Keep Me In Your Thoughts (33)
Keep Me in Your Thoughts (33)

"Fucking bastards. How dare them." I hiss slamming the door to my old chamber open as I walk in, I start to pace the room.
"The nerve of them to blame me for this, as if I was the one who animate the rebellion. I..." I point at myself as I face meleah who was watching on the bed, " did nothing but try to restore my name and give a home to my children, and yet this is my fault." I let out a bitter chuckle, foolish old man, those bastards, those...argh.
I grabbed the pitcher from the table and threw it against the wall above the fireplace before it fell to the floor, I grind my teeth as I stare at the empty space that use to have a painting there long ago before I threw it away.
" queen, what is going on," I snap my head around to look at meleah as she stare at me worried, "What are you talking about? What happened in the chamber–"
"Those bastards is incompetent that is what, they are blaming me for the rebellion that iron islands are starting because I am queen."
"What do you being queen have to do with the rebellion," I rub my temple as I stand still.
"Apparently, now the last old king of westeros is gone, lords are wondering if I will bend the knee to viserys. Which I will never do not even if he held a sword to my neck," I spit angrily, "So, now a rebellion is starting in the iron islands saying they want to be kings again, and the one whose trying to act like a king and viserys thinks the other houses will follow." I sigh putting my face in my hands, this all so tiring and stupid, I can easily stomp out this little rebellion easily with my dragon but no that will only make it worse they said.
"What do they want you to do? Do they want you to bend the knee?" Meleah ask, I drag my hands down my face and look at her.
"They gave me options." Meleah raise a brow.
"Options?" I nodded before looking down, this wasnt fair, I don't understand what I did to deserve to be put in this hell.
"They said I can either give up my crown to Aeron or bend the knee to house targaryen and become lady of the serpent islands."
"But if you don't." I look up at her with a small frown.
"Than, they will go back on our deal and isolate us from westeros, which mean we will have to go back to exporting our goods through Dorne and Esso." The idea of that might sound good but it isn't, many of the things we grow and make is from essos.
To westeros our goods are the finest things they ever eaten and worn, while in essos they are nothing more than sand to them. It will put us in ruins and dorne won't be enough for us from going penniless, it's hard to say but we need the seven kingdoms to strive.
"What are you going to do." I sigh walk over to the bed and flopping down next to meleah, my back hit the bed as I look up at the familiar patterns I grown to count and look when I was bored.
"I never wanted to be queen," I said looking to meleah as she stayed sit up watching me, "All I wanted was for my daughter not to end up like me, broken and hollow, nothing to her name but the men that surrounded her." I shook my head as I could feel the burning sensation behind my eyes, I covered my eyes with the palm of my hand to keep the tears from falling.
"I would have been happy as a lord's wife, no matter how they treated me, if they ask for heirs I would have given them all until it killed me, if it meant my daughter didn't have to do it." I sniff rubbing my nose with the sleeve off my tunic, "I never ask for this...I didn't ask to be queen, or to rule a kingdom or be the reason a rebellion is started. I just wanted to my life in peace away from viserys."
A soft knock came from the door making me and meleah look at it, meleah at me as I look back at her before she turn her head and got up. I use my elbows to lift me up to see who was at the door, when i saw it was a servant I drop down and went back to looking at the patterns of the sheet that cover my old bed, the door was shut a second later before the bed dip. I look at meleah to find her looking at me as she hold up a message.
"Daemon and Caraxes were seen flying over the city, the king wishes for our presents to welcome him back." She said before tossing the message, I sigh closing my eyes, I wish I can wake up and be back where I was when I was a little girl. In my bed back at Driftmark waiting for my mother to come get me for my flying lessons. What I would give to be that senseless and innocent little girl again, and not this shell of a woman who had to grow up so fast and be maneuver around like some puppet on the strings.
What am I going to do? Is my reign as queen over, I mull over that thought, Am I ready to give up the crown and title.
"Should we get going, my queen?"
I mean the thought of giving up the title as queen didn't really pain me bit the thought of having to bend in front of viserys and surrender to him is what irks me the most.
I don't care about being queen, I will still be lady of the isles and it's not going to be a big adjustment for me.
But, I don't want it to seem like I gave up and make viserys and otto feel like they won, no I want ro make them think that they did, they like to play their games with me. I can easily do the same, I still have a few things up my sleeve and they will see.
"Rhaelle." Meleah voice snap me back to reality making me blink multiple times before looking over at meleah to see her lean over looking at me.
"What." She furrow her brows and tilt her head to the side.
"I said should we get going," I frown a little before shaking my head and move to sit up making meleah to lean back, "Do you want to leave?" She ask making me look at her with before saying no.
"...I have made my decision," I said getting up and walking over to the chest near the wardrobe.
"And?" She ask behind me as I shift through my gown trying to find a gown to wear.
"I have decided..." I trailed off as I push aside the other gowns to get to the one that I needed.
"You have decided." Meleah repeats edgy me to go on making me sit up with the gown I was looking for before going back to the bed.
"That I will step down as queen and give my crown to my son, if..." I stop as I admire the gown before putting it neatly on the bed for me to consider, as I look at it my stomach starts to turn and luckily not for the worse reason.
