Some Random Historian Butterfly Fun Facts
Some Random Historian Butterfly Fun Facts
After finishing the newest chapter I’ve been thinking a lot about the Historian Butterfly series. I decided it would be fun to quickly write down some fun facts/headcannons about the characters. Most of these will be about Fukuro. These are things that might not come up in the story or are not covered in depth. Nothing here will be super big spoilers. They might come up in future chapters, but they won’t be a big deal. These are just small fun facts. This was a really fun way to get more of a feel for Fukuro’s character so let me know if you enjoyed.
If Fukuro had a breathing style it would be Water Breathing according to the official Demon Slayer Fanbook. I’m not sure if she would stick to that or use/create another style derived from it.
Fukuro is demisexual biromantic with a preference for women. She doesn’t really see people in a sexual way until she gets to know them. The thought of being sexually intimate with a stranger makes her sick.
In this AU, my headcannon is that Shinobu is a lesbian.
Fukuro is 6’0”. This makes her dynamic with Shinobu hilarious to me.
It’s been implied in earlier chapters, but Fukuro used to put a lot more care into her appearance when she was in high school and middle school. She wore lots of makeup, styled her hair, and loved putting together cute outfits. Once she went to college she got very busy and invested in her research, so she stopped.
Similarly to the previous post, Fukuro also used to wear her contacts much more often. But she started falling asleep with them in when she would spend days researching. Anyone with contacts would tell you how badly this would dry out your eyes. As a result she wore her glasses a lot more to avoid the issue.
Fukuro was very popular during her high school years. Ironically this is why she struggled to make genuine friends. This is also why she prefers to be called by her first name.
Both Fukuro and her sister have different shades of blond hair. Fukuro’s is strawberry blonde, while Emiko has platinum blond hair. This is because their grandfather was from the USA.
Ironically, Fukuro was scared of butterflies as a kid. This is because she once stepped on one and thought she was going to die because it was poisonous.
Despite her clumsy nature Fukuro has never broken a bone. She does have a small scar under her lip due to her teeth going through it when she was little though.
Fukuro doesn’t actually know for sure if she is in the same timeframe as when her great grandmother was a kakushi and when Muzak was defeated. Her memory is fuzzy enough on her grandmother’s stories that she hasn’t figured that out yet.
I like to think that Fukuro’s great grandmother is the equivalent to some sort of background character that always seemed to stumble upon important events. That’s why she knows so many stories.
Fukuro’s great grandmother’s name was Suzume Takara (If I’m correct then her first name means Sparrow)
Fukuro’s insomnia comes from her great grandmother. Her grandmother and mother have similar issues.
Fukuro, as well as her parents and siblings, are all fluent in sign language due to Emiko being selectively mute for a while.
Fukuro’s mother, Yua, is a lawyer. Her father, Hiroshi, works at his family’s bakery.
Fukuro’s back up plan if being a historian didn’t work out was to become an elementary school teacher.
Fukuro’s favorite food is natto, which is fermented soy beans with rice. Most people don’t like it. (It’s one of Japan’s least popular foods and considered an acquired taste) Her least favorite food is cinnamon rolls.
Fukuro is very good at lying, even when it’s on the spot. She knows the best way to lie is to say mostly the truth and leave out details, letting others make assumptions. She hates doing this though.
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Use the available tutoring facilities, even if you’re doing well in the class. You can even use them to just have someone proofread a paper for you. They are super useful!
Find someway to be active/social on campus. If you’re college regularly hosts fun events then go to some of them! It’s a great way to make college fun and deal with stress.
Have a set timeframe when you do homework! Once you reach the end of that timeframe just stop. Only work after the timeframe if you absolutely need to! Likewise that means that you work during your work time! Take small breaks when needed, but try to use that timeframe to work. For example I wouldn’t work on homework after dinner, 5-6. I would do my homework the rest of the day, taking breaks for meals and the occasional 5 minute break. I only worked after dinner a handful of times. This was a great way to keep me from procrastinating, but also gave me some me time to prevent burnout.
Actual good first-time college student advice:
Wear jeans/pants that “breathe” and bring a sweater, even if it’s scorching hot out, until you know which building blasts the AC to 60 degrees F and which feels like a sauna
Backpacks with thick straps are your friend! Messenger bags are cool and all but if you’re commuting with a lot of stuff, symmetrically styled backpacks are better for your back
You are your own person and you can walk out whenever you need to or want to, so long as you’re not disrupting the class. Meaning you can go to the bathroom without permission, take a breather if you’re anxious, answer an important phone call, etc.
If you don’t like the class on the first day, if you can- DROP THAT CLASS AND TAKE ANOTHER ONE! It’ll only get worse from there!
If you can, take a class outside your major; it’s a good break from your expected studies.
