadow followed. Weems was the first person to offer me a safe place to stay and protection. I couldn't pass that up." Y/n paused, biting her lip. "All this time I thought my mother was just crazy. That her powers had finally gotten to her mind and destroyed it. But now...I guess she was right all along. I'm going to end the word in seven days, and I don't even know how I'm going to do it."

Silence followed. Y/n sniffed as quietly as she could. She hated crying, and she hated people seeing it even more. She looked down at her feet and saw a sliver of a broken mirror. She saw her own reflection, her own pale, pitiful face staring back at her, and she picked it up. After a moment she turned and tossed it to Rowan, who caught it carefully so as not to cut his own hand. When he saw what it was, he looked up at Y/n in confusion.

"Go ahead." she said quietly. "I don't want to end the world, Rowan. But I don't want to give my mother the satisfaction of being the one to put a stop to it."

He looked back down at the shard of glass in his hand and suddenly he understood: he was asking him to kill her. After she had skillfully evaded his attempts to do just that for weeks. And even though every voice in his head screamed at him to take the opportunity and just do it, he hesitated.

It felt like cheating.

"Did you hear what I said?" Y/n said after a moment of silence. "Just fucking do it. I don't care if it's fast or slow or painful or just like falling asleep." she said. When he stayed silent again, her lip quivered and tears rushed back to her waterline despite her every attempt to push them away. "Rowan, please."

He shook his head. "No."

Y/n bit the inside of her mouth, rage filling her chest. Her mouth drew up into a sadistic grin. "Fine. I wanted to make this fair, but I guess I'll just have to do this the easy way." she said, and her eyes began to go dark.

Before she could utter a word of charmspeak, Rowan rushed forward, clamping a hand over her mouth. "Don't."

She ripped his hand away, betrayal filling her eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you? Isn't this just what you've wanted? Every fucking day I've been here you've been trying to kill me. No matter where I go, someone out there is going to want me dead. I can't escape my destiny, Rowan. The only way out is death. The least you can do is let it be on my own terms."

But still Rowan declined. "I'm not going to kill you, Y/n."

Enraged, she tore the mirror shard out of his hands. "Fine." she said, and held the shard to her own throat. Rowan used his telekinesis to once again tear the shard out of her hand, dragging a cut along her hand. She hissed in pain and turned her head to him, anger filling her eyes. She threw a punch, which he dodged, and then another. When he evaded both, she huffed, realizing she'd have to make herself a new way out. She looked down and suddenly a small square of the floor turned into a mirror. She looked down below and saw her dorm room as though she were standing above the ceiling. After a moment, she jumped down into it, landing atop her bed in a second mirror dimension. Very rarely did she jump from one temporary dimension to another because it was pretty easy to get lost, but she figured that if she planned to die today, it didn't much matter if she got lost or not.

Rowan landed beside her a moment later (which came as a shock, as she hadn't expected him to follow her) and threw an elbow into her throat. She stumbled and fell, and Rowan was once again on top of her, the shard of glass tucked in his hand. She frowned. "Not this again."

"Listen, Y/n, I'm not going to kill you. But if you try to charmspeak me into it, I'll rip your vocal cords out and leave you alive. Got it?"

Y/n just nodded, not trusting herself to speak without her voice wavering. She pushed him away, sitting up and staring at the floor. "This is a weird turn of events."

Rowan sat beside her. "I don't normally have people begging me to kill them."

"I wasn't begging, I was asking. Forcefully."

He laughed slightly. "Okay."

A moment passed between them in silence before Y/n spoke again. "Rowan, can I ask you a question?"


"You can use telekinesis to choke people without touching them." she said. When he looked at her in confusion, she explained, "I looked it up in the library." she admitted sheepishly. "So why do you always use your hand when you're trying to kill me?"

He hadn't been prepared for that question. "O-Oh, um..." he trailed off.

"I know better than to ask if you have a crush on me, seeing as you've been trying to end my life for nearly a month. Happy three week anniversary of the first time you tried to murder me, by the way. I would've gotten you a gift, but I haven't exactly had time to browse the shops in Jericho."

He smiled at that, scanning the way she still picked at the hangnail on her thumb. The closer he looked, he realized she had hangnails on nearly every finger. Her fingers looked like they had been picked to bloody shreds. The guilt began to seep in. "For the record, I'm not usually a murderous lunatic."

"Could've fooled me." she said as she flopped back to stare at the ceiling, not bothering to disguise the bitterness in her voice. "You didn't exactly make a good first impression. Or a good any impression."

"I know." he admitted. "I don't suppose it would help if I said I'm sorry."

"It might, but it depends."

"On what?"

She sat up, meeting his eyes. "How do I know you're not going to turn around and try to kill me the second I'm safe from Shadow?"