"Do you think they have pomegranates here?" I ask moving my hand to my stomach before rubbing it, meleah glance at me before she stood.
"I'll can call a servant and ask." I smile.
"Please, do I am famish." I move to go back to my chest to pull out matching shoes and them back to the bed.
As meleah pull the string for the servant, I started to undress with my back to her. I start at my boots tossing them to the side before going to unbuckle my belt and shimmy my trousers off before discarding them on the couch leaving me in my undergarment, i turn my head to see meleah talk to the maid in the threshold of the door making me turnnback around and look down as I start unbutton the tight corset vest, I sigh in bliss finally getting the tightness of the corset off my stomach and breast.
"Meleah, can you help me get my gown on," I say turning to face the woman.
"Of course, my queen." I watch her turn around before stopping making me give her a raise brow in question, she recover whatever shock or stunness she wss experiencing before making her way towards me with a look of bewilderment in her eyes.
"Are you alright?" I ask looking st her warily, she look at me confused making me narrow my eyes at her, "Meleah? Are you okay." I ask again making her brow twitch before nodding her head.
"Yes, my queen. I am okay, " I hummed watching her as she move to get the dress off the bed, "Are you okay?" She ask as she glance at the dress and me.
"Yes, I'm fine." I said looking at her unsure, why was she asking me I was okay she was the one who looked like she saw a ghost.
"Good. Thats good." She mumble.
I raise my brow at her as she held the dress against her arm, I used her shoulder to balance myself as I step through into the dress. I frown a bit when meleah start to pull on the strings to tighten it.
"Can you not tighten it so much," I ask softly, "'s making my breast and stomach ache." I heard meleah let out a sound before feeling the fabric loosen a bit.
"All done, my queen." I step away from her and when to the mirror, soon meleah was right beside me looking at me through the mirror. I nod my head as I turn left and right inspecting it.
"How do you feel. Is it to your liking, my queen." Meleah ask, I stare at myself for a second before nodded.
"It's uncomfortable as hell, but it will do." I ran my hand down the front of the gown with purse lips, it makes my breast look swollen and my arms look a bit chubby.
"Does this thing make me look fat." I look at meleah to see her gape at me.
"W-what, n-no. You look fine, my queen." I clench my jaw as I stare at the mirror, shes lying you do look fat, I sigh and bow my head in annoyance before lifting it.
"It's fine. Let's see if we can use my hair to take attention off my body," I sigh sadly moving over to the table with the mirror to take a seat, as I started to play with my hair I have yet see meleah in the mirror in front of me.
I called her name waiting for her to come as I try to run my hand through my hair to get the tangles out, I finally saw meleah and pinch my brows together at her timid look. I ask if she was alright and she nodded her hair with purse look, I made a face before trying to figure out what I can do with my hair.
@beggarsnotchoosey @cleverzonkwombatsludge @avidreader73 @green-lxght @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @watercolorskyy @stargaryenx
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More Posts from Kordy-b
Begging You

It was the middle of the night when you woke, you stretch out your body and your hand went to the left side of the bed hoping to snuggling up to reid. But, your arm fall on a empty cold space, you snap your eyes opened before sitting up slowly, the bathroom door was close and inside was dark so he wasn't in there. You push the thick cover off your body before scooting off the bed and sliding on your fuzzy slippers, you out into the hall seeing the house was pitch dark, you hit the switch for the hallway before walking downstairs.
The kitchen light was off and so was reid's office that was down the hall, you frown looking around confuse, it wasn't until you heard a creak from outside that made you slowly turn your heard towards the back sliding door. You back up out of the kitchen before peeking around the corner and saw the deck was lit up and a figure was sitting on the stairs. You walk over to the sliding door and gently slide it open making spencer turn his head to look at you, you give hima small smile as he does the same before turn back towards the spacious yard.
"Hey, babe. You couldn't sleep?" You ask taking a seat next to him.
"I had another nightmare." He whisper making you lean against him with your hand on his knee.
"Want to talk about it?" Spencer look at you, the sadness and tiredness from his eyes made you frown.
"I think this one is best saved for tara," he joke but you could tell it had grief behind it.
"That bad, huh." He nodded.
"But, hey you don't need to worry about it," You gave him a look.
"But, i do, spencer. It seems like ever since hotch and morgan left your nightmares have become frequent." Spencer bows his head, "I'm starting to get concern about your mental–"
"Honey, please." He beg making me lower my shoulders, "I already have prentiss constantly badgering me about going to a therapist, please don't start too."
"Have you ever thought maybe, she has a point, you been through a lot this past year–"
"Yeah, I know I was there." He snap making you bite your bottom lip at his frustration, you didn't take it to heart you know how stress he been since prentiss put him on leave, "...I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean...I'm just..." he sigh putting his head in his hand.
"I know your reckless, I get it."
You both sat in silence. The sound of the crickets in the air reminded you of the time, you and spencer went back home to nevada to check out your old childhood home.
"...hey, you remember that time when we climb that huge oak tree in my backyard when we were kids and you ended up falling out of it because, shoot what happen again..." you ask looking at him, spencer's lips curve at the memory and shook his head.
"I was attack by squirrel–"
"You were attack by a squirrel, gosh..." You lean your head back as you giggle, "...that was most hilarious thing I seen, and you remember what your mom said when was cleaning up your cheek." You grin.
