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2 years ago

Random Story Time!

In my history class during my senior year of high school my class was assigned a talent show project. We had to pick a country that was important or had a major influence during the Cold War, write a at least a page of two related to the country and said significance. The talent show part was to do a small performance or presentation of sorts related to your country. You could make food, do a skit about an important event or person, sing a song, etc.

I decided to do Hungary for this project and thought that singing would be my best bet since I’m not the most creative person and I thought a skit would be more embarrassing. It would also be easier since I was doing this project alone. I found a song that was sung during the Hungarian Revolution against the Soviets and decided that it was the perfect choice.

There was just one problem…

I do not know ANY Hungarian. This was my first time even ATTEMPTING to speak the language. I couldn’t find any English covers to listen to and while I could find the directly translated lyrics, I was so busy at the time that I did not have the time to format the song in a way that it would sound good with English lyrics. Also I didn’t have the time to memorize the song enough that I would be able to pull up the instrumental version and sing it well. I know that with enough time and effort you can sing a sing in another language perfectly and still not know the language. But like I said I did not have the free time for this.

So eventually when it’s my turn to present I went up with a piece of paper where I wrote down the lyrics and just hoped that I wouldn’t be too off rhythm and with the pronunciation. I was FAR from perfect but I think I did okay. My teacher was mostly grading this project based on doing it anyways, so I wasn’t worried about my grade.

Here’s the funny part.

Once I finished my teacher actually asked if I was Hungarian because apparently my accent sounded a lot like a Hungarian one. I looked straight at him and responded with: “No, I’m Mexican.”

Honestly I found the whole situation hilarious given the context. I hope this story makes someone laugh.


Note: I went to a very diverse school where many kids were first generation Americans meaning the majority of the students’ parents were not born in the US and many of the students were bilingual. We had people from all over the world so honestly having a Hungarian kid would not have been a shock.

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1 year ago

Apparently I’m in the mood to post about how awesome my mom is because I’m doing it again!

One of the ways we bond is by watching tv shows together. She makes a huge effort to try and be inventive with my interests. As a result she and I watch a lot of anime and cartoons. Remember my mom is in her 50s and she had never even watched anime until she had me. She actually gets very interested and ends up enjoying a lot of the shows we watch together. She has watched anime like Digimon, Fruits Basket, Horimya, half of Bleach, Spy x Family, Hunter x Hunter, and SAO. My mom has also watched cartoons such as Avatar the Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the Dragon Prince, and Vox Machina.

As you can see that is a lot. She always ends up shocking people with her knowledge.

For example one of my friends was once fan-girling over RWBY. They were so shocked when my mom was able to completely understand what they were talking about and include her opinions about the show.

She is just so open-minded and I know it’s rare, at least in my area, for parents to get so engaged with this kind of stuff. I love her.

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1 year ago

Happy Pride Month!!!

Happy Pride Month!!!

I decided to draw some of my oc’s whose stories I am currently working on for pride month. I should have started this sooner, but I do want to do more this month with more of my characters, so keep an eye out for them. I also want to fangirl about them. Let me know if you guys are curious about any of my characters because I am more than happy to share information about them!

Gwen (Left): Gwen is 19 years old and pansexual. She is a huge weeb. She spends a lot of time watching anime and playing video games. Gwen is pretty socially awkward, so she tends to spend more time with her 2 cats than actual people. She is an animal lover and works part time at an animal shelter. She is a complete disaster who constantly needed to be reminded to sleep and eat. She is also the main protagonist of the story that she is in.

Kiki (Right): Kiki is 20 years old and is a lesbian trans woman. She’s the responsible one of the relationship and is constantly trying to make sure that Gwen stays alive. She’s a little shy and insecure when it comes to affection, but luckily Gwen is good at breaking her out of her shell. She is currently studying to become a doctor and is constantly stressed. Kiki is the friend group’s mom, and enjoys watching shows with Gwen in her free time. She also likes to read mystery novels.

These two lovely ladies met when Kiki was looking for a roomate, while Gwen was trying to find a place to live that allowed pets close to the college. Long story short they ended up living together and Kiki caught feelings very quickly. Gwen ended up accidentally hearing Kiki talking to one of the cats about how big her crush on her was and after some shenanigans they got together!

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1 year ago
Here Is Another Quick Piece I Did! I Think The Head Is Too Round And The Hair Was A Pain In The Butt,

Here is another quick piece I did! I think the head is too round and the hair was a pain in the butt, but I’m still proud of this.

This is Briar. She is from the same story as Gwen and Kiki. She is 21, a lesbian and Kiki’s ex-girlfriend. Briar comes from a large family with 2 older siblings and three younger. She works at her family’s bakery that she plans on running once she gets her business degree. As a result she loves to bake in her free time. Briar is a HUGE flirt and loves to tease people. But she is also very respectful of people’s boundaries and is a very loyal romantic partner. She has a pet rabbit named Poppy that she takes with her everywhere. The two are basically attached. Over the course of the story she becomes good friends with Gwen and gets on better terms with Kiki.

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1 year ago


So I finally decided to make one! I realized that if I was going to continue to make connecting posts and stories I was going to need to put all the links in one place so that people can find them. Luckily I decided to do it while I didn’t have too many posts to put on.

Demon slayer

Historian Butterfly AU:

Random Rambles/Fun Facts


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

What if Danganronpa Characters Have Digimon Partners?

