The Sims 4 Shell Challenge - Tumblr Posts

Gallery ID: Kisa16

I attempt the official sims 4 shell challenge!
Gallery ID:Kisa 16 Lot Name: Myshuno N' Roses Cafe Lot Type: Residential,30x30 (can be converted to a cafe lot type) Lot Locantion: San Myshuno 1 bedroom,1 bathroom
This old building used to be a warehouse,now is converted to a cafe and apartment in a modern industrial style,the owner of a cafe lives upstairs,she sels coffe and delicious food,along side her employees, this place quickly became the most popular cafe in san myshuno! the owner-Rose is very well know among the local residents,not only for making delicious coffe and food,but also for being a main vocalist in the rock band!
PS.The "greenhouse" part is "fake" ,you can still access it from inside the bulding,but the windows and the outside door are placed by using bb.moveobjects + alt,so they don't go down,if you want them to do so,draw walls so it becomes a room! I also play test the whole build so everything should be working fine!