Greetings beings, I’m (d.n.k)! I write fan-fiction, theories, yandere content, and poetry. Requests are open!
197 posts
Message In A Bottle
Message in a Bottle

An AU where Bedelia refuses to be Hannibal's therapist. When he insists, she educates him on the benefits of journaling. That very night Hannibal writes his first message, rolls it up, ties it with a ribbon, places it into a bottle, and flings it into the sea during his morning run. Then he just so happens to do it the next night, and the night after. What's the drawback to a little self-therapy? Besides, who else would spend the better half of their weekends cracking a World War Ally code? Especially one with Hannibal's own twist?
Chapter 1: Sunday Mournings
Chapter 2: I Can't Buoy-It
More Posts from Kittkatt678
DC Super Hero Girls has given me many things. But by far my favorite thing is they have the best incarnation of Bruce Wayne. And I say that not as like oh this is 10000% who Batman is.
No. I mean they have the best version of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. Better than even the movies have gotten for one sole reason;
I want you to take one look at this bougie himbo, one fucking look,

And tell me who in their right mind would believe this man is the goddamned Batman.
He is too pretty. Too well put together. Too big a himbo. Too covered in fucking camera crews and groupies to ever pull it off. No one would ever even fucking consider this gem of a man could do it!
But he does and it works so fucking well.
And, oh my God, it's my new favorite thing.

white people please just purchase native artwork and jewelry from native people i keep seeing idiot white people be like “waaah i wish i could support native creators but its cultural appropriation” girl why would beaders sell you their earrings then. just dont get a medicine wheel or a thunderbird then like damn it is that easy
I have a confession to make in relation to this post.
When I watched Hannibal for the first time, I was completely convinced that Hannibal Lecter was innocent up until some point late in season 1.
I thought to myself "they're trying to convince me that he's the killer so hard right now, it has to be someone else." And I thought that that was the point, make it look like his eccentric taste lines up perfectly with every gruesome crime so he'll inevitably be falsely accused of murder. I found it so funny actually, I kept thinking man I wonder what is actually going on.
Because they made it so blaringly obvious that Hannibal was the killer, with all the puns and the food, I believed he was bound to be innocent.
Instead of realizing Hannibal was the killer when I saw this picture:

Instead I thought "I wonder what the actual context is"
Like I full on believed that this was all just a misunderstanding and Hannibal is being set up so badly and the plot of the show must be to prove his innocence in the most impressive way.
But no, he just kept getting more concretely evil.
Okay, but I love how nbc Hannibal season 1 starts with Hannibal and Will both lonely and yearning for a life where they’re both seen and appreciated for who they are as their true selves.
For Hannibal, he knows exactly who he is and knows he will not find that in a person. Will, he doesn’t know his true self, he has glimpses into the darker depths of his own mind, but fears it. But despite that fear Will doesn’t know how to show anything but who he is. There’s layers of anxiety and self deprecation, but Will is trying to be honest. He’s not personable. He’s a fisherman, he loves dogs, he wants a family, he wants a friend, he hates Freddie Lounds. We get to know a lot about Will in season 1 because he lets us.
And of course, it bites him in the ass. We leave the first season with Will in prison, Hannibal having put him there, Will with no friends (none that have faith in him), life ruined, with Hannibal to gloat over.
So it’s so fun to see the same be done to Hannibal. (fun for me. lmao.)
There’s so much of Hannibal’s existence after giving himself up that mirrors Will’s. We get to see Hannibal, to the public, remove his person suit, he’s now bare for everyone else to see. Behind bars (glass) to be gawked at, mistrusted, and feared. No high society layer to trick you into a false sense of comfort, no education or doctorate to back that up.
Alana keeps a tight cage, the person with the key to Hannibal’s future. Chilton comes to mock, observe, write a book, uses Hannibal for his research, unsuccessfully but all the same. Jack, presumably doesn’t visit, but is a constant observer to Hannibal’s mailing list. And Will? He’s gone, as if he were never there to begin with.
Person suit gone, Hannibal has nothing more than to be himself, taunting his jailers, making silly jokes and just generally making the best of a bad time. Lonely and yearning for that love he now knows he wants and feels unconditionally, but having it outside his grasp.
Will, on the other hand? He’s finally learned to put his person suit on. It’s never more apparent than when we meet Molly. Who just doesn’t know Will. Will has created a suit somewhere between himself and Hannibal. Calm, secretive of his past, he knows how to play the room, knows how to gain the trust of a son and mother without truly giving most of himself away.
Will has the perfect picture of what he likely yearned for for years. Maybe even deludes himself into believing it, because Molly is a nice person, a good friend, he does care about her and her son. It’s just… she’s not his, and that’s most definitely not his son. Biology or not. Will forces himself to believe this is the life he craves, without being truly seen, without being himself at all.
He lands himself exactly in Hannibal’s position, with a Will Graham flair. And isn’t it just unbearable? What else is to follow when Will sees Hannibal again, and they both see themselves in the other, they see each other? And it’s gratifying.