(RP Blog for Lucette and the cast of The Light of Valencia Also known as Kingdommaker. Pronouns: She/Her/My Dude Anonymous: Open RPs: Open Please read the rules before following
976 posts
Idmaer: Leofred Isnt Answering Their PhoneTeodora: Ill CallIdmaer: Aiyla And I Have Both Tried Six Times
Idmaer: Leofred isn’t answering their phone Teodora: I’ll call Idmaer: Aiyla and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Leofred: Hello?
wolfdivined liked this · 3 years ago
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Idmaer: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Leofred: You're like 15 years old Idmaer: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Leofred: G(wyn)od, give me patience. Idmaer: I think you mean 'give me strength'. Leofred: If G(wyn)od gave me strength, you'd be dead.
At the answer that it was his actual face, Lucette blinked in disbelief, eyeballing the strange being in front of her before narrowing her eyes into blue slits. Raising a hand, she slowly reached over....and tapped her nail against the forehead of...his face.
“What are you?” She asked, tapping her nail on the being’s face a few more times before pulling away with a curious look. Most people would be freaking out about being in a strange place with a non human entity, but you know, when you lived the life she has, you get used to weird shit and learn to go with the flow. And it’s not like the guy is hurting her or anything.
“And is that your real voice? Like...genuinely asking.”
Okay, that was a bit rude. But she can’t be blamed for it! His voice didn’t really match his face! He sounds like a fresh out of high school teenager!
“What....your friends? There’s more of you?! And who you’re calling a stray?!”
She wasn’t gonna just let that slick ass comment slide by!
Glazed over blue eyes blinked open, only to squeeze back shut again at the bright lights blaring down at her. Her head felt like she’s been ran over by a semi and her legs feel like jello. It took a few minutes for her full awaken, one hand rising to rub her head as she tried to comprehend whatever the stranger told her.
“DenLiner? Time? Ryuutaros?” She mumbled, the strange words bouncing around her brain before remembering that she should probably thank the guy first before interrogating him.
“Uh, Thanks for helping me, I guess. Some assholes jumped…….me….”
Lucette started to explain what happened to her, opening her eyes to look at her sorta savior, only to trail off as she finally saw what was speaking to her, gaping in shock and bewilderment. Because It certainly wasn’t a human.
“Uhm…..is that….a costume?”
Yep, she’s gonna need some help. Actually, scratch that, a lot of help.
Ryuutaros laughs, swinging his legs to perch himself on a table nearby. He points at himself, amused: “No, this is not a costume, this is my face.”
If she thinks his look was startling, oooh she’s gonna be in for a huge surprise when she meets the others. Momotaros would throw a damn fit when he finds out their new passenger, and he certainly did not look as friendly as Kin-chan, ha!
“Any more questions before my friends come around to yell at me for bringing in more strays?”
Idmaer: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff. Leofred: I witnessed the dumb stuff. Teodora: I recorded the dumb stuff. Aiyla: I joined in on the dumb stuff. Feray: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!!!
I’m back home and I’m EXHAUSTED!
but, now that I’m home and no longer on vacation, time to jump back into rping.