me @ myself : womp womp
klepazia reblogged this · 11 months ago
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tw sh talk
yesternighr I got crazy and cut without proper precautions, parents found blood on my hands and the floor , time to get fucked :| I hate it snd it's just cat scratches too
seeing another boyblog on the website is like a drink of cold soda and a ciggy in the summer with a breeze blowing ngl
You're never satisfied you fucking cunts, look at your lives. You fucked and gave birth to me, a fuck up. Couldn't even breed and raise me right to be like the monotone topper you wanted, IT'S HILARIOUS. And well, I'm never saying I'm even the slightest bit good, but atleast I'm not a fucking life sucker like you guys. Eat shit, seethe, cope harder.
tw sh talk
Maaan. doing arms feels so. good and visible ones that'll scar but now I'm fucking sure that my parents will see snd have another shitty day
Binge eating like a loser watching useless videos because I will kill myself