kollektaneenbuch - Hanka's online notebook
Hanka's online notebook

Hanka | Czechia | linguistics student My Goodreads About this blog Likes Following

33 posts

Johann Strauss: Unter Donner Und Blitz

Johann Strauss: Unter Donner und Blitz

Listening to the Czech Philharmonic’s New Year's Gala Concert reminded me of my favourite light-hearted piece. Manfred Honeck conducted it quite similarly to this version from Kleiber, which is my favourite.

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3 years ago
Virginia Woolf: To The Lighthouse (1927)

Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse (1927)

"It partook, she felt, carefully helping Mr Bankes to a specially tender piece, of eternity."

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3 years ago


To be very honest, the main reason I created this blog is to be able to communicate with my boyfriend (who has no social media other than tumblr) in another way than via email.

But I also want to take this as an opportunity to create an online storage of my favourite art, music, literature and other such things (as well as my own art) - to have them in one place for myself, and for others who may be interested.

I used to have a tumblr as a teenager and I did not think I would ever return to this platform, but I am feeling quite excited and nostalgic about it. I look forward to this experience.

3 years ago
Josef Bolf: Cassiopea(2017)

Josef Bolf: Cassiopea (2017)

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3 years ago
Daniel Pitn: Soumrak V Lese | Twilightin The ForestInkorporace: Exhibition In Vyehrad Gallery, Prague

Daniel Pitín: Soumrak v lese | Twilight in the Forest Inkorporace: exhibition in Vyšehrad Gallery, Prague (2. 9. - 3. 10. 2021)

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