Virginia Woolf - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

bisexuals be like elizabeth grant lavender honeycombs oscar wilde frogs leaves coraline siberian cats winged eyeliner crappy poetry glossier heart lockets wavy hair button up shirts monet mitski flower picking france lattes house plants cuffed sleaves daydreams hozier virginia woolf water

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6 years ago
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)
The Absolutely Stunning Vintage Classics Woolf Series (Cover Arts By Aino-Maija Metsola)

The absolutely stunning Vintage Classics Woolf series (Cover arts by Aino-Maija Metsola) 

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10 years ago

"Empiezo a desear un lenguaje parco como el que usan los amantes, palabras rotas, palabras quebradas, como el roce de las pisadas en la acera, palabras de una sílaba como las que usan los niños cuando entran en un cuarto donde su madre está cosiendo y cogen del suelo una hebra de lana blanca, una pluma, o un retal de chintz. Necesito un aullido, un grito." Virginia Woolf.

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8 months ago


put my brain in the washing machine

like you seem to wish to do.

but do not blame me when your white shirt turns black

and you can’t get it out.

i will ruin everything again

- florenceposting

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I want to raise up the magic world all round me and live strongly and quietly there.

Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry written c. February 1934 (via violentwavesofemotion)

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…but now she went among them like a ghost;

Virginia Woolf, from To the Lighthouse (via luthienne)

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1 year ago
I Don't Need To Want Something I Don't.
I Don't Need To Want Something I Don't.

I don't need to want something i don't.

I don't have to think thoughts i don't have.

And i don't have to be someone else but myself.

Love and presence

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