Danganronpa V3:

Kirumi Tojo

Kaede Akamatsu

Maki Harukawa

Kaito Momota

Shuichi Saihara

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1 year ago

Story time!

I was a theatre kid in high school. After our opening night it was tradition for all of the cast and crew to go to AppleBees to celebrate and then be there until 2-3 am. In my senior year we had one kid from a different high school join us. He was a really nice guy and worked extremely hard. We also had elementary school and middle school students in a few scenes for the sake of getting more parents to buy our tickets. One of those middle school students was the guy’s younger brother. So when we all went to AppleBees those two guys came with us. I sat next to the little brother and my sibling.

The kid is on his phone, most likely feeling awkward about being the only middle schooler surrounded by high school students. I ended up seeing what he was doing on l his phone. Kid was watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. So I ask “Hey are you watching My Little Pony?” My sibling overheard this and started looking at the kid. The kid looks shocked and mortified because two seniors in high school just caught him watching MLP. So imagine his surprise when we start gushing and asking question because we too watch MLP.

We were like “OMG! Who is your favorite character? How far are you? How long have you been into it?”

This kid was in SHOCK that two kids 4 years older than him watched a show that a lot of people in his own age group would tease him about. He was a little timid, but we spent the rest of the night talking about MLP with him.

Never be afraid to be into something you love. It does t matter if it’s technically a show made for kids. That does not make your enjoyment less valid and you never know who might be into the same thing you are.

Also yes, while I am not as into it now, I still consider myself a MLP fan.

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1 year ago

What if the Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5


Shuichi Saihara

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

How has it already been almost a year?! I am so sorry that this took so long guys! School has been kicking my a** these past few months so I have had very little time to do any digimon research, and the little free time I had left me too drained to work on this. I enjoy doing these posts, but I didn’t want to spend my few hours of free time being frustrated because I can’t find a good digimon match. For some odd reason the V3 cast is extremely difficult. But I finally got Shuichi done! I had to be extremely careful since he and Kyoko have the same talent which strongly influences my choices. I know I said repeats were okay if the characters were from different casts, but I still want to at least try to make everything unique. It was a pain but I think I have a pretty good line. The more I look at it the more I like it, so let’s get started!

Rookie: Kudamon

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

So my reasons for this pick are not very complicated. I was looking around for possible digimon that I could use and when I saw Kudamon I thought “This looks like a digimon Shuichi would have. Let’s use it!” I don’t know why but Kudamon screams Shuichi for me and it deserves more attention. According to the digimon wiki It has a calm, cool, and collected personality, conducting a precise assessment of the situation even in combat and attaining the advantage of battle. I always imagined that Shuichi would either have a very calm or a very crazy partner, and I think the former suits him more. He needs a partner that is super calm, especially since Shuichi is so anxious. Kudamon’s analytical skills also seeming fitting for the partner of the Ultimate detective.

Champion: Deputymon

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

I will admit this is a goofy pick, but the more I look at it the more I like the idea of using Deputymon. Similar to Shuichi it has a strong sense of justice. I also realized that Shuichi is the only protagonist that has an allusion to truth bullets since Deputymon is literally a gun. (I already have a solid idea for Makoto and Hinata.) I need to have at least one protagonist with that theme and honestly I think Shuichi is the best protagonist for it. One of the biggest themes of Danganronpa V3 is truth vs lies. If any protagonist is going to have a truth bullets reference then it should be Shuichi for that reason. Also you know how I said I could see Shuichi having a crazy partner. Deputymon is usually portrayed to have a goofy personality and while I still think it would still be super serious, it makes me like this pick more even if it is silly.

It’s alternate evolution time! I’m not going to lie this was extremely difficult so my pick might not be the best. I’m the end I decided to go with Oryxmon.

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

For the sake of my sanity armor digivolutions will be treated as any other champion type digimon. I decided on Oryxmon because it’s a digi-egg of hope digivolution. Since Danganronpa has a whole hope vs despair theme I found it fitting to use one of them. After looking at them Oryxmon was the only one that looked like a good fit for Shuichi other than Pegasusmon which I already have plans to use for someone else. But Oryxmon is still a very Nobel digimon and the grey fits Shuichi’s aesthetic.

The Champion level is also where we get Shuichi’s dark digivolution. This was a pain in my a**. It was so difficult to find a digimon for this that if I didn’t think that it was essential for Shuichi to have a dark digivolution I would have given up! After literal hours of looking I decided on Shademon.

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

Would this have been a better pick for Junko? Possibly, but I will deal with that problem if I ever get to the original Danganronpa cast. But honestly I think Shademon would have a field day with Shuichi. It feeds on the despair of the people and digimon it haunts, and transforms it into its own nourishment. Shuichi already had a bunch of issues and insecurities before the killing game began so I can see those feelings manifesting into a dark digivolution that uses him a basically a human battery. Actually that would be a really coo arc in some sort of fan fiction now that I think about it. I was reluctant to use Shademon at first, but the more I look at it the more I think this fits.