You are in charge of your schedule. Your adviser and guidance counselor is there to ‘advise and guide’ but if you don’t like certain classes and you can substitute for others, that’s your choice.
Consequently, if you are changing anything drastic in your plan, talk with your adviser and instructors.
Pay attention to your credit hours and grades. Never leave this to the last week of school, you will be sorry and stressed beyond belief!
Unless it’s a lab book or otherwise specified, go to the class for a week or so before buying an expensive textbook. Some classes, while having it on their required list, do not actually use the textbook a whole lot and you might find some of it scanned online. Rent if you can or buy used online (schools actually don’t give discounts). Use your best judgement on what you think you need.
Tell the people who go up to you selling or advertising things you are not interested in that you are in a rush to class and don’t have time to listen to them. It’s less rude and they’ll leave you alone.
The smaller the class, the better it is to have some sort of acquaintanceship with a couple classmates. They might save your ass if you are absent one day or need to study. And talking with them makes the time go by faster without it being so insufferable.
You don’t need to join a club or sport, but internships are cool and useful!
If you can afford it, take a day off once or twice each semester if you’re too exhausted. Just be aware of what you missed and if it was worth missing!
Your health is the most important, this goes for mental health too!! Note: College-age/upper teens is when mental disorders like depression and anxiety are most commonly diagnosed. Most schools have therapy services, especially during exam time. Look into it if you need to!
Communicate with your professor if you are having trouble with something. Anything.
Eat and stay hydrated. Bring a water bottle and snack to class.
All-nighters will happen but never go over 36 hours without sleep.
It’s going to be hard and there will be times you might think about giving up. This WILL happen. You just have to make sure what you’re doing isn’t making you absolutely miserable and/or there is something rewarding and positive to look forward to at the end!
Being short is fun because you can give people an entire crisis if you’re not the age they think you are. In my senior year of high school I was complaining about how stressed I was for my IB exams during theatre. One of the juniors looked startled and asked me why I would be worried about that. When I told him I was a senior and older than him, he immediately started asking how old the freshmen were. They’re still 14 my guy. But me not being 14 immediately made this man question everyone’s ages. One of the best moments of my life.
Ok but like, imagine if Grimm tried to turn back time on legacy day to stop Raven from refusing to sign, only for another student to end up rebelling each time. On the first time loop, He rewinds to an hour before legacy day and has the main snow white characters move to the back of the line with an excuse of saving the best for last or something of the sort. He assumes that since she’s a teen and everyone else will sign before her Raven will give into peer pressure and sign without a scene. But then halfway through Hunter, who wasn’t moved because he plays a more prevalent role in the red riding hood story, slams the Storybook of Legends shut and declares his unwillingness to live a life of violence and to live without the love of his life, thus causing the daughter of Cinderella who just signed the book to fling herself into his arms. Unexpected, but Grimm rationalizes that if he just moves Hunter to the back as well then it’ll all be fixed. Highschool relationships tend to be short, and legacy is more important after all. So on the second loop he moves all the snow white characters to the back, and sits in the crowd with the tension finally leaving his shoulders now that the main problem has been diffused. Except it hasn’t been diffused, because Briar Beauty watches her story play out in the book and in a fit of hysterics rips the binding in half once she sees a reflection of future self in the mirror, with tired eyes wearing clothes a century behind the time reminding her violently of her mother. And it just keeps happening. On one run through Cerise Hood tears her cloak off and reveals her true heritage as a wolf, causing pandemonium on the crowds. On another Darling Charming somehow takes a sword out of her long skirt, and severs her page from the book, declaring she refuses to be a damsel anymore. On one incredibly harrowing timeline everything was going fine until Kitty Cheshire refused to sign, giving him a nonchalant shrug and a taunt of “better rewind again” while her ever present smile haunted him. It gets to the point where he rewinds to a month prior to legacy day, spending that month keeping Ashlynn and Hunter away from each other, Bribing Kitty, separating Cerise and Ravens class schedule so that their friendship can’t form and pushing Darling to take on a damsels in distressing honors project with Apple in hopes his top student will rub off on her. In the end his efforts are fruitless however because somehow Apple is the one to rebel, apparently having fallen in love with Darling sometime in that month. just, the chaos if it all.
This is the way you’re supposed to do pranks!
I had the weirdest dream last night. I was trying to escape some weird facility and I was snooping around where I shouldn’t have. I stole a name tag and ID so I could get around. But I grabbed a name tag that said Mike and everyone looked at me and was like you don’t look like a Mike. So dream me thought of ways that it would make since for someone who was very obviously a girl to be named Mike. Dream me blurted out “It’s my dead name.” And it fucking worked! Don’t know why my dream did that, but it was kinda funny to me.