"She said, this is what children get when they don't listen to their mothers, disfigured the day before picture day." He smile with his knee knocking your own, you shook your head at the memory.
"And she had to put cake of make-up on you to hide the little scatches from the squirrel." He chuckle nodding his head, you watch him as the tension in his face slolwy disappear.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look like I was about to fall asleep with how heavy that make up was on me." You giggle remembering his face, one of his eyes were half open while the other one was completely close.
We grew quiet again with a peaceful ambience between us, you glance at reid before looking out as the fireflies start to glow up the backyard.
" know that was one of the scariest moments of my life." You turn your head to look at spencer as he look back at you with a small frown, "...seeing you there on the ground in pain, it scared the hell outta me all I could think is 'it's my fault, it was for me he probably be okay,' I blame myself for months for what happen." You sigh bowing your head back before looking at him.
"What I am trying to say is that I worked through it just like i work through you going on your long trips and dangerous assignments by talking to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist or me. But, you can't hold whatever in here..." You press your index finger to his temple, "...forever because than it gets to be too much and it overflows out into our lives, and I don't want that to happen." You out your hand over his as it rest on his thigh.
"So, please, spence whatever going through that weird machine you call a brain, let it out, write down in a notebook. Hell, sew it on a pillow for all I care, just please no more holding it in. For us." You grab his hand putting in his lap resting it his hand on your four months belly bump, spencer look down at your stomach and his hand rub the small bump with a small smile.
"Do you have any clients tomorrow?" He ask making you give a wide smile.
"No, I'm all yours." He look back up to your face.
"Okay, we can talk tomorrow, but for now..." he took off his grey zip up sweater and put it around your shoulder before scooting close to you, "...let's just enjoy this." You smile moving your head to rest on his shoulder as his arm wasaround your own.
Begging You

It was the middle of the night when you woke, you stretch out your body and your hand went to the left side of the bed hoping to snuggling up to reid. But, your arm fall on a empty cold space, you snap your eyes opened before sitting up slowly, the bathroom door was close and inside was dark so he wasn't in there. You push the thick cover off your body before scooting off the bed and sliding on your fuzzy slippers, you out into the hall seeing the house was pitch dark, you hit the switch for the hallway before walking downstairs.
The kitchen light was off and so was reid's office that was down the hall, you frown looking around confuse, it wasn't until you heard a creak from outside that made you slowly turn your heard towards the back sliding door. You back up out of the kitchen before peeking around the corner and saw the deck was lit up and a figure was sitting on the stairs. You walk over to the sliding door and gently slide it open making spencer turn his head to look at you, you give hima small smile as he does the same before turn back towards the spacious yard.
"Hey, babe. You couldn't sleep?" You ask taking a seat next to him.
"I had another nightmare." He whisper making you lean against him with your hand on his knee.
"Want to talk about it?" Spencer look at you, the sadness and tiredness from his eyes made you frown.
"I think this one is best saved for tara," he joke but you could tell it had grief behind it.
"That bad, huh." He nodded.
"But, hey you don't need to worry about it," You gave him a look.
"But, i do, spencer. It seems like ever since hotch and morgan left your nightmares have become frequent." Spencer bows his head, "I'm starting to get concern about your mental–"
"Honey, please." He beg making me lower my shoulders, "I already have prentiss constantly badgering me about going to a therapist, please don't start too."
"Have you ever thought maybe, she has a point, you been through a lot this past year–"
"Yeah, I know I was there." He snap making you bite your bottom lip at his frustration, you didn't take it to heart you know how stress he been since prentiss put him on leave, "...I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean...I'm just..." he sigh putting his head in his hand.
"I know your reckless, I get it."
You both sat in silence. The sound of the crickets in the air reminded you of the time, you and spencer went back home to nevada to check out your old childhood home.
"...hey, you remember that time when we climb that huge oak tree in my backyard when we were kids and you ended up falling out of it because, shoot what happen again..." you ask looking at him, spencer's lips curve at the memory and shook his head.
"I was attack by squirrel–"
"You were attack by a squirrel, gosh..." You lean your head back as you giggle, "...that was most hilarious thing I seen, and you remember what your mom said when was cleaning up your cheek." You grin.
"She said, this is what children get when they don't listen to their mothers, disfigured the day before picture day." He smile with his knee knocking your own, you shook your head at the memory.
"And she had to put cake of make-up on you to hide the little scatches from the squirrel." He chuckle nodding his head, you watch him as the tension in his face slolwy disappear.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look like I was about to fall asleep with how heavy that make up was on me." You giggle remembering his face, one of his eyes were half open while the other one was completely close.
We grew quiet again with a peaceful ambience between us, you glance at reid before looking out as the fireflies start to glow up the backyard.
" know that was one of the scariest moments of my life." You turn your head to look at spencer as he look back at you with a small frown, "...seeing you there on the ground in pain, it scared the hell outta me all I could think is 'it's my fault, it was for me he probably be okay,' I blame myself for months for what happen." You sigh bowing your head back before looking at him.