Ultimate: Paildramon

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

I am ignoring that Paildramon is a DNA digivolution! If this was some sort of fanfiction Deputymon would digivolve into Paildramon naturally. It’s actually surprisingly common to find random Digimon in the anime that would ideally need another digimon or object to digivolve, so I still think this works. Out of the entire line the Ultimate was what was giving me the most trouble. I decided on Paildramon because it’s technically a main protagonist digimon, and Shuichi is the main protagonist of V3. Also the fusion contains Stingmon, who is Ken’s partner. For those of you who don’t know Ken becomes a detective, which is Shuichi’s ultimate. Why didn’t I use Stingmon for the Champion? Because finding an Ultimate was so hard that Paildramon felt like my only option. The Champion level did not have the same struggle.

Mega: Justimon

What If The Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon Partners? Pt 5

I honestly think the Mega was the easiest part for Shuichi. To me, Justimon feels like a very Shuichi digimon. It never lets an evil deed go unpunished, and is constantly fighting for others. I always felt like Shuichi stands for the same values, and is just more timid about it. In the final chapter of V3 he proclaims that even if everything is fake, the feelings and the hurt that he has gone through in Danganronpa are real. It is for that reason that Danganronpa must end. That screams justice to me.


And that’s it! Sorry this took so long. I have plans for more characters so hopefully I can gets those out soon.

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1 year ago

Guess who was woken up at 12:30 am by a friend because a tornado came through my area early Wednesday morning! The sirens and phone calls didn’t wake me, but a knock at my door did! Luckily it touched down in the next town over so I was safe. But everyone still needed to evacuate to the basement, which was chaos. We had 6 cats and 2 dogs in the room at some point. One of my friends couldn’t find her roommate’s cat carrier so she just wrapped the cat in a blanket burrito and struggled. Eventually we all went back to our rooms at 1:00 am. So that was fun!

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10 months ago

My sibling and I just watched Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy and we came up with a bunch of sexuality and dating headcannons based on it. The conversation was very funny so I thought I would share our final consensus on this.


Tinker Bell : Pansexual

Get it? Because of Peter Pan. Tink just doesn’t really care. She has always done her own thing and that also applies to who she likes.

Silvermist: Bisexual

I originally thought of her as a lesbian, but her outfit in the Pirate Fairy was the Bi flag colors so she has to be Bi. I think she is a huge disaster bisexual, but is also denser than a brick. You could scream that you are in love with her and she will not get it.

Iridessa: Queer

She definitely isn’t straight. But neither of us can figure out what her sexuality is. We like to think that Iridessa identifies as queer because trying to commit to a single label gives her too much anxiety.

Fawn: Lesbian Asexual Gender Non Conforming

Look at this girl and tell me she doesn’t like girls! I dare you! I just can’t see her dating men at all. As for asexual we decided to use it as an umbrella term. I’m not sure where she lands on the spectrum. She definitely isn’t sex repulsed though. Also I think Fawn identifies as a girl but that doesn’t really mean anything to her. She sometimes uses they/them but very rarely.

Vidia: Lesbian

This girl gives mean lesbian vibes and we all know it. Also she has definitely kissed everyone in the main friend group at least once.

Rosetta: Bi-curious and Trans mtf

To my sibling she gives off huge trans girl vibes and I can definitely see it. I feel like it didn’t take long for her to transition after being born in Pixie Hallow. Maybe a couple months. A year tops. When she did come out everyone was like “Finally! She transitioned!” As for her being Bi-curious we think that she genuinely didn’t realize that girls were an option. It took two of the girls in the friend group dating for Rosetta to realize that she could date girls, and that she her completely normal thoughts about her friends were not as platonic as she thought. I like to think Fawn helped her figure some stuff out. But she does still like men and probably prefers them, even if only slightly. She is still with her boyfriend Sled.


So we came to the conclusion that Tink and Vidia dated for a bit, but broke up. No one really knows this because they kept it quiet since they have the same friend group and didn’t want things to be awkward if it didn’t work out. In the end the two are just not compatible romantically. Their tempers were the main reason. They joke about it now though.

We came to the conclusion that Tinker and Terence eventually do date. They are both polyamorous and are looking for a third, but no one seems interested.

Silvermist and Fawn are two dumbasses in a pod. They get into so much shit together. They love each other and have no shame.

Finally when watching the Pirate Fairy we noticed that Vidia was usually the one calming down Iridessa when she was having an anxiety attack and it was cute. I actually think they were the first of the friend group to start dating, but were very low key about it. When everyone found out Silvermist and Fawn started dating everyone said that they were the first of the friend group to start dating each other and Vidia just looked at everyone and stated that she and Iridessa had been dating for over a year. Everyone freaked out.


Periwinkle: AroAce

Girl thinks she is Pansexual like her sister because she feels the same about everyone. But she doesn’t realize that the feeling is platonic and lack of romantic and sexual interest.

Bobble: Gay Trans ftm

According to my sibling this man is too much of a twink to not be trans. Also this man is totally married to Clank and you can’t tell me other wise.

Clank: Gay

Like I said he and Bobble are married and that’s that.

Queen Clarion: Bisexual

I don’t know. She gives off mom bisexual vibes. I actually think she might have a slight preference for girls. She is madly in love with her boyfriend though.

Fairy Mary: Lesbian

She totally had a huge crush on Queen Clarion, but never pursued it because she could tell that Queen Clarion was not mentally ready for a relationship even if she didn’t know why.

Zarina: Bisexual

This girl is definitely not straight. I feel like she might be interested in being the third that Tink and Terence are looking for idk.

Terence: Just Ken

He is either the straightest dude bro ally in history or he’s Bi. There is no in between.

