kordy-b - Out.For.A.Walk.Bitch!

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233 posts

Girl I Loved The Twilight Dating A Black Girl. If I May Request More On The Same And Emily On Like How

Girl I loved the twilight dating a black girl. If I may request more on the same and Emily on like how Mc/reader and Sam started to fall for each other, like a headcanon of that?

Thank you for your time. I hope you have a great day

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Girl I Loved The Twilight Dating A Black Girl. If I May Request More On The Same And Emily On Like How
  • ilovehobi101
    ilovehobi101 liked this · 1 year ago

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2 years ago

I want to request something but I'm a little nervous you don't have to do this request if you don't want but I'm so stuck on Sam and Emily dating the reader. So can I request were the reader and sam have a argument and Sam says that he doesn't love her that he alone dates her because of Emily ( which isn't true) the reader breaks down crying because she became so much in love with Sam as she is with Emily. She runs away. Somehow they make up with a little help for Emily and they share their first kiss ( by themselves) if you do this, thank you. You're amazing writer.

Thank you that's mines a lot.

I Want To Request Something But I'm A Little Nervous You Don't Have To Do This Request If You Don't Want

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2 years ago

Hi could please write one for John shelby it doesn't really matter what it is. And could you make it a black reader.

Thank you ❤

Hi Could Please Write One For John Shelby It Doesn't Really Matter What It Is. And Could You Make It
2 years ago

“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

2 years ago

Time After Time

Time After Time

requested × @paisholotus

I sighed moving around the room stepping over broken glass to get over to John passed out on our bed, my eyes glanced down at him before moving towards lizzy sleepy form. I nodded to myself before walking out of the room towards the hallway bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror surprised that I was so calm about this all. I don't know if I'm tired from it or I haven't registered what I just saw, either way that doesn't stop me from stomping back in the room and throwing a bucket of water on them.

"Oi, what the fuck." John shouted waking up looking around confused, lizzy gasped in surpised sitting up in bed drenched in water.

"Get out." I said calmly looking at lizzy, she looked over at John before crossing her arms and giving me a distasteful look.

"If he wants me to leave I leave." She said with a smug smile, I stepped closer making her smile drop and back up.

"Johnathan tell your whore to get out, before I throw her out this fucking window." I kept my eyes trained on her, she looked scared looking between me and John.

"Fuck off, Lizzy." He says tired not even casting a glance at her as he looked through his draws, she looked shocked at John.

"You heard him Elizabeth fuck off back to the gutters you belong." I said waving my hand shooing her away as she picked up her clothes and rushed passed me.

"Where the kids?" He asked litting a cigarette, I turned back to him with a blank look.

"With Mrs.Stone." I held the metal bucket in my hand still contemplating if I should throw it at his head or not, he hummed staring at me with a look of knowledgment something I barely see anymore.

"20 minutes." I said.


"I been gone for 20 minutes and all I asked was for you to look after the childern...just for a little bit..." i rest my free hand against my forehead feeling a headache coming on.

"They were running amuck I couldn't control them, you should known better to leave them alone with me." He snapped back, I laughed covering my face before looking back at him.

"I was gone for 20 fucking minutes." I launched the bucket at him causing to duck as the bucket crashed through the window.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He shouted.

"You could have called anyone...your sister, polly, hell even fucking arthur." He ducked again as I threw a book resting on the vanity desk at him.

"For fuck sake–"

"But, NO you decided to get high and fuck lizzy fucking stark rather than watch your childern." He slammed me against the wall holding my wrist stopping from hitting him again.

"You need to calm the fuck down." He grits through his teeth his face red.

"Calm down!?!? Calm the fuck down!?!? How am I supposed to calm down when our daughter almost got hit by fucking car." I shouted at him, he looked taken back.

"W–W–What? Is she okay is she hurt?" I snatched my wrist out of his grip shoving pass him putting some distance between us.

"She's fine. I got her in time before the driver could could stop." I gulped remembering the fear that course through my body as I saw her run into the street after her ball, It felt like my world was about to shattered when I heard a car horned I was so grateful that I got there in time.

I felt a pair of hands squeezed my shoulder, "Baby, I'm so sorry I–" shrugged his hands off me.

"No, not this time. You can't apologize your way out of this you made your bed now fucking lay in it." I walked past him hearing him following behind me downstairs.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I gathered my bag from the couch, before turning to him.

"I may not be able to divorce you, but I can sure as hell get us away from you." I hissed turning towards the door, he pulled my arm causing me stop.

"Your not going anywhere neither are my kids." He growled.

"Call lizzie. I bet she be very happy to hear from you again." I stepped towards the front door turning the knob only for John to slam it back.

"Please..." he whispered wrapping his arms around my waist keeping from leaving, he rest his head on my shoulder pleading from not to leave him alone.

"I can't–I can't be here alone you know I can't please...I can't be left alone you know how me head play tricks." He begged hugging me from behind tighter, I couldn't resist leaning my body back against his warm skin. He left kisses on my neck and shoulder.