"What I am trying to say is that I worked through it just like i work through you going on your long trips and dangerous assignments by talking to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist or me. But, you can't hold whatever in here..." You press your index finger to his temple, "...forever because than it gets to be too much and it overflows out into our lives, and I don't want that to happen." You out your hand over his as it rest on his thigh.
"So, please, spence whatever going through that weird machine you call a brain, let it out, write down in a notebook. Hell, sew it on a pillow for all I care, just please no more holding it in. For us." You grab his hand putting in his lap resting it his hand on your four months belly bump, spencer look down at your stomach and his hand rub the small bump with a small smile.
"Do you have any clients tomorrow?" He ask making you give a wide smile.
"No, I'm all yours." He look back up to your face.
"Okay, we can talk tomorrow, but for now..." he took off his grey zip up sweater and put it around your shoulder before scooting close to you, "...let's just enjoy this." You smile moving your head to rest on his shoulder as his arm wasaround your own.
Begging You

It was the middle of the night when you woke, you stretch out your body and your hand went to the left side of the bed hoping to snuggling up to reid. But, your arm fall on a empty cold space, you snap your eyes opened before sitting up slowly, the bathroom door was close and inside was dark so he wasn't in there. You push the thick cover off your body before scooting off the bed and sliding on your fuzzy slippers, you out into the hall seeing the house was pitch dark, you hit the switch for the hallway before walking downstairs.
The kitchen light was off and so was reid's office that was down the hall, you frown looking around confuse, it wasn't until you heard a creak from outside that made you slowly turn your heard towards the back sliding door. You back up out of the kitchen before peeking around the corner and saw the deck was lit up and a figure was sitting on the stairs. You walk over to the sliding door and gently slide it open making spencer turn his head to look at you, you give hima small smile as he does the same before turn back towards the spacious yard.
"Hey, babe. You couldn't sleep?" You ask taking a seat next to him.
"I had another nightmare." He whisper making you lean against him with your hand on his knee.
"Want to talk about it?" Spencer look at you, the sadness and tiredness from his eyes made you frown.
"I think this one is best saved for tara," he joke but you could tell it had grief behind it.
"That bad, huh." He nodded.
"But, hey you don't need to worry about it," You gave him a look.
"But, i do, spencer. It seems like ever since hotch and morgan left your nightmares have become frequent." Spencer bows his head, "I'm starting to get concern about your mental–"
"Honey, please." He beg making me lower my shoulders, "I already have prentiss constantly badgering me about going to a therapist, please don't start too."
"Have you ever thought maybe, she has a point, you been through a lot this past year–"
"Yeah, I know I was there." He snap making you bite your bottom lip at his frustration, you didn't take it to heart you know how stress he been since prentiss put him on leave, "...I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean...I'm just..." he sigh putting his head in his hand.
"I know your reckless, I get it."
You both sat in silence. The sound of the crickets in the air reminded you of the time, you and spencer went back home to nevada to check out your old childhood home.
"...hey, you remember that time when we climb that huge oak tree in my backyard when we were kids and you ended up falling out of it because, shoot what happen again..." you ask looking at him, spencer's lips curve at the memory and shook his head.
"I was attack by squirrel–"
"You were attack by a squirrel, gosh..." You lean your head back as you giggle, "...that was most hilarious thing I seen, and you remember what your mom said when was cleaning up your cheek." You grin.
"She said, this is what children get when they don't listen to their mothers, disfigured the day before picture day." He smile with his knee knocking your own, you shook your head at the memory.
"And she had to put cake of make-up on you to hide the little scatches from the squirrel." He chuckle nodding his head, you watch him as the tension in his face slolwy disappear.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look like I was about to fall asleep with how heavy that make up was on me." You giggle remembering his face, one of his eyes were half open while the other one was completely close.
We grew quiet again with a peaceful ambience between us, you glance at reid before looking out as the fireflies start to glow up the backyard.
" know that was one of the scariest moments of my life." You turn your head to look at spencer as he look back at you with a small frown, "...seeing you there on the ground in pain, it scared the hell outta me all I could think is 'it's my fault, it was for me he probably be okay,' I blame myself for months for what happen." You sigh bowing your head back before looking at him.
"What I am trying to say is that I worked through it just like i work through you going on your long trips and dangerous assignments by talking to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist or me. But, you can't hold whatever in here..." You press your index finger to his temple, "...forever because than it gets to be too much and it overflows out into our lives, and I don't want that to happen." You out your hand over his as it rest on his thigh.
"So, please, spence whatever going through that weird machine you call a brain, let it out, write down in a notebook. Hell, sew it on a pillow for all I care, just please no more holding it in. For us." You grab his hand putting in his lap resting it his hand on your four months belly bump, spencer look down at your stomach and his hand rub the small bump with a small smile.
"Do you have any clients tomorrow?" He ask making you give a wide smile.
"No, I'm all yours." He look back up to your face.
"Okay, we can talk tomorrow, but for now..." he took off his grey zip up sweater and put it around your shoulder before scooting close to you, "...let's just enjoy this." You smile moving your head to rest on his shoulder as his arm wasaround your own.
