kollektaneenbuch - Hanka's online notebook
Hanka's online notebook

Hanka | Czechia | linguistics student My Goodreads About this blog Likes Following

33 posts

Leonard Bernsteins MassForum Karln, 2016Vojtch Dyk As The Celebrant

Leonard Bernstein’s Mass Forum Karlín, 2016 Vojtěch Dyk as the Celebrant

We’ve got quarrels and qualms and such questions, give us answers, not psalms and suggestions, give us peace that we don’t keep on breaking, give us something or we’ll just start taking! Dona nobis, dona nobis.

More Posts from Kollektaneenbuch

3 years ago
Interesting Etymologies: Part 1
Interesting Etymologies: Part 1

Interesting etymologies: Part 1

Two creatures used in the Czech folkolre: Baba Jaga (left) and Jezinka (right)

Although it is not obvious at first glance, these two words are etymologically related. Both originate from the Old Slavic jędza < Proto-Slavic *ędza, *ęga meaning ‘disease’.

The latter name, jezinka, is derived by a suffix from the Old Czech jězě. The connection with jaga is obscured by the fact it underwent the third Slavic palatalization process in which velar consonants [k], [g], [x] became [ts], [(d)z], [s/ ʃ ] after front vowels. Thus, jězě has a [z] where jaga has a [g].

(Source: Jiří Rejzek – Český etymologický slovník)

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3 years ago
Josef Hiral & Bohumila Grgerov: JOB-BOJ (1968)Setiny: Exhibition Of Bohumila Grgerovs Poetry At Hvzda,
Josef Hiral & Bohumila Grgerov: JOB-BOJ (1968)Setiny: Exhibition Of Bohumila Grgerovs Poetry At Hvzda,
Josef Hiral & Bohumila Grgerov: JOB-BOJ (1968)Setiny: Exhibition Of Bohumila Grgerovs Poetry At Hvzda,

Josef Hiršal & Bohumila Grögerová: JOB-BOJ (1968) Setiny: exhibition of Bohumila Grögerová’s poetry at Hvězda, Prague (17. 6. – 7. 11. 2021)

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3 years ago

Lili Boulanger: Pie Jesu

played by Charles University Orchestra, sung by A. Mišoňová

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3 years ago
Ji Trnka: Sen Noci Svatojnsk(1959) | A Midsummer Nights Dream

Jiří Trnka: Sen noci svatojánské (1959) |  A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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3 years ago


To be very honest, the main reason I created this blog is to be able to communicate with my boyfriend (who has no social media other than tumblr) in another way than via email.

But I also want to take this as an opportunity to create an online storage of my favourite art, music, literature and other such things (as well as my own art) - to have them in one place for myself, and for others who may be interested.

I used to have a tumblr as a teenager and I did not think I would ever return to this platform, but I am feeling quite excited and nostalgic about it. I look forward to this experience.