Teaholding - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

👀 Idea of jonmartin sunken sailor/merman and grieving lover AU: Jon and Martin live together in a small town - a fishing port, but one day Jon disappears, going to sea and his ship sinks, but Jon survives, becoming a merman 👀

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1 year ago
Sunken Heart AU

Sunken Heart AU

Jon loved the sea since childhood, but his grandmother did not allow him to become a sailor since his parents died in a storm. Having grown up, become a researcher and met Martin, living happily with him in their small cottage by the sea, he no longer had the need to rush to the sea. Why then did he sink? Martin grieves for the drowning of his loved one when he begins to hear strange singing from the sea waves at night.

👀 Idea of jonmartin sunken sailor/merman and grieving lover AU: Jon and Martin live together in a small town - a fishing port, but one day Jon disappears, going to sea and his ship sinks, but Jon survives, becoming a merman 👀

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7 months ago

Just finished my trip to Scotland. What a scam.

Didn't even see any Highland cows or cause any apocalypses after eloping with my lover

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1 year ago

Happy jmart days to you asexuals that celebrate

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5 months ago

Just going to continue reblogging with my thoughts : WEB MARTIN WEB MARTIN PLEASE I know it's not going to happen but what we could have hadddd

Jon saying Martin's name so gently without the t sound even while shouting compared to season one I'm sobbing


Jon being entirely on his own :(( I see a real lack of lonely Jon content despite him being so suited for it

"I see you" being a running phrase for eye aligned people ooh

PETER GETTING SNACKED ON???? interesting how an older avatar is weaker than Jon oooh, all lukas's just slowly going into the lonely????? I feel bad for him wtf😭 someone get a social worker and a therapist in here dear god, wish we could learn more about his sister's it's interesting how the two who left aren't even named

Peter Lukas have you perhaps looked into an autism diagnosis I feel like It could really help your relationship with Elias

:(((( His relationship with his mother is so interesting to me, did she actually care for him? Or was simple actions that seem like kindness like leaving money knowing he would take it just because she knew he would become closer to the lonely, did she love her other kids? Or were they really just killed/abandoned with no remorse because they weren't lonely enough , I wonder if she misses him every time they meet at funerals knowing she will never have a relationship with him

"our acquaintance" GAY GAY GAY‼️ Peter and Gertrude are the epitome of lesbian and gay hostility

Gertrude tipping off the guardian is so funny😭😭 Peter noting how everyone was white and middle class is kinda sad though, if he chose any minority or people in poverty they really wouldn't have cared


"I need you" "no you don't"

"i don't just want to survive"

"I see you Jon, I see you!" IM GUNNA CRYY


"hello Jon" "oh you've got to be fucking kidding-" has to be the funniest bit so far in the entirety of the Magnus archives

Also I'm about to start crying over daisy making basira promise to kill her :(

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5 months ago
Language Of Unhinged Facts Is A Love Language.
Language Of Unhinged Facts Is A Love Language.
Language Of Unhinged Facts Is A Love Language.

Language of unhinged facts is a love language.

Based on his majesty https://youtube.com/shorts/0dX_o1U-jnc

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2 years ago
Kid Jon And Martin Hanging Out Because

kid jon and martin hanging out because

jon would absolutely be that one kid who infodumps about his latest hyperfixation and martin just quietly crushes on him


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8 months ago

teaholding is one of the cutest ship names. why is it not the most popular one for jon and martin

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7 months ago
Not Sure If Anyone Has Done This Yet But I Saw The Original Template And Couldn't Resist! Also The Image

not sure if anyone has done this yet but I saw the original template and couldn't resist! Also the image is a bit crooked because I formatted the reference image weirdly?? Anyways S1 Jmart is so silly because every interaction between them is just like:

Martin: hiiii I made you tea I hope your day has been going well :)) anyways sorry for interrupting good luck with your statement! 💗💕😇

Jon: Hate that guy. I hope he explodes

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1 year ago

martin blackwoods guilt complex in s4 is so interesting to me because it makes perfect sense. he found our fairly recently that one of his friends died a year ago and he never knew. Tim died in the Unknowing while Martin was relatively safe in the archives. Daisy was presumed dead too. Jon was sort of dead, comatose, from the same event. his mother finally succumbed to her illness, suspiciously right after Elias used her to torture him.

the only people left in the archives were Melanie and Basira, both the muscle in the operation. Martin even says how guilty he felt being unable to contribute to the fight, and it's that guilt that pushed him right to Peter, who told him that his isolation could be used as a weapon.

then Jon came back. Jon, who was worried and protective of Martin. Jon, who told him Daisy might be alive, to which Martin begged him for ignorance. because if two of them were still alive, that's a significant amount of relief of his burden. and a little less reason for him to help Peter Lukas. but three people were still dead, and Martin couldnt let that happen again, so he pushed Jon and Daisy and Melanie and Basira away so he could use his loneliness as a weapon to protect them.

i think it's part of why he was so gentle yet firm with Jon's guilt in s5. he knows what it's like and he gives Jon the time and space he needs for it. they're a lot more compatible than it first seems

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Nonbinary Jon wearing traditionally “masculine” clothing but like. In the most pussy cunt way possible. Blazer over waistcoat over patterned button down with fucking. Matching cuff links and lapel pins, thirty necklaces including a choker, watch on one wrist and seven bracelets on the other. Pants creased so sharp they could cut you, leather ankle boots that make that pussy click clacking noise when he walks. A different hairstyle every day of the week, also makeup that’s colour coordinated with each outfit. Slays so fucking hard on his first day at work that Elias gets his face blown clean off and Martin has mild heart palpitations. That’s it send tweet.

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do you have any idea how much i need a fic of currant archive gang interacting with jonah's regency acquaintances lovers? do you? I want the hilarity of the regecy gang vying for jonah's attention all for it to spent on this skrunkly who hates him with every cell in his body. granted the affections in question are very VERY different on all ends but i find one sided jonelias funny. espically with the eyes special little boy jon. i want the archives gang to make fun of the amount of bitches jonah USED to pull. i want peter to stare into space and realise how creepily similar he looks to morderchai. smirke and tim day drinking in the breakroom because dear lord wtf-. I want the Lonely Boys martin and barnabas to have tea and talk about their eye lovers. I want sasha to pull up every body Jonah has used and make everyone rate them. i want the drama of the eye switcharoo. i want elias to mourn over how hot jonah was. i want-

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6 months ago

something about chester reading a case file where a woman lost her lover to a horrific flood she let in without thinking, and symbolic “metaphorical” keys. something about jon describing his ability to Know as an entire ocean behind a door, and how he himself was the key to let it all flood in, losing himself and martin in the process.

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8 months ago


you've heard of jon's Floating Eyes looking at martin with heart pupils, now get ready for:

martin's fog producing heart shapes around jon

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1 year ago
@rqbossman And @jonnywaistcoat In The Tmag Launch Stream

@rqbossman and @jonnywaistcoat in the tmag launch stream

hehe the new j-mart

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8 months ago

another safe house sketch

trying to shake off the lonely

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