Begging You

It was the middle of the night when you woke, you stretch out your body and your hand went to the left side of the bed hoping to snuggling up to reid. But, your arm fall on a empty cold space, you snap your eyes opened before sitting up slowly, the bathroom door was close and inside was dark so he wasn't in there. You push the thick cover off your body before scooting off the bed and sliding on your fuzzy slippers, you out into the hall seeing the house was pitch dark, you hit the switch for the hallway before walking downstairs.
The kitchen light was off and so was reid's office that was down the hall, you frown looking around confuse, it wasn't until you heard a creak from outside that made you slowly turn your heard towards the back sliding door. You back up out of the kitchen before peeking around the corner and saw the deck was lit up and a figure was sitting on the stairs. You walk over to the sliding door and gently slide it open making spencer turn his head to look at you, you give hima small smile as he does the same before turn back towards the spacious yard.
"Hey, babe. You couldn't sleep?" You ask taking a seat next to him.
"I had another nightmare." He whisper making you lean against him with your hand on his knee.
"Want to talk about it?" Spencer look at you, the sadness and tiredness from his eyes made you frown.
"I think this one is best saved for tara," he joke but you could tell it had grief behind it.
"That bad, huh." He nodded.
"But, hey you don't need to worry about it," You gave him a look.
"But, i do, spencer. It seems like ever since hotch and morgan left your nightmares have become frequent." Spencer bows his head, "I'm starting to get concern about your mental–"
"Honey, please." He beg making me lower my shoulders, "I already have prentiss constantly badgering me about going to a therapist, please don't start too."
"Have you ever thought maybe, she has a point, you been through a lot this past year–"
"Yeah, I know I was there." He snap making you bite your bottom lip at his frustration, you didn't take it to heart you know how stress he been since prentiss put him on leave, "...I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean...I'm just..." he sigh putting his head in his hand.
"I know your reckless, I get it."
You both sat in silence. The sound of the crickets in the air reminded you of the time, you and spencer went back home to nevada to check out your old childhood home.
"...hey, you remember that time when we climb that huge oak tree in my backyard when we were kids and you ended up falling out of it because, shoot what happen again..." you ask looking at him, spencer's lips curve at the memory and shook his head.
"I was attack by squirrel–"
"You were attack by a squirrel, gosh..." You lean your head back as you giggle, "...that was most hilarious thing I seen, and you remember what your mom said when was cleaning up your cheek." You grin.
"She said, this is what children get when they don't listen to their mothers, disfigured the day before picture day." He smile with his knee knocking your own, you shook your head at the memory.
"And she had to put cake of make-up on you to hide the little scatches from the squirrel." He chuckle nodding his head, you watch him as the tension in his face slolwy disappear.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look like I was about to fall asleep with how heavy that make up was on me." You giggle remembering his face, one of his eyes were half open while the other one was completely close.
We grew quiet again with a peaceful ambience between us, you glance at reid before looking out as the fireflies start to glow up the backyard.
" know that was one of the scariest moments of my life." You turn your head to look at spencer as he look back at you with a small frown, "...seeing you there on the ground in pain, it scared the hell outta me all I could think is 'it's my fault, it was for me he probably be okay,' I blame myself for months for what happen." You sigh bowing your head back before looking at him.
"What I am trying to say is that I worked through it just like i work through you going on your long trips and dangerous assignments by talking to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist or me. But, you can't hold whatever in here..." You press your index finger to his temple, "...forever because than it gets to be too much and it overflows out into our lives, and I don't want that to happen." You out your hand over his as it rest on his thigh.
"So, please, spence whatever going through that weird machine you call a brain, let it out, write down in a notebook. Hell, sew it on a pillow for all I care, just please no more holding it in. For us." You grab his hand putting in his lap resting it his hand on your four months belly bump, spencer look down at your stomach and his hand rub the small bump with a small smile.
"Do you have any clients tomorrow?" He ask making you give a wide smile.
"No, I'm all yours." He look back up to your face.
"Okay, we can talk tomorrow, but for now..." he took off his grey zip up sweater and put it around your shoulder before scooting close to you, "...let's just enjoy this." You smile moving your head to rest on his shoulder as his arm wasaround your own.
I Put a Spell on You

|warning|: dark elements, dubcon, possessiveness, bullying, and mention of death.
|pairing|: Dark!Ethan Wate x Reader
|note|: for some reason I can't put 7k in one page, so I splitting this fic into two parts. Enjoy and reblog as well as comment 😉.

It was cloudy today, like you predicted, and if your aunt was right, it was gonna rain soon. Hopefully, not at the end of class. You have to walk home, your aunt was away going to visit a sick relative in the next state and she took the only car that got you from and to school. You brought your umbrella, but your aunt requested, well more like, pleaded with you to take the school bus home instead of walking since the clouds looked "grayer than usual" today.
Any other time, you would have taken your aunt's warning to heart, but you had no other choice but to choose the latter. You couldn't get on the school bus even if you wanted to, your usual bullies will just block your way and throw you out like they did out through middle school, it was better for everybody including yourself that you just walk home in the rain.
You snapped back to reality when you felt a solid object hit you on the top of your head, you look away from the wide window that shows nothing but the school parking lot and ghe many park cars there. You heard snickering in the background as you look around for the object that hit you, before you could find it you heard someone clear their throat sharply making you look up at your teacher who stood with his arms crossed over his chest with an unamuse look on his face.
