Kisa-26-She/Her-Bisexual-PL/ENG-INFP-Virgo-Vampire Pack Enthusiast-TS4 Builder-TS3 & TS4 Player-GalleryID:Kisa16-Twitter:@/KisaVatore_
832 posts
I Attempt The Official Sims 4 Shell Challenge!

I attempt the official sims 4 shell challenge!
Gallery ID:Kisa 16 Lot Name: Myshuno N' Roses Cafe Lot Type: Residential,30x30 (can be converted to a cafe lot type) Lot Locantion: San Myshuno 1 bedroom,1 bathroom
This old building used to be a warehouse,now is converted to a cafe and apartment in a modern industrial style,the owner of a cafe lives upstairs,she sels coffe and delicious food,along side her employees, this place quickly became the most popular cafe in san myshuno! the owner-Rose is very well know among the local residents,not only for making delicious coffe and food,but also for being a main vocalist in the rock band!
PS.The "greenhouse" part is "fake" ,you can still access it from inside the bulding,but the windows and the outside door are placed by using bb.moveobjects + alt,so they don't go down,if you want them to do so,draw walls so it becomes a room! I also play test the whole build so everything should be working fine!
rosethornblood liked this · 9 months ago
More Posts from Kisavatore
MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty fucking hard but why not.
1:A song you like with a color in the title
2:A song you like with a number in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
6:A song that makes you want to dance
7:A song to drive to
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
9:A song that makes you happy
10:A song that makes you sad
11:A song that you never get tired of
12:A song from your preteen years
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
16:One of your favorite classical songs
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
18:A song from the year that you were born
19:A song that makes you think about life
20:A song that has many meanings to you
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
22:A song that moves you forward
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
25:A song by an artist no longer living
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
27:A song that breaks your heart
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
trans people : if you're trying to raise money for food or afford gender affirming surgery , feel free to share all the ways people can donate

Just in case some of you all missed this important notice: ‼️DO NOT DOWNLOAD “TS4 CAS TOOLS” OR “LOADING SCREEN RANDOMIZER” FROM NEXUS MODS‼️
Please read the information above carefully and please be safe! Be sure to spread the word!
(The screenshots were taken from the Sims After Dark discord server)

Edward Elric 🦾⏱️
» used this amazing 3D model of the gate of truth!
Less than 2 days remaining!!!
Moataz @moatazart, Mariam, and Maria have less than 2 days on their fundraiser. They have met their prior goal for securing housing, but still require funds to purchase a computer so Moataz can work from Egypt. They don’t know how long they will be in Egypt, and they will need to find steady income in order to remain secure.

We are VERY close to the goal! The progress has been incredible, I know we can meet the goal! Please reblog this post and repost the link to your own social media accounts!
Thank you❤️