kingarise - Stories in the Spiral
Stories in the Spiral

(RP Blog for Lucette and the cast of The Light of Valencia                       Also known as Kingdommaker.        Pronouns: She/Her/My Dude                                                                                     Anonymous: Open                                               RPs: Open                             Please read the rules before following 

976 posts

As You All Have Most Likely Noticed About Me

As you all have most likely noticed about me

I love, love, LOVE, giving Lucette paternal figures and mentors. I absolutely adore it when people who I rp with make their muses Lucette’s parent figure or a mentor to her. Y’all don’t understand how much I love it.

Lucette needs and deserves a parent figure who genuinely wants nothing but the best for her and cares about her. Without ulterior motives. Who doesn’t base her off of how “useful” she is or how perfect she is.

Who accepts her, quirks and all, and loves her for it. And steer her in the right direction, not for themselves but for her. Because she sorely needs guidance. Very much

THAT’S what she needs.

and I appreciate and love all my rp partners and friends who give this to me and have their muses basically adopt Lucette. Talking about it on Discord with y’all is a blast.

Especially with @wolfdivined and @umbrclflame

They indulge me in this. and I thrive off of it.

  • wolfdivined
    wolfdivined liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Kingarise

3 years ago

Talk about when Lucette finally, truly saw Artorias as her dad

Oo, that’s a good one. I would say it wasn’t like a definite moment that you can point to. It was very gradual and subtle. It took almost a year, about 9-10 months of them being together, for her to start seeing Artorias as a father figure. At first, she saw him as a protector. Since that essentially was what he was to her. 

Then as they get closer Anor Londo, Lucette start unconsciously doing mannerisms and habits she would do with her bio dad with Artorias. Such as grabbing his hand when walking, asking him for stories, sleeping curled up next to him, etc.

Whenever people asked if he was her father, she would just say yes because it was too long to explain. And she would feel a tiny surge of pride whenever someone told Artorias how sweet and adorable his daughter is.

Then they arrive at Anor Londo and when Artorias introduces her to Gwyn and the entire court as his daughter without hesitation, the way it comes out so naturally, she feels a larger surge of pride. It just makes sense. Feels like 

I feel like the final part, when she actually physically calls him Papa for the first time is when they’re having a family portrait being painted and she sees it for the first time and says “I look so pretty, Papa!”. And she sees nothing wrong with it. Neither of them do. It just fits right.

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3 years ago

"Papa, are you ever...disappointed in me and how I turned out?"

   Artorias blinked. His mouth might as well have been held ajar by how taken back the question had him. What a fool he was being, he had a duty as a father to fulfill. “No, starlight. No. Never!” he assured her with a tone that hinted that the words had left some personal wound. Without a second thought, he ushered her into a tender embrace, his arms comforting and warm around her. He peeled back to look her straight in the eye. Fingers coaxed a lock of hair behind her ear, a habit he quickly formed in her early years as a show of affection. It was all he wanted her to feel: loved and adored, for that was all she was to him. 

"Papa, Are You Ever...disappointed In Me And How I Turned Out?"

   A dark cloud of doubt crossed his features. Not meant for her, but for himself. “Did I... do something that would make thou think’st so?”

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3 years ago
....I Will Not Confirm Nor Deny That.

....I will not confirm nor deny that.


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3 years ago

The Lion and the Pup

Alright, let’s talk about Ornstein and Lucette. Ornstein, Captain of the Four Knights and Lucette, daughter of Artorias, the Wolf Knight. 

I have a lot of feelings about these two that I want to articulate but...haven’t quite figured out how to yet. So if this comes off ramblely, my bad.

When Lucette is first brought to Anor Londo, she was entranced and amazed by everything and at the same time, felt scared of it all. Everything and everyone was big and bright, exuding this aura of untouched brilliance.

Ornstein, in this child’s POV, is essentially the personification of that. The first time she saw him was in the throne room and she immediately was intimidated by him, more than by anyone else except Gwyn. She could tell that he was important and very serious.

Since then, Lucette has been extremely intimidated by Ornstein, almost to the point of fear. Luckily for her, that was normal for majority of other people that weren’t close with him. Especially the other children. Whenever the children are playing and run into Ornstein or even cross his path, the atmosphere of the room changes and becomes subdued. They apologize for interrupting him and leave as fast as they can. But at the same time, when he’s faraway and focused on something else, they will eagerly watch him from a distance in awe and make jokes about him.

Lucette is the same way. She will watch him from a distance and yet hide when he’s near. Except, its kinda worse for her because her dad is friends (and something closer) with the other guy. Artorias tried his best to get Lucette to not be so scared of Ornstein. Sometimes, he would bring her to watch the two spar and train. That would be the first time she saw him without his helmet. She would quietly comment (to Artorias) that he was pretty. He reminded her of a greek statue.

That’s as good as she can give. She would still hide behind Artorias’ legs or cape anytime he came to speak with him. Artorias tries to help her by telling her that Ornstein wouldn't harm her and that he actually has a soft center. Not that Lucette believed him.

Keep in mind, she was 7-8 years old.

However, as she got older and became an adult, Lucette’s fear of him lessened and faded over time. By the time she was 20, she was able to have a full conversation with him without being nervous. 

When she was getting married, she heavily encouraged her father to invite Ornstein to the wedding with him and was made sure that the two sat together. Yes, she does ship them. She was honestly mindblown when Artorias told her that they were dating but happy to see her father happy.

This post is getting really long, so I’ll end it here. I’ll talk more about the relationship from Ornstein’s side later on. When I get more of my thoughts straightened out.

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