"Ms. Treadeau, is there anything happening outside that I should know about?" Mr. Fuller asked, leaning off his desk. Your eyes widened in panic at the realization that he caught you not paying attention again.
"N-no, Mr. Fuller." You replied, meekly sliding against your chair to sink into it and hoping for a vortex to take you away.
Mr. Fuller narrowed his eyes at you. You could see in his green eyes that he wanted to say something, something harsh and mean. Something he knew that could only make you feel even more shitty than you already felt, he hmm before he started walking down the row of desk towards you. You avert your eyes to your desk and waited for the other shoe to drop. It was quiet like everyone in the room just disappeared, and the only two people still here were him and you.
Once you glance up, you see him bending down beside you. You frown a bit before fixing your lips into a straight line and look away at he standing straight up. When he turned back around to walk back up to the board, you came to see that he had picked up an expo marker.
That must have been what he threw at you.
You unconsciously brought your hand up to touch the spot where you last felt the dull ping and rub it when Mr. Fuller turns around again. You snatch your hand down to your lap and look at him.
"Ms. Treadeau, how times did I have to stop my lesson to deal with your nonsense this year?" His question threw you off, and you stared at him with a faint frown. You let the question linger in the air for a few minutes before asking one of your own.
"...Is that rhetorical?"
You flinch when the class laughs, and you glance around, confused about what you said that could have been funny. As your eyes find your teacher again you could feel your heart drop to your stomach at the scowl that appeared on his face and how it made you wish you never opened your mouth in the first place, he gave a sharp look at the other students making them stifle their laughs behind smiles and knowing looks before he look back at me with a cold one.
"Just pay attention, Ms. Treadeau." He says as he opens the marker before turning to the whiteboard, "The last thing I want is to have to see your face again during the summer like last year." You look down to your desk embarrassed at Mr. Fuller's divulgence of your boring summer, he goes on to scribble on the board and back to ignoring you.
As you listen to him talk, you suddenly jolt forward in your seat.
"Oops, sorry." A familiar sickly sweet southern accent whispered, making you duck your head, praying that the girl behind you wouldn't get you in even bigger trouble than you already is in with your teacher.
Your body jolted again as Emily nudged her desk into the back of your chair again. You cringe when your pen falls to the floor. You look up just as Mr. Fuller turned his head over his shoulder to look at you. He gave you a sharp look, making you drop your head and him to turn around fully to scold you.
"What's going on back there?" He says, firmly sensing him looking straight at you as he said it.
"Oh, it's my fault, Mr. Fuller." Emily said.
You glance up to see Mr. Fuller narrowed his eyes from you to the girl behind you.
"Is that so, Ms. Asher?" Emily nodded with that kind smile. She always put on for the parents and the teachers.
"Yes, I asked ghost girl to move her desk up to give me some space for my legs," My shoulder tense when I felt her hand on them, "Isn't that right, darling." You didn't need to peek over your shoulder to see the malice in Emily's eyes or hear the disdain covered by her sweet voice because you knew better than to speak against Emily Asher. Gatlin's little darling.
Mr. Fuller looked at me as I looked back at him. He huffed, annoyed, and turned back to the board.
"Next time you interrupted my class, Ms. Treadeau. You're getting written up." You look at the back of his head with a look. You wanted to protest and say it wasn't your fault, but knew he wouldn't care, and he just write you up anyway.
So, you sit back in your seat and sulk, you never understood what you did wrong in another life to make not only your peers hate you but the adults of this town too.
You held onto the shaft and the handle of your umbrella tightly as the wind blew with heavy rain. You were lucky to get halfway home until it started pouring down. Your happy that your aunt was away, if she saw you come home all drench and soak to the bone, she'll have a heart attack and then grill you about why you didn't take the bus. You didn't want her to know about the bullying you reserve from Emily and her friends. You didn't need her worrying herself about you, not when she had important things to do like her job.
Your Aunt Amma was special, she is a clairvoyant, or a Seer from what she told you when you were little girl. You on the other hand was not special. You and Amma weren't blood related, she knew your parents before they died and took you in when no one else did.
But, that didn't stop Aunt Amma from teaching you about her world, or the talking about dark forces that hide in the shadows and corrupt good people.
A honk broke you out of your thoughts, and before you could even turn to see who it was you were drench from the water that flew up to splash on you as a silver mazda miata sped down the road ahead of you. You stood frozen on the side of the road in shock and horror, you couldn't believe that just happened, your soak clothes cling to you like second skin feeling it turn cold with every passing breeze. You didn't know how long you stood there, but once you heard another car coming down the road you shook out of your shock and look down the road.
When the car was starting to get closer you step forward as the dodge challenger came to slow down in front of you, you try to muster up a smile when the boy roll down his window.
"Hey, Bud. You okay?" Ethan ask as he glance up and down at you with a worried glint into his eyes.
"Yeah, I wasn't looking where I was going and got splash." You lied, Ethan's brow twitch.
"You need a ride?" He ask making you shake your head a little bit too quickly.
"No, no thats okay im almost home and I don't want to get your seats all wet or nun‐‐"
"There just seat, doll. They'll dry." You clasp your lips together at his words, he smiles at you and motions his head to the passenger door.