He paused. "You'd have to trust me." he said finally. She laughed bitterly, rolling her eyes in irritation. He continued, "I'm the one who just stopped you from killing yourself, remember? I had my shot and I didn't take it. You don't think that counts for something?"

"I'm not sure when it comes to you. You haven't exactly given me any reasons to give you the benefit of the doubt, Rowan."

She had him there. He sighed, "I'll make you a deal."

Y/n looked up, brows knit together in confusion. He continued, "You're destined to end the world in seven days. I'll give you six of them. I'll help you try and figure out how to stop it, but if in six days from now you still don't know how to save the world, I promise you, you'll be dead before you can cause any damage."

The confused look slowly melted away, and he saw something he could almost call gratitude. "Thank you." she said. Then, her head cocked sideways like she was hearing someone speak, and she let out a small sigh of relief. "Shadow's gone. I guess he got impatient."

She got up to stand on her bed and, after taking a few test jumps, leapt through the mirror in the ceiling. Rowan followed, and by the time he got up to the first mirror dimension, she was already fixing the broken mirrors with a wave of her hand. They stepped back through and were once again in her dorm, which had been left untouched. With another wave of her hand, all the mirrors disappeared (save for the one original) and the ceiling returned to plaster.

Once the room was back to normal, she spun and turned to him. "Why did you come after me?" she asked.

To that, he shrugged. "You looked upset."

"And you're the caring, compassionate type?" she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Not that you ever gave me the chance to show it."

She squinted at him. "Fair enough." she said monotonously. "So, we'll start tomorrow — I'd like to figure out how I end the world so that I can not end the world and maybe live to be of legal age to know what Fireball tastes like."

Rowan laughed quietly. "You're kinda funny sometimes, you know that?"

She hid a smile. "Not that you ever gave me the chance to show it."

Without another word, Y/n walked to the door and opened it. "Now get out. I still don't trust you."

Rowan nodded, heading for the door. "I had a feeling."

"Hey," Y/n said, grabbing his arm to stop him before he could leave. "No one gets to kill me but you, okay?"

"Okay." Rowan confirmed. Y/n shut the door behind him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I hate this school."


Author's Note: HI HI HERE'S PART TWO! I feel like I could literally write a whole short story off of this and like,,, maybe I will? I was thinking of the name Ani Edwards for the MC, so let me know what you guys think of that! I also changed the title because I felt like this one fit nicer with the theme of the story. Of course I have to tag @ourgoddessathena for the post about mirror manipulation that inspired this character's power — I hope you enjoy how I used it in this fic. Much love to everyone!!

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2 years ago

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2 years ago


So I woke up this morning to see that I has surpassed 200 followers????? Hello?????? It feels like just yesterday I was jumping up and down and giggling over hitting 100, and now I've doubled that???? This is absolutely insane! Thank you all so much for following, for liking my posts, for reblogging and commenting and making me feel so welcomed and supported on this account. You guys truly do mean the world to me. I once again wanted to do something to express my insurmountable gratitude for you all, so, without further ado, let's get onto the celebration!

HOW TO PLAY: Read the list below and send the emoji corresponding to what you like. I will respond to any and all emoji sent in between now and January 25th, when the celebration ends. If whatever device your using does not have any of the emojis, just use the word. You can send in as many as you'd like, anon or not! Please give me time with these requests as I am still doing schoolwork and musical rehearsals, but I will work on these whenever I can. Thank you all again and enjoy!


🪐 ; planet: send me this emoji + a character on my writing list + any word of your choosing and i'll write you a ficlet using the word as a prompt!

🍓 ; strawberry: send me this emoji + a description of yourself + a fandom/fandoms and i'll tell you what character I think would fall in love with you. Use as little or as much detail and you'd like and I'll make do with what I have ━ but please do keep in mind that I do need at least a little something to get an idea of your vibe first!

🍄 ; mushroom: send me this emoji + a character on my writing list + a line of dialogue and i'll write you a fic using the line of dialogue as a starter!

🪴 ; plant: send me this emoji and I will give you my first impressions of your blog. This may include descriptive words, poems, pictures, and anything else that comes to mind. (Note: Anonymous asks will not be able to get this one as I cannot see your blog, so make sure your user is somewhere for me to get to your blog to give my thoughts!)

🧺 ; picnic basket: send me this emoji + a fandom + a trope and I'll write little drabbles for each of the characters in the fandom using the trope as a prompt!


tag list of blogs + people i adore: @magicchai @nekoannie-chan @moonlitmeeks @kolsmikaelson @timotheechalamats @fxllfaiiry @bunchesofoats @burnyouwithacigarettelighter

Much love my beautiful readers + writers!

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2 years ago

[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc community headcanons)

Because I am talking about a big group, I made a little color-coded list so there should be no confusion as to who is speaking! Also, this is set about halfway through season one, so that explains the timeline.

