I May Or May Not Be In My Feels About Lucette Again - Tumblr Posts
As you all have most likely noticed about me
I love, love, LOVE, giving Lucette paternal figures and mentors. I absolutely adore it when people who I rp with make their muses Lucette’s parent figure or a mentor to her. Y’all don’t understand how much I love it.
Lucette needs and deserves a parent figure who genuinely wants nothing but the best for her and cares about her. Without ulterior motives. Who doesn’t base her off of how “useful” she is or how perfect she is.
Who accepts her, quirks and all, and loves her for it. And steer her in the right direction, not for themselves but for her. Because she sorely needs guidance. Very much
THAT’S what she needs.
and I appreciate and love all my rp partners and friends who give this to me and have their muses basically adopt Lucette. Talking about it on Discord with y’all is a blast.
Especially with @wolfdivined and @umbrclflame
They indulge me in this. and I thrive off of it.