You smile gratefully at him before backing up and hurrying to the other side of the car, Ethan was quick to open the door for you making you close your umbrella before getting in. You thank him and put your umbrella next to your leg so it could lean against the car door, Ethan was already pulling off back onto the road when you put on your seatbelt.
"You should have called me, I would have come and get ya, y'know." He glance at me before looking back at your road, you hmm not sure what to say he knows how you feel about asking people for things or help.
"You were with your dad, I didn't want to be a bother to y'all." Ethan shook his head.
"Y'know damn well you never been a bother to me or pops, your like a daughter to him." You smile at the thought, Mr. Wate was always kind to you and he never gave you any fuss when you came over with your aunt to play with Ethan and Link, "And besides dad has Lilian now, so you can ask me for a ride any time you want." He grins look overing at you before looking at the road again, you smile faintly at the offer before looking at the window.
Ethan has always been so giving and caring, it's one of the reasons you two stayed friends for so long, despite being from two different worlds. He was popular and loved by everyone, while you were a outcast and hated by most of the town. You truely think if it wasn't for Amma strong connection to the Wates's family, you probably never had any kind of conversation with the boy.
"Hey, bud." You look over at Ethan with a hmm, "Since it's Friday and Amma isn't home, you wanna hang out at yours?" He ask peeking over at you from the corner of his eye, you give a thoughtful look before shrugging.
"Yeah, why not we can start on that movie you wanted to watch last time," The corner of Ethan's mouth curve up a little in a little smile, "And you can call link to bring some snacks over." You finish looking away when you felt your phone vibrate in your tote bag, unknowingly to you, Ethan's smile falter at the mention of his bestfriend.
"L-Link? You want to invite him, I thought you hate him." You huff before typing in your response to your aunt.
"Correction. I hate his mother, link is all right...sometimes." You mumbled the last part.
"Okay, I guess I can...give him a call him." Ethan shrugged, you glance over at him sensing something wrong, but when you look at him he seems normal. You shook your head and turn it back out to the window to stare out at the trees that passed by.
When you fall asleep the last thing you remember was saying goodnight to Ethan as he made a makeshift bed on the floor next to your bed, but you were startle awake by a noise, as you finish rubbing your eyes the first thing you notice was Ethan's pallet was empty and he was no where in sight. The second was your closet door slightly ajar, you rub your eyes as you move the covers to get out of bed, you check your closet peeking inside to make sure everything was in order before closing it and leaving out of your room with the door open in your stead. You see the light downstairs was on, making you slowly go over and take the steps one at a time.
You look over at the living room to see it empty and dark, before going into the kitchen where the light was coming from. It was empty in there too, a weird feeling nestle its way into your gut making you walk out of the kitchen turning off the light when you pass to head down the hall back to the stairs. You stop at the end of the hall when you hear a toilet flush and water running, you stand next to the stairs as Ethan walks out of the bathroom. He looked at you surprise to see you up.
"Hey...did I wake you?" He ask coming towards me with tired eyes, you look him over before shaking your head.
"No," You said slowly looking back at his face, "I just woke up and saw you gone." Ethan smile at you.
"What? Did you missed me." He taunts making you roll your eyes.
"Whatever let's go back to bed, its early." Ethan chuckles as he was the first to move, he goes up ahead of you before you follow him.
You make it back to your room and closed the door behind you, you glance over at Ethan as he looks at the makeshift bed on the floor with frown.
"You know my offer still stands," You say as you cross over to your bed to take a seat, Ethan look at you with a look in eyes before it disappeared and a smile appear.
"What happened to Amma's no boys on your bed rule," He ask moving to take a seat next to you.
"That's only when you and link come over," You say moving to pick up his pillow from the floor and look at him when you pass it to him, "And besides, your like my brother. The rules don't really apply to you." You saw Ethan's cheek tic, but the smile on his face still remain.
"Of course." Was his only reply before he move his pillow behind him to lay it next to your own.
You settle in bed as Ethan climb behind you laying next to the wall, ethan's chest was to your back as he put a arm over your stomach, the action took you aback for a second before you brush the odd feeling off.
"Night, E." You murmur.
You heard him hum as his nose rub against the back of your neck causing goosebumps to erupte on your skin, you opened your eyes and side eyed him, you you felt his lips making you squirm a bit forward to put some space between you two but Ethan's arm brought you back to his chest and let out a drone that sounded close fo a purr.
"Hmmm, You smell nice." You furrow your brows at his words.
"T...Thank you?"
He only hum and held you to him firmly, he brought his lower half flash against you and since he was only wearing boxers you could feel something hard against your back.
"Night, babe." Ethan sigh serene before kiss your neck unexpectedly.
You couldn't help but stare in the dark in shock at everything that just happening, Ethan sudden change in behavior was something unexpected. Or maybe your overthinking, maybe Ethan is just cold, it is a bit chilling in here, he be better by morning.
You were putting your textbook in your bag when Ethan saunter over to you with a grin on his face, every since he spent the weekend over your house, he been acting really weird towards you. Rather than going back to being himself like you expected, he has continued on with this new display of attention.
"Hey, darling." He greeted as he got closer.
