Farrah Watt - Tumblr Posts
Farrah, walking into the basement: I’m here, I’m queer, let’s cheer.
I had a realization. In a lot of WATT ask games, people ask which of the fallen 3 you would save. I tend to lean towards saving Farrah. Chess’s death ended up helping Kate, and though I love Clark and Annleigh, and I feel bad that Clark was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, Farrah just had so much potential. She had just dumped her flask and promised to stop drinking, and then died before even being given the chance. So I choose to save Farrah.
But here’s the thing that most people don’t seem to realize: you save Farrah, you save Clark. Think about it: the whole reason Clark dies is because Reese finds Farrah’s body in the bathroom and screams, Clark hears it and comes running. The lights are off when he bursts in, Reese, having just found a dead body and already in panic mode, grabs the shower head, swings, and the blunt force does him in.
But if Farrah doesn’t die, and Reese doesn’t find her body, Clark would have no reason to run in. He could sneak back out and go home, ready to pick Annleigh and Farrah up in the morning. Chess would be the only one to die that night. Kate would keep her character development, Annleigh wouldn’t lose her boyfriend and sister in the same night, Reese wouldn’t accidentally kill a man, and Farrah could start getting better.
Save Farrah, save Clark, two-for-one deal!
Can we take a sec and talk about the fact that literally nobody in WATT is even slightly okay?
Kate has severe abandonment and attachment issues, plus her best and only true friend dies and she’s the one who found the body. Oh yeah and SHE GOT STABBED AND ALMSOT DIED!
Reese accidentally killed an innocent person and then had to live with the guilt after lying about it, she kept that shit a secret for MONTHS.
Cairo’s best friend killed two people and she had no idea until months after it happened, plus she was unaware Riley was even struggling until after she confessed (and was also pining up a storm while all of this was happening)
Riley literally murdered two people in cold blood, enough said.
Farrah was an alcoholic and had little to no support system (“everyone hates me” “Farrah hated Farrah too”)
Chess had a drug addiction and had no faith that she could ever get better (“you don’t know who you are until you hate yourself”)
Annleigh lost her boyfriend and sister in the same night and for months was convinced Clark had been cheating on her with Farrah. She’s also like, way too into religion, just saying.
Mattie got framed for murder and sent to prison for a few months, that’s bound to mess you up, plus getting blackout drunk at the sleepover.
I think the only ones who are close to mentally stable is Clark and Eva, but I can’t really say that Clark is okay because he’s, ya know, dead.

:) I love them
Scene from @kitkat404 's fic Buzzed Brain, Call My Name and I totally recommend!
Too Much?
Woo here we go. I didn’t know what to write and a friend gave me ideas so we have this
Farrah didn’t have many friends, that was evident. One of the few people she would hang out with was the team’s only freshman, Mattie Wheeler. Mattie was a slim bit taller than Farrah, both of them being small and scrawny. Other than that, nobody seemed to really like her. Even her own sister, Annleigh, didn’t care to be around her, calling the younger girl annoying and telling her to leave her alone. Of course, Kate and Chess didn’t much like her. Well, actually, Chess didn’t hate her. Chess didn’t really hate anyone. Kate, on the other hand, absolutely despised Farrah due to Farrah’s distaste for Chess. Cairo didn’t like anyone other than Riley, and Farrah wouldn’t exactly call Riley her friend. Riley was more like her tryhard boss that always hovered over her shoulder and told her she could be better. Reese and Clark simply tolerated her at this point.
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Oh god this is gonna make me cry :)
Dear Chess,
Chapter One:
Farrah was tired. It was late and she hadn’t been able to sleep for the last few hours, despite her many attempts. Her thoughts were racing and all she wanted was to shut them off.
Alcohol could fix that. At least, for Farrah it could. Farrah didn’t have any alcohol, but she would give anything to have it. Her body itched for it, trembling and twitching in desperation. The pain originating just behind her eyes intensified more than before, leaving her to groan and cover her head with a pillow.
The room felt as though it was spinning and swaying about her. The ringing followed soon after, the deafening volume immediately worsening the pain. Finally, tears began to stream down Farrah’s face, dripping onto her pillow. She pulled a second pillow close, gasping for air as she began to choke and cough. The silence in the room was almost worse than the ringing.
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