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7 months ago

Historian Butterfly AU: Chapter 3

Shinobu x female oc


It was late at night. But despite the ungodly hour someone was still awake and didn’t look like she was going to sleep anytime soon

Fukuro kept looking between several different documents and took notes as she did so. She was so focused on what she was doing that she literally lept out of her seat and tumbled onto the floor when she felt a hand on her shoulder. But not before she punched the person on the chin.


“Holy shi-ow!”

Fukuro looked up and saw that the person who startled her was her housemate, Kenta. “Kenta? What are you doing up?”

Kenta held his chin and gave Fukuro a slightly irritated look. “I woke up and wanted a glass of water. Besides, shouldn't I be asking you that? It’s 4:00 am. Why the heck are you still working?”

Fukuro got up and walked into the kitchen. “Don’t act like you’ve never pulled all nighters for research.” She grabbed a mug from the cabinet and was about to make herself more coffee, but Kenta quickly stopped her.

“Oh no. You’re going to bed. You just finished that huge project you had been stressing about. You need your rest.”

“But this is important! I think I’m going to make a breakthrough!”

Kenta took the coffee cup from her hand and put it away. “Your breakthrough can wait until you’re not functioning on coffee and 3 days with no sleep. Besides how important can researching the existence of demons be?”

Fukuro gasped in mock offense. “There is so much more to it than that! It’s about answering the unknown. Exploring every possibility. Understanding why people believed in demons.”

“Whatever you say. But you’re going to bed. Come on.” Kenta began to basically drag Fukuro to her bedroom. “You’re lucky Zoey can sleep through anything.”

“I’m telling you Kenta. Someday my research is going to matter. So I’m going to do all I can now!”


Fukuro fiddled with her hands nervously as she made her way to Master Ubuyashiki’s mansion. When Shinobu told her that he had requested to meet with her she was shocked. She had immediately begun to worry that she had done something wrong. Shinobu had assured her that she wasn’t in trouble, but that just made this meeting even more nerve wracking! At least if she was in trouble she could mentally prepare herself. But instead she was left wondering what the heck the head of the demon slayer corps wanted with her! Fukuro knew that Ubuyashiki was incredibly kind from what her Gran Gran and Shinobu told her, but his title was still rather intimidating.

When she got to the mansion all she could do was stare at the entrance, nervously. Am I supposed to knock or am I supposed to wait here? Should I go in or am I supposed to just announce my presence? Is the meeting even supposed to be inside? Is it supposed to be outside? Why didn’t I ask these questions before I left?!

“Excuse me? Are you Fukuro Hitomi?”

Fukuro nearly jumped out of her skin as the voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She let out a small squeak as she quickly looked over at the child that she had failed to notice due to being on the verge of a mental breakdown.

The young girl had pale skin and large, purple eyes. She had white, shoulder-length hair styled into a blunt bob with bangs and sported a red ribbon on the right side of her head. She was wearing a dark blue Hōmongi kimono decorated with purple flowers along with a maroon obi and a pink obiage and juban under everything.

Fukuro cleared her throat, embarrassed that she had been caught so off guard. “Y-yes that’s me!”

Luckily the kid did not react to Fukuro’s awkwardness at all. She gave Fukuro a little bow to show her respect before speaking. “Please follow me. Master Ubuyashiki is expecting you.”

Fukuro nodded and let the girl lead her through the estate. They stopped at a large door.

The girl knocked on the door and raised her voice. “Father, Ms Fukuro Hitomi has arrived.”

“Please come in.”

Without a word the girl opened the door and gestured for Fukuro to walk in. She did, albeit nervously. Ubuyashiki was sitting at a small table with some tea. The kid guided Fukuro to the table and gestured for her to sit down, which she did.

“Thank you Hinaki. You may go now. I would like to talk to Hitomi here in private,” Ubuyashiki said softly.

Hinaki bowed to Ubuyashiki, despite the fact that he could not see it, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Fukuro looked nervously at Ubuyashiki for a moment before frantically bowing her head, despite that he once again could not see it.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Master Ubuyashiki! I really hope that I’m not troubling you!”

“This is no trouble at all Ms Hitomi. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Welcome to my home. I have heard some interesting things about you.”

Despite how soothing his voice was, Ubuyashiki’s words increased Fukuro’s nerves tenfold.

“O-Oh? Nothing bad I hope,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“Please relax Ms Hitomi. I can assure you that you are not in any trouble. I just have some questions for you, that's all.”

Fukuro let out a small sigh as her shoulders slumped. “O-Okay! Sure! Ask me anything!”

“I’m curious where you got that necklace of yours from. Were you aware that it had a compartment with wisteria poison in it? If you pushed the button on the top in a certain way a needle would come out so that you could inject the poison into someone. The person who fixed it was very intrigued by it. I would also guess that’s how the demon that chased you died the night we found you.”

Fukuro fiddled with her necklace and stared at it curiously. “No, I had no idea that it could do that. This necklace was a gift given to me by my great grandmother. She never told me where she got it. She said that the necklace would protect me from danger, but I didn’t realize she meant that literally.”

“Ah yes. Ms Kocho did mention that your great grandmother was a kakushi. That is why you are so interested in demons, correct?”