Your lips twitch at the nickname before smiling in response and put the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
You were taken by surprise when Ethan wrapped his arms around your shoulder pulling you into a hug, you gasp when he squeeze you before kissing the side of your head. He pull back at bit movimg his hands to rest on your hips, he looks down at me with this glimmer in his eye that has been you shuffling back. Ethan frown a bit at your retreat before swiping it away, and putting his hands in his jean pockets.
"Hey, whats up?" You ask when Ethan stood quiet in front of you, he looks at you and smile as if what he did five seconds ago wasn't out of the ordinary.
"Nothin, just thought I walk you to class that's all." He shrug his shoulders.
Your mouth form 'o' as a barely audible "oh" pass through your lips, he smirks as you close your locker. When you come to stand beside him, he surprise you can when he wrap a arm around your shoulder pulling you close to his side. You glance around as some student that linger in the halls glance over at you and Ethan with weird looks, you move slightly to the side to put some space between you two, only for Ethan's arm to pull you back to his side.
You glance up at him only to find him with a faint smirk on his lips as he looks ahead, you look back at everyone else to see a trio of girls looking at us as they whispered to one another. One of the girls you recognized was friends with Emily, the red haired girl smirk evilly as she took out her phone. You couldn't see what she did next as Ethan turn you down a corner, but you know it isn't good and you have no doubt that Emily was going to bull over everyone to get to you.
"Hey, Ethan...Ar-Are you okay?" You look at him with concern eitch into your features, he furrow his brows confused.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He smiles.
"Well..." You pause when you felt the back of ethan's hand brush against one of your breast, making your brain shortcut a moment before continuing, "...y-you just been acting kinda...touchy lately." Ethan flicks his eyes up from where they were looking to look at you, he stops you as you both stood in the hall, he gives you this puzzled look as if he didn't know what you were talking about.
"I don't know what you mean."
You huff at him in disbelief, how does he not know he was being weird.
"Really, you were just doing it like five seconds ago," he frown before shaking his head before stopping.
"Wait, you mean...?" He points down the hall, you nod your head with look that said obviously, making Ethan laugh out loud causing you to frown, ", sorry I'm not laughing at you it just..." he chuckles a little more as you look at him with a look, when Ethan saw you weren't laughing with him his chuckle died in his throat and his whole demeanor change, " what you don't like my hugs anymore, I always hug you." He states with arms crossed over his chest, your mouth drop open a bit at the coldness in his tone.
"Yeah, no, I-I know. It just you never hug me at school and people are staring--"
"So, I don't care what they think and neither should you, they all spineless nobodies. "
"Ethan!" You exclaimed coming close before glancing around to make sure nobody heard him, you look back him to find him staring at you.
The way he was looking at you stirr something inside you that you haven't felt since middle school, Ethan step closer and without a second thought brought his hand up to run his fingers down the side of your neck causing your body to light up with goosebumps like that night. Suddenly, it was hard to focus and a woodsy musk occupied your senses making you sway a bit as your mind felt so cloudy and your chest felt warm.
But, you regain yourself when the warning bell rang signaling for third period, you move back realizing how close Ethan's face was to yours. He frown in disappointment at your retreat yet again, causing a soft scowl to appear on his features.
"You shouldn't talk about them like that, Ethan. They're your friends." Ethan scoff with a shake of his head looking away.
"Those people are not my friends, why would I be friends with people who treat you so horribly for no reason." His words caused you pause as you never heart so much anger in Ethan's voice so much, he was never easy to anger he was always so calm and collected.
"You knew them since you were kids–"
"So. They talk bad about you all the time, they always have. Even though you been in this town since you were 7, so why do you care about their feelings. When they don't give two shits about yours?" He snapped, you didn't have a answer, well you did, but you were too speechless to say anything after his outburst.
"I...I have to get to class." You lower your head and walk around him as you pull the strap of your bag further up your shoulder.
You felt a tug on your sleeve making you look at Ethan as he look at you in distress.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry at you, I wasn't trying to, I just hate how they treat you." Ethan let's go of your sleeve to clench his hands at his side, you rub your arm at the sincerity of his voice, "Please tell me we are okay, that your not mad at me." You frown at Ethan as he looks at you on the verge of tears, you shake your head coming close to touch is hand.
"We're fine. I'm not mad, I'm promise."
Ethan's eyes flicker between your own before he seem to relax at bit, you eye him and took your hand away from his.
"I have to go before I late." You say making Ethan look at you before he looks over at your classroom door.
"Oh, yeah, of course." He chuckles nervously and move to fidget with the straps of his bookbag, "I'll see you...later?" He ask as he walk you to the door of your classroom, you gave hum a faint smile before nodding, Ethan smiles and nod his head at you as you back up and walk into class.
As the final bell rung, Mr. Fuller glance at you as you away from his door towards him.
"Your late, Ms. Treadeau. I have to write you up for that." Mr. Fuller says as he stops you in your track, you look up at him with parted life in disbelief and before you could protest or defend yourself, he spoke up again, "Do you wanna add a detention to that?" He challenged with a look telling her to think wisely by her next words.
You frown and shook your head, you lower your head and went to your seat.
"Okay, class let's start. Hopefully we can get through a lesson without being interrupted this time." Mr. Fuller look pointly over at you, making you sink into your desk with a defeated look.
Part 2