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Confession Jaime And Myrcella
Confession Jaime and Myrcella
note: I put off writing this story because I thought we might see it in the show, but looks we are not getting it A03
Jaime paced his cell, it was beautiful and ornate, filled with the bright oranges and yellows associated with Dorne, but it was still a prison cell. Myrcella had come to see him previously, he had asked to speak with her again. She did not understand the situation, how could she, she was little more than a child, although she had grown considerably since he last saw her. Obliviously trying to force her removal hadn’t worked. Jaime turned things over and over in his head, he concluded that the best course of action would be to tell Myrcella the truth. She claimed she was in love, so perhaps she could understand the past actions of Cersei and himself.
The door opened, and Myrcella floated in dressed in a diaphanous pink gown. She reminded reminded him of Cersei at that age, but there was a difference about her that made her uniquely her own person.
“Good morning uncle Jaime” she greeted.
“Good Morning Myrcella. Please have a seat” he indicated the divan “we should have a talk.”
“I don’t think there is much else to discuss” she insisted, but gave in and sat down. Jaime chose a wooden spindly chair across from her, it wasn’t very comfortable, but there was a lack of options unless he sat on the bed, which didn’t seem appropriate. He was not sure where to begin. He decided that the best tactic would be to find out what she already knew.
“Myrcella I don’t know what you’ve heard, before you came here or while you have been in Dorne. Stannis made some accusations against your mother and I”
“The letter uncle Stannis sent? Yes I heard the rumors, but mother said they were all filthy lies, and I should ignore them. Uncle Stannis was just trying to take the throne away from Joffrey.”
“Well, you see, Stannis wasn’t lying.”
“I don’t understand” she said, her face scrunched in confusion.
“Myrcella, your mother and I...” he didn’t know how to explain this, so he blurted out “ Myrcella, I’m your father.”
“No. No” she yelled jumping up from the divan and backing away from him. “My father was King Robert. He gave me a pony when I was five, he called me his little Princess.”
“I know that is what you were lead to believe.”
“How could anyone possibly know that I was or wasn’t father’s child?”
“You must have wondered why none of you looked like Robert.”
“Most girls look like their mothers.” He noticed she didn’t mention Joffrey and Tommen’s resemblance to Cersei and himself.
“That may be true, but your mother has assured me that is it so.”
“How could she?”
“There are ways Myrcella.”
“I don’t want to hear this” she said turning away and staring out the window into the bright sunshine.
“I know you don’t, but I needed to tell you so you are aware of the danger, and you can comprehend why others are so against our family.” She spun around.
“If it is such a danger to our family why did you do it?”
“I loved your mother. We were in love for many years.”
“You can’t be in love with your sister. I was never in love with Joffrey or Tommen.”
“That is true in most cases, but your mother and I were different.”
“And because you loved my mother it was okay to let another man think your children were his.” Jaime cringed.
“Perhaps not, but it was the only decision we could make at the time.”
“Really? You could have left mother and father alone.”
“Your mother and I loved each other. We wanted to be together, but she had to marry Robert it was arranged. You claim you love this Prince Trystane, wouldn’t you want to be with him no matter what?” She paused for a moment. Her eyes got a far away look.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I’d want to share him with anyone else” she admitted softly. He hadn’t wanted to share Cersei either. It was quiet for a moment, than he noticed her eyes filling with tears.
“I am Princess Myrcella of the house Baratheon. If I am not that, I am no one.” Jaime went to her, laying a hand her shoulder, trying to comfort her.
“Your a Lannister.”
“No I’m not, if I am your daughter I am nothing but a nameless bastard” he could hear the pain in her voice, “and a nameless bastard can not marry a Prince of Dorne.” The tears streamed down her face as she fled the room.
“Myrcella wait” but she was gone. However, Jaime thought he could still hear the faint sound of her crying in the distance.