Fukuro’s eyes lit up at the mention of her great grandmother. “Yes sir. She would always tell me stories about them when I was little. She would tell stories about the Hashira, random missions that she stumbled upon, and even mundane ones about her bonding with her fellow kakushi! She apparently went to the swordsmith village at one point too! The details are a bit fuzzy since I was 6 when she died, ” Fukuro quickly realized she was getting side tracked and cleared her throat awkwardly. “Sorry for rambling sir.”

Ubuyashiki just laughed. “No need to apologize, my child. It is a rarity to find someone with enthusiasm such as yours these days. A shame in my opinion.” He took a sip of his tea. “I am surprised you thought the demon slayers disbanded given your closeness with a family member who seemed to have spent a long time with us.”

Fukuro was glad that Ubuyashiki could not see her because she immediately started sweating bullets. Crap! I mentioned that to Shinobu when we first met, didn't I? I didn’t know I was in the past yet so it slipped! Of course me knowing the demon slayers being disbanded would look weird if I was from this time. Don’t panic Fukuro! Just improvise your excuse! If you can defend your college thesis on the fly then you can handle this!

“I think I just kinda told myself that it was. My Gran Gran never told me the demon slaying corps was disbanded, but I figured that it had to be since I had never seen a demon before and most of my family was convinced that her stories were nonsense. Surely she would just show us the corps to show that she was telling the truth right? Maybe she just didn’t want to put her family’s life at risk? Being involved in the corps at all is a huge risk, even if you’re not on the front lines. That didn’t stop me from trying to prove the existence of demons, my new obsession. Honestly I was very lucky to have never met a demon until 2 weeks ago,” Fukuro explained. Everything she said wasn’t a complete lie, but she definitely wasn’t telling the truth either.

“True. While it is a shame that you never knew for sure about our existence, I can not blame your great grandmother for trying to keep her family safe.” Ubuyashiki put his tea down. “I have one last question for you. How did you try to prove the existence of demons? Ms Kocho mentioned that you did a lot of research, but it would be very difficult to find research on us that isn’t from our library.”

Fukuro let out the small breath that she had been holding. He seemed to have believed her lie and was thankful for the change of subject. She could easily talk about her research. “Honestly? It’s mostly a lot of guesswork and estimations. Instead of looking for information that directly mentions demons or the demon slayers, I research areas where they might have been. I look into areas that have sudden increases in death rates or disappearances that are not easily explained. I then compare these cases with research based on my Gran Gran’s stories. If the results are similar to areas that, in theory, had demons attack in the past, then there was a good chance demons were there. It’s not 100% correct, there can be a number of reasons why people start to die suddenly, but it does narrow down possible demon locations. I then do further research at those locations. That’s actually what I was doing when I was found.”

Ubuyashiki let out a hum. “Interesting. I don’t suppose you have any specific examples?”

Fukuro’s eyes widened in surprise. She quickly racked her brain for an area that would make sense for this time. “Actually, yes I do. I don’t suppose you’ve heard of the bandit attacks in the village 3 days north of here, have you?”

“Indeed, I have. A lot of our suppliers and slayers have been avoiding the route because of them. But I’m guessing you think the issue is more than just some bandits?”

Fukuro nodded even though Ubuyashiki couldn’t see it. “Mm-Hmm! The attacks have happened mostly to carts or merchants, which is why everyone thinks they’re bandits. But there are a few things that make me think that the attackers might be demons. First off is the obvious fact that the attacks have only happened at night, with either no or few survivors. The second is that this isn’t usually when bandits are active in the area. This village is along a trade route so bandit activity is common, but this is the off season for most of the products that come through the area. Some research into previous years shows that bandit activity slows down dramatically during this time. Most move to busier areas with more valuable products. Those that stay are usually inexperienced or desperate and tend to be caught pretty quickly. Finally the third reason I’m suspicious is because the valuables of the missing merchants are almost never stolen. The goods are usually damaged, but other than that they’re almost untouched. But the people are always missing or found dead. Bandits would usually run off with the goods. But a demon would care more about their next meal, which would be the people.”

Fukuro realized that she rambled for a while and her cheeks were flushed in embarrassment. “That’s the basics of my thoughts at least. It would be much better explained if I had my notes. Sorry if I just bored you.”

Ubuyashiki didn’t say anything for a few moments. Fukuro suddenly realized that his expression changed and he seems to be deep in thought. “Ms Hitomi, if you had to guess, if these issues are caused by demons how strong would they be?”

Fukuro’s jaw literally dropped. She never expected to be taken so seriously. She’s pretty sure that this was the most interested that anyone had ever been with her research. She quickly shut her mouth and thought for a moment before answering.

“It’s hard to say. I think that if demons are attacking that village then there is probably more than one. Some attacks appeared to have happened at similar times so either the demon has a partner or they have a blood demon art that would allow them to achieve that. Either way I would consider the demon to be moderately strong. Some of the village soldiers have gone missing too, and most are decently skilled. I wouldn’t say this is Hashira worthy, but I wouldn’t send in a rookie slayer either. I’d recommend at least 2-4 people who have been slayers for at least a year. Of course this is all based on speculation, so I’m being extra cautious.”

Ubuyashiki looked like he was about to respond, but his crow suddenly flew into the room and landed on the table. “Ubuyashiki, you have a meeting with the kakushi in 10 minutes!”

