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652 posts

I Fucking Hated Episode 8

I fucking hated episode 8

I liked the escape from and rescue from jail, etc, but I hated that they killed Izzy.  To go to all that trouble to craft such a great redemption arc and to just end it in such a pointless death is so frustrating

You know, I had heard rumors that Izzy might die, but I thought they wouldn't go there, but they did and I'm bitterly disappointed.

Well, I think I'm heading out OFMD fandom, I will probably still read fic, etc, but I will not be back for season 3, I've lost all interest.

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More Posts from Kingstoken

1 year ago

This is the zine I've been helping out with (mostly just cheerleading), please apply if you'd like to create fanworks for TOS or AOS Spones.

Blue and white background with the words "theme #1 firsts" with smaller printed sponeszine on twitter and tumblr on left and on the right.

We are excited to announce the theme for our very first zine issue!

The theme is ... FIRSTS!

What does that mean? Firsts - coming before all others in time or order; earliest.

Whether you interpret the theme as first dates, first kisses, first meetings, first impressions, first arguments, first confessions, first experience doing something together, as long as it's for the first time!

We will take all of your ideas for something "firsts" related, even if that means you are trying something new yourself (new art style, new writing style, something you've never tried before, etc.) for the zine. It could also mean "new beginnings" or something "new" in general.

See the general submission guidelines here.

You are welcome to start working on your submission, or start brainstorming, or whatever kicks off your creative process. The theme is being announced early as a courtesy to let you begin working on your submissions before the form opens.

We will be announcing the opening date for submissions very soon.

+Additional info on carrd.

1 year ago
Images of: Uhura looking surprised; Chapel looking angry; a read background with the text 'are you loyal to the empire?'; 4 phases of the moon from light to dark; the Terrain Empire flag with a red globe on top of a sword on a black background; Uhura taking a knife away from a woman in a blue uniform; two hands reaching towards each other; an explosion of yellow and white stars on a black background.

Star Trek Femslash Week Day 3 - Mirror Universe

Uhura and Chapel meet in the Mirrorverse

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1 year ago

I'm pretty sure the season 2 finale of the Loki series is going to rip my heart out, and I don't think I can take it after OFMD, but still I gotta know.

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1 year ago

Izzy deserved a better fucking apology than that!

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1 year ago

Gabriel, Ineffable Bureaucracy, and the Memory Theory

If we think that Metatron has the Book of Life and is editing it, see the theory here, then maybe the catalyst for Metatron's plan came about because of Gabriel's defection.

Look, Metaron obviously wants the Second Coming to happen, but then Gabriel as supreme Archangel says "nope, not doing that" it causes a huge problem, because he is the head of the heavenly host and almost all angels would listen to him. So Metatron convinces Micheal, Uriel, and Saraqael to put Gabriel on trial, and erase his memories, so Metatron can get everything back on track, but Gabriel makes a run for it, throwing Metatron's plan off again.

(Also, notice how there was no Sandalphon this season, I think Metatron has eliminated him from the Book of Life, because he was essentially Gabriel's right hand man.)

So, Metatron tells Micheal and company that they have to find Gabriel, while he starts putting things into motion behind the scenes. You see in Metaron's mind there is probably only three resolutions to the Gabriel problem, Heaven finds him and erases his memories, Hell captures him and he stays down there, or Gabriel escapes somewhere else.

At first I thought that Gabriel's memories with Beelzebub were fake ones implanted by Metatron, but now I don't think that is the case. I think Gabriel's memories were safely tucked away in the fly before Metaron started editing.

Now, Metaron probably knew after reading the book of life that Gabriel, if he wasn't captured by Heaven, would some how probably end up with Beelzebub, either by them being in Hell together or in some other fashion. So, he needs to find a replacement for Supreme Archangel that he can manipulate and control, and it can't be Michael or Uriel. Both Micheal and Uriel may not be the smartest tools in the shed, but they're not stupid. Uriel has always seemed assertive and a real solider of Heaven, and we see her argue with other angels, Michael for example, so not the easiest to control. Michael does question things a few times throughout the second season, about Job's children not being babies, about how strange it is that Aziraphale has an assistant, plus she feels like she knows Gabriel when they meet, even though she shouldn't be able to because of the miracle. Michael is willing to question things and might be stronger than she seems, so again possibly not the easiest to control.

All this leads up to Metaron picking Aziraphale to be his puppet leader. Metatron like the other angels probably doesn't think much of Aziraphale. He thinks he is soft, weak, and adverse to conflict. Therefore prefect for what Metatron needs. Also, Aziraphale was part of the reason that the first Apocalypse didn't happen, so Metatron needs to be able to monitor and control Azirphale's actions this time around. There is only one problem, Crowley. Crowley has too strong an effect on Aziraphale, so Metatron has to start making cracks in their foundation to break them apart, thus the memory manipulation.

Lastly, I don't know if Gabriel and Beelzebub deciding to go off together was their ultimate decision or not. It might have made more sense for them to rule Hell together. However, this conclusion is prefect for Metatron, it gets two major opponents off the board. Plus, it shows Crowley that it is possible for a demon and an angel to be in a romantic relationship, and run away together, pushing Crowley closer towards where Metatron wanted him. And I think it is safe to say that Metatron knew Crowley would never agree to come back to Heaven and be an angel again. Therefore, Metatron gets what he wants, Aziraphale under his control in Heaven.

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