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The ruby at Melisandre’s throat gleamed red. “It is not those foes who curse you to your face that you must fear, but those who smile when you are looking and sharpen their knives when you turn your back. You would do well to keep your wolf close beside you.”

a l m o s t ✘ ✘

Theon’s confession to the Hearttree.
Since it doesn’t look like it is going to be on the show I thought I would make this tribute to it.
The wedding night scene. What bothers me about some of the threads, on reddit, etc, is not everyone thinks it is rape, or if it is it’s justified. I hate the argument that game of thrones is based off medieval times and women were always raped on their wedding nights in medieval times. My answer to that is No. Yes, strangers often often wed each and were expected to consummate the marriage. However, to say all grooms raped their brides is untrue, and paints all men as heartless. Any groom could try and show affection for his bride, he could be gentle and try to make things easier for her. Ramsey choose not to do those things, because he is a sick controlling individual. Also, just because Sansa did not scream out no, does not mean it was consensual.
I wish there were more examples of loving relationships on the the show in order to contrast this situation. The only one I can think of is Ned and Cat. Their marriage was arranged and it was consummated, but I am damn sure that Ned didn't rape Cat.
Surprise - Jaime and Brienne
He tasted of wet, and heat, and sweet wine. Her hands were on his shoulders. she grasped them for a moment, than shoved him away. Her thoughts were scattered. Jaime looked surprised, surprised that she pushed him away, or surprised that he kissed her, she wasn't sure.
“What was that?”
“You know what that was Brienne.” To avoid looking at him she stared intently at a large beige stain on the wall across the room, it kind of looked like a map of Westeros.
“I know you like to tease me, but you have never kissed me before”
“You should be glad any man wants to kiss you.” Jaime replied, aggravatingly running his fingers through his hair. Brienne felt a moment of embarrassment, but it was soon surpassed by anger.
“So it was a moment of pity.” She threw at him.
“Yes” he paused “No. I don’t know.” Brienne wished she could just walk out, but she told Pod she was going to rest, and knowing Jaime he would just follow her, like her followed her in here.
She looked around the room. She looked at the scratched and worn table and chairs, the sagging bed with large straw mattress. Piled in the corner was her armor, no longer handsome, but damaged and faded, like her. She sighed, and went over and sat on the bed pulling her knees up to her chest.
“Your lonely, and away from the woman you love. I understand that, but please don’t use me.”
“How do you know who I love?” asked Jaime.
“Please, everyone from Dorne to the Wall knows who you love.”
“I am not sure how everybody else knows when I don’t know myself.” Brienne turned to Jaime.
“Your no longer in love with Cersei?” Jaime sat beside her on the bed.
“I don’t think so. She is my sister, my twin, I will always love her, but I don’t want to be her lover anymore.”
Brienne felt a bubbling of joy, but she dare not express it. Jaime was obviously upset about the loss of his relationship with his sister. She should tell him that she is sorry, but that doesn't feel right.
“When we were apart” said Jaime drawing her attention to him “I thought about Cersei, but I also thought about you. I wondered where you were, about your search for Sansa, if you were safe. I worried that your honesty and stubbornness was going to get you into trouble.” A piece of hair had fallen in Brienne’s face, Jaime tucks it behind her ear.
“I thought that when you and I were truly alone for the first time there was going to be so much I wanted to say, but instead I kissed you.” Brienne looked into his green eyes, there were so many emotions behind them, but she didn't understand all of them.
“It was a nice kiss.” Jaime flopped back on the bed and laughed.
“Brienne kisses aren't supposed to be nice, you are supposed to lose yourself in them.”
“I did, for a moment” she admitted. Jaime stopped laughing.
“Jaime do you want to kiss me again?” He didn't reply. She laid down on her side facing him.
“You can, but don’t kiss me because your lonely or confused. Kiss me because you want to kiss me.”
“That shouldn't be a problem” he said as he pulled her down to his sweet mouth once again.