“Time must have slipped by. I will be there shortly.” Ubuyashiki told his crow before looking at Fukuro again. “Thank you for giving me your time Ms Hitomi. But I’m afraid that I must cut our conversation short. I do hope we can have another conversation like this again. It was quite interesting.”

Fukuro quickly stood up and bowed her head. “It’s no problem! Thank you for having me.”

“Do you need an escort to show you the way out?”

“No thank you. I remember the way. I’ll leave you to your business then!” Fukuro said as she quickly left the room.

Ubuyashiki looked at the crow perched on the table. “I know you just came back from delivering a message my friend, but I would like you to send a message to a couple of demon slayers.”


Two weeks had passed since her meeting with Ubuyashiki and Fukuro had mostly forgotten about it. She was spending her time helping the girls like usual when Ubuyashiki’s crow suddenly flew up to her telling her that Ubuyashiki requested to see her again. So Fukuro was freaking out.

“What did I do? Aoi what did I do?!” Fukuro said as she shook Aoi by the shoulders.

“Will you stop that!” Aoi yelled as she pried Fukuro’s hands off of her. “Stop freaking out so much!”

“How can I not freak out?! It’s only been 2 weeks since I last saw Master Ubuyashiki! Why would he want to see me so soon?! I’m not even a corps member, Aoi! What if I offended him the last time I saw him?!”

“Why the hell would he wait 2 weeks to confront you on that?! You’re overreacting!”

“But what if I’m not?!”

“Is something wrong here?” Shinobu asked as she came from around the corner.

“Shinobu! Thank god! Can you please talk some sense into Fukuro? Ubuyashiki called for her again and she is freaking out!” Aoi said, looking very irritated.

“Alright let’s calm down. Fukuro come with me. We can talk on the way to Master’s place, okay? Let Aoi get back to work.” Shinobu said as she gently took Fukuro’s hand.

Fukuro still looked worried, but she took a deep breath to calm herself. “Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Sorry Aoi.”

Aoi sighed in response. “It’s fine, just don’t shake me like a rag doll next time,” she said as she grabbed the basket of laundry that Fukuro made her drop and walked away.

“Come on, let’s go.” Shinobu led Fukuro out of the Butterfly Mansion, still holding her hand. But instead of heading to Ubuyashiki’s mansion, they headed to the butterfly garden instead.

“Shinobu? Why are we heading to the garden? Isn’t it a bad idea to keep Master Ubuyashiki waiting?”

Shinobu let out a little hum before sitting them both down on a bench. “Normally I would agree, but I think you need to calm down first.”

“But what if Master Ubuyashiki gets upset? I don’t want to make him-“

“Fukuro.” Shinobu’s voice sounded gentle but firm, effectively cutting Fukuro off. She took Fukuro’s other hand into her own. “Master is one of the most patient and kind people I have ever met. He can wait a couple extra minutes.” She paused and looked at Fukuro for a moment to see if she was going to object. When Fukuro said nothing she continued. “Now can you name 5 things you can see?”

Fukuro looked around. “I see flowers, and butterflies. There are a couple bumblebees too. There’s clouds in the sky…” Fukuro paused and almost panicked by over-thinking the exercise until Shinobu gave her hands a soft squeeze. She locked eyes with her and calmed down a little. “You.”

“Good job. Remember, you can take as long as you need. Now 4 things you can hear?”

“Your voice, birds chirping, and the flowers moving in the breeze. I think I hear some slayers training in the distance.”

“3 things you can feel?”

“The wooden bench, the fabric of my haori, and your hands.”

“Good, 2 things you can smell?”

“I smell the flowers and I think I can smell perfume. Are you wearing perfume?”

“How observant. Yes I am. Now what is 1 thing you can taste?”

“I can still somewhat taste the lemonade that I drank before the crow came.”

“Great. Now I want you to take a deep breath in and out okay?”

Fukuro followed her command and realized that she felt a lot better. She started to feel embarrassed for getting so worked up.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, I’m really sorry about that. I just panicked and couldn’t think straight,” Fukuro said, her cheeks starting to turn pink in embarrassment.

“It’s okay Fukuro. Most people would be stressed in your situation,” Shinobu said, finally letting go of Fukuro’s hands. “Does that happen often? While your reaction wasn’t as big, you were very nervous the last time you saw Master.”

“Kind of? It’s pretty normal for me to get a little anxious, but it’s more of an awkward tension than full blown panic. I think I’ve just been on edge lately,” Fukuro said, looking at her necklace and fiddling with it.

“Any particular reason you feel like you’ve been on edge?”

Fukuro bit her lip. She knew she couldn’t be 100% honest. That was part of the reason she had been on edge. But she also felt like she needed to open up at least a little bit in order to make some progress. She took a few moments to gather her thoughts before she spoke. “Where I’m from we tend to act differently than people do in most places. I feel like I need to constantly watch what I say or do because while something might be acceptable back home, it would be very bad if I do it here. I know mostly what I should and shouldn’t do, but knowing it is different than putting it into practice. I hate feeling this way because it feels like I’m lying or putting up an act. I feel guilty, but I can’t do anything about it. I feel like an outsider.”

Fukuro didn’t notice that tears started to form in her eyes. “I miss home. I miss my family. I miss my friends. But I can’t go back. I won’t see them ever again! I wish I didn’t feel this way because everyone has been so great to me, but- ” Fukuro cut herself off as she began to cry. She was honestly a bit embarrassed but she couldn’t stop herself.

