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L-wandering-etranger - I Really Don't Know What To Write Here

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not even in a sexual way but i’m just craving affection because i feel like crap i just want someone to hug me for a couple of hours and tell me i’m going to be okay

An AU fanfic for this one please. 😭
Where did the whole "WWX did not regret giving up his golden core" theory from?
He did.
Truthfully, he wasn’t unaffected. Could a person so easily resign themselves to such a loss?
Of course not. It was impossible.
WWX reflecting upon giving up his golden core.
But whenever he found himself tossing and turning in the dead of night, unable to sleep and plagued by thoughts of how he’d never again follow the orthodox path to the mountain’s peak, never again display the astounding swordplay that made people’s jaws drop…he would turn his thoughts around with a simple fact.
If it had not been for Jiang Fengmian bringing him to Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian might never have crossed paths with the cultivation world. He would never have been conscious of such a mystical and magnificent realm. He’d merely have been the leader of some homeless street urchins who roamed the streets and fled at the sight of dogs—or perhaps herded cattle and stole vegetables in the countryside, playing his flute and living one day at a time. He’d have had no way of cultivating, let alone a chance to form a golden core.
He did, and that's alright. He's only human! People seem to think he gave his golden core up because "he loved his brother" and "he's just a kind idiot". Nope. WWX is kind, but he's not stupid and he definitely didn't give JC his core because of affection.
So he treated it as a repayment of his debt, or an atonement for his sins. Treated it as if he had never obtained that golden core to begin with.
After bringing himself around so many times this way, he was almost able to actually feel as wild and carefree as he acted on the surface. He could even half-jokingly praise himself for the state of acceptance he had reached, while he was at it.
He gave him his golden core because he felt like he had to. He had been told, time and time again this was all his fault (by JC and YZY) and the last thing both YZY and JFM said to WWX, although worded differently and said in complete opposite tones, was a reminder that WWX "owed" the Jiangs everything and should look after JC no matter the cost.
This is what drove him to give JC his core, debt. Honour bound to repay the Jiangs. And as the above clearly shows us, WWX really struggled with that. Struggled with the fact he felt he had to pay them all back (when he never actually did, but we won't go into that here...) and trying to convince himself the golden core he worked so hard for wasn't even his to begin with.
It wasn't an easy decision to make for WWX. He's not some self-sacrificing idiot like some make him out to be. It's absolutely heartbreaking and I think this is all so often overlooked.
do you have any idea how much i need a fic of currant archive gang interacting with jonah's regency acquaintances lovers? do you? I want the hilarity of the regecy gang vying for jonah's attention all for it to spent on this skrunkly who hates him with every cell in his body. granted the affections in question are very VERY different on all ends but i find one sided jonelias funny. espically with the eyes special little boy jon. i want the archives gang to make fun of the amount of bitches jonah USED to pull. i want peter to stare into space and realise how creepily similar he looks to morderchai. smirke and tim day drinking in the breakroom because dear lord wtf-. I want the Lonely Boys martin and barnabas to have tea and talk about their eye lovers. I want sasha to pull up every body Jonah has used and make everyone rate them. i want the drama of the eye switcharoo. i want elias to mourn over how hot jonah was. i want-
Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
So i simp over the Yiling Laozu
On company time