Reader = Purple Jeff = Blue Britta = Orange Annie = Yellow Abed = Green Troy = Red Shirley = Pink

pairing: fem!reader x platonic!community warnings: none

[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc Community Headcanons)
[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc Community Headcanons)
[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc Community Headcanons)
[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc Community Headcanons)
[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc Community Headcanons)

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So, weighing your options, you decided that Greendale was your best option.

By then you had to enroll in all the leftover classes that still had spots open

You had taken French all throughout high school and barely retained a word of it. You'd hoped to jump into some French classes for an easy A, but all of the French classes had already filled up.

The solution? Spanish 101.

You showed up to the first day of class determined to make the best of the awful hand you had been dealt.

And surprise, surprise! Spanish was nothing like French.

The teacher was a little kooky and he severely overestimated how much work his students could do before the next class.

Before you knew it, you were drowning in work that you didn't know how to do and suddenly your grade started to drop.

When your next door neighbor took a liking to blasting loud music while you were trying to study, you decided to head to one of the study rooms to try and be productive.

But when you got there, you found the table was already full of people.

"Oh! My bad, sorry-"

You tried to leave, but, due to your immense surprise, one of the girls at the table recognized you.

"Hey, wait - aren't you in our Spanish class?"

Before you could confirm, someone answered for you.

"Yeah. She sits in the third row and color codes all her notes."

You looked at him in confusion.

"I'm Abed."

And then another woman in the room smiled at you.

"You color code your notes?"

You nodded and took them out to show her, but a douchey looking guy in a leather jacket scoffed.

"The only people who color code notes are horse girls and psychopaths."

Four years of going to public school has made you immune to assholes...and excellent at shutting them down.

So you slapped down your color coded notes and took the chair beside him.

"I bet this psychopath's color coded notes can teach you more Spanish in five minutes than an entire semester of whatever blow-off class you're taking."

And again, to your surprise, he almost looked impressed.

"I'm Jeff Winger."

"Y/n L/n."

And just like that, you were in.

You met with the group every day after class to work on the Spanish homework and study for upcoming tests and quizzes

But, to be honest, you guys weren't always great at staying on task.

"Okay, um... yo nací en mil novecientos noventa y dos."

"Hang on, that can't be right. You just said you were born in 1992."

"No, that's right."

"Y/n, that would make you seventeen."


Needless to say, they kinda lost it.

"You're even younger than me! Wait, I'm not the youngest anymore? Ha! Suck it, Y/n!"

"I started school a year early and I have a late birthday! I don't know what the big deal is."

"No big deal, I just didn't know that there was a child in our midst."

"I am not a child."

"Aw, look at them pouting! They're so little and adorable."

Thus began your long journey of trying to prove to your friends that you were not a child.

Your first step? Changing up your look.

And boy did you turn some heads when you walked into the study room in a leather jacket and thick eyeliner

"Okay Wednesday Addams, give us our Y/n back and no one gets hurt."

"Jeff, I'm trying to prove a point."

"Is the point that you lost a bet with the cosmetology class?"

So...yeah. That didn't go as well as you were hoping.

Even so, they stuck by you through all of your erratic, split second decisions that you made without really considering the consequences

Like when you walked into the first day of second semester with bangs you had cut yourself over the break.

Surprisingly, Abed seemed to be the one most enthusiastic about them.

“It’s likely that we’ve just began a new season, so one of the main characters changed up their look to provide a jumping off point and to keep viewers interested.”

Silence followed…

“I like them.”

“Aw, thanks Abed!”

But, obviously, you endured some teasing—mostly from Jeff.

“Okay, remind me not to let Mia Wallace near a pair of scissors ever again.”

“Did you just Google ‘female characters with bangs’ and use the first one on the list?”

"…No.” (Jeff said as he slyly put his phone back in his pocket.)

The group became like a family to you, but sometimes you missed your family

Especially when they called and said that they couldn't make it to Family Day. You had had the sneaking suspicion that they were disappointed that you ended up at Greendale, but this seemed to confirm it.

You did your best not to let on how upset you were by brushing it off when you were asked.

"Y/n, how worried should I be about interacting with your parents on a scale of Helicopter Mom to Cougar?"

"Actually, my parents aren't coming to Family Day."

"Oh no, why not?"

"They were just busy. It's fine, I saw them a couple weeks ago. No big deal."

Family day approached and you were actually feeling pretty okay about the situation. Acting like you didn't care had actually made you not care, which you thought at the time was a good thing.

But as you sat in the quad and watched everyone walk around with their relatives, talking and touring, you realized just how upset you really were.

So you left.

You found yourself hunched over your Spanish textbook in the empty study room reading the same sentence over and over and mindlessly writing unhelpful notes that you'd never actually study.

You weren't sure how long you'd been there before you noticed someone looking over your shoulder.

"That's odd, these Spanish notes are in black and white."