Fukuro felt Shinobu’s hand touch her shoulder. Fukuro immediately hugged Shinobu in response. Shinobu immediately returned the hug and let Fukuro cry her heart out. Shinobu just let out some gentle hums until Fukuro had no more tears to cry. Once Fukuro’s sobs calmed, Shinobu finally spoke.

“Fukuro can you look at me?”

Fukuro looked at Shinobu with her tear stained face. Shinobu wiped the tears from her eyes. “You have no reason to feel guilty. It’s okay to miss home. Its okay if you’re still grieving. It’s okay to still feel like you don’t quite belong. But believe me when I tell you that in this past month you have already taken a place in both mine and the girls' hearts. Please don’t feel like you need to be perfect around any of us. I understand wanting to put on a mask in front of others, but please know that none of us are going to hate you if you mess up. I don’t think you realize that you have a natural gift of worming your way into people’s hearts.”

Fukuro almost wanted to cry again because she was so touched. “Thank you.”

Shinobu gave Fukuro a soft smile. “You’re welcome. No how about we go to that meeting of yours? I think Master will start to get worried if we take much longer.”

Fukuro almost immediately launched herself off the bench. “Crap! I totally forgot! Now I look like a mess!”

Shinobu laughed as she stood up and patted Fukuro on the back. “There. There. If it makes you feel any better I think you look very pretty and eye-catching.”

Fukuro just blushed and put her face in her hands.


Fukuro nervously messed with her hair. “Are you sure I look okay and not like a blotchy mess that cried my eyes out a few minutes ago?”

Shinobu laughed. “Yes, you look as beautiful as always. Now go! Master has been waiting long enough. I’ll wait out here for you okay?”

Fukuro took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Here I go.”

Fukuro walked up to the mansion. Before she could open the door it opened showing the kid on the other side. She looked identical to the kid from last time, except for the hair piece she wore, which was a yellow ribbon.

“Oh hello. You’re a different girl from last time right? Are you here to take me to Master Ubuyashiki?” Fukuro would be lying if she said the kid did not make her nervous. It looked like she was staring into her soul.

“Yes. Follow me. Master Ubuyashiki has been expecting you.”

Fukuro followed the girl to the same room as last time. Ubuyashiki thanked his daughter and she left. But Fukuro did manage to catch that the girl’s name was Nichika, meaning that she was right when she guessed that this was a different girl than last time. Fukuro once again sat down.

Ubuyashiki was already sitting down with a warm smile on his face. “Thank you for coming to see me Ms Hitomi. I apologize for the short notice.”

“There is no need to apologize. I’m sorry that it took me so long to get here. I ended up being held up with some personal matters.”

“Do not fret about that my child. I promise you that this meeting will be a short one with good news.”

Fukuro tilted her head to the side. “Good news? About what?”

“Remember that village you told me about 2 weeks ago when I asked for an example of how you research demons?”

“Yes. Is that what this meeting is about?”

Ubuyashiki nodded. “Indeed. After you left I sent some demon slayers to the area. It seems that your theory was correct. The deaths in the area were caused by a couple of demons. They were mostly attacking merchants in order to avoid being discovered. Luckily the slayers I sent were able to take care of them. I must thank you. If it wasn’t for you those demons would have killed many more people. It probably would have taken months for us to figure out that there was probably demon activity in that area.”

Fukuro was shocked. Her theory was actually correct! She had never had the chance to prove her theories before and barely anyone took her seriously back in her time. She wanted to squeal in happiness. She barely managed to contain herself.

“I’m guessing that thanking me is not the only reason I’m here right?”

“You are right. There is something else I wanted to talk to you about that I unfortunately was not able to last time we spoke.” Ubuyashiki took a quick sip of his tea before continuing. “I am not sure if you are aware of this, but the reason we had our last meeting was because Ms Kocho requested that you be given access to the demon slayer corps library. She had said that your research skills might come in handy.”

Fukuro was not aware of this. She was shocked but also incredibly touched. Shinobu did that for me? I have to do something to thank her when this is over. I guess she was really serious when she told me she cared about me.

Ubuyashiki continued speaking. “We’ll after what happened it is no exaggeration to say that she was correct. So if you are willing I would like for you to work for the Demon Slayer Corps. You would receive payment of course.”

Fukuro’s mind kinda broke. “What?”

“Our library is full of resources about not just the corps, but of Japan as well. I would like you to use those sources and research to help locate demons in areas that we might overlook. But I also want you to work on locating Muzan Kibutsuji.”

Fukuro’s eyes widened. “The demon king?”

“Yes. I do not want you to feel too much pressure about finding him. The demon slayer corps has never been able to in the past. But I have a feeling that we may finally be able to turn the tide soon.”

Fukuro thought for a moment. This was almost like a dream come true. Sure a lot of the circumstances sucked, but to finally have her work be useful was something she always wanted. But is it really okay to do this? Am I changing the future too much? I already know that the demon slayer corps eventually wins, but I don’t know when that is! But I’m stuck here now. I might as well try to help people while I can.

“It would be my honor to use my knowledge to help serve the Demon Slayer Corps.”


So it’s been a long time huh? I’m going to be honest I had plans to discontinue this, but I felt the urge to write again. I’m going to continue to write this story at my own pace when I feel the urge. Updates might come often, they might not. Anyways I have no idea of this is my best or worst chapter so let me know what you guys think. Poor Fukuro has some issues. I really want to emphasize how bad it can be to need to hide who she is while also struggling with missing home. Don’t worry I plan on getting to Shinobu’s issues soon.