"...please...don't leave me." He whispered again, I closed my eyes trying to decide if I should stay or leave. I sighed deeply unwrapping his arms from around me, my original plan to leave sudden got thrown out knowing if I left John alone I might not like what I see when I come back.

"Go take a bath and change the sheets. I go get the kids and start on dinner" I sighed rubbing my eyebrow with the back of my hand, he gave me a small smile leaning in to kiss but dodge his lips as they landed on my cheek. I patted his bare chest leaving to receive the kids from the neighbors, they hurried out the old lady's house saying goodbye.

I picked up my baby girl as she sleep on the couch, i planted kissed on her face making her stir. I said my thank you's and goodbyes before heading back next door to deal with my little monsters, I walked in to found the boys and the girls in the living room either drawing or playing with their wooden cars. I locked the door and slide the bolt that the childern couldn't reach before walking up stairs to lay my baby down, I stayed with her for a moment before I left out thr room with the door wide open.

I peaked in my room to see the glass on the floor was gone and my bed covered with towels as steam came out of the bathroom, I walked down the stairs hearing the television from the living room. I sighed in relief knowing that would keep them busy until they realize its too quiet and start rasing hell, I walked around the kitchen grabbing ingredients as music plays from the radio.

I was almost finished mushing the potatos in the when I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs, I set the bowel of bread down on the table before grabbing the pot of green beans and started scooping them onto our plates. I looked up to see John in a under shirt with suspender keeping his trousers up, he smiled at me taking a seat at the head of the table.

"Can you cut the meatloaf and separate them." I asked setting the meatloaf in front of him, he nodded making me walk out towards the living room.

"Mama." They complain at once as I shut off the tv set.

"Dinner's ready. If yall behave I let you have one more hour of tv and that's it." The all got up nodding heading towards the kitchen, I went up stairs to check on my little girl to found her just waking up.

"Hi, pudding. You hungry?" She yawned nodding rubbing her eyes, she blinked a couple of times before looking at me with her brown doe eyes. I smiled at her playing with her curls before kissing her brown skin.

"Ew, mama." She giggles as I kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Ew? You don't like mommy's kisses anymore." She shook her head as I picked her up off her bed and carried her out the room.

"Oh, man. I guess I have to find someone else to give my special kisses to now." I said sighing looking away from her in thought.

"...hmmm maybe baba would like my special kisses." I shrugged walking into the kitchen I walked over to her brother and sisters giving them a kiss on the head. Her brows furrowed in anger and her nose scrunched up.

"No." Her daughter snapped covering my mouth to stop me from giving out kisses.

"...mine special kisses." I laughed before giving her a couple kisses before setting her down down next to me.

"Dad?" John's oldest looks over at him in question.


"I was wondering if I can get a new bike, since Katie wants my old one." John swallowed his food and looked at me before looking at him.

"Yeah, sure. I take you tomorrow." John's son smile before going back eating his food.

"Can Katie and I get new dresses." John smiled shrugging.

"Sure. Maybe new shoes as well." Both girls smiled at each other excited about going new stuff.

"How about you, darling. Do you want something." He asked our daughter.

" I want a new doll." She says excited.

"Your wish is mine command." He smirked clapping his hands togther, I wanted to badly to go across this table and punch him.

"How about you, mama bear. How about a new set of diamond earrings." I gave him a tight smile before shaking my head.

"No, thank you. I'm fine." I says looking back down at my plate missing John's small frown, the phone ringed making him get up and answer it. I tried hearing him talk on the phone as the childern talk amount each other, after about a couple minutes of talking to whoever it was he hunged up.

He took a seat back glancing up at me for a quick second before continuing eating his meal, we all finally finished our dinner when I gave the childern pound cake for dessert. Katie and her brother watched over the younger ones as me and John clean the dishes.

"I'm going to leave soon. Tommy called a family meeting." I looked over at him with looked concerned.

"At this hour?" He nodded.

"He said it's important."

"Okay, do you know how long you be." He shake his head.

"Okay, I'll fix you a plate just in case you get hungry again." I said cleaning the last dish and heading over to the stove to make John a plate.

"Thank you." He said placing it on the counter.

"My offer still stands about the jewelry." I glanced at him with a look.

"I'm good, Johnny." He sighed moving closer towards me as I bumped into the counter near the sink as he pushed his body up against me.

"I'm really am sorry for what happened today." He said squeezing my waist.

"I know you are." which is why I know you do it again because you know I forgive you for you infidelity.

I leaned up kissing the corner of his mouth, "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you, too." He planted a kiss on my head, he grabbed his plate as I walked him towards the door, he gave a quick kiss on my cheek before heading towards his car.

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2 years ago

Hi, I didn't really have a request. I just wanted to know how you were doing. And that I love your written and how much effort you put into them. ❤

Awe that's so sweet I'm doing good thank you 😊 it means a lot to know people are enjoying my work.

How are u?

Hi, I Didn't Really Have A Request. I Just Wanted To Know How You Were Doing. And That I Love Your Written

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