"I wasn't in the mood to color code. Plus Abed stole all my pens to make mini lightsabers."

Jeff sat next to you, taking your textbook and notebook and placing them on the other side of the table.

"Look, I know that I spend a lot of time trying to act like I'm older than I am, but I'm still a kid. Know how I know? Because I miss my mom and dad. I was always a little afraid to leave home, so when I had to come here for school, I had to admit that I felt a little relieved to be only an hour away from where I grew up. I felt safer knowing my parents would only be a short car ride away. But now it just feels like they might as well be on the other side of the country. I know they're disappointed I didn't go to an Ivy League or get to go out of state for college, but I wish they'd just get over it and accept it. I have. Why can't they?"

Jeff never considered himself particularly good at the advice thing. Sure, he could talk until hell froze over and manipulate anyone into doing his bidding, but he could never figure out how to make sad people be less sad. You may have been young, but you weren't naive - he knew that.

He saw you now like a younger sibling rather than a jury member or someone he was trying to con. So he decided to speak accordingly.

"People are stupid. Parents are stupid. Greendale may not be Ivy League, but it's something. You could've blown off college and stayed at home where it's safe, but you didn't. You cared enough to pack your stuff, drive sixty minutes away, rob an entire Office Depot, and enroll in the last classes they had available. You did all that because you care. And if they can't see that, then that's on them. I may not know a whole lot about warm, fuzzy, familial relationships, but I do know this: you have a family here at Greendale. A weird, messed up, occasionally problematic family. So screw Family Day. We're a study group. And I wouldn't trade that for the world."

You hadn't expected to tear up, but you did anyway. You said nothing and hugged Jeff, who reluctantly returned it.

"I'll steal your pens back from Abed."


The rest of the year progressed smoothly. Sure, you guys had your ups and downs of course, but you always found yourselves back in the group study room after class

But that, you supposed, was what a family did.

[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc Community Headcanons)

Author's Note: Can you tell I'm obsessed with Community??? Ugh this was so fun to write, I genuinely love the headcanon format because it's how my brain just functions, so this was really good for me to write to get out of my head for a bit. It's also funny bc this is how it is with my friend group, all of which are in college except for me, so it was fun to draw from some real life experiences. I hope you guys had a lovely week and I hope this makes you smile! Much love 💗🖤

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2 years ago


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𝙂𝙍𝘼𝘾𝙄𝙀 ! she/her. nineteen. bisexual. writer. student. taurus.





SIDE BLOG -> @rainncarradine FIC RECS -> @kimpossiblyficrecs

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SYMPTOM OF LIFE (RAIN CARRADINE) -> in the middle of their journey to yvaga, rain realizes that r’s cryopod has opened (most recent).

WEDNESDAY CHARACTERS SEEING THEIR S/O IN A SUIT -> just a series of headcanons of the wednesday characters when their s/o rolls up to rave’n in a suit (most popular).

THE CHAIN (PART ONE) -> eddie roundtree, daisy jones and the six: part one of the four part series explaining how y/n l/n and eddie roundtree contributed to the downfall of one of the most popular bands in the world (my rec).

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I TAKE ALL ASKS, anon or otherwise! but please do check my list of characters + fandoms i write for before requesting! if you request a character not on that list, i may not write it — but sometimes i'll make exceptions.

THAT BEING SAID, i only write x reader works, so i do not write solely canon characters — but there are plenty of wonderful authors out there who do! so if x reader stuff isn't your thing, don't fret!

I WILL NOT WRITE incest and i will not glorify abusive and/or toxic relationships

DO NOT INTERACT if you are a jk r*wling supporter, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic, sexist, ableist, xenophobic, or a bigot in any way. this blog is a safe space for everyone!

ANY AND ALL possible trigger warnings will be listed at the top of each post. if you feel at any point you cannot read a specific fic/hc because of a potential trigger, message me and i can send you a summary/revised version without the trigger included.

PLEASE DO NOT steal or translate my works (if you would like to translate a work, message me first!)

LASTLY, enjoy your time here on my blog. interact with me, send me requests for blurbs and fics and headcanons! i just want everyone to leave my page with a lil smile on their face :)

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copyright © kimpossibly 2024

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2 years ago

Hi my lovelies! I just wanted to come on here and tell you that I’m currently working on these two anon asks:

hi can you do wednesday x gn normie reader who has a dark and mysterious past

Okay but can I get a Wednesday x reader on how her and Wednesday argue when it gets really bad💕 maybe reader walks out and they both make up after giving each other space

I sincerely apologize for taking absolutely FOREVER on these asks, musical rehearsals have started so I am absolutely BOOKED these days but I wanted to make a little post to reassure you that I am making progress on your requests! Thank you to everyone who has sent in an ask up until now — you are what makes writing exciting.

Much love 💗

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