I walk around like everything’s fine but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.
1724 posts
For A Prompt Idea, I Would Love To See A Kate And Eva Wedding
For a prompt idea, I would love to see a Kate and Eva wedding
I’m just gonna pull this out if my drafts because I’m kinda proud of it, so enjoy!!
They get married in the fall, and more than once, Annleigh has to carefully blot away tears before her makeup can run. Kate and Eva both made the executive decision to wear suits for the ceremony, and Annleigh nearly starts bawling at the sight of them.
“Dresses are so hard to move in,” Kate had explained, “and they’re all either too form fitting or too poofy.”
“Besides, we both look good in suits,” Eva had smirked with that statement, “and they’re so much more comfortable.”
In the end, Annleigh thinks, it was the right call to make. Kate and Eva face each other at the altar, nicely-tailored suits making them both stand tall and confident.
“I, Eva Sydney Sanchez, take you, Katie,”
That receives a few laughs from the crowd, including Kate, though it’s very watery.
“Katelyn Rose Dalton, as my lawfully wedded wife, to love and to Cherish, to embrace, and to set free. You took a tired, lost soul, and you made her whole and happy again. And each day, I will be grateful, I am grateful, for everything you’ve given to me.”
As Eva speaks through her vows, Annleigh rests her hand on the edge of the empty seat next to her. She doesn't know who's choice it was to leave seats open in their row for Clark, Farrah, and Chess, but she's grateful for it.
When she glances over, for a moment, she can see a flash of an image. Chess, in a stylish navy blue jumpsuit, trying to subtly wipe tears from her eyes without looking away from her best friend. Farrah, wearing a purple, flower print dress, leaning back in her chair and trying to pretend she doesn't care despite the way her lips twitch with a barely concealed smile. And Clark, looking dapper in a light blue button-down and dark slacks, an easy smile gracing his lips as Eva gazes at Kate with such adoring fondness. He turns his head toward her, and for a moment, their eyes lock. His smile turns sad, Annleigh feels a cold brush against her fingers, and then he's gone, taking Farrah and Chess with him.
“So now I take you, my friend, my best friend, my teammate, and the love of my life, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for now, for always, for the rest of our lives.”
Annleigh turns back to the wedding, smiling as Kate has to dab at a few tears before she begins her own vows.
“I don’t really know how to follow that, and I’m not really good at preparing things in advance, I guess I’m winging this,” Kate chuckles, garnering some laughs, Eva gives her a soft smile.
“So, here I am, looking at you. And this is what I know: I have loved you since the moment I saw you. Loved you an feared you, well, not you, but this. I have been so terrified to love this profoundly. I never thought I was deserving of it, that I would always be left behind and forgotten. But not anymore. For good and for bad, for great and for hard, for the tough calls and the choices that just seem second nature. I am here, I am yours. Eva Sanchez, I choose you. I promise to honor you and cherish you, and while I will not obey you, per se,”
Again, she’s met with quiet laughter, and Eva shakes her head fondly, knowing full well that Kate’s free spirit will never let her be held down.
“I will always hear you, and I will keep loving you, one moment after another, one day at a time.”
They’re both sniffling now, tears barely kept at bay by blinding smiles. Annleigh sees more than a few people surreptitiously pulling out tissues.
Taking that as her cue, Cairo stands from her seat and passes Eva the rings, which have been kept safe in the pocket of her dress until this moment.
With soft, loving eye contact, Eva carefully slips one of the silver bands onto Kate’s finger.
“With this ring, I thee wed.”
“Thank you,” Kate giggles, “but I think you have the wrong ring.”
Eva glances down and, sure enough, the ring she’s holding is just a bit too big for Kate’s smaller hand.
They both laugh, along with many others, As Eva switches the rings so she’s holding the correct one.
“With this ring, I thee wed.”
This time, the ring slips over Kate’s finger and stays there, and Kate grins as she plucks the remaining band from Eva’s open palm.
“With this ring, I thee wed.”
Annleigh stands and cheers with everyone else as the couple locks lips, giving Cairo a small jab in the ribs and a teasing smirk as she wipes away a tear. Her former captain rolls her eyes, never losing her proud smile.
As she watches Kate and Eva dancing later that night, Annleigh takes a moment to reflect on how far they've all come. Sure, they all still have some bad days, but in the years following everything that happened, Annleigh has slowly gotten better. She's not perfect, she never will be, but it's so much easier to pull herself out of bed than it was a few years ago.
Mattie waves to her from where she and Reese are doing a very jazzed-up version of the Macarena, and Annleigh smiles a little bigger. She drops a flower beside the three candles that have been lit near the door to the outside gardens and joins the rest of her team on the dance floor.
Why is it from Annleigh’s perspective? That’s a whole different story XD Sorry it took me so long to answer this, writing vows is hard, but I’m really proud of how it turned out and I hope y’all like it as much as I do.
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