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7 months ago

Some Random Historian Butterfly Fun Facts

After finishing the newest chapter I’ve been thinking a lot about the Historian Butterfly series. I decided it would be fun to quickly write down some fun facts/headcannons about the characters. Most of these will be about Fukuro. These are things that might not come up in the story or are not covered in depth. Nothing here will be super big spoilers. They might come up in future chapters, but they won’t be a big deal. These are just small fun facts. This was a really fun way to get more of a feel for Fukuro’s character so let me know if you enjoyed.

If Fukuro had a breathing style it would be Water Breathing according to the official Demon Slayer Fanbook. I’m not sure if she would stick to that or use/create another style derived from it.

Fukuro is demisexual biromantic with a preference for women. She doesn’t really see people in a sexual way until she gets to know them. The thought of being sexually intimate with a stranger makes her sick.

In this AU, my headcannon is that Shinobu is a lesbian.

Fukuro is 6’0”. This makes her dynamic with Shinobu hilarious to me.

It’s been implied in earlier chapters, but Fukuro used to put a lot more care into her appearance when she was in high school and middle school. She wore lots of makeup, styled her hair, and loved putting together cute outfits. Once she went to college she got very busy and invested in her research, so she stopped.

Similarly to the previous post, Fukuro also used to wear her contacts much more often. But she started falling asleep with them in when she would spend days researching. Anyone with contacts would tell you how badly this would dry out your eyes. As a result she wore her glasses a lot more to avoid the issue.

Fukuro was very popular during her high school years. Ironically this is why she struggled to make genuine friends. This is also why she prefers to be called by her first name.

Both Fukuro and her sister have different shades of blond hair. Fukuro’s is strawberry blonde, while Emiko has platinum blond hair. This is because their grandfather was from the USA.

Ironically, Fukuro was scared of butterflies as a kid. This is because she once stepped on one and thought she was going to die because it was poisonous.

Despite her clumsy nature Fukuro has never broken a bone. She does have a small scar under her lip due to her teeth going through it when she was little though.

Fukuro doesn’t actually know for sure if she is in the same timeframe as when her great grandmother was a kakushi and when Muzak was defeated. Her memory is fuzzy enough on her grandmother’s stories that she hasn’t figured that out yet.

I like to think that Fukuro’s great grandmother is the equivalent to some sort of background character that always seemed to stumble upon important events. That’s why she knows so many stories.

Fukuro’s great grandmother’s name was Suzume Takara (If I’m correct then her first name means Sparrow)

Fukuro’s insomnia comes from her great grandmother. Her grandmother and mother have similar issues.

Fukuro, as well as her parents and siblings, are all fluent in sign language due to Emiko being selectively mute for a while.

Fukuro’s mother, Yua, is a lawyer. Her father, Hiroshi, works at his family’s bakery.

Fukuro’s back up plan if being a historian didn’t work out was to become an elementary school teacher.

Fukuro’s favorite food is natto, which is fermented soy beans with rice. Most people don’t like it. (It’s one of Japan’s least popular foods and considered an acquired taste) Her least favorite food is cinnamon rolls.

Fukuro is very good at lying, even when it’s on the spot. She knows the best way to lie is to say mostly the truth and leave out details, letting others make assumptions. She hates doing this though.

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7 months ago

I had the weirdest dream last night. I was trying to escape some weird facility and I was snooping around where I shouldn’t have. I stole a name tag and ID so I could get around. But I grabbed a name tag that said Mike and everyone looked at me and was like you don’t look like a Mike. So dream me thought of ways that it would make since for someone who was very obviously a girl to be named Mike. Dream me blurted out “It’s my dead name.” And it fucking worked! Don’t know why my dream did that, but it was kinda funny to me.

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5 months ago

Being short is fun because you can give people an entire crisis if you’re not the age they think you are. In my senior year of high school I was complaining about how stressed I was for my IB exams during theatre. One of the juniors looked startled and asked me why I would be worried about that. When I told him I was a senior and older than him, he immediately started asking how old the freshmen were. They’re still 14 my guy. But me not being 14 immediately made this man question everyone’s ages. One of the best moments of my life.

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4 years ago

Heyyy first post on Tumblr ever even though I've been on tumblr for like a year already-

Woo hoo

Well I have no idea on how to work Tumblr so sorry in advance if I mess up on some stuff

But id thought to start my first post, id share some of my art

Or at least my better art lol

Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-

This drawing has to be my most favorite pice ever

Mainly because I love the colors and my line art isint god awful

But the rest of the art imma post is mainly oc's

Which I might get into detail later on

But till then just enjoy them :)

Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-
Heyyy First Post On Tumblr Ever Even Though I've Been On Tumblr For Like A Year Already-

I might post again and share more about myself

Maybe not

Who knows

If you see read or like this thank you heh

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1 year ago



This is my first time posting here so umm hi ig

I go by she/her, and my fandoms are tbhk, tadc, danganronpa, OMORI, and a few others! Anyways, here have pomni fan art

why is my art style so inconsistent lol


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1 year ago

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 112

Thank you for your patience! We hope you enjoy Chapter 112.

(Also available on our MangaDex.)


Keep reading

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